Previous Thread (Cross-thread)


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>no resources on 4-color manabase
>have 100 lands to choose from

So what spells do you all think are going to get Magus forms?

How do you want your Set Commanders, senpai?


Magus of the lotus

With plenty of room for creativity

>only the UB partner is okay
Oh wow, commander 2016 was a failure.

there's no EDH in the thread title or starting words, and you linked the wrong thread in the "previous thread part"

you didnt do too good kid

Saskia is solid. Partners are all playable.

Atraxa is a mixed bag but Reyhan is fucking value. Ikra could be good. Fucking Ishai tho.

Yidris has those neat simic ones.

The other two I dunno. Flanking dude is pretty cool though.

Magus of the Tinker practically guaranteed.

Magus of the Show and Tell possible.

there was an attempt ?

Saskia and Yidris are the only ones that don't have any disappointing legends, although Tana and Vial Smasher aren't that great.


>0 mana 3/3 that sacs for three mana

Seems fair. It's a creature so it dies to removal.

I'll probably get Saskia and Yidris, maybe Atraxa.

I don't really give a shit about the partner mechanic at all. As far as I'm concerned, they're just regular creatures in the 99. The actual 4c commanders are what have me interested.

Sold on buying the chaos deck though Vial Smasher is underwhelming. Maybe big butt gay kings on the future, or just them to build group hug I never played that strategy.

>Magus of the Show and Tell

>moxen magus

>A show and tell that dies to bolt
Wew no impressed

Is anyone else amused and bothered by Breya's 2, 3, 4, 5 thing going on, and how there isn't a 1 there?

Oops, they accidentally printed a good commander.

>A burn card that is rarely seen in any EDH deck

A shit ton of relevant cards in just about any format die to bolt.

I meant that out of all of them only that one seemed okay

The fucking hell?
Are they just reprinting all the old commanders now?

It's busted sorceries this time


>1/1 Blue Thopter
There it is

>1/1 thopter

>its bad because it dies to removal
toppest memes, son

I wouldn't call the whole set a failure just because the partner cards are eh though. They're just creatures in the deck for me.

This is fine with me.

Tinker would be threatening. Show and Tell invites the entire table to drop the most brutal thing in their hand which could backfire spectacularly.

why are serfs depicted as jewish caricatures

They're all shit desu I like that there's a UB artifact commander now though.

Jund a best confirmed by Yidris and Saskia being jund blue and jund white respectively

Because you spend way to much time on /pol/?

>Two 1/1's.
>Not a 1/1.
It's not the same at all!

More pillowforting

Thank you user. Love the image as a quick reference sheet.

>WILL backfire spectacularly


There is a reason why Narset is top tier edh



Did they finally physically print Drew Tucker's serf token? The Masters one just doesn't compare.

>Any w Exile
>Any doomblade
>Any removal
Wew lad, magus of the tabernacle is a format staple then

Sweet, more Karlov stuff that's also in-flavor

>drew tucker



>no thrull support

>top tier edh
>tiers in a casual format
Rev up those memes, user

Fucking hell the gaybros partners are absolute trash.
How do you fuck up that badly.

Now i understand why you are sob shitter

>Not casual

>Playing MTG competitively

Group hugs gotta group hug.

>Not casual
Keep lying to yourself user.

>Having fun

Magus of the Wheel is usually a staple in red. There are plenty of cards that die to removal that are staples across all formats. Your meme is shit considering even Modern, which is especially prone to the "dies to removal" shit plays plenty of creatures that die to bolt. Jund is the number one deck and they play Grim Flayer and Dark Confidant.

Friend of mine does not like any of these new commander cards. He believes that it is all watered-down jank.

What about you guys?

Yidris is the fucking coolest shit I want to build that

Yeah, that's what I do.

>Not being able to have fun
Sucks to be you, user

>A Show and Tell that can be reanimated
That's the scary part.

Your friend is right.

It is nu-magic so he's right.

Casualfags, what are you gonna do, ignore me after i get infinite mana on turn 5? pffff

Snapcaster mage do that better

Snapcaster Mage is ONE card that can recur Show and tell ONCE.

If Show and Tell were a creature, there's a large host of reanimator cards that'd let you re-use it over and over and over and over.

I like it. Boost karlov, pillowfort others or know who wants to attack you.

I do wonder, if you remove it (from someone else) after putting taking the +1/+1 counters, is the effect still in place? Or can you actually attack once you killed it?

He's not wrong.

