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CYOA General
Reposting request if you're taking a dump
>Jeeze, why do you always repost your builds?
>Try making some new ones for a change!
>Make 2 new builds, one for a cyoa I've never made a build for before.
>Nobody comments or seems to like them at all.....
I read it and posted some thoughts like I said I would!
Huh, this is neat, but it could use an update.
People rarely comment on a build unless their the creator or someone who wants to bitch at them.
Dr. Hugh Mann
Cold Eternal; Woken Elder
Advanced-Tech Understanding
Ethereal Mastery Manipulation
Biological Adept
Body Skills
Xeno Expert
Mutant Expert
Field Leader [Exorcism]
Emotional Sense
Elder Thing Body
Shining Soul
Traveller Leathers
Yuta Brace
Operative Knives
Basic Survival Kit
Basic Bag
ID Card
Bottomless Bag
Magical Protective Vestments
Small Spiritual Vestments [Holy Water]
Advanced Medical Kit
Ring of Dispel
Low Level Adrig Manipulator
Witching Bottle
MagiblocTM Coinage
Spirit Bonding Charms
Blessed Needle & Thread
Spirit Walk Components
Omni Camping Equipment
Self Operating Cooking Gear
Gene-Mod Equipment
Privic Drug Prescription [Medical]
Operabia Module: Latent Insect Control
Operabia Module: Overclock Feature
Upgraded Healing-Chip
>Little Things...
I don't need no Governa's dalla! x4
Test Subject x3 [Tentacles: Blue, Skin: Purple, Blood: Yellow]
Sensory Deprivation [Smell]
Adherent [Hippocratic Oath]
Aberrant Appearance
Full Moon Touch
The Church of our Lady, Destroyer of Despair
Xian Mayen
Cazora Magdeb
Alexis 'the Watcher'
Rumi al-shadric
>Home District
Terra-E12 - In Which the Races of Man Feud
The Demon
"You are...imperfect, flawed. Do not worry, I can fix you. The only question is how many tentacles do you want?"
Hugh is an oddball in that, despite his monstrous appearance, he is almost entirely harmless. He sticks to a strict oath of Pacifism and will always try to patch up anyone hurt, no matter if they are friend or enemy. His only negatives are his odd behavior and his seemingly obsession with genetic or biological modification. He tries to keep his companies in top shape, and has even informally adopted Cazora. While he tries to teach Cazora to be a more normal human, his understanding of humanity is fairly flawed.
Posting my shitty old OC.
This is why I'm throwing some interactive elements into my next CYOA. Just starting on page 4 (final page) now.
Blue and yellow.
Are the "interactive elements" optional, Satan?
Despite his flawed idea of humanity, few believe Cazora could get much worse so they leave him to his attempts. Hugh is also a top mind in regards to dealing with malignant spirits. His 'hobbies' are studying varied wildlife, for which he is thankful for both Yucatan and Terra-E12, and performing biological modification on various animals to 'improve' them. Has a pet rat he has managed to genetically alter into sapience, though for some reason its whiskers were replaced by prehensile tentacles. Despite this, he abhors the methods of Biological and prefers to stay with his friends in Medical.
>being this much of an attention whore
God I just want to sexually tease you and make you beg for an orgasm.
>Blood Bending
Metal as fuck.
I almost never get replies to my builds, it's kind of a bummer but it's not a huge deal user.
Senpai will notice you one day.
Sure. Kinda. Like, you can make a build on your own & no one else's build would be hurting you. But the experience is designed more around interaction. There's some inefficiency in going solo, but there's no reason you can't do it.
Because there's iron in blood?
I think i'm done for now, might come back later
Well people are always telling me I should make new builds, but I'm just not motivated to do it if nobody's even going to comment on them. I might as well just keep posting my personal favorites. And I comment on other people's builds a lot. Not as much as I used to because I really want to make sure I make good commentary that doesn't strike people as shallow, annoying, or pandering like people have said before. But I still comment quite a bit! So it's very discouraging when I make a effort to make new and very different builds and nobody comments. If people don't care enough to comment, then why get so upset when I repost my favorites!!!
I like that idea, but I agree they should be optional and not forced somehow.
