Do you allow consensual relationships based on mutual love and respect with members of the "orcoid" genus in your setting's lore?
Why? Why not? Are there any social problems for the couple or the offspring(if that is even possible)? Where and how do this relationships mostly form?
Going green
Yeah, but only in the rare case where someone's found a baby Orc, and taken it back to civilization to be raised and taught non-Orc values.
They're treated like total shit however, and are infrequently lynched.
It's kinda Orcs fault the world's such a shitty place though.
They took the death of their God really, REALLY badly.
Depends a lot on the setting I'm working with. Usually, though, I got no problems with allowing it to happen. It really does depend a lot on what world I'm using - for example, I would have an easier time using this in Eberron, Malebolge (homebrew world that's loosely Eberron meets Fallout) or my nameless "humanity are children of the god/dess of sex" magical realm-tinted homebrew world than I would in, say, Greyhawk.
Because I see no reason to really cling to Tolkien's "orcs are always chaotic evil" approach, and I figure that with how common xenophilia is in the real world, it'd be even stronger in a world where A: there are other intelligent species, and B: you can actually have voluntary sex and even families with them.
>Kids possible?
Yeah. D&D taps into the vein of real-world mythology where you have things like women having children by bears and dogs, and men impregnating dragons and foxes. I see no reason why, in such a world, interspecies breeding would be really such a problem, especially since humanity is often set up as "the ultimate hybridizer" in D&D anyway.
>Social problems?
Depends a lot on the setting. Too hard to really narrow this down, but in general it's along the lines of "that's weird" - people staring, whispering, gossiping, etc.
>Where do they form?
Most commonly in areas where humanoids and orcoids/goblinoids are living in peace. Fringe territories and borders between such regions, generally.
This is partially setting determined, but it generally results from either political arrangements, wealth and deviance, or, most commonly of all, amongst adventurers or frontiers-folk. In the last category, such individuals often both find grounds they can respect orcoids on, such as their loyalty to the tribe, their strength in battle, their courage, their survival skills, etc, and their own personalities are "orcy enough" to ensure mutual attraction.
I've got goblins and trolls, but not orcs.
In cases where non-marital affairs are relatively kosher (single men, wealthy men, widows, etc.) this extends to nonhumans. Though you're likely to get some ribbing at least or become a pariah at worst, you won't face legal repercussions.
Marriage is a bit of a different animal. The nobility can get away with or be compelled to put up with such a marriage. The peasantry doesn't get to hobnob with foriegners much as is. And the sterility issue usually limits these to second marriages or common law marriages.
Goblins and trolls have their own reason to typically reject such relationships. For instance, there are goblin kings born with the power to magically compel lesser goblins. These guys don't like foreigners (who are immune to compulsion) anywhere near them.
>Not having Green Fever
>Human barbarian tribe runs into Orc tribe.
>Both tribe hates nearby yetis.
>Seal an alliance to kill the yetis and not each other by marrying a few hunters from either side.
Presumably, there aren't any major social problems for the kids so long as the alliance holds.
Orc women are ultra fertile.
That's Goblin Women
Orc Women are about as fertile as Human Women, maybe a little bit more-so.
>By human farmer
>Live on Borderlands settlement
>barely enough to get by
>have Orcs tribe live in, protection for food,
>Not enough humans to go around
>Get shacked with Orc chick
>Superbuff, aggressive As hell, terrible cook,
>whatever, any port in a storm I guess
>would rather not die a lonely, childless, dirtfarmer
>at least she doesn't have man face like some of the other Orcs
>night of Honey moon
>Holy shit this women is a freaking nympho
>9 months later she gives birth to triplets
>well shit
>luckily wife is strong enough to hell with the fields enough and take care of the children
>4 months later, I find out she's pregnant again.
>fast forward 15 years later
>we have had 22 children,
>thank god 5 of wife's brothers were orc warriors turned farmers and were able to help feed and clothe the little shits
> half of the villages youth population are my kids,
>what the fuck was i thinking
> fast forward 60 years
> village population has gone from humans, to slightly thinner and smarter orcs.
Orcs could very literally fuck humanity out of existence.
No, because orcs aren't capable of love or respect, only cruelty, fear, and hatred.
They must be exterminated.
Stupid captcha, What I meant to post with these is, is there any settings where orcs don't look like green people but at the same time are no skull-faced, over-muscled gorillas or fetish material?
Tolkien pleb
Nah, their innate misanthropy and stupidity will get them killed by the righteous.
Never. Orcs are vile corruptions of Morgoth akin to Gollum or the Ring Wraiths. You wouldn't dress a Ring Wraith up in a dress and fuck it so why would you an orc?
Shadowrun runs the whole gamut.
I love this one though.
I desperately want to play a Lone Star game, and feel the sheer unadulterated glee when you arrest some Runner scum, and bring them in for processing.
Tackling them to the ground, and slapping some stun-cuffs on their stupid ass. Showing those perps that Lone Star isn't just a bunch of donut-munching bullet sponges.
They're awful in D&D too, m8. Did you even read the Monster Manual? Divine command to murder and rape? The supernatural power to get extra movement and violate the action economy as long as they're moving towards a potential rape victim?
Unless those righteous are humans, in which case their inmates Xenophilia and libido will end up with them giving the Orcs a taste of the +2 Holy Dick, and create a bunch of little half-orcs running around.
