PC Prison

Your characters have been imprisoned by the local gubment, and have been shifted to whatever equates to max security prison. How well do they fare, and what measures are needed to keep your character or players characters from escaping.

Level 10 light cleric.
Keeping her confined to the cell is pretty much impossible within the system and the setting. Stone walls, metal walls, ice walls, wooden walls - she can break through them all with various degrees of difficulty - not that she would need it, since all it takes is a single word to take her to a safe haven.
A permament anti-magic field would stop her from casting... If it existed in the system, and it does not.

However, let's presume that you break her fingers, tear out her tongue and keep her in chains at all times to prevent her from drawing a holy symbol with her blood. Let's also presume that you have a team of high level wizards standing near her cell around the clock and recasting anti-magic field every hour. Would that be enough?
No, she can use her Divine Intervention class feature to ask her god to help, and she has a10% chance to succeed. She can repeat the attempt every 8 hours. Divine Intervention requires only an action - but not a word or a gesture, so she can still use it even if restrained and maimed.

Modern mystery character. It is written in fate that only she can open her bag and it can only be taken from her at short times. And the very world will bend before this rule is broken.
In it she has a literal "get out of this sticky situation"-card. It was written to her by the Queen of Avalon, a Sidhe Lord. She'll be there for at most a week before she jumps into the dreamworld and have to rescue a handsome prince from a dragon or something.

My exalted dragon blooded. He's intelligent but hate people. He would actually suffer quite badly, ripping people apart with anima flux then put into solitary confinement at best, killed at worst. His best shot is getting into the open sky and then casting Azure Chariot and flying away. But even then it's just the start of a complicated chase. Good plot hook really.

My Wizard would have his spellbook taken away and then he would cry himself to sleep while basically relying on his 1d3-1 damage with a +6 attack bonus and 70HP to get him through the day to avoid getting assfucked. But no means of escape other than time.

A caster prison in D&D would certainly bind fingers and tongue and keep you in chains. It's a max security prison.

The divine intervention thing can be bypassed by stopping her to have a long rest. Each time she try to rest, you wake her up, you disturb her, and she's fucked.

Hmm. The last character I played who wasn't damned hard to hold in prison without multiple spells and various levels of magical bullshit well beyond what any government beyond Thay or Waterdeep is likely to have handy was actually a professional lawyer in a d20 modern game (no, the game was not built around courtroom drama, though the way it crashed and burned, that might have gone further) and probably could've appealed and argued his way out. The one before that was a Redcap changeling from OWoD; I'm real foggy on how that shit works, but I think he could've legit eaten his way out through a wall or something, given enough time.

My character's sole power is basically a Stand whose eyes he can see through. The spirit can't really be interacted with, so there's no way he could lose this power short of the prison being a no-mana zone, and mana isn't common knowledge in the setting. HGe'd have no overt way to escape by himself but he can see through walls and could read lips from miles away so he'd probably have a good time gathering info about the staff and inmates. Oh, and he's one of the most competent agents of the mafia, they'd probably bust him out one way or another.

Preventing her from resting for too long will kill her. If that's the goal, there are easier ways to accomplish it. If it's not, she will escape eventually.

Sounds like it's about time to start "forgetting" sessions and generally staying away until this prison shit is over.

>A permament anti-magic field would stop her from casting
that makes no sense

Mundane fighter.
Just a nice, sturdy cell will do.
Can't do sh*t without equipment

They're all low-level Pathfinder characters of various stripes, so basically all of them but the Inquisitor are screwed and the only reason she's not is that you do NOT imprison a brainwashed operative of Cheliax in another country without complications.

Is that picture Jon Jafari?

Technically, the human body only needs four to six hours of sleep to stay alive. Not eight.

There's also a thing you can do to yourself, or inflict on someone else, that is initially very stressful on your body that causes you to nod off in half-hour intervals every few hours, giving you two hours of raw REM sleep per day, but prevents you from needing to actually, "sleep," in the traditional sense, and won't kill you, long-term.

So, yeah.

My character is a druid, so they have to remove all his druidic foci and then clothe him with metal to keep him from wildshaping.

