What would you say has been your most underwhelming disappointing PC?
What would you say has been your most underwhelming disappointing PC?
Nobody could have been more of a disappointment to their world than your pic related op. She accidental-ed thousands of years worth of wisdom of the previous avatars.
The first time I played a monk in D&D 3.5, way back in 2005.
>Wow look at all the cool things monks can do!
>I can't do any of these things well enough for them to be useful.
>wow user, your character is really well balanced and nobody can hit him with an attack or spell or anything
>what else can he do?
Persephone, a female Cleric styled after a Plague Doctor for pathfinder society, I was attempting to be the strong silent type, she ended up being a living prop
>W-well he uh
>He can do uh
Played: a bard that was an Indiana Jones type, who had experience and connections with various factions that he had done field work for/with as an expedition leader. I was promised we would be doing various excursions into dungeons, but then we just kind of bummed around while the rest of the party built an airship and my PC's specializations went unutilized.
GM'd: one guy keeps making the exact same psychic/ninja/CIA agent. Literally the same character with the same name, just transplanted into three different games over the last year or so. I've talked to the guy about it before, and there's not really any fixing it beyond cutting him out--but that's also an overreaction.
I've gotten better at tricking him into RP situations, but if I don't blatantly give him something to do his character will literally just work out or be mysterious and nothing else. I can work around that, but his character should be a lot more connected to what's going on.
Society is a war games simulator, not really a platform for rp.
DMs get very little creative freedom, if one tries, they get reported by the table. Usually that means nothing but annoyance, but there's no reason to stick around if you're not appreciated.
Society is ass
My first one ever that I made when I was 14.
>Drow in a BESM campaign
>Edgy as fuck with no sense of humor
>Casted spells by shooting them from a gun
The disappointment to her world is nothing compared to her disappointment to me.
I loved her character design, and was really looking forward to her growth as a character, only to have all her worst personality traits becoming her sole defining ones. She went from a naive brat to a witless bitch, and the only modicum of fond feelings I have left for her are in the form of now intensely enjoying the porn of her getting fucked by men because I'm sure it upsets the hacks that ruined what could have been a great character.
>First game of proper D&D
>Make a monk because they're fun in cRPG's
>Level 1
>Be a teenager
>New girlfriend also playing
>I wasn't the only that guy at that table, but I was definitely the biggest. I'm glad I can't remember anything about that character other than that he was a monk and punched the first quest giver he met in the face.
A friend of mine ran a campaign and I have to say that all 4 of the character's I've played have been disappointing.
>Elf Fighter
Used this guy for the first few sessions. He was utterly overshadowed in his role by another party member, and even his one moment of glory (Solo-ing a boss with three crits in a row) was quickly overtaken when the other guy crit a cavalry lance charge and one-shot the next boss.
>Tiefling Gunslinger
Sounded interesting and was fun to start with, until I realised how much investment you need on a gunslinger to make them not terrible. About three sessions after she got to the point of keeping up with the rest of the party in damage output the party's tank decided to run off during a fight and leave her to be ripped about by dogs because "it's what my character would do!". Still bitter about that.
>Elf swashbuckler
Using the Dervish Dancer Archetype she was awesome in a fight, and still had decent skills. High defence and massive damage boosts from class features put her as the party's main damage dealer. I only got to play her for four sessions until she was incinerated by a ghost because the GM had forgotten that you needed magic weapons to hurt ghosts, and he was running a low-magic campaign where there are no magic weapons.
>Half-elf Fighter
Built as a heavy tank using variant multi-class rules to get some magus class features, and thus can enchant her weapon with fancy effects, meaning she could shrug off most attacks, and still chew through groups of weaker enemies like they were paper. And I was particularly happy that I'd built a character who was very useful for once... for about two sessions, at which point another player joined, who essentially copy-pasted the most tanky build you can get from the internet, and now my character is once again overshadowed as she is neither the tankiest character, nor the most damaging.
