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Previous thread What's the worst session you've ever played or DMed?

My group is going shopping in Waterdeep this upcoming session and we have a few thousand gold to kick around. We've already got platemail (which needs some cheap repairs before it's useable) for our heavy armor classes, so what's some good shit to spend our cash on? We're doing STK if that changes anything.

When your PCs are part of a small company in a big city, how do you justify them getting missions that are interesting or fun before they have wide recognition?
Is "protagonist plot luck" an acceptable answer?

new DM here, i'll be DMing for a new group in the near future... what are some absolute must have resources/books/tools?

how does that chainmail turtleneck stay up
wouldn't her long hair get caught between the links when she moves and hurt real bad
why wear giant spikey metal pauldrons but forego a metal chestplate
is she standing on her tip-toes or are there stiletto heels we can't see
where is her scabbard
only idiots use strapped shields
3/10 would not allow on the front lines

I was 105% with you until >only idiots use strapped shield
Literally all European shields ever were strapped. You do know that, right?

To the fellow whose character died last night,

It was a dick move for me to rules lawyer that hard but the death wasn't permanent and you could have run back inside the hut. Plus it was hilarious.

The Asshole Who Otherwise Keeps You Cunts Alive

Westaboo armor snobs are the worst. I get it, you like accurate representations of medieval armor, but that doesn't mean all artwork has to be devoid any stylistic choice.

Spell components. I forgot to buy a diamond for Revivify and it very nearly mattered.

Is Fennoscandia still part of Europe or did I miss the memo

This shield is strapped.

They make a name for themselves and someone gambles on them being just as good but cheaper. Happens in the real world often enough. Hell, the company I work for got hired on to save another company because it turned out they couldn't handle the work and real professionals were needed

A headpiece under the helmet.
Yeah, sucks for her.
Style, to go with the landknecht sleeves, and there could be a metal plate under the weird mock corset tabard, though she's stick skinny.
Neither, just a solid greave front piece that goes to the ankle, drawn from a perspective.
She probably just shoulders the blade to carry it, as landsknechts did.
Shields in 5e are assumed to be strapped, hence why they take an action to don or doff.

The strap is so you can sling the thing on your back, not for tying your arm in. The whole point of these shields is to allow you to pivot the shield at your wrist instead of your elbow and shoulder, that's completely sabotaged if it's connected to your forearm somehow.

Is there any creative use of a pseudo dragon familiar?

To prevent future shitposting, always add /5eg/ to the subject line of new threads. It helps people filter.

Make spell sheets for the casters with quick references for damage and whether it's a concentration spell or not. I like note cards for keeping track of initiative and important stats. Don't be afraid to kill the party if they do something stupid and don't be afraid to pull some punches if random dice rolls would completely ruin the fun. That said, don't be afraid to fudge some stuff if that faggot cleric needs to drop Spirit Guardians

>hence why they take an action to don or doff
5E is anti-fun and doesn't approve of SHIELD THROW shenanigans.

The pcs get the crappy dangerous missions that nobody powerful is unwise enough to take.

These are also the most fun.

Just the usual creative uses for familiars unless you run across some not very intelligent cultists/kobolds/whatever.

I need to trade in my heavy crossbow then because there's no way I can manage a shield and that big motherfucker


New campaign started

The players (myself included) conspired to secretly all roll up gnome mafia members instead of a normal-ass party.

I'm the muscle.

Completely ignored the DM's plot hook in which we were to steal from one thieves' guild in the name to another for what turned out to be a glorified dick-waving contest and one-upped both guilds by stealing the scepter of the King.

That'll teach those guild bastards to hire THE FAMILY for a dumb-ass contest.

Is 5e better or worse than PF?
>inb4 they're different genres

5e is objectively worse than 4e, and tied with pf. Your use case may shift things in favor of one or the other.

Better, but if you grew up on pathfinder you will probably miss the intricacy of 3.0-3.75

You mean the terrible and deceptive non-options.

>worse than 4e
>tied with pf
This is what 4rries actually believe.

Go back to wanking over your MM3 math and Strike!

Shhh! No! Now the 3aboos will come and shit over the thread!

You mean actual options, but considered non options by morons too stupid to work within a tier list.

In a game with lots of options, some will be worse than others.

5e achieved greater class balance by watering down everything. Pf has a lot of intricacy and options, at the expense of balance. Both are valid ways to have fun.

>Completely ignored the DM's plot hook
Wow that's so funny and original and I'm sure your DM really fucking appreciates it

Dude don't compare those guys to the glory that is Might and Magic 3.

