Soggy Ronin Edition.
How do you like your villains tg?
FIlthy Maho users? Duty-torn Samurai?
Soggy Ronin Edition.
How do you like your villains tg?
FIlthy Maho users? Duty-torn Samurai?
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Do we have any news from FFG concerning the overall status of L5R?
They're launching the L5R LCG at Gencon next year. I don't think we've heard anything about the RPG, though it's FFG that sells the pdfs and such online now.
Samurai - second sluttiest species known to man?
Anything drawn by Genzoman is slutty.
The art for L5R rarely reflects the fluff of the setting.
The most notorious slut to ever fuck her way through the courts was described in the fluff as commonly wearing clothes with a slightly tighter fit. No massively exposed cleavage, no thighs shown to the world, no panty shots.
This is the only piece of art that reflects her description. Everything else depicting her has her half naked or more.
Anyone else think Scorpion masks are fucking lame?
What do you mean?
The concept of "always wears a mask in public" or the actual designs of the masks?
Because there's a lot of variety in the actual designs and styles of Scorpion masks.
>The art for L5R rarely reflects the fluff of the setting.
More like it rarely reflects the fan expectations generated by... what, a single paragraph of hazy fluff that even mentions that everything is possible.
Multiple repeated paragraphs in every edition that pretty clearly state that Rokugani dress modestly. Some go so far as to explain literally everything except underwear.
Pretty sure there's mention of fundoshi somewhere in L5R.
You shouldn't waste time defending the art. Half of it contradicts explicit statements about the setting, and a lot of it even contradicts important details about individual characters.
There's some guy with no genderbending character traits whose card art shows a distinctly female character.
I think the description of standard monk clothing mentions a loincloth.
But it also says that they only wear their monk robes, the loincloth, and usually they wear sandals, but some go barefoot.
There's also situations like the Crab in general, where they're said to wear the heaviest armor of all the clans, but shown as never wearing more than pants and some tiny bits of armor held on by straps.
And the Hiruma never used to wear pants despite their one job being to trudge through extremely dangerous terrain with dangerous ground based hazards, like giant leeches, and grass that actively tries to cut you.
>And the Hiruma never used to wear pants
In the old art that is. So many pictures of some scout wearing something perfectly sensible from the waist up and nothing but a fundoshi and sandals below that.
Hida don't wear shirts, Hiruma don't wear pants, Yasuki always expose their shoulders.
And the Mantis families always wear Yoritomo green despite having no duty to wear strict clan colors and (Supposedly) maintaining their own traditions and histories.
That see through tube top makes it look like she's up to her tits in water. Made me think of some hard ass ronin walking through a river while smoking. Cat throws it off though.
9.5 months to go. The best designed the game has ever been, and may ever be.
Based on...what?
Decades of hatred of the familiar? Fanatical loyalty to the new Overlords? Incredibly vague previews?
Based on the high quality and continued popularity of every other game that FFG has made. The spoilers that FFG user posted up on Veeky Forums periodically. And the knowledge that the only way to go is up.
If you think observing continued excellence is a reason to throw out "Fanatical loyalty" you have pattern recognition problems and failed at developing your brain.
Do you guys have links to previews? I've been playing the CCG for ages now but I haven't seen any inklings of the new CCG rules and cards
There aren't any yet as far as I know.
I made a Matsu berserker. Do you have any roleplaying tips beyond taking Large and smacking down PUNY MEN?
Don't forget you're still a samurai.
Never ask for help. Make the situation clear and let other samurai offer their assistance.
Know that the spirits of your ancestors watch in judgement.
Know the five measures, seven virtues, and ten orders. If not memorised, then written down for quick reference.
Always have a plan to kill everyone in the room - who you strike first, who you cripple then ignore until after, and who you leave to last.
IIRC Matsu are supposed to be fiery and forthright. How does that square with the paladin-like Lion Clan stereotype?