I've never heard of anything good coming from a group that focuses entirely on numbers and efficiency
Even with good players who roleplay well, there's an inevitable undertone of competitive dickwaving that poisons the whole thing
None of us were especially good roleplayers, and since every conversation would ultimately come down to "roll a diplomacy check" we often didn't bother trying to roleplay much anyway.
In addition, since this was "generic fantasy world number 134234834327" roleplaying anything except a bland, generic, shining paragon of moral virtue who inexplicably holds a 21st century worldview was frowned upon by all npc's.
>enjoying the porn of her getting fucked by men because I'm sure it upsets the hacks that ruined what could have been a great character.
/co/ here
We approve of this post
that, exactly.
That's pretty damn intense, but I agree. What could have been a good character ended up falling into the "strong female character" trap where there authors were more concerned about her being a badass than an actual character, so her worst traits became her most prominent ones and made the entire character feel juvenile and unlikeable.
I bring this up because it's exactly what happened with my most dissapointing PC ever. Me attempting to play a badass fighter, deciding on a whim to make her female because I had never played a female character before, and turning her into a total bitch because she was basically a male character I had gender-swapped at the last moment and then ruined even more by trying to make her "not like other female characters". I too had fallen into the "strong female character" trap instead of just making a GOOD character.
James Abraham, spaceship pilot. Usually we just called him Jim.
A couple years ago, a friend approached me to fill in for a player who had dropped out of his sci-fi game (homebrew in both system and setting). I was super hype for my very first PnP game ever, having wanted to play one since highschool. It was a text-based game played over Skype, and the GM gave me some background fluff on the setting and extremely brief snippets of what the other players were playing.
The problem was that this was my very first RPing experience and the GM refused to let me look at any of the game's IC logs. So I had absolutely no idea what I was doing and going in blind. When it was finally time to play, the GM insisted on starting off by doing a solo bit to introduce my character. Just me and him. Again, no idea what I was doing. It was god damn terrifying, but thankfully I knew all but one of the people there.
I tried basing Jim off Jason Statham, but he had terrible physical stats and I couldn't pull off the accent over text, so he just ended up a bald, stubbly generic space dude. The game itself was a shitfest anyways, between an endless dungeon and a revolving door of players (one of whom 'forgot' about game sessions for three or four months in a row). We ended up rebooting the game with the three other consistent players, and I rolled up a new character who ended up being my favourite ever.
Legend of Korra and Korra herself weren't that bad, in fact they were pretty good.
Get over yourselves, you guys.
>Having taste this bad.
OK, to be 100% fair, no, the series wasn't "that bad". The problem is that it was the follow up to a series that was AMAZING, and the main reason this one WASN'T amazing was in large part due to having such an awful main character.
Legend of Korra would have been a better show if literally any other character in the show had been the Avatar instead of her.
I tried to build Don Quixote for a horror campaign in 3.5. Unfortunately, the rules for mounted combat are few and far between, often xontradictory, and usually incomprehensible.
It was just so disappointing to be playing a bastion of optimism and virtue doomed to a life of narrow hallways and shoddy rules.
The show was basically to AtLA what the Star Wars Prequels were to the OT.
Don't get me wrong, Korra is way more watchable than the Prequels and I acknowledge a lot of the show's problems were because of things outside Bryke's control.
But Korra was unbearably obnoxious by the end, mostly because she didn't change at all. Yet everyone still dogpiled on her to congratulate how awesome she was at the finale even though she was a mediocre Avatar at best and a colossal fuckup at the end.
Plus the whole Vaatu/Raava thing, while working great as a standalone episode, was show's equivalent to midichlorians. A hackneyed retcon written solely to explain something which never needed to be spelled out.
And of course the whole surprise lesbians ending which Bryan explicitly stated he threw in at the last minute because he wanted to make a statement.
>Legend of Korra would have been a better show if literally any other character in the show had been the Avatar instead.
