Worst Creature Ever Printed?
Worst Creature Ever Printed?
There was no purpose to this thread.
It's not even funny.
tarmogoyf sucks
Except you're wrong. Gets up to a 6/7 for 2 CMC.
7/8 actually.
8/9, actually.
A thread died for you. I hope your happy OP
I think that is the point.
no, this is
> What is the color pie?
A 2/2 flyer for 3 in black? Great in draft.
Nah. A bear with flying and a small downside is perfectly fine at 3 mana, especially when it's in Black.
My vote would go to some janky blue creature that's probably a 1/5 vanilla for 6 mana for no good reason.
Define Worst.
Because I can see 'Goyf as being one of the worst creatures you could include in a meta.
If it costs 3 it's not a bear. An ogre at best.
this is the best creature ever printed.
Not quite
Hot damn, was this ever around when damage went on the stack?
Because that must have been nuts if so.
What the actual fuck, it's a wind drake with a downside you spastics.
>Meh abilities
>Only works with spirits
>Ridiculous casting cost
>8/8 with no evasion, for 12 mana, multicolored
In fact, this is actually the most expensive and unplayable 8/8 ever printed.
Lets compare to other 8/8s?
>At 5WWW, Avacyn has flying, vigilance, indestructible, and makes your other creatures indestructible.
>Force of nature costs 2GGGG, deals you 8 damage a turn if you don't pay GGGG, but has trample
>Hypnox, the second most expensive 8/8 at 8BBB, exiles your opponents hand when he enters play.
>Even Zhou Yu, the second worst 8/8 ever printed (Only ability is that he cannot attack if your opponent doesn't have an island. Dude is lazy and will only fight if you send him on vacation), only costs 5UU.
This card always perplexes me. I think I found a use for it once though but I've long forgotten it.
Cmc 12 is huge to the point where his use is either in sneaking into play or cmc-matters gimmicks. Regardless he's insanely powerful, there's combo potential in what he does. He could have had some crazy keywords and stats considering he's 12cmc, but I think the main problem is him being 12cmc in the first place.
Completely untrue.
This is why Horseshoe Crab is superior:
-normal creatures without vigilance tap when attacking.
-you can UNTAP this motherfucking badass, yet adorable crab only ONE BLUE MANA.
Jesus. This crab is amazing.
>be commander
>cast Haunting Misery
>ITT: cards that don't even scratch the surface of worst creature.
Why is emrakul chilling out in our ocean
Is that why the worlds gotten so crazy recently?
Yeah this guy is atrocious
I keep wondering what they were thinking on this design
Some kind of massive land ramp deck back in legends for a 4 mana 6/6 or something?
That iname is good, I should have reffered to Iname As One, the 12 mana goofball that tutors the good iname.
He's a sweet card though
More than anything cancer inducing.
Id say goyf, sfm, hermit and insectile
It pitches to Nourishing Shoal, that counts for something right?
>not drs
>at max should be 0/1
>nope, let's make a strictly better mana dork in two colors with 2 more abilities.
also sickening shoal
10 mana invested: have a 2/2
12 mana invested: have a 4/4
Great synergy duderino
I agree with OP. But it's not as big a mistake as pic related.
>Rarely played value bear
Start playing magic last week? Just found out blue has counterspells?
Why doesn't that say "Deathrite Shaman"? You know, the most consciously pushed creature of all time?
It's by far the most atrocious creature by itself.
But unlike this guy, Wood Elemental can see play in Gitrog EDH. Although unoptimal, killing your opponent with a Huge Wood Elemental has to be yet some of the most humiliating ways to lose in Magic.
Yes, everything was awesome back then
behold the worst card ever
Ahahhahahaha yikes
>Not saccing your tapped lands
>Not waiting for the next turn to cast Reclamation
Sorry, but Alabaster Leech can at least kill your enemy if they have 1 life, or something.
Same goes for Wood Elemental, or Chimney Imp, or any other garbage creature you can name.
The worst card in MtG without a doubt goes to this, because there is essentially no situation where it can actually help you. It is 2W: do nothing.
>worst creature
>post enchantment
Worst post
The lands you have to sacrifice have to be untapped.
>3 multicolored mana 0/2 with flying
>Only ability is hearthstone randomly hurt a creature (who would usually have more than 2 toughness), kill itself, or have a 50/50 shot of killing you.
Forgot picture.
>opponent plays Aysen Highway and swings for lethal
>not so fast
>Quicken, Enduring Ideal for Great Wall
>block all your shit creatures profitably, gaining enormous advantage in cards and board
>lose the game because Enduring Ideal stops me from playing anything
Rarely played? It's a staple in two large formats. It's funny how people leave out the fact it duplicates four copies of any small spell in your deck. And all that for the low low cost of U1. With a free body attached.
