Weeeeeeeh, guys, I want to take a reeeeest.
>t. every caster ever
Weeeeeeeh, guys, I want to take a reeeeest.
>t. every caster ever
Other urls found in this thread:
What sort of idiot would call himself a wizard without a shitton of scrolls and a wand or two to supplement his spell list?
Harrumph, I say!
>every caster
Casters are usually reliant on long rests and have a pool of resources as deep as the ocean because of that.
The ones who whine for rests constantly are the little battlemasters and warlocks who got shafted with abilities that they can use maybe two times and then they need to sit down and catch their breath for an hour because they're just totally exhausted after two uses.
It's 'cause of shit like this that this Sunday I'm gonna die to a blue dragon attacking a village.
Well, that and the fact that when I wrote "Good" on my character sheet, I meant it.
That sounds like a story.
Hey, are you that user playing the CG Drow rogue from couple of days ago who asked for help on how to fight Blue Dragon by yourself and buy time for the village to evacuate? If so, remember: get on the head, stab out the eyes with the poison/acid dagger(s), go for the webbing on one of his wings, bail, and book it while calling him a little bitch, mask your scent in the burning cinders, and play a deadly game of hide and seek/Marco Polo till help arrives (and for bonus points, find a way to drop the two vials of dragon poison into his nostrils to nuke his sense of smell).
This is solved by not having a shit gm or leaving the bitch/bastard behind.
>weeeeh guys I need to heal muh hitpoints
>weeeh I'm out of rages
>da bad monstr guys dun got me all tuckrd out
>plz clrik hel me plz plz i ned a heeeeel
t. every martial ever
It's about to be one, anyway. I promised to keep Veeky Forums posted, and I will.
Hang on, let me dig up the thread where I asked for advice, about a week back...
>Hey, are you that user playing the CG Drow rogue from couple of days ago who asked for help on how to fight Blue Dragon by yourself and buy time for the village to evacuate?
I am, and I saved all the advice from that thread.
I think the wyvern poison would be better served on my arrows. With two vials I can dose up to six arrows with poison. While the arrows aren't magical, and the dragon can auto-save against the poison, if I get off a ranged sneak attack that's still 1d6+5/ (bow) plus 6d6 (sneak attack) plus 7d6 (poison). Even halving all the damage with resistance and a successful save still gives an average of 27 damage/hit, and allows me to stay at range.
Attack, run away, hide, repeat.
>Group got tired of baby-tier dungeons and hand holding from other GM so we swapped for a much higher level difficulty campaign/setting
>Be sole healer for group with two other spell casters and three martials
>DM "Okay, everyone bought everything they want to at the marketplace?"
>Rest "Yeah"
>Me "Wait, is no one else going to get potions?"
>Rest "We have you man, why would we need potions?"
>Me "..."
>Get to dungeon but no one attempts to scout ahead or do any sort of careful movement to the entrance
>Traps are triggered, sentries attack us, and I have to already use a few consumables and healer's kit charges before even entering
>they run in like idiots to every room and corridor even after I ask to maybe have something resembling a formation
>By the third room I've completely exhausted my potions on my "teammates" and can't use the healer's kit again yet
>Seemingly halfway through the dungeon I have spent all of my first and second level spellslots on healing and have now healed over 220hp over the course of damn near an hour of session time
>Me "Guys, if we're not going to do this like a group that actually has a plan I can't keep healing you like this. We need to take a rest so I can continue to heal you guys."
>Rest "The other casters still have all their spellslots so we'll be fine when the big bad comes around"
>Get to the end of the dungeon and enemy horde with a boss of a CR higher than ours by 2
>wizard uses fly in a cave that has a ceiling of 15 feet, is instantly taken out on the enemies turn by a firing squad of arrows, rocks, bolts, and a lightening bolt spell to the face (the lightening bolt ended up killing him as he had near no HP left)
>warlock has nothing but single target damaging spells so front line gets overrun by the horde
>team is wondering where the heals are
>was already retreating when the wizard went down and out by the time the last player died
Don't want to be stressed? Just take the long rest.
I'll take things that don't happen but threeaboo wizard-only players would bitch about for 500
>This is solved by not having a shit gm
>having anything to do with players spending their spell slots irresponsibly
Most of those can be done in a short rest. I know OP didnt specify the difference in the post but most spellcasters need a long rest to get their shit back.
Having to wait 30 minutes can be done relatively safely in many dungeon delving or BBEG fortress assaulting instances. 8 hours? Not so much.
>Don't want to be stressed? Just take the long rest.
That's what I was trying to do! Then this blue motherfucker shows up! All I wanted as a hot meal and a warm bed. You think I *want* to fight a blue dragon when I only have 22 hit points remaining?!