Replace "Avatar" with "Main Character" and this is how I feel about most "shonen"-styled stuff, whether it's actually shonen or not.
But Korra was unbearably obnoxious by the end, mostly because she didn't change at all.
Yeah, the writers kinda fucked every chance she had.
Season 1: Korra loses her powers at the end, and despite still being a bender (which poor normal humans can't do) for one of the rarest elements in the setting, she cries about it and gets her powers back because plot conveniance. Fuck making our character experience any real loss or having to cope with anything.
Season 2: Wan had more character development in 2 episodes of flashback than Korra did in the entire season, was more interesting, and had more character development.
Season 3: Somehow this season actually wasn't horrible. Then again it was the season in which Korra was the most impotent and less important and mainly focused on other characters. Coincidence that it was the best season?
Season 4: Well, at least Kuuvira was cool. Korra just ends up god-mode'ing at the end for no real reason though, and "solves" what was actually a legitimate world view that Kuuvira had by using brute force.
Like this honestly confuses the hell out of me. They go out of their way to show how shitty things were in the Earth Kingdom under the last queen, how people are starving and stuff. Kuuvira comes in and modernizes/industrializes the country and brings authority and is wildly popular amongst her people. Then Kuuvira is somehow the bad guy for taking back land that belonged to her country in the first place (keep in mind she NEVER threatened to invade other countries, ever) and pulling her country out of the shitter. But Authority=Bad and God-Mode Avatar Morals=Good. Fuck hard leadership decisions or legitimate politics/compromise. Korra is right because Korra.
My character died towards the end of a campaign and the new character I made never really got the time to have any interesting roleplay moments. Right after she was introduced we entered the final combat gauntlet before facing the BBEG, so she was pretty much only there for two sessions of fighting.
If we ever revisit that world I'd love to actually do something with the character.
I recently rewatched all of ATLA and it just blows me away how much better that show is than LOK. It's plain silly how much the quality of the writing dropped for the latter series.
>tfw greatly enjoy korra porn
>tfw can't stand to finish even season one of the cartoon
It really feels like they were just fucked over somehow. From what I've heard, they actually had three seasons planned but only were able to air the first one and had to fuck over the ending because of it. The remaining seasons were cobbled together from leftover ideas and just didn't go over that well. Could have gone better.
It would've been better if we only got a first season that ended in a massive cliffhanger, than three mostly disconected seasons with one final season that sorta related to the one before.
Korra legitimately feels like it's written a season at the time with no regard to what's going to happen next or what's happened before.
FFRPG campaign in a massive guild setting with multiple GMs. I made a blue mage with gloves (lowest die weapons) and advantages/disadvantages to give him double attack. The idea? Blue Magic using monk.
The effect? A Blue Mage that was dying for better spells, did middling physical damage, and basically was a disappointment to me.
He had some status spells, so that helped a little, but still.
In a later campaign, I made a Blue Mage that focused on the magical aspects, and the GM allowed me to learn spells to play both a damage dealer and pseudo-healer. The end result was a very calm, demon-murdering Batman who had a spell for nearly every situation.
I secretly enjoyed the parts where the sliver spoon bitch of an avatar realized that being the avatar didn't mean she was the strongest.
and all the damn parade fanfare about the ending, you couldn't turn anywhere without spotting it somehow for a few months.
Dark Heresy 2
Shrineworld Priest with a background that I had so much fun writing up from how he was just a womanizer of within the Ministorum to becoming a zealot (and a womanizer).
armed hand-flamer that allowed the lvl1-2 party and NPC (whom became a party favorite) to escape Plasma Gun cultists (and two Chaos Marines).
However, the next session I couldn't RP at all since I had to come online an hour late, and I couldn't get a word in edgewise for the Whole Session, because the one guy couldn't stop talking (and interrupting only me) which got the others to start talking, only for him to start talking again and the cycle continued.
Then the next session was a combat one and the campaign was scrapped because of RL.
I plan on bringing him back as a pop-in NPC (or GMPC depending on details).
