Character Art: Modern/Realistic

Been really struggling with looking for some Modern/Realistic character art and would prefer to stay away from Video Game concept art since there’s always that one player who knows the reference. Artwork that would be appropriate for a general World of Darkness game would be appreciate but feel free to dump. I’ll be posting a few when I get time.

Another one!


Got a picture that I've used for a vampire character before

I'll post some random crap I have that might fit. I'm looking for a specific image. It's kind of trippy and psychedelic looking, with a woman with short black hair vomiting an iridescent slug.

What the fuck is wrong with the face?


Don't have much that fits so I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here.

Would photos as character art be good? Because I've got a ton of that for modern stuff.


Maybe though that digital character art is pretty damn good.







Is that... is that from a particular artist whose work is traditionally posted on /d/?

Requesting pictures of space/sf nobles and lords/ladies, I need them for an upcoming Emperor of the Fading Suns campaign; Dune equivalents also acceptable

stuff like this

space empire looking types that are not WH40K

retro feel is very welcome

Yes. There is some excellent art by this individual that is safe for work and quite fitting for a modern or post apocalyptic character. Unfortunately it's a bit hard to find because his /d/ relevant work is so ubiquitous.

Requesting for any CDC like scientists, playing a CDC operative in a Dead Reign and can't dint Amy good art.

I can dump some urban fantasy lookin' stuff. Got plenty in that folder. Generally, the fans suck, but I love the aesthetic.

Got me some space opera too, I'll drop that next.

If any of these actually are vidya references, then sorry. I'm the guy that doesn't know the reference.

















Break time, then time to see what I have in my space opera folders


oh shit nigga

Okay, continuing with space opera.

User requested no 40k so I won't post what I have of that. I do have some space elves if anyone wants them though.



Any lurkers?








A few things treading heavily into retro territory coming after this


Sure, if you want to tell everyone else that your character does anal.








She's got to be running a little light on essence.

You mean Hobo Paladin.

nah, she's probably an easy 3 essence even with standard grade, and at the lower end of 4 if she's using alphaware
the major hits'll be the cyber-arm and bone lacing, maybe the eyes, but the cyberarm can be pimped out and fucked with as much as you like afterwards without dinging your essence one bit