How is it attention whoring! I'm not the only one who likes people to comment on my builds! And I comment on other peoples'! And people whine about me reposting, so if they care so much then why won't they comment on new ones! It doesn't make sense!!!
That sounds fun. I love when working together is rewarded.
It's more like controlling the water in blood, but also on a very spiritual level. Novices can puppet people around to limited extent, and true masters can fucking seal away other peoples bending. So yeah, metal as fuck.
Sempai never notices. Believe me, I've tried to get them to notice, and they never do.
It's why I try to notice when I make a CYOA.
Superhero power, regeneration+healing, and I'm torn between the money or being charismatic.
How do you try to get user-senpai to notice you?
Double blue pill obviously
>also on a very spiritual level
Considering Waterbenders can also use water to bend, manipulate, and destroy spirits they honestly have the most spiritual bending.
I watched the show. I was just trying to be an autistic Carlos.
My problem is that if people don't care enough about my builds to comment on new ones, then why do they get mad when I repost my favorites and tell me I should make new ones? If they don't care enough to comment on my new ones then they shouldn't tell me to make them, and if they aren't going to comment on my new ones then they shouldn't get mad when I repost old ones.
Double purple. Fuck yes, since people are animals too, and animorphs can turn into other people or mix and match. I'm going to assume it meant shapeshifter though, since it says nothing about needing to touch the animal first to absorb its genetic code, so the time limit is probably out too.
Posting diverse divisive builds, making a lot of different builds for a variety of CYOAs with similar features, etc. Alas. But at least I have my CYOAs that I make that people like.
>wanting anonymous-sempai to notice you
Just post yourself nude.
It says animorph, not shapeshifter. I assume if you pick it you've got all the disadvantages of one.
Blue and Yellow seem good.
>Considering Waterbenders can also use water to bend, manipulate, and destroy spirits
Fuck I need to watch the rest of Korra.
You really don't, it's not worth it.
The only reason I want to assume shapeshifter instead of animorph despite the choice of the word is that it says you can turn into any animal you choose at will. Removing the need to actually touch and absorb genetic data as the books call for means you're not actually an animorph, just something similar.
Sorry, was asleep. My schedule is skewed completely.
The fortresses around each gate are in fact meant mostly to prevent any mass incursions by any of the other sides. Ashfall is very fond of trying to get through, so those are the most heavily-guarded.
Thanks for givin' it a read!
Season 2's villain is a waterbender, so they give him a lot of crazy applications that are fairly cool. That said, Season 2 as a whole is the worst season of the show (best is probably Season 3, though there are a couple good episodes in Season 4), so you really should skip it.
Don't. It's shit.
>savant-like abilities
I think it's fun how scientists are so weird in the mind of people.
I'm there, browsing Veeky Forums, with a hand down my pants. Not that much smarter than anybody else really. My collegues and I are regular people as you guys are.
I'd probably stick with the worst possible interpretation of animorph. The ability to turn into a T-Rex at will is way more powerful then Gains x2 or Skinny forever.
Well, let's post then. I did almost all of the cyoa posted in this thread (not the pdf; too long for me) and it was pretty cool. You can keep going user.
New thread, new OC!
Might as well not skip anything. From what I've seen it's pretty polarizing. Most either like it quite a bit or think it's shit. You'll make up your mind before you waste any time.
Even without being able to turn into a T-Rex "just because" it's still overpowered compared to the rest. Go take a trip to the zoo, pet a bunch of different animals since they turn docile while you're scanning them then mix things up as needed. Give yourself a row of shark teeth with the ability to inject cobra venom, then go gorilla mode with tiger claws on top of that. Just for starters, the sky's pretty much the limit.
totally agree
No you're not you're supposed to save the world
>TFW hairy dudeman
Somehow I doubt I'd be getting the notices I wanted if I did that.
This is what happens when you want to be put on the pedestal for random idiots on the internet to show you with affection.
On the one hand, Worldly Body is /really/ interesting. On the other hand, Lightning Form, if mastered, could give me some serious boons. Astral Gates is incredibly useful and gives me reverse aging based on how much I walk. Healing Light is interesting, and I wonder how well it'd go.
When it comes right down to it, the only ones I'm not much interested in are Soul Fire and Heart's Desire.