>I secretly enjoyed the parts where the sliver spoon bitch of an avatar realized that being the avatar didn't mean she was the strongest.
This would have been great if the writers actually followed through on ANY of it. Instead Korra kept magically upping her power level to be the strongest again. Often times with no hard work or actual effort, just crying about it until the plot dropped it in her lap.
I've yet to play a PC that didn't underwhelm and disappoint me. They're all bland as shit characters that look fine on paper but lose all character when I try to roleplay them. I just can't seem to get into character no matter what I do.
A Crusader Vampire that only lasted a session due to botched roll while looking for a bar
>They're all bland as shit characters that look fine on paper but lose all character when I try to roleplay them.
I know that feel
DM pitched a campaign as a Planescape-inspired planar romp.
My character was something of a planar guide, a mix of rogue and wizard specialized in divination spells for mapping and so on.
Campaign turned out to be a dungeon crawl, with over-leveled monsters to keep on par with the two power players of the party. My contributions to the game consisted of a single spell for an overland map, and being bullied by the Str 50 Cleric for not contributing in combat.
That campaign soured me on 3.5, it was the last time I played it.
My first character. An elf ranger who tried to be legolas and failed at everything, the first session was a short dungeon crawl and I couldn't land a single arrow.
His most defining trait was that he was the brother of another PC in the party, a cleric. But I forget almost everything about him, I was really unused to RPing. Met an untimely death when trying to shoot a necromancer but getting AoO-crushed by a skeleton minotaur who was nearby. The party then buried him in the woods, and not even his brother mourned him for long.
>>Casted spells by shooting them from a gun
I like this idea though
'member when you had to roll for stats, and characters that seemed bland or terrible on paper pushed you to make up for it with how you played them?
There's nothing wrong with point buy, that's not what I'm saying. But rolling for stats might help you avoid making characters that don't have real challenges or pitfalls to overcome, or have designed flaws that force you into an equally designed solution leaving the character a dry and lifeless reaction to its creation instead of an active pursuer in better itself or succeeding in spite of its shortcomings.
Or just fucking dying. That happens a lot more with rolled up characters until you get into the habit of being cautious, planning shit out, using lateral thinking etc.
People forget that the Avatar is a mechanism for Status Quo
They aren't necessarily the hero
Korra, in this case, was championing the changes ushered in by Aang, the previous Avatar, who thought the best way to fix things was to unite all the nations and divy up land.
Which is high minded, well meaning, and incredibly naive. Which fits Aangs personality to a T so I suppose it works.
Kuuvira wasn't a saint. Its alluded at that she created Gulag and Reeducation camps. She kinda went North Korea. But yeah Korra was shit.
Legend of Korra:
Season 1: People without bending powers want to equalize the playing field, get thrashed apart by the people in power and their Avatar champion.
Season 2: The regular people live scared for their lives in walled cities while the people with magic powers started wars. At least Wan tried to stop it instead of being their tool like Korra was.
Season 3: People with magic still think the Avatar's god-mode powers are a mistake and try to erase the Avatar cycle, benefitting the normal people. They get crushed by the people in power and their avatar champion.
Season 4: Both bender and normie alike get oppressed by the people with power and authority. They try to fight back and get crushed by the people with power and authority and their avatar champion.
Pretty sure the Avatar is an avatar of Lawful Evil here. The "balance" they bring always seems to oppress the people who have no power of their own, while benefiting (most of) the people who are already in power. Wan was the only good Avatar. All the others just bring stagnation and forced "peace" which is more less "now that I've crawled on your back, please stay still or I'll wreck all your shit."
Wan was a dickhead. Just being poor does not entitle you to aid from the rich.
To be fair AtLA had it own fair share of problems even if they were far less catastrophic than LoK's.
>most of the first season was pretty weak
>3rd season's finale
So Sozin did basically nothing wrong then?
It's a ripoff of animes. Which is cool shit anime, but still.
