Old thread got archived but I'm still here and I'm still working on your maps.
Here is your map!
Old thread got archived but I'm still here and I'm still working on your maps.
Here is your map!
Hey OP, do you think you can do this one? I suck at making maps, but the grey areas are mountain ranges, and the rest you could do whatever you want with, eg: grassland, hills, river,s etc..
>I'm not a fan of your style, but I am interested in the process you use.
I'll be putting together a video tutorial soon.
I'm not doing rivers or anything like that, just elevations. You'll have add those kinds of geographical features on your own. Unfortunately, I just don't have time to put that much work into each map.
I'm also not entirely sure how I'm going to be adding that kind of stuff to this style of map just yet.
I like my maps to be accurate within the framework of the modern understanding of plate tectonics. My GM doesnt give a shit. Its tough being a geologist.
Also, yeah, I'll add your map to the queue.
I do too. I'm trying to at least be somewhat accurate with these maps, trying to imagine where the plates collide, where they push up and where they crumple down.
But I do have to work with what I'm given and I'm trying to work quickly so it is what it is.
Here is this one!
Awesome, thanks a lot OP!
bump for OP
Here is this one!
I'm gonna get started on this in a bit. Got some work to do first.
Here you go!
Thanks OP, you are the best!
Dude. Fuckin awesome, thanks!
OP could you do something with a fantasy map I tried making several months ago? I just don't have the talent for this stuff-- trying to break up the northern landmass escapes me. (Black was intended to be water)
So white is land, blue and black is water, right?
What about the bit extending off to the East and the section to the North West extending off? What should I do there?
Also, the southern continent is split with something that looks like a river. Is it supposed to be a river or is it like a huge strait?
I can work with this but if you wanna sketch something super simple to give me a better idea as to what the East and Western sections include I could work with that too.
Up to you, my dude.
Highlighted the estimated placement of mountain ranges
Hi map user. I really liked your coffee stain map you did in the last thread. I wanted to use it for a sci fi game of mine, but could you alter a few bits about it?
I'd like the red circle area to be a desert and the blue circle in a shade of rustic brown or red. Much appreciated it you can do it
Hey map friends. I was wondering what you could do with something like mine?
I use paint for most of my work, so it'd be great to get a bit more detail into it.
I've been trying to get a map for my setting for ever.
Its a single continent, with a medium sized island off the western coast
and a northern and southern pole
If you had to compare the landmass to another of similar size in the world, what would you think it would be closest to?
Any particular terrains/features?
to be honest that looks pretty good as it is
OP's maps are a big step up from some of the really crude drawings people have posted, but yours is pretty coherent and easy to read with colours that work, and I think it would lose that in OP's style
Give me a few minuets in paint and I can give you a shitty outline
Thank you! I like my map pretty good, but I really like how Op adds in a little texture to his. I think that would do a great deal to help make the plains and mountains better to look at. The difficulty would be making sure that the detail doesn't overwhelm the terrain changes.
So, even if it was just the plains and mountains that got fixed (and it would be cool to apply a similar approach to the oceans) I would love to see how it looks.
Doesn't have to be fancy. I can embelish plenty. I just need to know the basics.
Here you go famhammer
Here is a very quick layout for you to play with. I usually start with a template like this and then lay things out bit by bit as I create natural features like major rivers, biomes, regions/capitals, etc. Always play around with fiddly bits to keep it looking more realistic and the like. I made it bigger so you can blow it up and play with things then shrink it down for readability.
Thanks mapfriend
I look forward to playing around with it.
Brown splotches are mountains, right?
Yep, but feel free to move them around and do whatever with it. I just added those based roughly where the brown bits on your example map were. Yellow splotches deserts. Light blue is cold/arctic. One good trick is to just go around with the eraser tool in paint and cut bits out using the color of water instead of White to symbolize erosion/rivers and the like. Similarly you can make big squiggly bits with the pencil tool (playing around with the widths) and create new areas/biomes.
I love you so much user. A pdf or other tutorial would be wonderful as well, but if I can only get this you've done God's work!
Sorry, passed out after work.
Up to you.
Intended to be a strait, yes.
I'm happy to give full creative freedom to you sir, I love your map style.
OP here, looks good! I'll add it to the queue.
These are meant to be elevation maps, so the colors don't represent climate. I'll see what I can do though.
That is a sweet map. I totally understand the desire to get something a bit more gritty. I'll add it to the queue.
And since you've got the climate already figured out (and it looks accurate) I might even play around with adding in some land cover and land forms like forests and rivers and swamps and shit.
No promises though, if it's taking too long to figure it out I'll probably just deliver an elevation map.
Are these maps submitted by two different people or is it one user helping another user to give me something better to work with?
Don't know who this guy is but if he wants to make maps for y'all he should make some fucking maps for y'all! The more the merrier.
You got it, my dude.
Unrelated, should I use a Name or something?
OP here. If anyone is interested I'm listening to Anathema while I work on all of your shit. Helps keep me focused and in a positive state of mind. it's good shit.
Here you go!
old Anathema is best Anathema, saw these guys at The Marquee/Underground Titans tour.
I'm gonna get started on this in a bit. FYI. Kisses.
One guy submitted it, and then I turned it into something more play aroundable with in paint for this person here.
I'm gonna wait to see which they'd rather have. If I've got time I'll just do both.
It's beautiful, thank you so very much.
Yo man do you think you could do this one?
I noticed the different art styles but I didn't say anything because it thought I'd be rude lol
That is a really nice map
Very cool map. I've added it to the queue.
Here is this one!
Do you have a program you use?
Photoshop exclusively
Looks amazing! Thank you so much!
What are some good tutorials for making Dungeon maps? Using GIMP or Photoshop, doesn't matter...(i'd prefer GIMP tho, so I don't have to pirate anything).
Do you think you could make use your photoshop magic to label a map in such a way that is doesn't look like it was made in paint?
I have a map but the labeling looks like shit.
Does anyone have an actual map of Pangea?