Let's talk chess. Who are your favorite players? What are your favorite openings? Any favorite famous chess games?
Also, can you solve this puzzle? White to move and win through a continuation of moves.
Let's talk chess. Who are your favorite players? What are your favorite openings? Any favorite famous chess games?
Also, can you solve this puzzle? White to move and win through a continuation of moves.
We've seen this one already! Get a new one.
Nf6+ Kg7
Nh5+, Kg6
Bc2+ and black gets the choice of either letting the pawn queen on d8, which is real bad, or:
... Kxh5
d8=Q, Nf7+
Ke6, Nxd8+
Kf5, e2
Be4, e1=N
Bd5, c2
Bc4, c1=N
Bb5, Nc7
Ba4, Nc2
Bxc2 Ne2
Bd1, doesn't matter
White to move. How does white win?
What is white's best move?
Well, I've got a lot battered up against the black king, mate on b8 on two different moves. However, my king is also exposed, and the obvious move, Ka6, doesn't actually do much to solve the perpetual check, as black can play Qe2 amd then bat me around the a and b files.
Going backwards doesn't seem to do any better, and the pawn moves are illegal. That narrows it down to one of two queen moves.
Qd5 fails, because after Qxd5, black's queen is still on a white square, and can still do the perpetual check, so that leaves us with only one move
Qg5. Qxg5+
Now we're threatening mate on b7, and black's out of checks.
There are probably multiple lines of possible defense, but the again, most obvious one of
falls to c7, as black still has no checks, and can't stop both b7++ and c8=Q++
Qg5 is correct.
Oh now this is a cutie. I can't take credit for this one, I've seen it before, unfortunately.
The trick is that white really wants to queen one of his pawns and keep it. You trade off one of the rooks at that point, and K+Q is a win (albeit not an easy one) over K+R. Sacrifice the bishop if necessary, but bring one of those pawns home.
Of course, black has rooks behind both of them, and you can't cover both the pawns themselves and the queening squares. So the rooks need to be distracted somehow.
Bf2. Seems like a worthless move, Rhxf2 is obviously bad, as you just queen on h8, but surely Rfxf2 preserves your position.
But then white plays
Rg2, and black is in a quandary. You can't take the rook without allowing one of the pawns to queen from whichever rook you take off the file. And you can't take either pawn without yielding your other rook and giving white a rook behind said pawn.
And it's worse than it looks, because while 2 rooks are probably a little better than the single queen, you won't keep both rooks for long. If you don't take the remaining pawn on f or h7, that'll queen too. And if you do take it right away, he'll pick up one of your rooks with Qf5 or h5, either with check.
But like I said, I can't take credit, I've seen this one before and remembered the solution, didn't solve it.
Is this, dare I say it, the memest position ever?
Nah, this is.
White to play and win.
I don't get it. Only the pawn on D3 can move for white.
Each side has only one legal move, and they must make that move.
Oh, so once the A3 pawn gets the B6 pawn that's moved to B4, the A4 pawn will move down while the white pawn that's shifted over to the B column will keep moving, and by the time the black pawn can be changed to something, the white pawn will be at B7, resulting in Checkmate.
Precisely. It's a joke, not a real puzzle. I have one other joke puzzle in my Veeky Forums folder. White to play and win.
>le move White pawn to b8 and promote to black knight meme
Even without that it's still a win for White: 1. bxa8Q+ Kxa8 2. Ka6 Kb8 3. Kb6 Ka8 4. Rc8#
White to move.
Don't have time to look at it closely, but Rxe6 looks awfully strong.
Does it say anything about me that I absolutely suck at chess? What's anyone's advice for gitting gud at chess?
Watch Ben Finegold on Youtube and play against people with the same skill level as you.
My guess, can't be arsed to verify it through lichess, but has the right idea I think:
1. Rxe6 f7xe6
2. Ng6+ Ke8
3. Qg8+ Kd7
4. Ba4+ Nc6
5. Qf7+
and Black is clearly on the run, but I'm not sure how White closes this out.
Chesscademy.com, and also heed
If you have time to invest/waste, get yourself some basic opening systems to play, work on tactics, buy an endgame book, preferably Silman's, and work from there. That is if you're a beginner, of course, but if you're one the 1400-1800 level players I hear saying that all the time at OTB tournaments, it's a wee but more complicated. Oh, and if anybody wants to play 3 2, set up a challenge and I'll try to do my best playing on mobile in browser. Same 2100 from the other day. Also will repost this question I posed when I tried to start my own thread: black to play, which side do you prefer?
Well my approach is simply to stay a shitter and continuously get beaten by opponents. I figure I ought to learn something one of these defeats.