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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Do you still enjoy seeing new worlds?
If you don't, how long did it take to stop feeling joy?
is there a jump where you can pick up blood magic? Something similar to what Vlad has in LoL
There's always something to enjoy, a new vista, different customs, subtle variations on familiar favors and themes.
I love seeing new things, and my companions provide me with a sense of home. It's the best of both worlds.
I didn't see it in the LoL jump, although I imagine you could flow a couple of things to mimic it. But maybe a combination of bloodbending,Blood magic from darkstalker,Vampiric Power from Elona Jump,combined by power combinations from young justice.
Disgaea perks are basically complete. I'll post the finished list from the WIP later on.
What are you up to, Jumpers?
Libriomancer, Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, Overlord has some
cool, I look into those
and yeah, looked into LoL before I asked :P Figured if nothing else I could pick up something like Energy(blood) and Kinesis(blood) from Marvel, but that just isn't magic.
shit, meant to thank not you cool too user, but not as cool
have you considered JoJo vampire? They have substantial powers. Although I don't know if that extends much further than themselves
I'm not actually going for Vampire so much as the powerset, but I figure if I have to go vampire I can swing by Tsukihime for the one perk
You should seriously consider getting that perk even if you don't go vampire, it's not like you might not wind up as something else that has a weakness.
Aniexty-induced procrastination that's keeping me from studying for a test I have coming up soon.
Murder. And sometimes Absolute Justice.
Stealing everything I reasonably expect to find in the video games Of my childhood in captain N,I just rustled some multi use labor elements.
Building a small bazaar in a small pocket dimension that I carry with me. Just because I really like the 'hidden magical night market' thing and decided to make one of my own to take along with me.
after arriving in so many worlds burning from the fuckups of those before or being awoken by the sweet siren's song of war and struggle, one starts to feel...strange...when your a dream closer to new and more bloody saga in the chains of fate.
Continuing on from the previous thread
So Heavens I read your description of him and I thought, "Just destroying the world, that's not that evil" So I decided to do a quick wiki search about them and OH MY GOD YOU ARE NOT KIDDING.
Were to start in this guys long history as a complete monster. Well his motivation for being evil as far as I can see is "screw you I have power." He murders his entire village without any regrets and he also cause all of his party members to become completely insane. Special mention goes to good old Thorndyke. Not only does the Devourlord/Gig use magic to convince him that he killed his own son. But by the end of the game he has pretty much gone insane and thinks that each person he had killed brings him closer to his son. This along with him enslaving some people to fight for him, him murdering the grandchild of one character brutally in front of the grandmother before moving on to kill the grandmother right after.
This guy would not look out of place in Warhammer 40k. Hell this guy stands head to head with some dark Eldar leader for how fucked up and evil he is.
A new world is a new project, and a new way for me to feel good about myself by fixing it up.
so, Tsukihime's "Life Thief" perk. when it says "You have the ability to steal or gift life energy with a particular part of your body." is that innuendo or jumper's choice?
Seeking the peace of reason, tryin to find reasons to keep believing and all that.
Really I'm planning on more of a calculated chain cause for some reason rolls arent motivating me as much. College continues to kick everyone in the ass until the fall break so there's that
Tossing stuff in my head for Granblue but not much on paper or pdf, Legfes is in a few days so i'll probably screaming bloody murder about that while this new scenario event gets started up. Maybe I'll get inspired by who I roll but that's probably not happening
And to think, they're a perfectly heroic and loving individual in the game's main story. I always considered Demon!Revya the epitome of why derailing the plot or going full murderhobo is a grueling, awful thing to actually witness. I think folks who actually enjoyed siding with Gig and going full ham on evil eventually reached a point they were uncomfortable.
most likely jumpers choice given the author of the setting.
