/swg/: Triocular Resurrection Edition

Post about X-Wing, Armada, FFG's Star Wars RPGs, d6, d20 (Saga), movies, shows, books, comics, vidya, lego, lore, and everything else Star Wars related

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar


Other urls found in this thread:


First for traitors, traitors everywhere.

Dark Greetings

All of the MC-3's have effects that benefit both friendly ships and enemy ships. The gameplan of flying this ship will be keeping friendly ships at range 3 while keeping enemy ships within range 3 or outside of it. Enemy ships will need to choose between gaining the benefits of the Cutter to use against the ships it deploys or just blitz it and try to outright destroy the ship.




I decided to make a player's off-the-cuff joke:
"Zeltros may have a way to fix a broken pelvis in half an hour of healing" canon to my game.

Does Reinforced Deflectors sound like a good choice of system upgrade for the U-wing?

> U-wing

Man, do these dumb-asses come up with a fighter for every letter of the goddamn alphabet? How about using some real normal military designations that actually make sense, like YT-300. That actually sounds cool. "X-Wing" sounds like something a 3 year old would come up with.

Perhaps we should consider adding "Yes, the FFG games are cross-compatible" to the stock opening? It only gets asked Every. Single. Thread.

X-wing has an actual designation m8. It's the T-65 series, with the -B being the ANH-era model, with the later T-65XJ 'super-X' model showing up in ~20ABY, with the AC series craft in between

Should note the -B suffix, as well as the XJ and AC are Legends. Canonically, the X-Wing in the OT is the T-65, with the version that Poe Dameron flies being the T-70, while the actual Republic military such as it is using the T-85 model X-Wings.

Which species are known for having nerves of steel? I'm trying to fluff a tough-as-nails Y-wing pilot who's survived countless torpedo runs.

When I was a kid, I actually had a friend try to convince me that these were the best thing in the EU. The best part was when he made fun of Thrawn for being too goofy looking when I recommended Heir to the Empire to him.



UT-60D for the U-wing my butt-bothered friend.

T-65B is canon too. It'll be interesting to see if the Partisan X-wings are the same model or slightly different variant.

From what I'm seeing, the Wook is saying that the T-65B is the model used in the OT in canon.

Which I don't think it's ever named as such. I definitely don't remember it being named the T-65B in the canon material listed that I've read (Lost Stars, Aftermath, Weapon of the Jedi, Heir to the Jedi, all those comics).

Lanniks are pretty tough little bastards.

It was named as such by the Ultimate Star Wars book, I think

Were pre-PT Jedi allowed to bang?

Not sure about the canon stance. In Legends, the answer was yes, but it depended on whether or not you were caught by the guys who followed Odan-Urr's version of the code.

Generally yes, marrage was allowed, but, being jedi, any sort of hedonistic behavior was severely frowned upon

Depends on the year, as the timeline approached the PT the jedi order became bigger and bigger conservative fuckweasels with a overly strict understanding of the force

Lucas has said they weren't celibate

They're the 'hit it and quit it' kind of guys

Oh jesus, the ads really are bad, never turning my adblocker off again.

So, where are you lot planning to go when when die? 7? 8?

You've been a fun bunch I'd hate to loose contact with.

>So, where are you lot planning to go when when die? 7? 8?
Is /qa/ panicking about muh shutdowns again?

Just unblock the ads for a few seconds and you'll see why they seem justified.

I've been to so many different porn sites at this point that I barely even notice the ads here.

They're awful. Ads haven't been this bad since moot first instituted them and had no idea how to properly filter and select them.

Is there rules for playing Sabacc and chance cubes?



WEG's Crisis on Cloud City splat book had full rules and a deck of cards.

Why can't the voice in the Sith Holocron in Rebels be Darth Traya, I know it's not but it makes so much sense.

Anything in the FFG games?

I believe one of the adventures has rules for Sabacc, other than that maybe Fly Casual?

Think, user. Do you really want to give Chris "Editors had to tone down all the rape I put into the Wasteland games" Avellone room to gloat?

Yes. Cause after Morrowind, Avellone can do whatever he wants in my book.

>after Morrowind
According to this:


He wasn't involved in Morrowind at all.

Suns of Fortune

Needless to say, its been some of my PC's greatest hits, beatings, being shot and and losses.
They cheat, lie, swindle, get caught, chased and lost fortunes with this shit, its fucking hilarious

don't know if you guys have already seen this yet.

I was thinking thinking Michael Kirkbride, but the same still goes for Fallout 2 and NV.

Awesome, but how should I go about chance cubes?

I don't think I'm understanding why this is useful.

I'll ride it all the way down here. A non-chan gathering place for the folks of this fine thread as a contingency plan in case a move is needed wouldn't be a bad plan, though


they have to spend the focus qhet whether they roll eyeballs or not.
means they can't save it for use later against your other ships or abilities like poes.

would partner well with an opportunist wingman.

Another Top Gear chapter uploaded. Wes talks about Headhunters and reviews a brand-new take on the old girl. Next up, the lads try to figure out how to go racing on Manaan for less than the price of golf.