The phrase that I hear a lot of "Paladin of honor." You probably don't live up to the ideals of bushido perfectly all the time, but you probably try. You're more passionate and aggressive than most samurai, and that's good because it honors your ancestors who were like that, but you're only a berserker on the battlefield. Be firm and aggressive, but don't rage at a tea party.
Makes sense. I see a lot of people who RP paladins as people who want to do the right thing despite their fallible natures; I figure a Matsu would be the same way.They are filled with righteous anger but won't let themselves be ruled by it. Kind of like how Matsu turned men into soldiers, but Akodo made those soldiers into legions.
Channelled, directed anger and passion, I guess. Losing control is disgraceful.
Wow you sure don't sound like a huge fanboi or even worse.
>The spoilers that FFG user posted up on Veeky Forums periodically.
What, where? There are no spoilers you lying sack of shit.
No previews exist. is just lying for attention.
Tell me Veeky Forums, tell me if times you're disadvantages really came to bite you in the ass.
Bad Fortune: Allergy.
Guess who ate a lovely Crane dish with a rare and delectable ingredient which set it off?
Few questions about the kenku swordman school. I want to do a character that have that school, im the only bushi so there is no problem if i go a little snowflake, but without being cringy. So:
What advantages you would consider a character need to pick the school?.
What clans would be the most reasonable for this character ? ronin yay or nay?
How to do it without being cringeworthy?
Anyone did play with that school? Do you have any example?
Got secret loved by a crane duellest. Turns out it's mot a cute yandere thing, it's a horrifying tale of an ugly, scarred and kinda insane samurai-ko plotting my wife's death and her own eventual political marriage to my character.
>What advantages you would consider a character need to pick the school?
Great Destiny, and specifically a destiny with heavy combat requirements. Technically, the Kenku will train whoever they feel like, but they tend to pick people who might actually need special training.
>What clans would be the most reasonable for this character ? ronin yay or nay?
Literally anyone, as long as they have the potential to learn it and catch the kenku's attention in the right way. You don't need to already be good with a sword, but you do need to have the capability of becoming good with a sword.
>How to do it without being cringeworthy?
No idea
>What, where? There are no spoilers you lying sack of shit.
There was some guy pretending (maybe) to be a leak within FFG.
I need some advice Veeky Forums. I am going to be playing a game of 3rd edition soon and have never had any experience with the setting. My current plan is to make my character a Crane courtier who wields a kanabō.
Any advice for my character concept, skills, etc.?
Work with your GM. Make it happen in game.
(Kenku Swordsman has no starting honour value, so it can't be your initial school without homebrew, but you can dishonour your sensei by leaving them for an oversized bird)
>My current plan is to make my character a Crane courtier who wields a kanabō
>Kenku Swordsman has no starting honour value, so it can't be your initial school without homebrew
The easiest way to homebrew this is to select the school your character was actually slated to join and take their starting honor. Or your Family's main school and take that honor.
Also, because Kenku are highly respected by Rokugan, it's possible to avoid dishonoring your sensei if you can explain the situation correctly. Emphasize that the quality of training you have already received from your sensei was what gave you the edge needed to gain the attention of a kenku, maybe. Little white lie it and hope the kenku itself doesn't decide to contradict you.
Cause I really like the weapon. Beyond that I am thinking of maybe just scrapping the Crane and the courtier part and just making an Ox clan bushi.
Honestly my knowledge of the setting is so limited right now that I'm just kind of throwing ideas around.
A small run down on how the classes feel about one another would be useful.
Clans have broad stereotypes about each other, but at the school level it'a a lot more hodgepodgey. Everyone knows Mirumoto bushi and Kakita bushi have an intense, semi-cordial rivalry, for example, but there aren't really any details on how either school feels about it other bushi schools.
Generally speaking, there's an amount of elitism in every school.
Schools founded by the Kami themselves are more prestigious than the ones founded by their followers, which are in turn more prestigious than schools developed later.
There are better waifu.
