What is your trading strategy and how successful has it been for you?

What is your trading strategy and how successful has it been for you?

I invest in 5 good coins. Everyday, I sell the one coin that has made the biggest 24 hr gain and use that money to buy a new good coin. If none of them have made gains, I do nothing.

So far this strategy has increased my initial investment by around 30%. Been doing it for a couple months.

Let's hear your strategies...

if you would've HODL'd you would've made way more than 30% and wastes less of your time

You've gone up 30% while the market has gone up around 300%? Good job, user.

The bubble will pop soon though

Up 500% in a few months doing the CHAD method

Step 1.
Buy 33% btc, 33% eth, 33% ltc

Step 2.
Fuck sloots on tinder

I invest in coins right before they go to the moon.
I doubled my investment in 2 weeks.

hold only works with the big coins like btc, eth and now ltc. it doesnt work with alts. take it from me , someone who bought strat, sia, bancor, golem, aragon, waves, back in april/may. my portfolio has gone down by 80%

Yeah, and your shitcoins will come down by more than 30% when it does.

This is the only necessary answer. Outside of automated arbitrage.

Quite honestly, this. Doubled my investment in 3 days.

i all inned one coin, REQ at 4 cents and x4'd my initial investment in 1 1/2 month.

>just got vertcoin yesterday
>mining all night
>check wallet this morning

no joke, that strategy is fucking stupid and theres no way you made good gains with that

I trade psychological breakout patterns. As we breakthrough price barriers Ill market buy, then again market sell or limit if im lucky before the consolidation movement. With a 40k account I can make around 500-1000 a day without really breaking a sweat or stressing. I only hold positions for minute and at the longest hours.

I stumble around throwing my entire stack into a pumping shitcoin and hopefully get out before it dumps too far.

That was my strategy, now I just put everything I had into LTC and XMR, and its been awesome.

>its been awesome.

When they're pumping, sure. But do remember that they won't pump forever. A few days of bear market can do surprising things to your gains.

The big 3 are the coins that I trade like 75% of the time

It's really not stupid. I'm using good coins like the big 3 and good altcoins like ark and xmr. I buy those coins in dips and sell them when I've made a gain. Which is the complete opposite of what the idiotic public does. The public buys coins that are on the rise and then panic sells when they start to lose money.

And compared to 90% of the strategies that have been posted in this thread, mine actually seems pretty good.

Buy and hold. Up 15x overall while countless idiots make shitty trades and lose money.

hey user after my pfolio got to almost 20k im starting to do this, made some sweet trades on iota the last few days....it has had some really textbook patterns...

Question is how do you find coins with enough volatiliy,volume and low spread (to market-buy/sell) every day?
Is there a volatility/volume index for crypto somwhere on the interwebs?
I found rsihunter.com but its meh...


> N E V E R S E L L

5000% gains

And that's why I sell my biggest gainer each day.

So many people are praying for a moon mission that will never end, instead of just cashing out consistent steady profits everyday.

what exchange do you use? and do you sell into fiat or eth

This is far too reasonable for biz

I use bittrex for altcoins and coinsquare for the big 3.

Bittrex sells into bitcoin and coinsquare can sell into fiat

I wrote a bot that buys low and sells high. I don't fuck with it unless it gets jammed. I have learned to trust the math, because otherwise I'll trade emotionally and lose out.

Your results simply aren't very impressive. 30% gains in a few months would be great in most cases,but we're in a bubble, and as someone pointed out for crypto you could have made 10 times that by just holding and doing precisely nothing. And as long as your strategy doesn't produce results that would be better than simply holding the currencies you're trading, you've actually lost money by fucking around with it. You must be hugely down in satoshis.

dope. what language?

thanks. i have never used coinsquare, will ask my canadian bro-in-law if he's there too.

What kind of results do you get? Does it have some sort of pattern recognition or does it simply respond to big enough decreases/increases in last x hours?

Fair points.

But at least I'm not losing money like half this board is. I think my conservative approach of cashing out profits early and often can lead to big gains over the long term.

I actually like coinsquare a lot.

Kraken and Quadricgacx were both a huge hassle for me

Care to share?

>You must be hugely down in satoshis.

That's essentially the same as holding alts

no, but ive only been in about 4 months.
im holding long term stuff with basically not much hype right now.
its destroying my portfolio but maybe it'll pay off eventually

What are you into at the moment?

buying high and selling low I seem to be the expert at it mark!

There aren't enough good coins to do that. After a few coins you are probably done.

BTC/XRP/SYS/BCH/ETH/LTC/DASH. What else is worth holding? If you read up on coins you will see rest isn't worth it.

I made a whole lot more than 30% by just holding legit coins.

You would've splashed some big waves if you had gone all in on just waves. The rest you mentioned are pajeeeet coins.

About a month ago I started an experiment.
$400 in margin trading
$150 in fast turnover shitcoin chasing on bittrex, taking hints from biz
The $400 is $700 and the $150 biz money is $500.

oh consumers....