Level 2, so he probably won't fare too good in the oubliette.

Yeah, this has nothing to do with the game rules.

Ah but it depends on interpretation of Divine Intervention - some GM's rule that once you try asking for something and fail, all subsequent attempts to ask for it fail unless the situation has radically changed.


Don't worry, you're banned after you "forget" the second game in a row, cunt.

6'6" Serbian Rapist literally powered by Satan.

"I'm not trapped in here with you, you're trapped in here with me."

Looks like my problem fixed itself.

Level 12 drow thief, 5E, with Expertise in Sleight of Hand, Investigation, Stealth, and Thieves' Tools.

I'd love to see the prison that could hold her for any longer than she wanted to be held.

Probably use what is effectively vacation time to make/renew some underworld contacts.

Bend bars. Start a prison riot and use the time to escape. Dig a hole through the wall. Use strength to become leader of a local prison gang to get them to do what you want.

People like you disgust me due to your lack of imagination - or, perhaps worse, your lack of will to even make the attempt.

Is this copypasta?

Most of my characters would be easily contained by any competent prison (meaning one that confiscates any gear they don't recognise). They would probably keep their heads down and stay out of trouble. Some released via the power of lots of money.

Two stand out as interesting:

- Ironclaw Thaumaturge. If he can get hold of a piece of an inanimate object that is outside the prison (leaf from a tree, rock from a campfire circle, etc) he can teleport to beside it. The question of if he could use a chunk of the prison wall to use the prison as the inanimate object is one for the GM.

- Geth in a Mass Effect game. Likely to get into a discussion on if locking up the mobile platform really counts as imprisoning it when all its programs and data were backed up shortly before capture. Might self-destruct if there is a risk of someone attempting to reverse engineer it or forcibly access its data core, but will otherwise cooperate. Even if the prison staff insist it shows up a meal time.

Yes. I just came to this thread to steal the meme.

Your party has been imprisoned by the tyrant and stripped of your equipment. He calls you into a meeting room. Between you stands a table. The tyrant holds up a coin, showing its head and tails side. He then explains:
>I will leave this coin on the table, heads up.
>I will bring you into this room one by one
>The time between each visit will be arbitrarily changed from visit to visit; some may come tomorrow, the day after perhaps none, one month may have no visitors and the following day may have all prisoners visit; you do not know when prisoners enter or how often they will enter
>Whoever shall enter will be arbitrarily chosen; there is no set order, and it is possible for a single prisoner to enter multiple times before another person sets foot inside
>Whenever a person visits this room, they may look at the coin and choose to turn the coin upside down, from heads to tails or tails to head, or they may choose to leave the coin as it is; the coin will always be centered at the table, and no other manipulation of the coin is possible
>You are otherwise isolated in various cells alone until you die of old age, with no means of communicating with each other
>Any prisoner may claim upon visiting that as of this visit, everyone has visited the room at least once
>Should he be correct, you will all be set free immediately
>Should he be wrong, I will mercilessly execute everyone of you in the most painful way imaginable
>You may now speak with each other, before I send you to your isolated cells
How does your party come up with a strategy to determine whether all has visited the cell, so that you are 100% guaranteed to be correct when claiming that you've all visited the room?

>what measures are needed to keep your character or players characters from escaping.

Ysalamiri and guards who are immune to persuasion (droids, perhaps).

>Rogue Trader
An army of top class lawyers.

I don't. I instead spend my time trying to find another way out of the prison.

This. That's a ploblem that's far too convoluted unless you're going to suddenly use Microscope to play out what the group does.

I've been in multiple prisons, usually for making space drugs, multiple involuntary manslaughter charges, poaching (who wouldn't want a endangered alien race as a comfy rug), and allegedly destroying a planet of space bears.
(Which was thrown out of court since that planet technically was out of their jurisdiction and I only sold them the bomb, which was done legally according to that planets laws.)
If I can't lie or science my way out, my boys can buy my way out. (Usually at gunpoint)
No mere rock can hold the Ham-Bringer

One of the players already got sent to prison, at some point we plan to get him out.

If we all got sent, well it's a prison designed around magic users which everyone is. It's a pretty hardcore place.