Why would you need show and tell more than once? are you not wining instantly by casting it? snapcaster offers much more value being able to get any instant or sorcery and not just Show and tell

The resolution of the triggered ability creates a one-shot effect with a duration. Said effect does not end until that stated duration ends, regardless of the continued well-being of the Advokist.

Snapcaster absolutely offers a lot of value, and I'm not questioning that. Just like you wouldn't run Snapcaster JUST for one spell, I wouldn't be running reanimation for JUST one creature- I'd be running it for many. I'm just saying that there's more reanimation effects than there are Snapcaster effects.

Lurking here for the spoilers too ?

Eh, nah. I'm not terribly impressed by most of it (though a few of the not-Legendary cards are actually interesting enough that I want to pick them up for existing decks). I'm mostly here to talk about my bad decks and answer any questions that might pop up while I'm here.

Partner would have been better if having one of the commanders out gave you both of the commanders' abilities


Partner would have been better if did not exist.

The point of partners is that you're supposed to be able to mix and match them as you wish. You don't have to stick to partners from one deck.

Plebbit's exclusive spoiler, stolen

The rare lands have been confirmed to be Odyssey filters, checklands and painlands, am I correct?

I'm curious about the complete decklists. I'll definitely get the chaos deck, but I'm most interested in what they do with the grouphug one.

I disagree. With that, I could pair a really cheap one (like Akiri or Trasios) with one of the expensive ones and 'effectively' have 7 mana worth of abilities on board on turn 2.

On the one hand, that's really neat.

On the other hand, there is no way in almighty fuck that will last from Turn 1 until the player actually loses.

Alright going off what's been spoiled so far here's what I can picture in each set


Sydri, Galvanic Genius
Hanna, Ship’s Navigator


Iroas, God of Victory

Zedruu the Greathearted

Which means asides from the new legends we're getting a set of Shard reprints, a set of Wedge reprints, a set of Ally reprints, and a set of Enemy reprints. What do you fags want/expect to be reprinted? Karrthus and Experiment Kraj pls

Oh, wow. That's... Strange.
Imagine decking yourself because your opponent lost.

>that sword of damocles

I like some of them (thopter waifu and infect angel). Others feel like trash. Saskia especially looks hopelessly shitty.

There any commanders that give all your spells hexproof?

You say that like it'll ever actually go off. The only way I see this going off is if you play it just a few turns before they get iced. I can't imagine this will draw more than like... 6 cards. Which isn't bad, but it won't even do THAT consistently, it'll mostly just accidentally get hit by boardwipes.

Only Atraxa, Saskia and Bruse are sweet. Some are meh, but most are shit.

Are the Spite counters affected by Proliferate?

i'd say they should have been the opposite like

Moustache Man - Legendary Human Ally


Double-team (when you control two partner commanders, gain this ability): Your creatures have double-strike


Double-team (when you control two partner commanders, gain this ability): This creature gains the keywords of the commander creature, and vice versa

I feel like that could have allowed for more ambitious commander design because you'd have to cast 2 4-mana commanders to get the big benefits. maybe that would've been too hard to balance or something

Assuming you mean 'permanents', no. And even if there was it doesn't matter- I doubt anybody is gonna NEED to burn a Disenchant on this. It'll get hit by the Akroma's Vengeance that was taking out someone else's board, or the Spring Cleaning that won a clash.

They're counters on a permanent, so yes.

>give him double strike and trample to get through on someone
>cast Maelstrom from the hand
>get lightheaded from all the blood rushing to your penis

Yes, because giving all your creatures doublestrike forever is such a good idea.


I imagine daretti will also be under Breya.

Oy vey goyim ya cant go around askin questions like dat or ya might end up losin your job...

did you seriously not understand the point of my post that you had to reply with this turd

ok heres the wording fixed

(While you control two partner commanders, this creature gains this ability):

i always forget you guys cant get off your autism for 2 seconds

I like the 4-colours, generally, though most of them aren't my style. Will be making Atraxa superfriends.

Partners are bad except golgari and simic ones. Maybe the Selesnya and Dmir ones too.


shit will make you target #1 faster than you can cast it

I would have just called it Spite and had it produce ire counters.

Ghave better be in the Atraxa deck.

That would be extremely limiting, because only cards from this set would have that. You need to keep the effects constrained to the partners themselves or they'd be trash in any non-partner deck. Not to mention that the default decks ARE non-partner, so you wouldn't be able to use those effects in those.

Yes, and anthem doublestrike on a repeatable creature is a good idea in which universe?