If forced to choose one and only one I'd have to take Lightning Form.
Double blue
Was tempted to pick red but seems a bit underpowered in comparison to blue
Worldly Body is OP as f-
>Only works after a year
>All the others know where you are
>Astral Gates can TP to your location and pull your heart out of your chest if they want.
Ooooooh, I understand now.
Still gonna pick it, because holy fuck that's awesome, and if I really need some firepower after a year, I can open a portal to a fucking sun and trigger a Solar Flare to BTFO anyone in my path.
double blue. Honestly it's a bit overpowered
Why would I do that in a cyoa thread?
Well it's good they have that protection from the fire elementals! Anyway, I like your world and lore. Makes me want to make another Magical Realm build.
I think Traveler has been updated a couple times since I made my build. So I might make another.
I'll just keep making some pretty, yet simple CYOAs at a rapid rate. That way people get neat stuff and I get the satisfaction of having made them. It's a better way of getting attention.
I take the red an yellow M&M's
I call upon the magic of Meta CYOA
Quick Learner, Early Bird, Unassuming, Easy Gains, Amazon, Public Speaking, Safeguard, Allure
>Special Rooms
Huge Kitchen, Hot Bath, Sauna, Home Gym, Huge Bedroom, Live-in helpx3
>Own Room
Electronics, Childish, Neat, L-lewd!!!
>Relationship Status
Happily Married
>Dad Traits
Protective, Hardworking, Handyman, Jacked, Loving
>Mom Traits
Supportive, Housewife, Loving, Wise, Crank it up!(Housewife)
Big Allowance, Blood related, Open-minded
Younger Siblings
Mellanie, Elanor, Hina, Gil-Kun
Older Siblings
Sara, Nicole, Stella, Arthur, Nanna
Rhea, Sebastian, Anna
Erika, Christopher, Hana, Teri, Cassandra, Lacee, Sophia
I live as a God might
Pretty much my choices too.
Doesn't that make you the proverbial burger flipper among authors?
You deliver cheap and easy happy meals with no substance while the more prominent author steals the spotlight for the next 2-3 threads when they release their big projects and overhaul updates.
I apologize for the mcdonald analogies I just ate some chicken mcnuggets for lunch.
I considered going Ara-Ara mom, but I figured happily married parents, who are willing to ignore what might happen with my siblings, is better.
It's not all I'm working on, it's just nice to have projects that I can complete. It'll just be too long for my big projects to come out for me to only work on it.
>Easy gains
>Open minded
>No Clarice
You must being of homosexuals.
I'm in this boat too, though my first one seems to have been recieved with more enthusiasm than the one I posted Mostly this is practice as I work my way up to something bigger/better. I've already made the improvement of something other than a monochrome background, which is what my first CYOA had.
>Pic related
(You)s for the poor?
Privateer Captain Betty Carabis
of the Brigantine "Flying Fish"
>Brigantine 40
Fast with big cargo hold.
>Triangular Sails 45
Already have fast ship, might be good to be maneuverable to.
>80 Hammocks 61
Crew needs place to sleep!
>6 Private Quarters 67
Enough for important crew members.
>Captain's Quarters 77
It's a status thing.
>Good Galley 82
Going to have good food if cooped up on ship all the time!
>Gun Deck 82
Need those for protection!
>Extra Cargo Space 87
Need place to keep loot.
>Forward Crow's Nest 89
Has extra sail.
>False Bottom Chest 91
Can hide stuff and it's movable.
>Large Rowboat 98
Can take team to islands and stuff and can carry cargo.
>10 Canon 108
Shoot ball shot broadsides
>10 Carronade 138
Shoot grapeshot if people try to board.
>Ball 138
>Grapeshot 146
>Contract Crew 152
Seem good all around.
>First Mate Isabella 160
Has useful skills and is qt.
>Companion Kaarina 166
Has useful skills and is a qt.
>Quarter Master Apis 169
Is strong and seems useful.
>Navigator Jane 173
Is lucky and a qt.
>Master Gunner Armando 181
Is experienced.
>Cook Penelope 191
Knows magic.
>Carpenter Jacob 196
Gets along with Penelope.