I made a character for a VtR game using VtM rules (I don't know), a man that was a coniving little shit, trying to act like an idiot in front of authority figures while trying to nest himself in a comfortable position to sit the next eternity out. Basically sunk most of my skill points in social stats, trying to be an expert manipulator.
However, the ST only noticed that I had put some points on Stealth and Firearms, so the game devolved in me being mediocre at shooting and sneaking about. All excitement was gone by session 4 and the game got the kiss of death when Cthulhu rose from the sea. I don't know why the latter happened, I didn't care to find out and neither did the rest of the players.
I usually keep character I want to play but the game dies out before starting proper. This one I deleted with the conviction of throwing away garbage.
It's arguable Sozin had good intentions, and really the whole problem was the previous avatar spouting muh balance and refusing to make change in the world. The problem of course was Sozin intended to improve the world by MILITARY FORCE, and his descendants took this and ran with it to full psychotic measure.
I think the tears of AtLA fans are a good trade for Korra porn, to be honest.
On topic, d&d wizard, 3.0 I think. If I didn't have an appropriate spell for the situation I was useless, but if I had an appropriate spell I immediately prevented any drama or excitement from happening. Fuck that system and fuck everyone involved in making it.
>Replace "Avatar" with "Main Character" and this is how I feel about most "shonen"-styled stuff, whether it's actually shonen or not.
this is so true it hurts...
> dragonball post cell would've been better they stuck to gohan as the main character
> yugioh's battle city arc would've been better if joey was the main character
> jojo part 3 would've been better if jotaro didn't exist & joseph was written more competently
...are there any that don't fall into this trap
if korra was a PC her player would be the DMs girlfriend or sister
she reads like a self insert in some teenage girl's fanfic and her player throws a tantrum & cries if something bad happens to her
So your solution to stagnant roleplaying is to reintroduce a system that resulted in nothing beyond endless rerolling of expendable unnamed characters until you get the stats you need for a caster or a useful fighter variant? No, I'll take dragon-blooded half-vampire drows everywhere over the days when we showed up to sessions with a stack of characters named Bob.
>most boring jojo is also the most popular
Guess that is the power of a Japanese student that kills vampires and doesn't afraid of anything.
To be fair, he works way better as a supporting character.
But yeah, welcome to Japan. They like all the boring cliche shit.
>Giorno is Japan's favorite JoJo
Giorno? How is Giorno boring and Cliche?
I like to think of him as being the jojo/shonen equivalent of Wolverine.
He's interesting when he's not the main character.
As much as I hate to say it, the non-magical people really weren't given a shit deal by society; if you recall, two non-benders played a significant role in that season and we often saw non-benders in prominent societal roles... While, at the same time, we saw numerous instances of poor, desperate benders who used their powers for crime or very basic factory work.
Meh, seasons 3 and 4 were pretty good, and even 1&2 had brightspots, but yeah, overall it was seriously mismanaged.
The character I played in a Tenra Bansho Zero game. She didn't have any combat skills at all because I didn't think they would be necessary. She could read minds but it ended up never being useful. Eventually I had to leave the game because I realized I was just making it less fun for everyone.
A bard who didn't play music and was instead a diplomat and dealmaker. They ended up being critical to the plot but I had to send them far away and use a different character often because in most situations they were useless.
Muscle wizard half-orc
>Used mage armor instead of plate, get my shit pushed in regularly due to subpar AC
>Did shit unarmed damage, spell list subpar thanks to MCing
>Try to focus on grappling, everything either teleports or simply out-grapples me
>DM throws me a bone, gives me magic wand
>It fuses with my arm, turns it into a tentacle, speaks inside my head and occasionally takes over my body
>My PC freaks out and tries to remove it
>I think "oh shit it's character development time!"