You can spend Focus without rolling eyeballs to convert. This basically forces the other guy to spend a Focus whether he likes it or not, which can be beneficial in some ways. It means if your opponent is facing off against a ship with Hotshot, he can't save Focus, or plan on doing so if he wants to attack or you can attack him.

I've heard like say with Defenders, if a guy rolls like, focus, evade, evade he'll save the focus to attack and just take one damage most of the time. Hotshot means you can't.

For it's cost, I'm not sure how useful the effect of Hotshot is on its own, but it's the kind of card which can definitely get in your opponent's head, and mess with his game plan.

But for 4 points? And taking up a whole crew? I dunno, just doesn't seem worth it for me.

See On it's own, the mechanic is probably not worth it, it's a spend not a strip. But depending on what the opponent is running, it's the kind of move which can disrupt the standard operating proceedure for some people, something that'll get in their head. If they run their list normally, the forced spend might throw them off and give you an opening, like what said give another ship with Opportunist a good, well, opportunity. If they try and change things up to deal with HSCP they might not get their optimum play, or be as practiced in operating that way.

If you don't/can't play that way, it's probably not for your list, but I know a few people who like that sort of meta-game kind of play.

>Chris "Editors had to tone down all the rape I put into the Wasteland games" Avellone

I bet he'd be proud of my FONV mod setup.

You need Jesus.


Nice. Glad to see that you're riding the update train once more.
On an unrelated note, quest, you alive, old buddy?

>tfw no stores within 200 miles were even able to order Heroes of the Resistance because the regional supplier didn't receive any

Fuck the coca, fuck the pizza, all you need is sjilvovica
Besides, you can still order online

Amazon doesn't release it until the 2nd and Ebay is either scalping or shipping isn't any quicker. I'm just sad because my LGS is always on top of new releases for all their games, but the problem is with the distributor all of the stores order from, so the entire area's like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and losing a little bit of local business.


Pretty much blows Plinkett out of the water.

TFA was good

So i tried rey (vi+finn+kanen+smuggle+bmst+sloop title) and poe (ps8, ptl, r2d2, pattern, vectored thrusters, tittle)
Kavil (autoblaster turret, vectored thrusters, accuracy corrector), 12 point z-95 with Dms, manaroo (engine upgrade, k4, unhigned, adapt) and N'ru (cluster missles, guidence, lone wolf).

Poe regen'd about 3 shields that match. S-loop is great for setting arc for finn + abilities. It would prob do better, if i won't get recked by cluster missles (should've set small asteroids, not large). Pluss pattern is soo fucking good. Do green manuver>regen shield>action/ptl-d action>get stress>loose stress, cause you did green.

What the flipping shit is this real?
So those things in they wing actually retract?

Can someone please explain why this canon maul is completely overlooked?

>Can strap a CANON to it
>has 3 defense dice Plus evade
>Has Great cards including +evade with stealth drive

I mean yea its glass but most of S&V is all about that aggressive play, and again for the points who cares?

because before the new FAQ released last week is way overcosted and not worth taking since there were many other options for a better price.

With the new FAQ people are starting to experiment with it.

>Should note the -B suffix, as well as the XJ and AC are Legends.

thx m8

what changes for them in the new FAQ?

There title gives them an extra hull point. Making them more survivable and the title actually worth its point.

How come SW LCG doesn't have a deckbuilder like NetrunnerDB and ThronesDB? I thought those were open-source and someone would have made a SW version.

It must do somewhere. Even Star Wars: Destiny has one and that shit isn't even released yet.

What said. But to put it in a slightly different light: "Heavy Scyk" now makes the Scyk the equivalent of a Tie/FO: 3/1/3/2. Except it also has massive utility with the added Torpedo/Missile/Cannon slot. It's pretty rad.


What cannon to pick? Mangler?

Shit interface compared to ~DBs, unfortunately.

HLC and Mangler seem to be the go to, I think Ion could be fun too, save the Mangler for that B-Wing pilot that crits can't be blocked

Original M3-user here, that's pretty great news, glad its slightly more bulky now but I'd run it for fun S&V theme games anyway. I love the expansion cards and the fact I can plug and play from a range of canons, missiles and torps that are being added to with each new wave

The only thing is...
Dat Color scheme

I was thinking 3xps2 with mangler and stealth device. Plus pick ace (fenn rau for example with title, autothrusters and adapt+1)

Jesus user what are you tryna do? take on Soontir???

I can see it working well on a ship with Sensor Jammer.

Nah, just thinking concepts.

So everyone rolls? Npcs and pcs included? What happens if both pc and npc get a triumph? Or player get triumph and despair? Or player gets a triumph but less successes than the npc?

I got all those situation in my games and dont know how handle them

I personally think Mangler is a great choice. Its 1-3 range band means that it basically replaces your primary weapons, and being able to reach out at Range 3 and slap them with three dice (without allowing them to gain +1 agility) is the tits.