He actually did. He always builds his settings from the top-down and he had enough planned that he could effectively improv everything he needed.

He's a real gem of a DM. Given the horror stories that circulate around here, I'm real glad we have him.

>I'm objectively smarter because I play PF
Unless there's a gentleman's agreement beforehand or implicit understanding to only include certain tiers, you will get classes of widely differing tiers in the one game.
Now I'm not sure about you, but most people don't want to feel useless in either combat or social encounters.
A lot of the options in the system are the worst and basically useless, hence the number of guides explicitly spelling out to avoid them. They may as well have not included them, that's how bad they are.

I guess that's your prerogative as an autist.

Saying 5e lacks options is correct in that it severely lacks sourcebooks.
But turning around and gushing about PF's extensive set of options is disingenuous as even supposed options in the same tiers are objectively worseless.

When I Conjure Animals up a giant boa constrictor to distract and eventually murder the Hydra chasing us, when in the initiative order does it move?
Right after me, at the end of order, or right before me on the next cycle?
Is Restraining a single target on a hit by the snake broken, or totally fair for a third level spell wwith concentration?
My DM seemed kinda peeved that it shuts down single enemies so hard. Disadvantage is a hell of a mechanic.

Reposting quick rundown of upcoming 5e stuff:

Volo's Guide to Monsters released November 4th on Roll20 and in WPN stores, and on the 15th to everyone else. ~100 monster stat blocks plus an NPC appendix, probably around 10 playable races (goblins, orcs, tritons, catfolk, aasimar, firbolgs, goliaths, possibly kenku, possibly kobolds, definitely no gnolls), and 7 monster lairs with maps.

The next Unearthed Arcana should be out November 7th, it's slated to be the next Mystic playtest up to 20th level. If it playtests well it's likely the last playtest before the Mystic gets printed outright, probably in late 2017.

The Unearthed Arcana after that should be December 5th, likely to be new downtime systems focused on having a use for money at high levels.

The next book is currently codenamed "Labyrinth" with an April 4th release date. Most people are guessing it's based around Undermountain in Forgotteon Realms, but take any guesses with a grain of salt because of WotC's past codenames (Cloak = Curse of Strahd, Dagger = Storm King's Thunder).

Lack of fun is a demonstrable consequence of the design philosophy of Pathfinder.

Conversely, lack of fun in 5e is a demonstrable consequence of player mentality.

I forget where, but I heard a rumor about the next adventure being about the Ring of Winter mentioned briefly in SKT...

One of mine rolls sandbox worlds. He sets a few things up to point us in a direction if we don't know what to do, but otherwise lets us have an adventure in his world and build on what he and the party enjoys. Fun guy.

I think it rolls its own initiative. If you conjour multiple ones they roll initiative together.

Check the spell.
>Roll initiative for the summoned creatures as a group, which has its own turns.

It goes when its turn comes up, whenever that is.

Also even with disadvantage, the hydra can hit the snake's 12 AC 72% of the time. It'll be dead in two turns, three max, and its damage output won't be that great in the meantime. If the DM is having problems with you cheesing single monsters, they should be throwing more than one monster at you at a time.

Watch pathfinder games with people who have been playing for more than a few months. Everyone looks miserable except maybe a real life accountant or lawyer. I know one group that took so long to finish a combat encounter that had to print out copies of someone's game journal for the group so they could remember what was actually going on in their game so they could continue. I think that one combat took them almost 3 months of weekly games.

Doesn't that mean that I want it to roll an initiative lower than mine, so that it would get a turn before having to run down the list of everyone else?

>You mean the terrible and deceptive non-options.

Oh you mean half the 5e feats? Oh wait, most of those weren't options in the first place, because feats are so piss-poor that it is objectively better to take an ASI in nearly every instance. Except Wizards of the Coast capped those at 20 so you were forced to take their shitty feats that no one wants.

5e should have gone back to AD&D completely. None of this "short rest" recharge abilities bullshit. It is literally 4th edition with 3rd ed's hit dice and nothing else. The HP bloat is real, with orcs having 15+ hp due to retarded padded-sumo combat.

You are fucking autistic if you have summoned creatures act on their own initiative. You seriously want to roll an extra initiative to basically give a player two turns? Fuck no, that monster acts on the player's turn, or he can get the fuck out. Honestly, summoning is a terrible game mechanic anyways. It's mostly overpowered and it forces the DM to keep track of more shit while the summoner gigglefuck sits in the corner and masturbates to summoning a bunch of shitty creatures that just clog up the battlefield. Summoning isn't cinematic at all, it makes about as much sense as bards, which don't belong in a serious RPG campaign either by the way. When did you ever seen people playing the motherfucking guitar in combat in popular fantasy movies? That's right, never. And don't even bother with that "level 14 bard" ISIS picture, it's fake as fuck.