>NPC cleric removes the item next session, no problem at all
>Later on end up in anti-magic city, half the party becomes worthless
>Finally give up on dumb character theme, put on a suit of armor and start carrying a real weapon
>End up on a ship in a 1v1 while at half health
>Get my shit pushed in despite the armor
>Only ally (sorcerer, can't cast in shit city) spends the fight in hiding, bails once the ship starts going down
>My PC fails his death saves and sinks to the bottom of the ocean for good measure
>Equalisers were the real good guys
This makes no sense to me. Do people just forget they were actual terrorists who blew up a stadium, forced benders to their knees to steel their powers, and straight up attacked the city with fighter planes?
>Zaheer was the real good guy.
Again, actual terrorist who murdered someone on screen just to upset the status quo. Best villain of the series but don't say he did nothing wrong.
>Kuvira was the real good guy
Hitler wannabe who went evil off screen and out everyone under a join or die ultimatum. Attacked Republic City with a death ray-wielding Jaeger.
Just because Korra was an idiot doesn't mean the people she fought were right.
Just being rich does not entitle you to deny it.
Equalizers had the advantage of appealing to viewers who thought non-benders were getting a real shit deal in the setting, and the season actually did a decent job making benders out to he bullies or naive privileged asshats.
By the time they started showing off successful non-benders were actually the majority and many benders (already a small portion of the population) turning to crime and exploitive factory work to survive most people just willfully tuned it out.
Just like an Equalizer, because if something goes against your narrative it can be waved away.
>>Kuvira was the real good guy
>Hitler wannabe who went evil off screen and out everyone under a join or die ultimatum. Attacked Republic City with a death ray-wielding Jaeger.
Eh, she had some decent motives for going evil. The Earth Kingdom was in utter chaos and she was terrified of chaos and valued "peace" at any cost. But they really did overclock her Hitlerness sadly, she could have been a bit more ambiguous.
She lost her purpose and never found it or questioned her own motives because, " well, I'm the Avatar so I have to be right."
I think that pissed me off more than anything in the series. Her "villians" had well constructed motives and ideals; genuinely working to the benefit of the people they were trying to represent, but Korra just sort of opposed them because she simply disagreed. This is made even worse in her case because she's the fucking Avatar and is suppose to be a mediator not the literal hand of god, so she just comes off as abusing her power to promote her own ideas or friends rather than benefiting the people of the world.
Even this wouldn't have been a bad story if she learned a fucking lesson, but the writers also seem to want to propagate her excellence for no other reason than she's the protagonist. So she isn't ever self aware that her actions cause more suffering than they solve, even when explicitly told so. And her only solution to every problem is simply to force her opposition with overwhelming physical violence to stop what they are doing. Leaving the main lesson of the series being "might makes right".
Her motivations were somewhat understandable but she was by no means a good guy. Especially since many of the places she "united" weren't interested and only acquiesced because she out a gun to their heads.
>first time playing TTRPGs, doing it over IRC with some homebrewed fallout-esque system
>hot off of TF2 so I decide to be an uncreative fuckwit and just copypaste the medic almost wholesale, right down to trying to do the shitty accent in text
>it somehow works out, and I manage to make the character be more than just a cut and paste about midway through the game
>but I still can't roleplay for shit, party is so big that trying to get a word in edgewise to NPCs is like pissing in the wind
>even though none of the other PCs seem to hate me, I can't get any of them to meaningfully interact with my PC
>all responses boil down to "haha, thanks for patching me up doc, go take a shower you stink", "jeez doc, why are you throwing yourself into the enemy swinging a weapon like a depressed, suicidal animal? Must be some screws loose!", and "Hey doc, stop staring off into the sky with that sad look, we need to get moving!"
>somehow survive the entire campaign and have a grand finale, get to stab a giant mutant abomination that may or may not have been an occult star demon
>post-game epilogue everyone else is off being big bad heroes in the city we helped get going
>my PC has no reason to hang around besides "is the best doctor in a hundred mile radius", and is such a curmudgeonly middle aged shit that he managed to piss half the settlement off
>fucks off to go be a hermit, eventually goes senile and dies in a pile of letters to his dead wife
>mfw in the end my character had somehow managed to have next to no impact on the world, or any of the other PCs, despite trying during the whole 2-year long campaign
>mfw tons of loose plot threads and GM dropping hints for a sequel campaign which never happened, and even 4 years later I still think about it
To be fair might makes right is how the world goes 90% of the time.
