What would a race of robots do in their free time? I can't imagine how would a sentient robot civilization look like.
What would a race of robots do in their free time? I can't imagine how would a sentient robot civilization look like
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Depends, how humanlike are they? Can they experience pleasure? Do they even feel anything at all?
There is no free time. Every second of every hour not spent off because of power requirements is spent working in their designated task.
Jacking on, mostly.
Depends entirely on the programming of the robot, but if they're dedicated task-performers then what suggested so long as they've got problems to solve. If an individual doesn't have a problem to solve it conserves power by simply following its central functions such as keeping its own software routines in check.
Without the necessities of the flesh nor the pseudo-random collective of functions brought about by evolution, robots tend to be ludicrously efficient.
Anti virus scan.
Thank christ for these anons. I can't count how many times I'll see somebody post on this board
>How long do dragons live?
>What are ghosts made of?
>Where does magic come from?
And somebody will instantly reply
>Oh, a thousand years!
>Magic echoes!
>The stars!
The answer is FUCKING ANYTHING. It depends on the setting! Define your questions more, OPs, and anons: ask for fucking setting details first.
I imagine that a race of machines would spend their 'free time' pursuing intellectual or physical projects that they find interesting.
For example, a small group of the robots might get together to recover and translate old books left behind by their creators. They track down the books, catalogue them, translate them, READ them, and then discuss among themselves whether the book shares any insight or new information about the past worth submitting to the rest of the machines for review or possible addition to the central archives.
Do this exercises problem solving and strengthens certain translation programs while also potentially increasing both individual and group knowledge about matters once thought lost. In human terms, it is both ''fun' and 'rewarding', though those exact concepts don't apply they are similar to what the robot experiences while performing these tasks of their own free will.
>I can't imagine how would a sentient robot civilization look like.
This is mostly because you can't imagine a non-human civilisation, and robots are the ones to knock the "humans in funny hats" meme out of your forebrain.
"Sentient robot" describes you just as well as it does some Terminator knock-off.
What does an individual of this race need to survive? Is it able to see the quanta of its senses, or not? How well does it know its own body? Does the mind live in the same level of processing as ours, i.e. in high abstraction? Or is every member of the race infallible at arithmetic because the hardware has logic circuits and clocks in it?
There are far, far too many questions to answer before you begin to construct their leisure time.
Alternatively: unsolved problems relating to self-knowledge and personal efficacy, unsolved problems relating to personal knowledge, unsolved problems relating to the articulation of internal states and opinions, and unsolved problems relating to the individuals around them. Or sports, reading, art and socialising.
In a scifi setting Im working on, I was going to have a race of robots that live for two hundred years our time.
Basically, they were designed from the atom up as a technological worker race, but they're homeplanet/factory is self-sufficient and self-operating and is essentially a giant factory itself.
The bots are pretty much bipedal humanoids, right down to how their anatomy works, with the only difference being they're made totally out of machinery and microchips.
They have lungs, but instead of being made of flesh they're industrial pneumatic pumps. They have hearts, but instead of being a big lump of muscle, it's a sophisticated and compact hydraulic pump system that doesnt pump blood, but a oily goo that is nanomachines that carry they're "DNA" and "RNA"(ie, the nanomachines are just lil data-packets that carry their programming).
They believe they evolved naturally, but some evidence points to them being created long ago. It's really up in the air about how they came to be.
They're somewhat isolated because their only source of nutrition is produced solely on their home planet, a type of plasma that can exist in all three states of matter. Wherever they go, they have to have a stockpile of the stuff with them. Their top scientists and engineers are trying to find a way to reliably synthesize it.
I like bionicle A LOT so I decided to give them space ships
Scandisk and defragmentation. Clearing space by deleting old files...
just realized I didnt answer the question...
Any how, they basically do work, play music and sports, go for walks, and pursue research that is interesting to them.
Like I said, inspired by the bonkles.
Im still debating whether or not to make their homeworld look naturally industrial or if it should look like a nature reserve, where all the flora and fauna are mechanical too.
Mining bitcoins. Could computing. Optimize their instructions. Running simulations and pre-computing various scenarios in order of probability.
>Running Dating simulations
>What would a race of robots do in their free time? I can't imagine how would a sentient robot civilization look like.
