Do demons even dream?
Do demons even dream?
Dreams are the soul's escapades into the ethereal world, where physicality is but an illusion and concept is king.
Demons have no souls, and so sleep dreamlessly.
>tfw demon GF
Is that a plate of food on the bedside table? I didn't realize Cestree was a demon of gluttony and sloth.
You don't get tits that size eating celery, user.
Aren't demons essentially souls though?
I hate to be that guy, but depends on the setting.
What's the nature of a dream in the setting? What is the nature of a demon in the setting? And then we have to build out on implications, barring any concrete verdict from that alone.
Even assuming we're talking about D&D, which has a core universe that's built on by discrete settings, this is all frangible stuff that might even hinge more on the edition or the campaign (and it's own specific needs or narrative beats) than the setting in question.
So I guess it's more accurate to say "Ask your GM".
>implying that demons can't astral project so easily that it's essentially dreaming in every way that matters.
Succubi in particular are deeply intertwined with dreaming, all the way back to their earliest incarnations in Babylon.
It's weird, because in D&D much of that aspect of their portfolio has been taken up by Night Hags.
Wait is this a new one?
Demons dream about the same shit mortals dream about. I don't get why you guys would think we would be any different. What, do you think we just stay up all night plotting your downfall?
Have any of you even seen a demon in your lives? If you just spent some time talking to us, you'd realize that we're not so different from mortals in terms of our hopes, aspirations, and yes even our dreams.
Nobody goes around questioning whether dwarves or orcs have dreams. But nope, moment you have reddish skin, suddenly people think you're some pitchfork-brandishing stereotype that physically can't think about anything other than buying peoples' souls. Seriously, I've had people walk up to me on my way home, shoving 30-page contracts at me, begging me to bring their kids back to life or give them superpowers or whatever deranged shit they think I'm going to give them.
So I guess what I'm saying is, think about what you say about us and learn your facts. It's just a matter of decency and respect.
Since they can breed with us, I guess it makes sense we have a same degree of sapience.
a dreamon
He does
or a REMon
Canonically, yes. Doremy Sweet is able to welcome such youkai into the Dream World where they may or may not have a most pleasant time.
Alice Margatroid herself, a youkai magician, was prone to taking doses of Butterfly Dream Pills in order to have a proper night's sleep.
But user, the Old Gods made the Nightmare. Xavius is just using it. It's got little to do with demons.
She's been at risk of turning into a sloth demon for ages. It's what happens if all you do all day is play games.
Are you kidding? She's been waifuposted here for ages. I'm pretty sure she'd be solidly in succubus territory by this point.
But, demons do have souls.
Like, I know one who has a whole sack of them.
>Demons have no souls
You get them sucking dick as a lust demon, actually.
The larger the breasts, the more souls they've consumed. This may sound like a shit deal for the young ones (flat chest is suffering) until you realize there are plenty of men into that sort of thing with very easy souls to eat.
The crunch time for a demon is probably around their C cup, when they're horribly average and need to woo on a man by man basis with more than their looks.
could this be seen as a case of Veeky Forums getting shit done, then?
Nein, that would be "Veeky Forums getting fuck-all done". Nothing out of the ordinary, we've been willing to fuck all for ages now.
Veeky Forums has never gotten shit done, and when it does the results are terrifying.
>Becomes sloth demon
>Gives fat and slob fetishes lustful thoughts
>Gets promoted back to succubus
Problem solves itself.
that's why they revoked that demotion
Yes, of dire sheep
"Abyssal sheep" would have been the better play on words there, man. Just sayin', dire animals have no particular link to demons.
There's very few things fiends can't breed with though.
Don't wanna be that guy, but bullshit. There's always guys somewhere desperate enough that only need the word yes. Legit just hang around any college town, you'll be bustin outta DD bras in no time
Hasn't it been established for a long time that succubi conver stolen souls to assfat? Although some probably goes to the tits as well.
Jokes aside, that actually does make sense, at least when demons don't have separate body and soul (and very often that seems to be the case). If their body and soul are made from the same stuff, then any souls they consume could be used to alter their body, and for a dmeon whose entire job is seducing mortals that would probably be used to make themselves more attractive to mortals.
That's really an awful joke to try and dig up again.
A demon's appearance should always just be a reflection of their ego, irrelevant to what they consume. If anything, it would be the weaker ones that rely on voluptuous bodies to tempt mortals, while the stronger ones develop more refined and model-like appearances because they have more confidence and larger goals than simply getting men into bed.
According to wrath of the rightous, yes. But it ALL DEPENDS ON THE SETTING.
There's a bit of a hierarchy for settings though.
>Popular Culture
>D&D lore
>Other published game lore
>Homebrew settings
Veeky Forums still does a lot, it's just that much of it ends up falling into obscurity but a combination of sheer volume and a malaise of quality.
It's hard to light a fire under Veeky Forums, compared to boards like /v/ or /pol/ that are always looking for something to rally around, and ultimately I think that may be for the best.