>By the time they started showing off successful non-benders were actually the majority and many benders (already a small portion of the population) turning to crime and exploitive factory work to survive most people just willfully tuned it out
It was mostly because it didn't make sense, but not much in Korra did
>Make a character that really interests me for once; A dude back from war in his home country that just wants to leave the things he saw & person he became over there behind.
>Conflict comes from the fact he's a natural leader, and thus he can't abandon his past due to D&D having combat and him being forced to "lead" and keep this team of adventurers alive, just like his men.
>Mechanically, the character is a mess that somehow works. Very specialized, requiring a lot of resources going to specific feats and shit that pigeon hole him a bit, but he's great at what he does in-combat and has enough skills to not be useless. Not a CHA dump or anything.
Fast forward to the game.
>That special method of fighting he's supposed to be awesome at? Yeah, he fails every roll.
>Somehow the only target of enemy attacks AND hit by other PCs all the time, so he's constantly bleeding out. HP was not his strong suit.
>The one time he had to go one-on-one with an enemy, he died.
>By this point, no one in the group takes him seriously. The fucking Wizard has hit more things than him, despite his bonuses.
I just gave up caring about characters after that.
WoD Tremere focused on Auspex and divination. At the chargen I discussed with the ST if this is a viable path to take and was given an affirmative. Encouragement even. When the game unfolded, every time I tried to play my forte the response was either useless cryptic bullshit, passing out because "the sensation overwhelms you" or being scolded for stalling the game.
Ironically the next WoD game with the same ST, I rolled religious nutjob Malkavian and through his Derangement I've been getting genuinely helpful advice, guidance and revelations constantly.
Most of my underwhelming PC's came from me having previous character ideas, but not rolling the right combos for new characters.
Eg: I'd planned a hot-headed, ex-farm wife, magic-hating Paladin-esque Fighter who was out to find her stolen children (taken by a demon horde that destroyed her village and killed her hubby).
Ended up rolling a male Paladin that just didnt fit my idea, so couldnt' get my head around how to develop them further.
I don't think anyone is saying they were in the right 100% all the time. But they did have thought out philosophies and often legitimate grievances. But rather than address that, the show had the 100% right dindu nuffin protagonist punch them in the face.
Tried making a pacifist once. Didn't even get through 1 session before he had to kill something to survive.
You should've went all in and died for your beliefs
You would've made an excellent 4e lazylord
>I think that pissed me off more than anything in the series. Her "villians" had well constructed motives and ideals; genuinely working to the benefit of the people they were trying to represent, but Korra just sort of opposed them because she simply disagreed. This is made even worse in her case because she's the fucking Avatar and is suppose to be a mediator not the literal hand of god, so she just comes off as abusing her power to promote her own ideas or friends rather than benefiting the people of the world.
>Even this wouldn't have been a bad story if she learned a fucking lesson, but the writers also seem to want to propagate her excellence for no other reason than she's the protagonist. So she isn't ever self aware that her actions cause more suffering than they solve, even when explicitly told so. And her only solution to every problem is simply to force her opposition with overwhelming physical violence to stop what they are doing. Leaving the main lesson of the series being "might makes right".
She generally only ended up involved in events AFTER things had already turned to violence for various reasons. Like arriving in the city as the equalists were already planning their takeover, or her uncle trying to summon SUPER FUCKING KITE SATAN after tricking her into working with him, or the Terrorists who were already violent before she was born breaking out of prison. Or Kuvira going nuts and rising to power while she was in the midst of a PTSD breakdown.
The build was based on DSP's Golden Lion maneuver set, which is essentially the 4E Warlord cranked up to 11.
