Excuse me Inquisitor...

Excuse me Inquisitor, but I remember learning that at the Schola Progenium that the term "heresy"/"heretic" was used mostly for people whom went against an established church with their own belief while still acknowledging their base and core belief.
Even though I do agree that even "heretics" that venerate the Emperor with means that go against the ecclesiarchy should be killed or fixed, should we really use the term "heretic" to worshipers of chaos ? Wouldn't the term "Heathen", "Pagan" or "Satanic" be a more accurate term to call them ?

Shut up heretic.

times change

Sister, time for you to go Repentia.

Please, just keep your shitty forced meme in /tv/.
It's embarrassing for you to want to try and make your mark here.

Your shitty photoshops and utter lack of humor should be something you should be ashamed of, not spamming constantly.

not even half a dozen posts in and this thread is already heresy
by the emperor...

Excuse me faggot, but can you jump off a bridge and try to land on your neck?

the word you're looking for is 'apostate'

Another good example

Blasphemer also works. In my opinion, it also rolls off the tongue easier.

You correct about that, But doesn't Blasphemer also mean you are a member of a religion yet you do something or say something that is out of the norm and wrong ? (Which also means that it's not an accurate depiction for chaos worshipers)

>implying the Imperium can even comprehend humans believing in anything else

All of humanity kind of have an assumed religion in 40k

Newfag? It's a relatively old meme on Veeky Forums. Just roll with it or sage.

The correct term is kafir. The people who do it are kuffar.

I feel embarrassed for you right now.

Sure, kiddo. Keep on crusading.


Ramadan är en ny Svensk tradition. Midsommar är rasist.

It says somehere, might be the uplifting primer, I don't remember, that according to the Imperial creed almost everybody is a heretic for doing things in a different way they want to. A non-believer is a heretic, a traitor is an extra heretic, even xenos are heretics for not being humans. Besicaly the Imperium is retarded in their zealous prejudice and uses the term in a different way we do.

Fuck off with your shitty forced meme.

I thought blasphemy was simply something abhorrent by the rules of the faith; a Christain eating beef would be committing a blasphemous act in the eyes of a Hindu.

And isn't an apostate someone that turns away from the religion? I believe there are some chaos-aligned humans that were never part of the Imperial Cult.

Please fuck off.


>whom went
Nigga, "whom" be an object pronoun.

Could Heretic work if said faction continue to use Imperial weapons/clothing and war-machines?

I think that's largely why you managed to mismanage your attempt at a meme so badly. You're kind of stupid, and your spamming has lead it so that the only people who don't filter these threads are either newfags or trolls.

What Schola was teaching you history pre-dating the Old Night? I would very much like to send them a few regiments of Storm Troopers with orders to kill every last one of them.

On that note, it's not your place to question the Imperium either, Sister, your potential weaknesses of faith has been noted and will be sent to the Cardinal.

Also worth mentioning a couple of the Legions still worshipped Emps even after falling to Chaos until he told them to fuck off.

Could be that the term Heretic was applied to them and stuck as a blanket term for "anything that's not us but not Xenos".

Newfag here, it seems like we are having a nice discussion here. There is nothing wrong with this thread.

Can you explain to me why this thread is bad? Thanks

Oh shit nigga, what are you doing?!?!?!?

Well you see, there are acceptable ways to have a discussion and the deep lore of Warhammer should never be taken lightly. Furthermore, lighthearted images and a jokey tone are welcoming and informal which is bad.

Apostate has such a wonderful ring to it. It's more interesting than heretic desuuu

>Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence to a deity, to religious or holy persons or sacred things, or toward something considered sacred or inviolable.
>Apostasy ( "a defection or revolt") is the formal disaffiliation from, or abandonment or renunciation of a religion by a person.
>Heresy is any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs. A heretic is a proponent of such claims or beliefs.

Chaos-worshipping humans are definitely blasphemers; they are also likely apostates unless they were raised without ever knowing the Emperor's Light. Humans that are NOT chaos-aligned but break certain tenants of the imperial creed (such as fraternizing with xenos, traitors, or demons, as with Radical Inquisitors and Rogue Traders) are heretics.

Most actions labeled as heresy are actually blasphemy. Only the act of rejection of the Imperial Creed is considers apostasy, so any actions that follow it (such as praising the dark gods) are blasphemy. Heresy is limited to actions that go against parts of the Imperial Creed but are done by those that consider themselves still faithful.