Like throwing a hot dog down a hallway
Hot dogs would probably be invented by the Unicorn first.
And it would be the last straw for the rest of Rokugan. The ensuing war would leave millions dead.
Had a death that will affect my living arrangements and will need to unload 1200+ cards. There are some rarer ones in there like a foil Imperial Standard and the Imperial Palace of Fu Leng. Most are Gold Edition and that era. Even have a few that were never opened. I need travel cash and will need to get rid of these soon and haven't the time to separate and catalogue. Any ideas?
Yes, I did a basic google search for places to sell and every L5R site looks dead to me. Checked the first 5 pages of links before I decided to ask you all.
The sites are dead because the CCG is dead.
Collectors and people trying to assemble a complete playset are the only people looking to buy now.
Sounds like best left to the garbage can. Thanks.
I meant the girl not the horse. Though an Utaku steed is probably more considerate than your average Bayushi.
nice hat
>Stop staring at my tits!
>My most sincere apologies hime-sama, but your father specifically requested I don't take my eyes off you.
Yep. Singlehandedly almost killed my interest in the game tbqh, just because they look so dumb (especially along with the edgelord clothing color scheme) that I assumed it was a game for edgy teen weebs. I'm not sure that was the wrong impression.
Then you found out about the Spider Clan and knew true disgust.
+ Nice hips, soft cuddle tummy with a hard warm core, tits, cute face, nice sword, nice hat
- smokes
Where does the name of this game come from? Does it have anything to do with Musashi's book?
The five rings are the five elements that exist in the setting. L5R Lists Musashi's book as inspiration but it's hardly like he came up with the concept himself.
This may just be my next bbeg.
I played the hell out of L5R, card game and rpg, over the years. I own one of the limited print editions of the first edition book, and one copy of every core book except for the d20 version cause No. I even landed myself two copies of the Second City box set (don't remember how).
I love the system and I have two very fondly remembered campaigns (Doji Sabu - The villain who got away with everything and then gave out promotions to rub it in. And pic related).
So what were some of your greatest/most fondly remembered heroes and villains in your games?
crAB clan!
Dark fate. I had to abandon the character because he was fucked beyond playing but couldn't die. The kicker was losing my sword arm as a bushi.
I'm a player looking for some help here. A friend of mine runs a l5r campaign (3ED) and other player (whose PC is a Kitsune shugenja) usually complains because he thinks Shugenja are underpowered due to the limitations of spells he can use in a day (The others can use their katanas all they want), the difficulties to obtain new spells and other minor problems.
What's your opinion on magic in l5r? Do you think Shugenjas are underpowered in this game? do you use some homebrew system to regulate magic in this game? thanks.
>How do you like your villains tg?
Irredeemably villainous. I like both the ax-crazy psychopath and the quippy chessmaster, but I want them evil and have them kick the living shit out of the dog all the time and have no regrets about it.
Extra points if they actually have a point with whatever they are doing, but only roll with it because they like throwing shit into the fan.
>duty-torn samurai?
The best villains are samurai who are not duty-torn at all. They have a job to do, it is directly opposed to the goals of the main characters, and they don't care. They have willingly given away any kind of moral agency or free will, and they proudly do whatever they're told even if any fool would know that it's wrong. In that sense they're just as inhuman as any Shadowlands monster.
>they proudly do whatever they're told even if any fool would know that it's wrong
Then they aren't samurai but honorless dogs who must be put down for the betterment of all. A samurai does whatever is right even if told otherwise, no matter who is talking.
In a 1e book it has Matsu Tsuko doning armor one step at a time and has her in her skivvies at the beginning.
He needs to Learn2Importune. That can get you any spell in the game. Also make three raises so it doesn't cost spell slots.
I am running an intro L5R game for players who have never played the game and am breaking out the old Chestnut the Test of the Topaz Champion. Though for my own entertainment I am changing things up a bit. I am including some "secret" points for the competitors. Here are the "secret" points I have so far.