>Cook Elsie 200
Assistant cook who has magic and is a qt.
Sail around doing a little exploring, a little trading, and a little fighting. In fights, tactic is to use ball shot broadsides to disable canons and grapeshot from carronades if enemy tries to board while using speed and maneuverability to survive. Once enemy ship can't fight, try to get them to surrender. We're always merciful and polite to people who surrender. We're just making a living! Isabella speaks Castiellan, so that helps us with our privateer work. We just do a little bit of everything and try not to become to infamous or get to much attention.
I wanted the other siblings more, she would have been my next choice if I had 3 more points.
I chose muscle and easy gains so I don't look like shit, and so I can protect my younger siblings
>Human 0
>Soldier (discount cuz human)
>Grace 1
>Vitality 1
>Strength 1
>Regeneration 1
>Sustenance 1
>Lifespan 2
>Equipment 2
>Artifact (free cuz human) - second level of sustenance, my sword allows me to draw sustenance through it from the lives it takes
>Low Magic Fantasy Setting
Was going to get Survivalist, but decided I don't need it with Lifespan 2 and Sustenance 2. Wanted exceptional appearance, but couldn't find way to afford it, so I'm going with scarred veteran look instead of extra beautiful.
I'm a legendary immortal warrior who sits on an ancient throne in a long abandoned castle, unmoving until the world needs me to help fight great threats. Things like undead rising, orc invasions, or the arrival of a dragon.
Didn't even choose to get a big dick.
What a fag.
You might want to consider reducing the dimensions so the width sits somewhere in the 1200-1900 range.
Highlander, if you get here I had some suggestions/questions for you.
Waifu hands down.
That's because at the time I was considering getting a twin, which never worked out.
A female twin with a big dick is not on my list of wants
I made them to fit comfortably on my monitor, which I'm pretty sure is around average resolution nowadays (1920x1080).
I'll make the next one taller than it is wide, and I might end up pushing that out tonight.
>A female twin with a big dick is not on my list of wants
Damn, with every post you make I'm more convinced that you have absolute garbage taste, fampai.
Neither of those cyoas grabbed me.
On anything more sophisticated than a phone, native Veeky Forums inline expansion works fine for both of them. The text is more than big enough that it's not a problem.
>I really want to make sure I make good commentary that doesn't strike people as shallow, annoying, or pandering
don't worry about that
you just made builds for cyoas no one was really paying attention to.
Boy - Cute (48)
Gentle Puberty, Quick Learner, Early Bird, Bubble Butt, Cosplay, Allure, Safeguard (34)
Suburban, Small House, Hot Bath, Sauna, Electronics (22)
Single Mother, Supportive, Loving, Wise (17)
Big Allowance, Blood-Related, Open-Minded (11)
Nadia, Eleanor, Erica, Mellanie, Charlie (0)
I'm not sure if these options are schools with a list or prerequisite starter and subsequent specialties.
>Anti-Psion5 (5)
>Regeneration5 (10)
>Athlete 3 (13)
>Illusionist3 (16)
>Spidy-Sense2 (18)
>Counter2 (20)
there was an outsourced min-arc in season 2 that was actually good, though. I'd skip season 4, though.
There's no real reason to choose anything but locket.
>Scythe is garbage because killing anyone futher than a few years back distorts the fuck out of the timeline and could possibly paradox you out of existance.
>Gun gives garbage-tier immortality despite having to kill people to fuel your life.
>Keyblade could be useful with Unlocking powers, but there's very little use for "lel thundaga" in modern times unless you decide to fight ISIS or some stupid shit.
>Axe is only useful if you have a crippling disease already or expect to have one.
>Dress is just little girl option
Well I don't like waifu/husbundo cyoas and usually don't go for super short ones with like 2 or 3 choices, so I guess I just shouldn't post anymore since I don't like the same ones that are popular atm:(
Wouldn't the Axe keep you perfectly healthy up until you died of old age? Like, wouldn't you be at your Peak the entire time, and thus if you grab either the Gun or the Axe and kill the person who has the other, and use them together, you get perfect immortality?
What have you got for me man?
An all expenses paid trip to a love hotel with Kit.
You have all night, effendi, just be sure to give it to him good.