There is, because it's a guy spamming his forced meme. There's nothing wrong with having discussions, but avatar-fagging and spamming are both against the rules.

If you want to have a nice conversation about 40k lore, you can go the 40k general, where people are less interested about eking out a cringe-inducing conversation just to bump up their forced meme thread, and more concerned with actually discussing 40k lore.

These kind of threads are so funny! I hope people make more of 'em!

>There's nothing wrong with having discussions, but avatar-fagging and spamming are both against the rules.
Then why do you post the same text in multiple threads

Old "excuse me commissar" were better than this crap, and even those weren't good

>Git off muh lawn

Can you try again, this time without parroting "forced meme" and "cringe" and this time with an actual argument beyond "too many people are having fun"

No, though it is mostly used in something like that. To blaspheme is to show irreverence towards a deity.

IE; if a muslim were to piss on a crucifix then burn down the church it was housed in, that would be blasphemy towards the christian faith, regardless of the fact that the Muslim was counted in it.

However, followers of a given faith have a lot more opportunities to blaspheme against it; if a Chaos worshiper wanted to blaspheme against the Emperor (which is kind of important to them), he would have to get a ship and a crew, get flung out of the eye of terror, hope that he's pointed in the right direction to land on an Imperial planet, break through the defenses, and THEN he could get to pissing on an Aquila.

A follower of a local cult would just have to, depending on the cult, neglect to follow certain minor tenets of the local faith (such as providing a certain amount of money to the local church; essentially tax evasion) to blaspheme. Theoretically, both of them could just also say "The Emperor has a tiny penis" and have that count as blasphemy, but it wouldn't mean that much coming from the Chaos worshiper, though if he's doing it specifically to taunt an Imperial it would probably count.

OP here. I was generally curious on why the word "heretic" was used and when it's not an accurate word to depict chaos worshipers.
I am a bit confused on the "spamming" since I just posted like 2 messages in this thread.

ugh, le epic cringe

stop forcing a meme

Quit spamming threads with this text

OP, stop samefagging pretend to be a hater and let your meme die. You are not as funny as you think.

It's a stupid question that is answered with a single sentence "they use the word differently". This isn't that bad by itself but the image, like pic related, signifies that he knows it is dumb and made the thread to get into pointless arguments about nothing. It's no different than /pol/'s "saying something racist and loosely tying into traditional games" and "saying something sjw and loosely tying into traditional games" threads.

I disagree.

Disagree in /b/ then.
Or /tv/. They like forced memes there.

Like it or not, this thread is Veeky Forums related.

Like it or not, your forced meme is unnecessary, spam, avatar-fagging, and unfunny shit, and your attempts to defend it are almost as obnoxious as your bizarre belief that there will ever be a moment people will stop hating you.

Even if you waited a decade, it would take minutes for people to recognize that you are trying to force a meme, and they would hate you for trying to force such a shitty one.

Just let it go, bro
Remember to breathe slow
Ask yourself, "should I post a reply"
And remember the answer's always "no"

Fuck off and take your own advice.

Now that you are defeated, you should apologize. I think Veeky Forums posters are mature enough to forgive your childish behavior.

Whoever said you couldn't troll Veeky Forums was dead fucking wrong, this is awesome.

Once again, take your own advice.
There's really nothing more childish than trying to force a meme, except for thinking that it's not painfully obvious.

Apologize by never posting again.

I think Infidel and/or apostate are most appropriate for chaos followers

I would forgive him.

You're pretty cool OP

What part of "you should apologize. I think Veeky Forums posters are mature enough to forgive your childish behavior" you don't understand?

In fact, why are you even bother to try to reply to this thread? It's like you think everyone doesn't see how stupid you are.

le failz0r

wow, such cringe, i just can't

Technically, 'apostate' would be accurate for most of them.

It's a relatively old forced meme and was always such.

Or even use the built in filtering function

It was shit and forced then, and it's even more so now.

I'm thankful that we have such dedicated board policemen who are willing to spend all day telling people to stop having fun.

It's less board policeman, and more just plenty of people on this board who are tired of your shit.

There will never be a shortage of people who hate people trying to force shitty memes.

Seems like most of the posters in this thread are enjoying it.

I always say kefir and then I insult people for being yoghurt T.T