Some deck constructions even allow you to ramp up the duplication by up to eight copies more. How is that not pushing design to the point of being a mistake? Sure, it's no Cradle or Skullclamp mistake, but it's up there.
And no. I've been slinging nopes since Revised. Nice low ball though.
>rarely played
>not an automatic inclusion in every blue deck in every format where it's legal because it's fucking insane
Are you literally fucking retarded in the brain?
God I miss damage being on the stack and Mogg Fanatic being the best one-drop Goblin at FUCKING COMMON.
>Hey MaRo, I have a great idea! Let's upend over a dozen of years of rule precedent because the Yu-Gi-Oh queers who are coming to our game can't figure out how the combat step works without stapling their faces to the table.
>Gut it! God I'm Brilliant.
That was the worst rule-change ever and it directly contributed to me quitting the game, along with the inclusion of Mythic rarity. There was no reason for it, it opened no new design space, and was only done to make the game more appealing to idiots.
Read the comment chain you goof, was talking about worst CARD ever.
>opponent plays Aysen Highway
For your hypothetical circumstances to work out, they need to have a possibility of occurring.
madness enablers are pretty good
God, are people still complaining about damage on the stack? That rule was stupid and counter intuitive. I bet you still complain about mana burn also
>That rule was counter intuitive
Maybe if you were an idiot. Everything in Magic uses the stack, why WOULDN'T damage?
>I quit the game but still browse the threads
Okay bud
So why exactly should it be changed, given it's an established part of the game with over a dozen year's worth of cards at that point; why make those cards worse, what new aspects of the game were opened up through that decision?
It's not like I played the game since Legends or anything, and that I may still have a certain fondness for it regardless? As if everyone in the 40k threads currently play 40k? Sure.
>every card posted was a creature
>energy card in the thread was a creature
>the topic of the thread was bad creatures
Disney's 1996 goof troop called for you
Then why is it $150?
It led only to nonsensical degenerate effects, few cards actually made usage of it, and streamlining the rules is itself healthier for the game when it already has a thousand rules and by-laws that inconvenience players.
>3 mana 2/2 with evasion that can't block the turn it's played
If you think this is the worst creature in magic you are sorely mistaken
Legit new player here, what does "damage being on the stack" mean?
Sounds like a little back peddling bud
If you don't know what the stack is, it's time do so some research.
If you do, back then when a creature would deal combat damage, it would be treated as a stack trigger that could be reacted to before it applied
You could sacrifice your creature mid combat and it would still deal damage even though it was dead
A rule that was nullified 7 years ago.
It pretty much just meant you could sacrifice after blocking and the blocking creatures did damage.
Except for Lands, Delcaring Attackers, Declaring Blockers, Priority...
It's also in black AND a zombie, which is one of the most relevant creature types. The downside is justified.
But I was just correcting the other user on the usage of "bear", which is a 2/2 for 2 mana.
>tfw you want to include a cheeky wink at future card types and acidentally forget to add 1 mana to its mana cost and lazily added "1+" to its toughness when putting it into the file, thus creating the most iconic and powerful creature in Magic
>tfw there is no face for this
You haven't played against that fucking antelope, I surmise.
not that I would play the wall in any case
Damage on the stack was the game not working as intended, as the stack as a concept came later in the game. It also allowed abominations like rainbow efreet (I deal combat damage and phase out before you receive yours). Damage outside the stack is one of the better decisions in the history of magic.
t. been playing since alpha.
What are these "degenerate effects" you're talking about?
Rainbow Efreet is not even a good card today.
It isn't, but I was playing at the time when it was basically the wincon of blue control decks, as the damage on the stack rule made it undefeatable. Same jazz a few years later with Morphling (pump attack, deal damage, pump toughness in response).
I built a deck around horseshoe crab. Pop a timmy enchantment on it and plink anything to death.
Combat damage using stack was never how the game was meant to work. It ruined the game when it was implemented in 1999, and removing it saved the game.
>What are these "degenerate effects" you're talking about?
Mogg Fanatic being able to kill 2/2s. It was never supposed to do that.
dude, that's great.
Good for you for continuing the legacy of our greatest creature ever printed.
This guy was my first Commander, it was a fairly straightforward combo deck that'd trigger ALL the boardwipes. Fun times.
Switched him for Sheoldred to become a fairly stock MBC Reanimator but kept this guy and about 10ish high impact spirits in the 99 to have the combo as Plan B. Not as game ending but I do get to do more as a result.
Not him but I quit Magic before Veeky Forums existed, I have been shitposting in these threads for a good decade now. Same with 40K actually. I AM WHY TEEGEE IS BAD AT MAGIC