Have you ever played a character who had no reason to be involved in the story?
Have you ever played a character who had no reason to be involved in the story?
I used to, I started role-playing in high school so I kinda evolved over time:
>First I just made whatever character and expected the GM to cater to me and give me a reason to be involved
>Then I started just going with the GM's plot whether I felt I had an in character reason to or not
>Now I make sure to make characters who have a reason to be involved in the plot in the first place
I did once, kind of.
>This was in a system and setting that was entirely the make of the GM. He was a friend of ours, and the game was actually pretty fun sometimes.
>This setting was really god heavy, having 12 major gods and goddesses. Each player was required to worship one, and we went on adventures in the land of Oonharah. Oonharah was separated into two worlds, the shattered world (present day) and the fantasy world.. I've actually told a few stories about it on here.
>One major quest involved the goddess of the sun going missing. This predictably caused the sun to go out. So, tasked by the other gods (who were busy with their thumbs up their asses or whatever) our job was to find the missing sun goddess and bring her back before the death of the sun caused everything else to go haywire. Note that only one character worshiped this particular goddess, her name was Kai, and she'll be important later.
>Myself and another player were combat focused fighters. We were hoping for a chance to prove our worth as defenders of good and champions of the god of battle. I was actually pretty excited for morally grey options and difficult choices to come our way.
>As misfortune would have it, that was not what happened.
>What ensued were long, intense, sessions of RP mostly between the GM and Kai (who developed main character syndrome and was the most important factor in all of this, fuck the rest of the party). If the party was going somewhere, it was because Kai figured something out, if the party interacted with someone, it was because Kai was questioning them.
>None of the other players had any impact on the story. Even if we wanted to. In this 2 month long campaign, there was 1 fight. It was ended quickly due to the rogue's magic fuckery.
>I didn't show up for one session, and according to one of the other players, it didn't make any change. I guess it wasn't that I didn't have to stay with the group, it was more that only one person was important.
>be me
>born into the world
can't give you a better example than that
A few times I've made characters with their own distinct motivations and tied them into the main party in interesting ways, but I don't think I've made someone who has literally no motivation to go on what the GM wants to do since high school.
........... also, well played.
Fuck you, you pretentious twat. Vaan had legitimate reasons for being along for the ride. Yes, we're all aware that he;s not the central character of the story, THAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT. It's not about him. It's about human politics, and how fucked shit gets when foreign entities intervene.
Penelo didn't.
YES. Fucking YES. There was no reason for a specific character to be tagging along. Everybody else had some motivation to come with us, but nooooo.
I've played a few characters who should have, by all means, left the party partway through for various reasons but did not due to The Plot/wanting to keep the group together/not wanting to hassle the DM with integrating a new PC.
Probably the most egregious was a mage I played once, who the de-facto party leader threatened to murder or abandon in the wilderness on multiple occasions. I justified it as him thinking he wouldn't be able to find competent enough fighters anywhere else, and also out of concern that without him around the group would descend into complete stupidity and potentially fuck things up even more than they already were.
Do continue user. Your story is intriguing
>Vaan had legitimate reasons for being along for the ride.
user. Come on now.
Kind of. I had a bit incidental NPC who was entirely not involved in things, until sheer bizarre happenstance and ruthless player interference turned them into the central focus of the entire campaign.
But yeah fuck Vaan.
Every group has that one poor fuck whose girlfriend wants to spend time with him but is fucking awful at the game.
His reason was he was a street urchin who saw a chance to do something more interesting than pickpocket tourists.
I made a character once, and was told that it would fit with the story fairly nicely. Story ended up being generic Final Fantasy grade stuff made by someone with an unduly massive erection for everything to do with Sephiroth. My character wasn't an amnesiac, a mechanic, a brooding anti-hero, a bishounen, or a teenage-looking girl that's actually totally legal, you guys.
Beat me to it
That makes him an NPC to be exposition as he's heard about stories of (enter new place here) from people at the docks/airport/trainstation, to look after the inevitable flying vehicle you will get in a final fantasy game, and maybe even be graced as a guest to the party during the inevitable "flying vehicle is boarded by enemies" or "rest of the team got captured somehow and I REALLY needed some character development and this was the only way the story-writer knew how for me" scene.
Let's be honest, any other Final Fantasy game and the exact same backstory would thrust him into legitimate main character status anyway. He's a subversion of the expectations of the series and JRPGs as a whole.
It's honestly better to just forget he exists.
Yes, i play in a Campaign were only two players really matter, like i mean the dm sucks their dicks every session, so me and the other players are just backround noise.
This is also happening in a other Campaign with the same dm but now only one person is getting his buttholed rimed by the dm
EXCUSE ME, motherfucker, your very first quest in Final Fantasy is to rescue the motherfucking princess of Corneria from Garland. I damn well remember that shit, because I thought the whole game would consist of rescuing that stupid ass princess. Then I got to the title screen...
The prince/princess line seems to be referring only to party members.
Literally every time a character dies and I've got to make one on the spot
>literally everyone except the final boss
And the sequel does it again! Just once though, unless you're dumb and don't pick up on the INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS HINTS
I thought he was a last minute addition because they wanted Basch to be the protag but feared the audience wouldn't like him.
My Dwarf Paladin who was constantly harassed by the party for being thrifty even when he paid for the group's room and board.
He actually left them the last time they were in a major town: I couldn't justify him travelling with them anymore considering the amount of shit they gave him.
Basch does less than Vaan.
Yeap. I once made a pilot for a Stars Without Number game, because I was told we will have our own starship, so I figured why not be the Joker of the equation?
Game starts off with some murder mystery that was centered over every other PC and the GM would remember that my character with no relevant skills exists once in a while. I tolerated exactly one session of being ignored before I fucked off.