I was probably just going to go with jumpers choice anyway, but I figured I would ask, considering everything that happens in the Fate side of that universe
But Bancho how can you know? You won't be able to fix all your horrific mistakes until post spark, since they were your fault in the first place. I mean you could fix things so that they're better than they were before you broke them but cleaning up the shattered worlds you've destroyed can't be anything other than depressing.
>What are you up to, Jumpers?
I actually lost the last fight on purpose. I didn't want Devourlord Revya to win at that point. Oh, but of course, Danette just had to hit me with that one last scene, where she stays with Revya in the Onyx Sword to try and help him/her, even singing a lullaby to them from their childhood. Fuck.
i generally make a point of not shattering worlds that Don't deserve it. Economies yes, cultures yes, but not worlds. I am a bringer of change, positive change! the caterpillar has to get slurry'd to become a butterfly.
In a new world, everything old is new again. Plus there's all sorts of identity-making and resource-gathering what needs doing soonish after the start of a Jump. Besides, I've made a game of noticing the little details that show up in different universes, especially those that are close to home. Restaurants being different, a musician that makes it big when they were just a one-hit-wonder back home... little things.
As a follow-up question, have any of you looked yourself up in the earth-normal Jumps? The ones with a world pretty much like home. Have you ever found yourself, in a more literal fashion than most?
Don't listen to , you're super-cool, user, and I agree with you seven-eighths-heartedly.
Looking for a fun SPACE Jump I haven't done yet for bonding time with my godchild.
That sounds awesome.
That's the thing with games like these. Games that give moral choices like these usually have it so that you have absolutely no reason at all to be evil and have a much more satisfying story playing good, like Infamous or Undertale.
But the option to be evil still exists and people will chose it just because they have the option to.
To be honest that's probably one of the reasons so many people liked the Mask of the Betrayer Expansion to NWN2.
It gave you a reason to be Evil, and the Evil pathline was fucking crazy, but awesome.
Did you like the ending you got user?
>Please don't repost
>Posts it on Veeky Forums
>People choose to be evil just because they have the option to
The Skull Man Jumpchain
there doesn't seem to be a location table or age roles, was this an oversight or intentional?
The Works of Shotaro Ishinomori +0 necessary, anyone who doesn't take this is an idiot.
pain-and-suffering +0 I am Lord of dreams and I still have nightmares
Dedication to Revenge +100cp nightmares that moved me to do terrible things
A Recurring Suspect +200cp in fairness, they are quite often close and I am usually near the crime scene
Skull Man-400 the abilities I want are locked behind this
Power of Newmanity free for skull man. I am already well past peak human
Ace Rider , free for skull man . Technically I am a motorcycle
hypnotism -100 discounted for skull man taken from stipend always a good trick
induce hallucinations -100 discounted for skull man taken from stipend fun to be had with this
consciousness shift -300 discount for skull man you mean I can make other people more like me?!
Skull Rebirth-300 discount for skull man definitely necessary, considering the kind of conflicts will be getting into post spark
skull suit: let's go with something like robbie reyes, only with a hole for my "hair" and metal bone shaped plates on the torso and limbs free for skull man
skull armor -300 discount for skull man and now all those abilities are boosted, autograft do your thing
the plan:The Syndicate doesn't know what they were messing with, find Tatsuo and exterminate with extreme prejudice, you do not give the Lord of dreams nightmares and expect a pleasant death!
No. It might have been the best ending in that situation, but that's not saying much, and the only one I had to blame for it getting that bad in the first place was myself.
That art is nonsense. "Choose carefully"? There are no consequences to your choice in Undertale, if you go pacifist. It's transparently obvious that the pacifist path is the right one, in Undertale. There's no moral debate to that game. When people think of Undertale as being about good and evil, pacifism and violence, they're missing the point. Undertale is a game about subverting preconceptions about RPGs, not a game about pacifism. It has nothing meaningful to say about the choice to do harm to people, that's just a tool it uses to say meaningful things about other concepts.
That is true.
Look on the better side user, if you played the Demon Route you probably played the good routes first.