Apparently not enough though. A lazylord never rolls to hit, which seems to have been your weak point
I think I played the character for like, 10 sessions.
Besides, I want to hit things. Hitting things is fun. Just not when you never actually succeed.
You might be surprised how much fun telling people to hit things is. Also nice double doubles
given how much society in the show depended on bending for utilities & public works the equalists were stupid and would've set everyone back to the dark ages had they succeeded
amon should have just been tarlok using the equalist movement to gain power
>amon should have just been tarlok using the equalist movement to gain power
That wouldn't have made anything better. It might actually be worse than what they did do
Christ, fuck off to your own thread
a monk
>Just being rich does not entitle you to deny it.
>owning more stuff due to hard work/being smarter/luckier than other people does not entitle you to decide what to do with your owned stuff
Why are all Marxists blithering mongoloids?
I already roll for my stats and have had characters die before.
The problem is that whenever I play a character it feels more like I'm playing a vidya protagonist than an actual three dimensional character. It's just a tool for interacting with the world instead of something I can grow attached to.
It's not writing the character that I have a problem with. It's bringing it to life.
I guess the only upside is that I've never uttered the phrase "It's what my character would do"
because marxism is based on the assumption that the person next to you is your best friend and not when their not, they act like they've been betrayed because in their warped logic, they have been, but since they are so far out of touch with everyday life, they believe they are the norm.
Aaaaaand this kind of retarded rhetoric is why transportations, education, and medecine are shit in the US.
>Aaaaaand this kind of retarded rhetoric is why transportations, education, and medecine are shit in the US.
Right. In comparison to the China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam and North Korea are superb countries to live in.
Probably the Gnome Alchemist I made for my first game of Pathfinder. Back then I was even more shit than I am now: creeped on a girl who was dating another player at the table, new group of people I'd never met before, played my character as a bomb throwing CN murderhobo whose introduction to the party was to throw a bomb at them and hi backstory is that he was from the moon.
The good news is that I never attended another session and the DM of that session (after a few years) no longer hates me and is actually now a friend of mine. Also me being a shitty player inspired him to make the rest of the campaign's plot "retarded evil gnomes from the moon are threatening the planet".
>retarded evil gnomes from the moon are threatening the planet
Isn't that the plot of Halo?
I made a rogue with 11 bluff at level 1 in 3.5 and he still fucking sucked because of bad rolls. I never realized how much of a "save or suck" game 3.5 was until that.
I feel like my current character (a former alchemy professor that went a little loony after doing the Crawford Tillinghast experiment) is starting to go down this route. Started off fine but then we added another person to the group and I can't seem to get a word in edgewise. Last session I could've been absent entirely and I'm fairly sure nothing would've changed at all.
Can we at least admit Korra is a qt?
Purely based on her looks she's a 10, too bad her personality puts her down to a 5.
More like a 3, I would say a 8 if she was at least quiet.
10/10 body though, I only wish she couldn't talk.
I had a warlock in 5e that recently died, and he was my favorite character I've ever made. So for shits and giggles I made a pally whose only significant features were 1) he hates people who use ranged weapons when there's an opportunity to use melee ones instead, and 2) he's looking for his missing nephew.
Then I realized that this was a really boring character who was only interesting for 5 minutes and couldn't even have the degree of character development I wanted (I have a massive hunger/fetish for character development), so the DM let me retire him to an NPC who went off to wander the world in search of his nephew. I stole pic related as a third character, and the DM suggested a superman backstory.
Am I That Guy Veeky Forums?
I suppose that explains why 90% of the porn involving her has her as a prisoner or slave.
That about sums it up. What really gets me is that I was sick of Korra in season 2, but I kept watching. I just kept coming back like a battered housewife because "this time it'll be different".
>female character has a personality other than generic moeblob waifu
>oh my god, she's the fucking worst, horrible personality
Typical immature shitlords scared of even remotely realistic women