yo guys I'm depressed as FUC can we have a lulzy Veeky Forums thread
Yo guys I'm depressed as FUC can we have a lulzy Veeky Forums thread
Other urls found in this thread:
This is now a cute Veeky Forums thread. Much better for the soul.
I also have no funnies to contribute anyway due to a HDD crash.
This is how roll hide check
Shitty animation aside, I quite enjoyed this:
This is how I disguise check
Nice advertisement you've put on Veeky Forums Hirohito.
>frankfurt millionairs angry
>black guy in front of a shitload of dollars
Is this image implying that he stole the money? I don't get it.
What's cute?
This makes me laugh for some reason.
This is how I chaotic evil
Stairs are always Veeky Forums-related
>the pinball wizard
>the who?
Well played.
i dont get it
Shame about that, user.
Whenever I look at that pic I feel like the dragon is actually a mutant dog pet of the knight begging to play frisbee with his sword
what would your parents think if they knew you had this image saved to your computer
‽ I ask you for a hamburger...
True Detective was a weird show.