Best case scenario is you get to make your conjour attack before the enemy does after you summon. Doesn't really matter beyond that.

>15 HP
>Padded Sumo
An Hero.

Making a magic item for monks or druids. Party is level 7-8. +1 to attacks and damage with unarmed strikes and natural weapons. I also want to give it some extra acid damage, how to best make this work? At will seems too much, even if I made it only 1d4. Should I make it a bunch of damage (like 3 or 4 d8) once per day, or a more reasonable amount (1d6 or d8) once per round, for 1 minute per day?

Congrats on "I'm an illiterate faggot the post".

How about you make an effort to read up on a spell before you flap your dick against your own face.
>The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the summoned creatures as a group, which has its own turns.


Dont forget that conjure animal only allow you to choose animal CR. You can't specify which animal will come put.

Which ones?

You want to speak about feats? The feats in 5e are objectively more potent and useful than they are in PF.

Feat is optional rule.

To further clarify. The player choose specific CR.
The DM choose beast that came out from that CR range (although player can voicd his preference, the final choice still lie with DM)

If your DM doesn't think Snake vs Hydra make for a good story, he can just choose other beast from CR2 list to appear.

What are you're thoughts on a mechanic for making items become magical when they are used to slay a magical/powerful creature and/or bathed in the blood of such a creature?

Sounds cool, especially if you establish it in the setting for certain monsters (dragons, elementals, and so on). I wouldn't let such things stack though, you'd have to deal with multiple unique weapons instead of one super-weapon.

We get volos then ua and then president trump

Nov is the best month

Just let wildshape use the characters prof bonus. That and already bypassing magic resistance means they wont need any magic claws

I was thinking that it could stack if used to kill something larger, but doing that gets exponentially harder. This way a PC could keep a signature weapon and weapons could still gain benefits from killing monsters that have immunity to non-magical weapons. To keep it balanced I am thinking the effects gained would be taken from some of the magic items in the creatures hoard.

I think it would also add interesting RP opportunities because if you see a bad ass glowing weapon you know the guy who is wielding it has seen some shit, or he killed someone who has.

I also think that making a weapon/item magical would be seen as the initiation of becoming an adventurer. Like before that you are just some ratcatcher who is looked at as an annoyance but once you have a magic item you are taken seriously as a monster slayer.

So tomorrow I'm joining into a Lv3 session for the first time playing 5e. The party so far is two Fighters, two Paladins, a Rogue, and a Ranger. I'm thinking about playing a Monk and while the Sun Soul thing seems super fun because "muh DBZ", Way of the Long Death also seems ridiculously entertaining from a "you can't kill me" standpoint. So what I ask you /5eg/, is which one is going to be better? Both sound fun, but I'd much rather pick the one that has the most end game potential lest I get outclassed and become useless because I wanted to throw ki blasts all day.

His point is that that just adds bookkeeping so its easier to just have them act on the pcs turn

Hoodoo boy. We all totally misunderstood the spell, and thought it meant the player gets to bring a friend along for a battle.
Does that mean that the DM is entirely responsible for choosing the creature that pops out? That's kinda bad, isn't it?

The one who'd use it is a Moon Druid, with their Primal Strike they already bypass physical resistances. You mean give their own prof as a bonus to wildshape attacks? I think that'd be a bit much and wouldn't really make sense for the item. I want some acid based thing.

Kinda, the DM kinda needs to be familiar with the spells anyway, and in general you can just say, "Pick something reasonable," and the player will. Occasionally you will get a player who wants to summon 8 pixies with natures ally though.

Well, that's not so bad then. I've got a giant elk named Benefeld that we rode majestically into town on, so I'm hoping he can make an appearance a few more times.

On a scale of Mr. Rogers to neckbeards, how scummy is it for me to summon a bunch of wolves and then wildshape into one? I haven't done it yet because we weren't sure how the initiative shit worked, but it's been on my bucket list.

I have a way for dealing with that as a DM that I find satisfying. Essentially, after the player picks a CR, I decide which is the closest natural environment (usually the one they are currently in), then I use setting the Type to Beast, the appropriate Environment and the chosen CR. That usually narrows it down to just a few creatures, then I have the player roll to see what he gets.

As somone who plays a Druid and a DM to group with a Druid.