>You wouldn't dress a Ring Wraith up in a dress and fuck it so why would you an orc?
I Wouldn't need to, Rigwraiths already come with a dress. Well, cloak actually but same difference.
Look the point is that Ringwraiths are invisible, and therefore fuckable with the power of imagination and closing your eyes.
That was also written by plebs, D&D is for normies who think it is the be all and end all of fantasy.
Pretty much every game I play includes some sort of relationship or romance with one of the PCs. For example I recently started playing a D&D 5e game and I decided to basically rip off the walking dead, except no "headshot" zombies cause that's kinda retarded. So basically the characters unleash an ancient zombie plague that starts attacking everything.
In the meantime I introduce a female elf ranger named Andromeda. She's an expert shot with a bow, a good hunter, and a comforting friend to the PCs after she lets them stay at her house in their village. A romance blossoms between her and the party wizard. She had always wanted to study magic but she hadn't had the intellect, and none of her apprenticeships had lasted longer than a few months; a blink of an eye to an elf. So there were a few fairly long RP conversations between him and her. Before long she was leaving him fruit baskets in the morning with cute little notes, and their flirtations were soon consummated. She offered to accompany the party on their quest to destroy the zombie hordes.
So the characters head out, and start shooting zombies with shittons of crossbow bolts and burning the bodies. They put the local oil business into overdrive.
Eventually they learn of a holy doomsday weapon that was half-finished, but if completed would be able to unleash a pulse of holy energy to destroy most of the zombies in the world. So of course, the characters were drawn to the place. They headed there with all haste.
When they got close, they had to fight their way through a horde of zambles. One character was bitten and turned within 10 minutes. They put him down with blast spells and crossbow bolts, then continued on into the temple. Andromeda was there beside them, I built her as a modified Scout with extra hit dice and CR. She mostly stayed out of melee. The wizard made sure to protect her.
Continued below.
>All this bitching about how Orcs are evil scum
>No one pays attention to the raw evil given form that are Goblins
So...what do you even care about orcs for? They exist in Tolkien, shitty teegee, shitty video games, and smut.
Inside the ancient temple they fought all manner of undead creatures like angels of decay and other creepy undead I ripped from 3.5.
Finally they reached the inner chamber and began performing the ritual to set off the weapon. This required absolute focus, and the wizard had to participate, so Andromeda had to run cover against the random zombies wandering in. She was a master archer, so most of them went down in a few shots.
Then things went bad. The zombies swarmed forward and grabbed Andromeda. They had reached the point in the ritual where they could not stop without starting over, so he could not help her without sacrificing the world pretty much.
So he did. His character loved Andromeda so much he gave it all up and turned to help her. The ritual failed, and the weapon began to crumble into ash. He turned to help her, just in time for one of the zombies to finally grab her and pull her back. He had used most of his high level spell slots so all he had left were some magic missiles, which did basically nothing. The zombies pinned Andromeda down and tore into her, and she screamed out the character's name over and over, begging him to save her. Driven mad with rage and grief, he went after the horde with a dagger, managing to kill one zombie before they started tearing him apart as well. The other characters were only 3 rounds away from their ritual, so they could have easily tanked through with Andromeda as the sacrifice. Now, however, they were forced to blast as many of the undead as possible. And both Andromeda and her lover were dead. But their pain was not over. Not yet.
Continued below.
So yeah, I like NPC / PC romances, they add a lot of depth and emotional impact to the campaign.
>thinly veiled /d/ thread for orcfags to talk about their disgusting fetish
Get out.
So Andromeda and the character (let's call him Robert even though that wasn't his actual name) floated above their own corpses as the zombies tore them in half with hunger. They watched an atropal scion, progenitor of the undead plague, arrive and effortlessly dispatch the rest of the party. Then, it entered the spirit realm to deal with them. Atropal scions feed on young and true love, among other things. But the two had died for each other in a selfless sacrifice. Thus, the atropal thirsted to destroy their bond. He first brutally raped Andromeda's spirit in front of Robert while tormenting him with insane levels of pain, as though he were still being devoured alive. When he was finished, his undead seed within her body, he gave Robert a choice: condemn Andromeda to eternal suffering, or suffer it himself. The atropal gave each of them a taste of it, driving them mad. They had to make multiple Wisdom saves at this point. Finally, they broke, and betrayed their love for each other. Robert committed Andromeda to an eternity of torment, so the Atropal used a permanency spell on a timestop to force her into an infinite loop of absolute agony, as though the zombies' teeth were still ripping into her soft belly. Over and over. Forever. And Robert was cursed to watch it happen, and watch his lover in absolute agony for the rest of time, and beyond.
So pic related?
I don't really go in for the "always evil" thing, out of personal preference. Evilness is generally an artifact of societal or personal fucked-upness, rather than a species/race-wide thing. So yeah, I don't see why not. Since I'm thinking in my setting most or all races are humans who've been altered to some degree or another by magic, orcs can probably have kids with humans, too. Social problems will depend on what orc and/or human cultures they come from.
Why must you do this?
Aaaaaa cuuuuute
Why not? It was a fun campaign. For me at least.
>soul-wrenching agony, the destruction of love, and the abject failure of your entire quest
Are you okay, user?