Is the coin worth it ? About to create a binance acccount just to buy it. How much mooning potential is there ?
Also, give me a binance referral link.
Is the coin worth it ? About to create a binance acccount just to buy it. How much mooning potential is there ?
Also, give me a binance referral link.
Yes, it's a good coin... huge potential... I hold a couple thousand.
Here you go.
binance .com/? ref= 11136172
Why do you type like an indian
Good time to buy, imho we're straight pumping after this dip. Net Neutrality on the 14th will send this shit to 50 cents if it gets repealed.
sub is technically impossible to achieve, don't waste your money.
look at their demo, it took 20 seconds to load a static page when there was only one user of the network for the one server. That'll get worse with more users per server increases.
Yes, buy substratum and get a lambo.
My binance is ref=11506766
Use my referral! xoxo
What are you talking about? I just woke up and have barely started drinking my coffee. Pure Bavarian btw.
Good project decent hype pretty safe bet at least for the next 2 to 3 months l, I wouldn’t wait much longer this puppy boutta blast.
Mayb I’m wrong but I don’t feel net neutrality will have as big of an effect on this coin as every one says.
I dont think America is going to be the largest market for this project. More likely to be used in China, Russia, Venezuela
All about the hype. When NN vote was announced in November this pumped 30%. It may price in leading up to it and stabilize in the 30-40 cents region, but if NN is repealed, and there is a strong chance it will, this can definitely pump 50% on hype alone. Its totally possible, crazier shit happens in crypto all of the fucking time.
wouldn't NN being repealed be bad for crypto all together ?
dunno, there was an article about it somewhere
BTW, where do I put the referral link ? Below the "confirm password" field ?
Look at what crypto has been through this year, we'll make it through anything.
No idea... I assume that it automatically connects it to me considering it's a unique link...
Oh yeah for sure... I honestly believe that the future is mobile apps that run decentralized exchanges.
I think the project with the best potential to pull it off is Lisk, but we shall see.
meh, I think I fucked up
It didn't seem that great though so little damage was done
Oh well. At least I learned another way on how this ex-CHANG-e tricks ya.
Just kidding, Binance is alright.
You're actually retarded. If you'd bother to wait 10 seconds after the first rendering you would see that the next times were fast as fuck. Not to mention that he was the only person running a node; 1 person.
As much as I love sub, it was obviously a cache loading the times after that.. Still was fast for the initial load for 1 node.
NN won't do much for this coin.
The value will come from web hosting.
If it is cheaper to host your site on the Substratum network then people will so and will require Substrate as payment.