Would agile robot make sense?

Would agile robot make sense?

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With enough rocket boosters anything can be agile.

I seriously have no idea why ask.

Only if artificial muscles were invented. Hydraulic systems while powerful are not really very fast.

And robots have to be based on these because...?

I don't know if they make sense but they're believable.

>artificial muscles

>have onahole attachments gone too far?


Kill it before it lays eggs!

The most disturbing part of this video is that you can see it stop and think about how best to use the appendage when it's attached.

This is some Strogg tier shit

Oh come on, you can't post that shit without context. Give us a link or something at least.

Oh man, bio-prosthesis when?

What's this from? Some sort of experiment?

Which PS1 videogame?


It's some sci fi story put together by some dude as far as I can tell.

is... is this real? is this the Beginning of Gekkos?

Nah it's fake afaik, I wish it was real

I really hope something like this becomes widely available in the next 20 years.

It's fake you stupid basement dwellers.