Summoning 8 low CR creatures is powerful as fuck, and clogs the game up like a motherfucker. Please for the sake of all of us at the table, summon only a couple CR1's or a CR2.

I'd be much happier seeing you summon two Dire Wolves than have to arrange all the bullshit of 8 Wolves.

Technically the GM picks the summon, but I don't see why they would purposely fuck you over by messing with your spell "Oh, you wanted 4 CR half creatures to help bulk out a combat and front-line for you, you wanted bears? Okay you can have.. Fouuur giant wasps."

Is the big lightning throne something you can actually GET as a player in Storm King's Thunder, or is it just there as a detail for the DM?

>Volo's is the closest we'll get to a sourcebook for at least a year

I don't want this to be but goddamn it's been over two years since official release and still nothing.

It's honestly ridiculous.
Hope Volo's lives up to the hype. Wouldn't want the majority of the book to be garbage.

Monk as a whole doesn't really has end game potential. I guess Long Death might be better since Monk should use Ki on Stunning Fist.

It's really on the situation. But the mechanic is there to let the DM stop that guy player from summoning Pixies and polymorph everything.

Volo will be 1/3 monsters, 1/3 playable races and 1/3 NPCs.

I guess I wouldn't really know since I've never gotten through more than a couple sessions before the groups stop playing. The Sun Soul seems like it'd be able to deal a decent amount of damage since I can throw so many Radiant Bolts per turn, I think four with extra attack, and I can charge them up. I just realize that eventually I'll be out of ki and I'll have to go in for melee. My biggest concern is the final Sun Soul ability is kinda trash. It just forces damage onto people hitting me in melee and it isn't even that much. It seems like the whole sub-class falls slightly short of being really good. Especially when compared to the ability to build a ton of bonus health, a huge touch nuke, and the ability to literally ignore dying with ki.

Don't worry about high level ability
Either you won't reach them or by the time you reach it, you will want to try other class.

How many pages is it?

Sounds like you really want to play Long Death then, so go for it. Shadow monks are a lot of fun too - they get RIDICULOUS mobility options on one of the most consistently mobile classes in the game.

What do you think about this planar layout? Would you use it for a game? Found it in Dragon Magazine issue 27

This is an excellent point.

I really wanted to do the SS in the beginning because of all the DBZisms, but it just doesn't seem like it's quite good enough. I was hoping someone in the thread would be able to convince me otherwise but I'm totally cool doing LD instead. It seems like it'll be fun enough.

If you want to go real DBZ, take some levels in Barbarian. Rage for the first time only after someone important kills an ally. Eagle and Bear are best, for a monk, Totems, as Wolf and the Berserker/Battlerager paths don't work with Monk. Long Death would be, if an anime, be a lot darker and gorier. Not sure what anime it would be as I don't watch any, but maybe something like Death Note or Hellsing? Those are darker /bloodier, ones right?

>making it look like a weird 'cut out and tape together to make 3D shape' thing
>not using miller indices to describe a crystal structure
Put on your big-boy pants

Lets say I'm hypothetically reworking the sorcerer to use the spell point system from the DMG, with your points at any given level equal to what you get according to the DMG plus your sorcery points - one pool for all your abilities.

Then lets say I'm giving them a recovery feature at level 2, based on the wizard's arcane recovery.

Their capstone is now very meh. What should it be replaced with?

Their capstone was already meh.

Ok, it was meh before, now it's nigh on useless when you can recover your sorcerer level in spell points once per day.

Does anyone happen to have some nice reference sheets or cards for familiars I could print? I'm new to D&D and I only just gained the spell so I don't know everything by heart yet.

God now you've got my brain spinning around edgy circles. Play a Long Death Monk, Haunted One background, hopefully roll for the fiend inside me thing, take a couple Barbarian levels, use Rage when the thing goes berserk and gain the HP from being drenched in the blood and gore of my enemies after I've beaten them to pieces. This is way to edgy for me to play though I'd be so embarrassed I brought it to a table. lmao

The Rage Barbarian Sun Soul thing doesn't sound like an awful idea, except I wouldn't be able to cast anything while using it and I wouldn't be using a weapon. I also think all my attack checks are DEX not STR as a Monk so I don't know if it'd do any good outside of flavor.

I found this alternative and it looks really cool:

"Limitless Font of Magic
At 20th level, whenever you begin your turn with 0 sorcery points, you immediately gain 3 sorcery points.

This way, the sorcerer will always have enough spell points to cast a 1st or 2nd level spell (and will always need to use their bonus action to do so). And they'll always have a little bit for some metamagic."