A short rest is 1 hour.
>that pic
I'm not sure if that Dragon is a bro or a dick. On the one hand, that's a pretty well-kept hedge maze, and he'd probably be needing to ensure good rainfall in the region to keep it verdant.
On the other hand, I'm sure he blasts anyone that gets too close to the exit with lightning, meaning the maze is kinda pointless.
Still, barring the door and taking a break for one hour is easy. It's pretty much breaking for lunch.
Even if your DM is rolling for wandering monsters, would you rather triger 1 roll in 1 hour, or 8 in 8 hours?
Plus, even if you can't sleep in the middle of the dungeon, leaving for 1 hour isn't enough time for those further inside to discover what you've done and either hunt you down or reinforce their remaining defenses.
>not simply digging under the maze
Ah, but I am playing a Rogue (thief). I have nothing that recharges in a short rest except for hit points, and I ran out of Hit Dice a whole short rest ago.
The dragon has nothing to do with the maze or the tower, both of which are magical. The maze is kept magically verdant, while the tower is...well, pic related.
The blue dragon shows up afterwards and is the complete opposite of a bro. Bros don't attack helpless villagers.
Play less D&D.
If players have ran out of Hit Dice then it should be safely assumed that the healer's ran out of spell slots awhile ago. Stop being silly, and take a long rest.
>Bros don't attack helpless villagers.
They do if a traveling band of adventurers, that have just slain a beast that had killed tens of them, are not at least given semi-adequate compensation in the form of entertainment, a warm bed, and the village chief's daughter for a night since they couldn't be assed to do anything else passed a pat on the back and a job well done.
>that greentext
Fuck dude
I know it's unprofessional to ask, but what does the "t." stand for?
I get what it means from context, but I keep seeing it and I'm quite confident at this point that lurk moaring won't get me an answer.
It's niggerspeak. It's shorthand for the n-dash that precedes the name of the person that said the quote written before it. Yes, they're that retarded.
>not gingerly holding the mage in your big, strong, fightin' man arms
>not stroking her hair until she falls asleep
Confirmed pleb.
How is that retarded?
I remember that encounter. We just teleported home after clearing the tower though, never even saw the dragon.
What? No, it's not. It's more finnish memes, like spurdo, you fucking idiot.
Boo hoo hoo~ My big dumb muscles huuuurrt. I need healing magic.
>Every martial sword man ever
It's fucking german you mong.
I do not envy you right now. Good luck.
>not giving them a piggyback and letting them rest while you continue on
And you call yourself a martial?
Once more, problems you wouldn't have if you played 4e.
>Weeeeeeeh, guys, I want the Barbarian's cock in my moooooouth.
>t. every female caster ever
You know what robes are for? Easy access to silky smooth, magically tight caster puss.
Correct response. That or princess carry.
You should have no trouble staying hidden, but you need some way to deal with that frightful presence and the wis save.
My current party has a wagon wherein the sleepy party members sleep while 2-3 of us do a bit of travel / an unlikely encounter.
>Reasons to play a small-sized spellcaster
>Implying the caster runs out of spell slots before the fighter runs out of hp
Well the fighter will probably spend the adventure sitting in the tavern drinking through his starting gold allowance while the wizard singlehandedly completes the adventure, so it's a distinct possibility unless a barfight starts.
The caster in the op uses a mana based system, only knows one spell, and that spell uses all her mana
Still best girl though
Please tell me this is from a comedy story. If you're really expecting me to take this kind of character seriously, YOU ARE STYUUPID, YOU ARE STYUUPID, and most importantly, YOU ARE STYUUPID!
>He hasn't watched KonoSuba
Drop whatever you're doing and go watch it RIGHT NOW. Like Dungeon Meshi, it's more or less obligatory study material for Veeky Forums.
It's comedy not-quite-harem-anime. The other three characters are a low-stat hero from Japan who's basically slightly smart and genre savvy, a literal goddess arch-cleric who is as dumb as a sack of nails without the nails inside, and a masochist paladin tank girl who can't hit the broadside of a barn with a sword.
t. a shitty caster
Have always played casters and never ever became Megumin. That's what you get for wasting all your spell slots on maximized empowered twinned enlarged repeated fireballs.
Usually it's the Monk in our group that wants a rest.
The only one who never cares about them's the Rogue, they could go all day.
Megumin would be pretty useful in most D&D settings.
She's a 1-2 shot artillery piece that can nuke cities.
playing a focused specialist conjurer, that's literally what martials say in my group. well, and the cleric, because he plays a retard healbot
Read a book.
>Comparing Konosuba and Dungeon Meshi like the former even remotely lives up to the latter.
She can't even blow up one entire castle in six months of explosion spells, brah.