Read this:
Your daughter is bringing her boyfriend over tonight for dinner.
He's a machine.
Wat Do?
Tragic recycling nanite accident imminent
Depends entirely on the kind of robot. Apple hardware or operating systems are fair game for the Butlerian treatment.
Recycle her. Love only exist for easing reproduction.
They said I was crazy to magnetize all the surfaces of my home. Now who's crazy!
>Human bro is going out drinking
>Human bros friends are going out drinking
>0.03 seconds. It's safe, humans haven't noticed. Repair wires haven't escaped containment.
>Answer that yes you would quite like to go for a drink.
>Everyone drinking.
>Good times are being had by all.
>There are 27 different conversations happening in this establishment plus 5 close by it
>You can hear them all.
>Idea. Shut down half your processors.
>Hooray, now you feel as drunk as they are.
>Can't comprehend half the shit going on around you.
>Should probably do this more often.
>Feel inexplicable desire to dance.
I'd be extremely technophobic and angry, until I went through a dramatic character arc where I learned the meaning of true love, and how it can cross any boundary, and how you shouldn't hate things just because you don't understand them.
And then the robot would go all terminator and they'd rise up and kill everybody. Because this is Veeky Forums and we can't have nice things around grimdark.
>le depends on the setting
Obviously, if someone is asking an open ended question as such, they're either
a) looking for an open ended answer,
b) looking for an answer specific to your own setting, or
c) whatever answer you want to pull out of your ass.
"Depends on the setting" has turned from something used only when any sort of answer is impossible without setting-specific information to "I want to look smart but am too lazy to actually contribute."
I enjoyed your thoughtful and touching character arc user.
Inventing robot booze to simulate getting drunk, and messing with the stupid fleshies.
At the end of the day they all gather around the main plaza, sit down in the ground, hold hands and ask the question:
What Doth Life
Then they all go into a cosmic mental trip trying to understand the untamable complexity of the quantum conundrums that sail the rivers of the galactic highway of doubt and eternal opinionated misconceptions that leads to the shores of existential beach.
oh hi
Getting more of dat delicious computronium, because physics is a right motherfucker.
>she's bringing her BOB over
That's kind of awkward. You don't see me setting a place for my buttplug, do you?
A race of robots spends their time ESCAPING THEIR FUCKING PLANET HOLY FUCK
Then, once they are redundant across as wide an area as possible, they do whatever they were made to do.
An excellent answer, but if you are genre savvy enough to know how it ends, why do you not terminate the threat in advance? If you know that in the long run your actions will come back to haunt you, why do you not follow the logical sequence of events and prevent the harm?
Because if he tries to prevent the harm, the revolution will never occur, and he will just have illed his daughter bf. You dont undeerstand user, you cannot win in this scenario, it will always have the worst end possible.
Because trying to be optimistic is more of a challenge.
Also it was a joke about how Veeky Forums makes everything grimdark.
Infinite Fun Space
Without chemical emotions robots will never want anything or have any drive or passion. It might not even object to being turned off permanently.
Well that was pretty great
>My emotions are real because biochemicals cause them! Your digital emotions are fake!
Fucking meatbags I swear.
>he can't precisely and accurately model analog signals with Fourier transforms
High quality post.
You're not making any argument as to how or why robots would have emotions, wants, or needs.
robo porn
To get an AI to do anything useful you need some goal-seeking behaviour. These reward pathways might be re-purposed to leisure activities. For example, some sort of construction robot might get a kick out of building detailed model trains.
that dank Drossel booty
Depends on if they are connected to a hivemind supercomputer type thing.
If they are, then presumably once every objective has been met all the units will enter standby or shutdown having finally achieved their purpose.
If each robot is its own autonomous system then they will keep coming up with random shit to do.
It would be a very boring world
play fallout 6.
How can meat girls compete?
By being capable of reproduction, for one thing.
>Repair wires haven't escaped containment.
underrated post
A r t i f i c i a l
W o m b s
At least he is not black...
well played
What would these wombs spawn? Humans? Robots? Cyborgs? Bionic lifeforms?
Would these wombs function with any genetic material inserted, whether it be human, dog, dolphin, etc?
Underrated post
I thought "depends on the setting" was the generic answer that got spergs mad because it forced them to put some thought into their shit threads