That sounds like a worthy capstone, doesn't it? Just rework it to fit the spell point system.

That's actually not bad. The spell point system ignores the bonus action to cast thing, but that's probably not a huge issue, particularly at level 20.

Start as a Hunter ranger and then go Long death monk.

Enjoy getting the most attacks in melee without even needing to move or spend lots of ki.
The better Hp helps.
Dueling nets you +2 on shorstwords.
FE Humanoids nets you an additional+1 against humanoids.

It seems as if the new UA ranger was practically designed to multiclass with monk.

For your edification.
I posted this a few days ago, but it's been cleaned up a lot since then. Plus it's prettier now.


224 pages

UA wasn't design with multiclass in mind
Cease your munchkin bias at once b..baka!

So are two handed weapons just better? Making a half orc totem barbarian and I'm trying to decide wether to sword n board or get a greataxe. Is a 18 AC worth the drop in damage output? Our group is pretty melee focused.

Barbarians care less about having a high AC due to high HP and having resistance to a shitload of damage types while raging, particularly totem barbs. At least in theory.

>monks get 'you gain 4 ki points if you have 0 points and you roll initiative'
>ki points recharge on short rest

>giving sorcerers something that recharges EVERY TURN instead.

Sounds like a bad idea. Sure, archdruid is kind of stupid but then druid is kind of stupid and wild shape isn't as flexible as at-will casting of any level 1 or level 2 spell as you see fit. Or, heck, at-will casting of any spell of any level if using the points system and the 'convert sorcerery points to spellslots' feature remains. If it doesn't remain.. That's kind of lame, but it's already messing with other things such as how multiclass works, or how warlock compares, or possibly how often level 6+ spells can be cast.

What sorcerers need isn't a point-based casting system, but some other unique system that defines sorcerer strengths and weaknesses. Right now it's just 'sorcerery points and metamagic' so that sorcerers cast two spells at once or something. That's good, but it feels a bit lackluster when really the biggest deal there is twinned spell.
Wild magic could use a buff or correction, too.

Wouldn't they be using quarterstaff with duelling?

Ranger-Monk is certainly something that needs investigating.

>if using the points system and the 'convert sorcerery points to spellslots' feature remains.
Sorcery points are added into the spell points you gain at any given level, so everything runs off the same pool. Converting points to a spell slot is now part of the action to cast a spell.

Multiclassing now works like pact magic (you don't count as a spellcaster for the purpose of multiclassing, but you can use sorcery points to cast spells gained from other classes, and vice versa).

The spell point system takes care of 6+ level spells; you can create one spell slot of each level above 5 once per day. So one 6, one 7, one 8, and one 9, regardless of how many sorcery points you have. So you get a shitload of lower level spells, and a lot of freedom in how you use them, but you end up with less 6 and 7th level spells than other casters.

Still, I'll rework the capstone.

How would you represent a giant constrictor snake in tiles? A 3x3 square is the most obvious answer but it's a fucking snake, come on.

What can I do? This goes for any other huge sized monsters as well.

GWM+maul until you get two or three brutal critical dice is better. Greataxe is +3 damage on crit, -0.5 damage on any hit, effectively (+2.5 on crit total). Half-orc increases that to +6 (+5.5 on crit total) and brutal critical increases that to (+8.5, +11.5, +14.5). You're very likely to overkill, so even at two brutal critical dice with half-orc you'll probably not needit.
However, if you factor in reckless attack, it's a viable option by the time you get the first brutal critical (it does just slightly more than the maul on average, but overkill and inconsistency still makes it worse). Also, three levels in champion helps that.

Two-weapon-fighting is great for your first three levels before you get GWM or you hit level 5.

Sword and board should mostly be reserved for really, super-devout barbarian tanks where the enemies won't attack anyone but them, or should be used on barbarogues.

GWM is brilliant for barbarian and you should seriously get it if you're a pure barbarian/fighterbarbarian you mongrel.

Remember that a creature's space is the area it controls with its attacks and movements, not it's actual size. Most humans won't fill a 5' cube.

That said, I'd been toying with the idea of variant shapes for creatures like oozes. A large ooze won't necessarily be a 2x2 square. It'll just be 4 grid spaces that are adjacent to each other, which leads to tetris-oozes.

>Remember that a creature's space is the area it controls with its attacks and movements, not it's actual size.

I was overthinking this but that makes perfect sense, thank you.

I think you have the right idea for oozes, it would work for them considering any given part of their body could attack and it makes it easier and more logical for you to divide them.