So somewhere in the multiverse you helped Revya and his world get a, relatively, happy ending.
To be fair the evil ending in Infamous is the one that lets you live.
I thought undertale was meant to be a tool through which we showed that all videogames are garbage?
CP doesn't appear at all. In fact, my jumper doesn't even make perk choices. That's what I'm doing, so when jumper/me goes on the chain, it's completely planned out and there's no need for interface.
Hell yeah. New world, new start, new opportunities. at worst, more biomass.
Midterms, tinkering, and dollar BLT sandwiches.
What do you think "subverting preconceptions" means?
Want to know something? I got the Danette ending. So both the Good and Evil endings ended with Revya and Danette together.
no it's a tool to show that There are alternatives to violent conflict in turn-based adventure RPGs
Of course. There is always another horizon to measure. There is always another set of metaphysics to analyse and compare with the others.
Admittedly, a lot of the mystique has tarnished over the years. But the multiverse is still a beautiful place, for the most part. It's the difference between hearing stories about the sea and actually having to survive a hurricane.
Wondering what the hell I was thinking last jump, and just trying to keep my head together. Well, that and trying to convince the Angela to look less like a space penis and more like a flesh flower.
Wait, this...thing, is in Disgaea?
I thought it was supposed to be a happy place.
I'm a little confused about the Rust jump. Are you supposed to be playing a videogame or what? The jump makes it sound both like you're spending the jump playing a game and that you're actually on an island.
Fred has boobytrapped your warehouse using everything inside as a tool with perfect precision and application
What goes wrong?
No user that's Ride To Hell: Retribution.
It feels weird, but the Demon Path also brings out the best in a lot of characters. I still think the most inspiring part of it is when all the surviving cast, including villains and comic relief characters, unite as a whole to stop YOU.
But, yeah. If anyone asks why murderhobo or maximum edge Jumpers don't appeal to me and why I don't like writing things like that, look no further than the Demon Path.
It normally doesn't. The drawback is what brings them in. It's literally the most horrifying cameo possible short of inviting Baal, Zetta, Valvarotez, and Krichevskoy over for a battle royale. At least three out of those four won't be malicious about it, either.
Soul Nomad, actually.
The second before the trap ensnares me. I use relativistic speed and required secondary powers to swap places with him.
I heard the demon path in That game was bad and to avoid spoiling myself I only now read lil snippets from these spoilered replies. The dark Eldar part made me go "wait hold on is the path THAT evil?"
yes to both kind of, the island is in a video game. And you are in fact on it.
It's not really. People exaggerate a lot. It seems more evil since you spend dozens of hours getting to know the characters on the first play through but most Dark Eldar are far worse then the demon path.
I don't think most Dark Eldar want the universe to be destroyed.
It is a tiny bit of an exaggeration. You've already played several hours of the main story and had plenty of time to get to know the cast, so there's a degree of attachment when you pick the path that forcefully pulls it by the roots.
As for who's most evil or least evil, my answer can be summarized as 'they're both some variation of asshole'.
Seeing genuinely new worlds is always a thrill, but I have grown to utterly despise Earth due entirely to how many different universes there are that are just slightly different variations of it.
Don't think that is what most people are talking about when they say the Demon Path is Evil user. Plenty of other 40k villains that just want to kill everything though if that's how you measure evil.
Revya destroys everything because it amused him/her. He/she also slaughters countless innocents for the sake of fun, saves an angel's life just so she can witness her best friend's horrific death at his/her hands, drives several people insane to the point where former heroes are happy to torture and kill, and unites everyone else against him/her. He/she's Dark Eldar level evil
Which isn't really all that notable the way some people seem to paint the path as being the ultimate evil.
The game that were talking about is actually another game, created by the same studio, called Soul Nomad and the World Eaters. This game gives you the option to go full on murderhobo.