No, not really. It's a campaign where there's no plot and every player is a That Guy and all their characters are bland chaotic-randumbs with a single defining character trait. It's not "study material" unless you're studying how to do everything wrong.
Luckily at 10 episodes long, the series doesn't burn out it's punchline of "watch everything go wrong" too quickly, but I wouldn't really call ther series "good" or "insightful" in any way. There's nothing here the typical Veeky Forums player can really learn from, or even draw from for inspiration.
Dungeon Meshi is a legit 10/10 campaign with lots of character development, a plot thats complex without being overly complicated, and still manages to have humor without being a parody of itself (once the story gets past it's admittedly slow start and gets rolling in earnest).
Dungeon Meshi anime when?
>Dungeon Meshi anime when?
I'm not sure if that would even work. Every chapter is a separate little adventure (that does fit in the grand scheme of things) and it's not enough to fill 30 minutes. If there's ever a Dungeon Meshi anime, I'd prefer it if it was a short like Galko: 10 minutes per episode (with maybe a 30 minute finale for the Red Dragon chapters).
Hopefully never. The art style wouldn't work in anime and I fear that the anime wouldn't be able to capture parts of the humor and charm of the series without sticking extra bits left over from generic comedy anime.
When you put it like that, I actually have to agree with you... as much as I hate to admit it.
Manga are usually a good deal better than their animated series by default anyway.
Still sure even a series of Dungeon Meshi shorts would be better than 90% of what passes for "adventure" anime though.
Generally speaking comedy manga are better than comedy anime in my opinion. I don't really know how to express it in words, but in manga the "timing" of a lot of jokes somehow feels better. In terms of pure action (well animated) anime trumps manga though.
The less senses he has working, the better your chances for survival are
One sense gone: crippled but still dangerous
Two senses gone: Hellen Keller pre- being able to communicate, but giant and with fire breath
Three senses gone: A savage beast that can only lash out at the source of whatever stimuli he has left.
Dungeon Meshi and Konosuba have both though. And they're both better for it because the action feels more intense when it DOES happen (and in Meshi's case, alot more serious).
>Not enjoying a fantastic anime/LN that takes the piss out of the cesspit that is the isekai genre
When did a genre get so bad that it's considered "clever" to point out how bad it is. It's the equivalent of "Haha! I was only PRETENDING to be retarded!"
Like yeah, it CAN be a little funny, but fuck, give me something more to work with.
Taking the piss out of something is easy. Doing something WELL is difficult. This is why I said the two wern't even remotely comparable.
>Not playing a campaign where everyone is an anime character
>Not playing a bunch of sexy anime archetypes (the genki tomboy fighter, the onee-san cleric, the tsundere wizard and the gap-moe slut-who's-actually-a-virgin rogue) on a quest to save Senpai from an evil dragon
>Not realizing that KonoSuba is a parody of standard RPG tropes and takes it seriously.
I personally feel like Konosuba does a really good job of deconstructing the genre by realizing that a neet who gets offed and ends up in a fantasy world will probably be a really lazy dude who fucks around and doesn't get milquetoast at the thought of getting to touch a titty.
Just because it parodies the genre while doing it rather than going the dark and serious path that a lot of deconstructions tend to doesn't make it's deconstruction any less valid and thought out.
I don't think it's serious. I just think that the style of humor that points how bad standard tropes are, without adding anything new original, isn't really that good either.
It's basically like acting stupid and going "but I was only joking, so that shows how much smarter and better I am!" without actually doing anything better or smarter.
Yep, just had a caster blow through their spells during an assault on an enemy stronghold. But hey, they can pull up a pocket dimension to rest safely!
Which gave their now alerted foes an hour to evacuate their noncombatants, captives, important items and to set up their defenses and traps even better than before.
Everyone else doesn't have to rest, numbnuts. Surely you can have the ranger and other dude pick off the other folks if you're encircling the enemy base?
Barring the succubus episode, which was hilarious, it's an otherwise completely forgettable comedy.
Long rests were a mistake. They should only serve to heal serious injuries and fatigue, not be the baseline for a character.
They were already inside the base, and all opted to rest or take watches for the couple hours the casters needed, in case the entrance to the hideaway was found.
>focused specialist conjurer
How can you live with yourself?
It's a parody, but not a very good one (and not of RPG tropes in particular). It only goes about as far as patting itself on the back for being self-aware about what awful schlock fantasy isekai has become, before proceeding to become exactly what it was mocking. It never builds on what little cleverness it starts out with, instead allowing it to bleed away until the later episodes just become generic isekai with comedy overtones.