Not a cannon at all: go proton rockets, guidance chips and mind link for a fun little suicide sled.

Only PCs roll. Player who succeeds with a Triumph beats out anyone else who succeeded regardless of if the other players have more successes. In the case of multiple players succeeding with a Triumph, you could either say it's a draw and let the pot ride to the next round, or say whichever player with more successes (of those with a Triumph) scored an Idiot's Array, and that they get to take it.

I'd say that if the player got a Triumph and Despair, and he wasn't cheating, then he still wins, but nobody wants to play him anymore for the time being for any variety of reasons.

What needs to happen for Armada to get played more? I love the game but so few people play it and there's hardly any discussion about it in these threads, it's pretty demoralizing.


It took three years for X-wing to go from a niche game played by niche players to the unstoppable freight train it is today. Armada will get there eventually.

Thanks! Another question, is there a measure of how many hands are deal (how many rolls per game of sabbacc)? I have a player who is really into being a gambling addict.

If you get more successes (win more wagers) than pc/npcs on the table those successes are lost right?

Just repaint it.

I'm just looking into SW LCG and what the fuck is this?

How can you ever pay for it? Has anyone successfully played it?

Since it is for the multiplayer scenario with a Death Star dial that goes up to 99 you will be able to play it eventually through patience alone. Needless to say, once the imperial player gets it on the table the rebels need to win pretty much immediately.

Oh ok. Can you even use it in a normal game? I assume not.

I put a Mindlink Scyk swarm on the table today. Beat both a janky triple interceptor build and an Inquisitor/Countess/Palp Shuttle squad.

I had three Tansarii vets with Mangler cannons, title and Mindlink, backed up by Palob with TLT, Slicer Tools and Mindlink.

Palob is great at making sure the whole team is always focused, and really disrupts token stacking ships like X7 Defenders. The stress issue was a bit of a hassle, but with your guys all being PS5 it gives a lot of flex to K-Turn one guy then clear stress on the others. I found myself really relying on that 1-hard turn as a way to get them turned around without stressing everyone.

I was really pleased with how it went in action.

No objective comes with it, so no. In the scenario the imperial player has a special deck with various flavours of bullshit, but they need all the help they can get because they will face off against two or three rebel players simultaneously.

I got my heroes stuff yesterday and tried out this Rey

VI, Finn, Kanan, new title, engine

59 points, but damn is it scary. I'm consistently getting 4 hits at range 2-3 and 5 at range 1. Almost destroyed Nien Nunb and Corran in one shot. White sloop keeps her in arc. Even defending, Finn's extra die plus re-rolls is really good. She won't be the super tank that old title + 3PO was, but she hits so hard and so consistently.

I just need to find good wingmen for her. I tried 2 snap/crack As which were nice, but I may need a late gamer since Rey draws lots of attention.

>The stress issue was a bit of a hassle, but with your guys all being PS5 it gives a lot of flex to K-Turn one guy then clear stress on the others. I found myself really relying on that 1-hard turn as a way to get them turned around without stressing everyone.

Tell me more about maneuvering and positioning

I can no longer find the source through Google-fu, so consider that remark about Wasteland retracted and invalid.

I will still stand by the statement, however, that he's a bit of an edgelord and too fond of preachy walking soapboxes when he doesn't have editors reining him in. I still wish KOTOR 2 and New Vegas had options to prematurely tell Kreia and Ulysses to shut the fuck up. Preferably a way that involved an airlock.

Okay. Some things I've found running Mindlink Scyks.

Varying your angles of attack is important. If you send all your guys in formation, you'll get a great opening joust but then you all need to K-Turn at once and it's impossible with Mindlink. Instead bring your guys all in from different directions and you should be able to arrange to have a couple just turning while the other flips around.

With a 1-hard and Barrel Roll you can basically just stay still but change facing, while still getting focus through Mindlink which is excellent.

If you offset your guys at a 45 degree angle when deploying it lets you slow roll that first turn by banking in to straighten up, alternatively you can get a bit of wiggle waggle going to fly slowly toward your opponent, which can be necessary because ideally you want the first engagement to be a range 3 joust where all your Scyks have focus and evade, so you can put some damage on them whole taking minimal in return.

My LGS got them early. If you want, I can mail you one.

It's meant to be a single roll (or a single roll from each participating player) for a single game of Sabacc. So winning and losing a lot of credits can happen very quickly.

In terms of successes compared to other PCs, the number compared to other PCs will only matter for figuring out who won, and then you treat it as if it was only that only player winning for the purpose of figuring out how much he won. So say a wager is 100 credits, Player 1 succeeds with 2 successes, Player 2 succeeds with 4 successes; Player 2 wins and then wins 4 wagers (1st being his own, and then the other 3 from 3 successes over the initial 1).

Best paintjob reporting in.

Would picking up pair of defenders from the imperial veterans box to pair them with Whisper be a good idea? They seem reasonably sturdy.
Heres what the list would look like.

Vet Instincts
Fire Control System
Advanced Cloaking Device

Delta Squadron Pilot

Countess Ryad