The reason that we were discussing this is that Heavens included the option to fight the bad end protagonist as one of the drawbacks. Which I really like. It would have been so easy for Heavens to have put "Level 4000 Baal is after you" as the capstone drawback like most standard jump makers would have done. Instead Heaven's used the bad end of another closely related game of the time to give actual emotional reason to take this drawback and fight him rather than just the MOAR POWAH in CP it provides.
It is a drawbacks like that that make me really like Heaven's jumps. that, and the harem perks.
Really? I hate it for very similar reasons. He uses a game that's not connected by more then a cameo character or two and being the same company making it and takes content from it to put in a Disgaea 1 jump, making any future Soul Nomad jump look like it's copycatting when it inevitably has a demon path drawback. It's lazy and sneaky, just taking directly from a tangentially connected game rather then making a creative and relevant drawback for Disgaea 1.
so tell me jump thread...
what is the most depressing setting?
is it constantly battered by war?
in total regulated control by a select single?
maybe something more depraved?
where does hope go to die chains?
Don't really agree with user calling it sneaky but I don't think Heavens should be so highly praised for something like this, especially when you kinda seem to put down 'standard jump makers' for sticking to their settings. Kinda rude man.
Been thinking about custom robo.
Someone criticised the way I have origins set up, stacked. Been thinking about making them as sets of two, rather than three.
But then I thought 'what the hell does drop in get as a origin upgrade'?
...any ideas?
Welcome to jump-maker popularity contests, user.
It doesn't matter what's "canon" in the jump so long as the thread considers it funny, or benefits from it.
>Someone criticised the way I have origins set up
Did they? When? Honestly, it seems fine as-is.
I appreciate the praise, but don't forget I've had my share of lazy drawbacks. Heaven's Lost and some of my capstones come to mind. I don't really consider myself much of a jumpmaker, honestly. I just do what entertains me and other folks. The way I handle things is FAR from universal.
Considering I'm fairly certain a both competent and AMAZING jumpmaker has called it, I'm honestly not worried. And if there's an issue, I can think of something else.
The reason it's not Baal is because he's getting his own scenario - specifically for Jumpers who decided to start the jump directly in his room like a speedrunner on meth. And the reason it's not some of the other Overlord is because amalur is making future Disgaea jumps and exhausing their cameos would be a bad idea.
Priere, meanwhile, will be the final boss of the 'rule your own Netherworld' scenario. And will be a companion option if you win.
Point is, it's impossible to avoid NIS games intersecting in some way, so I basically had to draw a big bad name that wouldn't necessarily contradict future jumps. And post-Demon Path Revya, along with their universe, is VERY dead if they win.
It is more of a setting morality thing.
In Warhammer 40k people do not even blink about the horrible things that happen there because it is the standard Grim Darkness and actions like the Dark Eldar's barely register as anything compared to the evils of everything else. The Dark Eldar are still the most evil things in the setting. They just do not have enough presence to matter much to the whole galaxy.
But in Soul Nomad's setting someone engaging in evil like that would immediately catch the audiences eyes as one of the most evil guys of the setting.
We expect bad things to happen in grimdark settings like Warhammer 40k but we do not expect them in the much more cheerful NIS games.
Something about forcing a one-true-build-esqe situation with the stacking discounts, making it hard to diversify.
>Own netherworld
Yes, because Disgaea doesn't trivialise the chain enough. Let's also give people an entire world to make their warehouses obsolete too.
Have you seen Kingdoms of Amalur? It's pretty bad stuff.
I never felt like age rolls really mattered that much. and location is "japan". The Skull Man's journey of vengeance takes him all across japan. Where you start doesn't really matter.
I was talking about Soul Nomad, user. Which I believe DeSu user called.
JumpChain was trivialized when we got Tenchi Muyo, and it was about fucking time.
Pipe down and keep your self-nerfing to yourself, baby.
Oh yes, forgot Heavens was the new champion of the shitposters cause.