1. Outing the false competitor. One of the competitors is actually a Hengeyokai planted by the organizers. It is tasked with causing non-lethal mischief to the competitors. If any of the competitors catch it and force it to reveal its true form they gain 2 points. If a group works together to reveal the shapeshifter, they each receive the points.
2. Exemplifying a Virtue of Bushido. A handful of observers are watching the competitors behavior during the contest. On the third day, before the Iaijutsu Tournament they will reveal their judgement. If any competitor has shown behavior that exemplifies a Virtue of Bushido that competitor will receive a point for their behavior. Up to eight points (one for each Virtue) may be awarded to individual competitors.
I'd like a few more and would also like to find a way to reward artistry as samurai expected to not only masters of the arts of war but also of the fine arts.
I recommend adding some Kappa.
Who is looking forward to the surprise first peek of L5R LCG next week at Worlds?
Damn i miss playing L5R back in my HS days.
Crab Clan for life!
the crab clan waifus are top tier imo.
>pic related.
Netrunner also doesn't have any spoilers at all.
So don't believe all the people in that thread either.
Wrong and dishonourable are not always the same thing.
>One of the competitors is actually a Hengeyokai planted by the organizers
How would they even? This is silly.
Check the facebook group its pretty much the last holdout for ccg guys
To be fair, my phams, panties weren't even a thing in Japan until le ebil hwyte man came down and forced them to dress all modestly.
I think same goes for breasts and bras. Japanese just didn't give too much of a fug about modesty.
>Japanese just didn't give too much of a fug about modesty.
No, they were pretty well covered up in most eras, by pretty much all accounts.
And the fundoshi is not something introduced by whitey.
Rokugan is not Japan, but it is based on a hodgepodge of Japanese eras and stereotypes.
And as far as modesty goes, it's very, very heavily entrenched in the late era "Don't even show your arms if possible, nevermind your torso or legs" level of modesty.
I was reminded of the Jotomon's Shinrai school from 3rd edition.
I wish I could rock an iaijiukenjutsu Dragon bushi. Call him Mirumoto Mugen or something.
It doesn't really matter. Being wrong and honorable only makes the reprisal lighter. Somebody who spews shit but otherwise conducts himself honorably will only get a harsh rebuke for his stupidity. If somebody is both wrong and has no honor then he will most likely die on the spot.
A dude who follows a bad lord blindly not only dishonorable (he violates duty by not being true to his lord, violates honesty with his deliberate ignorance, violates courage by being chicken to get a spine, and violates honor by violating not one but three virtues) but also wrong (obviously) so he can go and kiss the worse edge of a katana because his existence worth roughly that much.
If your lord orders you to make an informed decision that is in accordance with the seven virtues, but subjectively wrong in that at least some results are detrimental, there is no reprisal. It was your lord's choice, and your order.
What you are talking about is actions that cause a loss of face and/or glory.
The Rokugan you describe has no sense of obligation, only dispassionate duty.
>If your lord orders you to make an informed decision that is in accordance with the seven virtues, but subjectively wrong in that at least some results are detrimental
I don't think that such order is possible. If it is cool with the Bushido, then the problem is with you and you subjective opinion worth a sack of steaming ogre shit. If the problem is not with you and you know what you are doing then the order can't be fully compatible with the Bushido, and thus it is dishonorable to at least some extent - in which case into the trash it goes. If your lord insists that his order is cool even if it clearly isn't, then it is time for being really true to the virtue of Duty and save your lord from himself. Now THIS is some heavy-ass stuff if the PC happens to be the lord.
>The Rokugan you describe has no sense of obligation, only dispassionate duty.
Welcome in Akodo's mind. Hope you enjoy your stay.
>I don't think that such order is possible
>Welcome in Akodo's mind
It's sad to see you have such a twisted interpretation of Akodo & Rokugan in general, but you seem to enjoy maintaining it.
Is that you John Wick?