> Hey DM I want to use this cool weapon
> No you can't
> Hey DM I need 376 perfect gemstones, ancient mummy lich dust and 12 prismatic dragon scales to prepare my spells
> Sure thing the local village store gives it away for free
That's pretty cheesy powergaming in 3.5e, but conjuration is a pretty "subtle" school so maybe he just buffs the fuck out of the rest of his party to the point of trivializing every encounter.
Did none of you get the blatant Dexter's Lab reference?
Transmutation is buffing, conjuration is summonings, fogs and teleporting shenanigans
Comedy is very subjective, user. It's fine for you not to think its funny. People somehow find sitcoms funny, and I don't even smile watching these. I find Konosuba funny, you don't. No harm done there.
That's just a professional hermit dragon that's resting on a folly in a country estate. That hedge maze is clearly far too well maintained and put together to not cost and require a large amount of man power and the tower is clearly a pastiche of several archictectural designs that make no real discernible sense. You think you're attacking a dragon guarding treasure? No, you're trespassing on a wealthy gentleman's manicured property and attacking his employees.
Sounds like you didn't read the part where the dark lord's minions had to fix the castle very day
The idea that you have to add something entirely new to a genre to do it well is pure cancer.
Konosuba's strengths are its genuinely funny humour, its mostly pretty compelling characters, and its tone. What's quite nice about it is also how well it builds its retarded fantasy world, and how consistent it is. Despite having stuff like levels, the setting manages to feel far more organic and lived in than that of isekai tales, and it doesn't just seem like a generic RPG world with a genre savvy character there to exploit it. It's really nice how elements of the world come up even when not plot relevant, just as side things that give the story character, which is something a lot of legitimate fantasy stories struggle to do properly.
Opinions.jpg and shit, but at least try to criticize what you're talking about properly.
When dub?
It's "regards" in Finnish
Thank you.
Warlock just wants the party to stop for second breakfast, and elevensies, and lunch, and teatime, and supper, and...
Most full casters want to stop after 2 hours and spend the rest of the day getting pedicured by their familiars and reading or drawing shit, like pansy elves.
>girl in my playgroup recently got into KonoSuba
>thinks Aqua is hilarious
>wants to play her in our next game
If she wants to be Aqua, help her out.
Bully her constantly.
I don't see the problem. Or are you one of those faggots who thinks taking inspiration from pop culture characters is a bad thing? As long as the character doesn't utterly clash with the tone of the setting, it's fine. Aqua should fit as long as it isn't GrimDark (and even in GrimDark, having a character so utterly unprepared for everything would be funny. It's the ultimate way to bully the goddess).
Honestly it sounds hilarious. Start her with a custom epic tier character with divine level purifaction feats and insane party tricks. Girls are terrible gamers so she'll naturally be useless to further drive the point home.
Please tell me you aren't all plebs and some of you have read the light novel or the subpar translation anyway.
>i am always prepared, never without resources, cant be caught off guard, and have a wicked sense of humor
Every caster ever.
FYI some of Aqua's abilities include:
> Perfect natural night vision- "what do you mean it's pitch black?"
> Divine undead attraction - "They seek salvation from the goddess"
> Epic spell break- " Enough to shatter a demon boss' fortress shield"
> purify water on touch- passive and always active. it in fact will ruin potions/drinks and can even destroy spas.
> Purify curse on touch- passive and always active. Will ruin any kind of evil enchantments
> Bottomless tear ducts- Yep.
> invisible panties - so perverts can't look at them
> Her divine garb- some kind of artifact with insane resistances
> Anti belief aura- But she's really a goddess! Honest!
> Party tricks- can perform amazing street level magic like making things larger, smaller, or making them disappear. Like. forever.
> Epic origami- Can even make a mobile suit that transforms, defying euclidean logic.
You forgot IQ of 30
>Invisible panties
She's also a great engineer and architect.
Konosuba is more of a satire than just parody. The setting, though initially as a typical Dragon Quest copy, is actually a fantasy equivalent of Australia that is comedically absurd, absurdly terrifying and yet internally consistent in a way that has small elements of the setting build on each other.
The main cast may be mostly composed of That Guys that are characterized each by their personal running jokes, but there is a layer of depth to their characterization that lies in the fact that while they are bumbling morons whose failures are always the result of their follies, they are not simply like that to take a piss out of the isekai genre, as they still organically interact with the setting instead of being just forced into the roles of crash test dummies for the author's whims. There is a very real sense that, as absurd as the characters are, they are very much people actually attempting to live within this world, even if it's limited to a small town and its surroundings by the end of the first season.
She can create incredible fortifications and defenses,, but they HAVE to be Aqua church themed.
Her party trick performances let her restore morale to the most shattered broken down forces and restore vitality to soldiers.
Plus she has the usual healer's bag of Buffs, boss-purging exorcisms and can casually spam heal/Rez/decurse.