This problem is always going to come up for any jump which is tangentially related to another setting though. The inclusion of things therein isn't necessarily a problem, if it adds enough actual content to the premise - I believe this is especially true if the settings are tied together with canonical evidence.
I'll toss up a scratchpad of mine, which is technically a more severe offender. The scenario of this thing references over 30 - 40 other animes. The only link there really is: is that what's being referenced is a SRPG, the Robots are all thematically tied to creatures within the setting itself, and the characters which show up, do so in the game itself. But by merit of the characters alone, technically I've already intruded into Disgaea's territory.
This is the same problem (as far as I can tell) that you find this drawback has with Soul Nomad.
(Thankfully in my case, it's a scratchpad and not an actual jump)
If we stuck strictly to the notion that the jump should only have the "core" of its individual setting, that would generally require unanimous agreement on how a jump is made, which we don't have. On the other hand, if the addition of the content means there's more added to the jump, then shouldn't that be alright?
Minecraft, Terraria and Rick and Morty. That's three settings off the top of my head that give you an entire world.
Way to sabotage your own side, buddy.
Rick and Morty gives you trivial access to entire universes, carried around in your pocket.
>the shitposters cause.
And you're shitposting just the same with this irrelevancy.
The Warehouse is outdated, and as a result people are going to find ways around it.
I'm not sure why you think "This makes a bunch of references to various anime" is anything like "This takes a major foe from another very, very loosely related setting". Makai Kingdom is also much more connected with the rest of Disgaea then Soul nomad is too.
So... what? None of this matters anymore? We can all stop posting builds and writefags because nothing will provide a challenge, it's all trivialized and it's just attempts to get others to jerk us off?
Sorry, I do not mean to offend other jump makers. I think that all of them are wonderful for contributing their jumps to this thread despite all of the shitposting and flames that happens. Anyone that could put up with that and still make jumps is good in my book.
Why did you respond? It's always the same salty shitposter bitching about the same shit.
A one true build situation is if one background overwhelms every other one, where it isn't "hard" to diversify, but there's no appealing to diversification. If that is the case that you find, then just tossing stuff around doesn't exactly change that (if the appeal still lies in one concentrated area).
That being said, you're the author. Are you just going to listen to every whim without considering for yourself whether it's true or not?
>and location is "japan"
Are you serious? I had a good laugh from this, thanks.
>trivialize the chain
I suggest you look at the Lost Odyssey jump on the drive, there's an item on there that has a pretty good exploit as far as trivializing chains go.
>because nothing will provide a challenge, it's all trivialized and it's just attempts to get others to jerk us off?
See, now you're up to speed.
What, did you think JumpChain actually had meaning besides that?
Bullshit, we have some really fucking shitty jumpmakers. Like the idiots who keep thinking we're supposed to play low-power and nerf settings at every opportunity instead of actually making them canon. Hint hint.
>Lost Odyssey
Oh yeah, the one people had lots of problems with that the maker just ignored with a response of "I don't agree and fuck you if you want justification". That's great support.
Son you didn't look carefully at the scenario. The other characters show up. The references to other anime is just extra things on top. I already did that with Knights of Sidonia anyways.
...why would you put a scenario that's just crossovers with other anime?
Then I guess all the jumpmakers can stop making jumps, there's no point since we can all do everything anyway. There's no challenge, there's no interest, there's no reason to continue the chain. Everyone can just do an endjump and finish up, letting us all do something productive, right?
Surely endjumps would be needed to end a useless journey, right?
Someone mentioned this last thread, and I thought i'd throw in my two bits.
If you want to make a new pokemon jump for Sun/Moon, then you should also include ORAS and XY, as i'm fairly certain that all the cool new toys those games gave us are supposed to take place in an alternate dimension.
Something something, apocalypse 3000 years ago created the mega stones. And in another timeline, that didn't happen, and we get the pokemon games prior up until unova.