How do you include Oni in a fantasy setting without immediately turning it into Nip nong ching chong land?
How do you include Oni in a fantasy setting without immediately turning it into Nip nong ching chong land?
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Add it as is and call it a Demonoid Ogre instead of Oni.
Don't make the rest of the setting into Weeabooland.
>get a mission to kill an ogre
>fuck, this doesn't look like a regular ogre to me and what is with that club
>kill it just the same
>spend rest of the day wondering from where that strange ogre came from
Make them immigrants from Nip nong ching chong land, who are fleeing from from some bad shit, and are cause if turfs with their European counterparts, trolls and ogres.
the same way you include banshees without it becoming begad an begorrah what's the craich Oirish land i guess
You call it something else because oni is literally the Japanese word for demon.
>oni is literally the Japanese word for demon.
I'll never understand this. Oni aren't anything like western demons, so why does it translate that way? Is it just an early translation error that's stuck?
Anything that wasn't of Christ and was supernatural were demons to the missionaries that wrote this shit down.
How does it differ? Genuinely curious, as I rarely read about jap culture.
Don't call them Oni
Don't call their scimitars "katanas."
Just add a CR+1 Ogre and give it the weakness:
>Magical katanas deal triple damage
They're basically just Ogres. Big brutes with clubs that drink. (there's other stuff, like the red oni/blue oni, but that's the gist). They just happen to look like western demons, but they aren't actually anything like them in substance. Hence why like said, I think it's just an early mistranlation that just stuck.
You don't.
Stop stealing our culture, white pigs.
I mean fucking yokai in all their shapes and forms translate into goblins. Been such since at the very least the writing of Kwaidan, and that book old.
They're Chad-Ogres.
They have booze and money, can hold down a job and enjoy female attention.
Regular Ogres are nerds.
I'm sorry, do oni not roam about hell occasionally kicking a damned soul for laughs? Is it the only thing they do? Nope, but fuckers are constantly thrown in with hell, or the closest regional equivalent if you'd prefer.
Barbecue that sounds not at all similar to western demons.
>being so scared of the weeaboo meme that every thing that is japanese must be loathed and treated with caution
OP ought to stop being a retard
They appear in Persian art as well, though I guess you can't bring that up without everybody going to war for the House of Saud...
Ogre mages.
Race wars among the monster races sounds pretty cool actually. Gives both monsters some other priorities and goals than, "be Dicks to those civilized pansies".
Gee, I wonder.
The fear of being a weeb is a meme in and of itself
The group is a bunch of talented children in Sasha's Foster Home. No parents, no friends, just each other as one big family.
Then, little Timmy started crying in the night. He was telling about The Boogeyman inside the closet again. The rest just told him to shut up. He went on like this every night. But one night was peaceful as we didn't heard a peep from little Timmy. That morning, Willemina found his body, splattered across the ceiling of the attic. His arms torn off, his spine snapped and his heart forcefully removed from his chest. It was never found.
The children started to panic. Many sleepless nights were had and some could've sworn that the squeeking and moaning of wood wasn't the house settling.
This went on for a week until Sasha had enough. She gathered the children and with a stern waving of her finger she said: "Enough with these superstitions! No matter what Timothy said, there is no such thing as a Bogeym-" Her sentence was cut short as her mouth stayed open. With panic in her eyes she clasped to a layer of air around her face. Her upper jaw stretched out, muscles, tendons and skin stretching out as her skull was torn from her neck and thrown across the room.
Suddenly, there stood the murderer with that crazed, hungry look in his eyes. Staring the screaming children down with a hellish glee. The Bogeyman stood before them, and he was most certainly real.
>That morning, Willemina found his body, splattered across the ceiling of the attic. His arms torn off, his spine snapped and his heart forcefully removed from his chest. It was never found.
why would Sasha be thinking everything is ok when one boy's splattered across the ceiling
Grown-ups don't know shit. They lose that perception of reality when they get older.
The fear of anime tends to create fear of the weeb.
A villain from the moon uses them as henchmen.
Then again, my moon is a mystical land of Mortal Mombat China/Japan.
When asked what the fuck is an oni I just said "magical oriental giants/ogres" and that's basically all.
I like the way Pathfinder does them, as spirits of evil that forsook their charge of protection as kami (basically genius loci) and were corrupted, though it possible for them to form from evil souls or through vile suicide rituals.
All it takes to remove the weeaboo out of the creature is to rename it. Kami become genius loci or landvættir, Wind yai become particularly powerful and ugly vindthursar or descendents of the Venti.
Ogres, Orcs, and Half-Orcs are your Oni, at least they look the part.
be less of a closet racist and use whatever sources you feel like