If plot advancement was possible in 40K, which faction would be most likely to win?
If plot advancement was possible in 40K, which faction would be most likely to win?
Are you serious?
>entropy: the faction not winning in the long run
Well, let's look at on a faction by faction basis.
-Tau: They won't be able to win for a looong time without some really massive advances in their tech, making FTL for them possible, preferably without major risk of Warp rape, and letting them combat Necrons/DEldar on the same level or beat the Imperium/Orks in a war of attrition.
Dark Eldar: Very unlikely. They've bullshit tech levels, but they lack numbers, drive and unity. Maybe if an Archon came round who promised to deal with Chaos forever and was really, really convincing... But that would be bullshit.
Craftworld Eldar: Again, numbers and unity are an issue and they lack the DEldar's tech. They could survive, but not win.
Harlequins: Depending on Cegirnach, maybe.
I thought the consensus was that orks already won? They massively outnumber everyone and the universe is in a state of perpetual warfare, which is literally all they want.
In that sense they are winning, but eventually some other faction might wipe them out.
Isn't it Nids, from a technical standpoint? They eat galaxies.
Non40kfag here, just assuming from what I've read.
But OP, Orkz already won, with Tyranids being right behind them.
It's gotta be either Tyrannids, Necrons, or maybe Chaos.
No way jose, they would be like the only ones who can't really win as their tech is shit. They may be able to put up a really good fight especially on the ground, but you can exterminatus them while they can't do the same to you.
Now the most common answer here will probably be nids. Necrons are another reasonable possibility. For all that people like to shit on chaos, I don't think that either the nid's or the crons have the capability to actually permanently kill off the gods and demons, so it could be said they win just cause they won't loose. ALL that being said, I don't think they will Wright cannon where humanity looses, for no bwtter reason then they ( and their market) are human. So way I figure it it's one of those four, but im betting on emp getting up and raping face after everything goes to shit and needing a whole nother great crusade to save/unite humanity again.
Plot advancement would be the Emprah waking up, finding the remaining sons, finishing the webway with a captured magnus at the helm, and tipping his fedora at the chaos gods so hard they disintegrate. Then the ULTRAMINESWINLOL all over the tyranids.
Sadly if it ever does advance to a conclusion, that is in fact a likely outcome. We all know they have some hack writers over there.
Yeah, but guess what, exterminatusing a planet is a net loss for the imperium since they lost a useful world in the process. Orks give no shit.
>Ork tech is shit
Who cares how bad your tech is when you can grab a tailpipe, attach it to a laptop, and say "itza nuke shoota", and blow up entire cities.
This, combined with the fact that Orks reproduce so fast means that they would slowly, but inevitably, beat everyone else.
Which in ork logic wouldn't be losing, since if you die you haven't technically lost the battle, you're just dead.
These threads are always populated by ignorant cunts who haven't read the fluff.
Lets examine things faction faction.
Orks : The race has a primal desire to conquer the galaxy. Despite trying for millions of years, all Ork attempts ended in failure. The closet they ever got was with the Beast Waaagh! which united most of their race but ended up being defeated by only the Imperium. If the united Ork race beneath the Beast and his Prime-Orks couldn't conquer the galaxy, then Ghaz has fuckall chance to do it.
Tyranids : They are late to the party and whatever they are doing now is just helping Chaos towards their victory by weakening the Imperium
Necrons : Newcrons are a disunited mess of conflicting agendas and madness. Lets be real them uniting ever again us out of the question in the few years the setting has left is just a tall order. Furthermore, Necrons, as in the whole race, went quiet in the End Times. They disappeared from the galaxy spotlight. This indicates maybe that they withdrew from the galaxy
This all leaves Chaos which the fluff heavily hints will be victorious as the only thing capable of stopping it is dying.
>Orks : The race has a primal desire to conquer the galaxy. Despite trying for millions of years, all Ork attempts ended in failure. The closet they ever got was with the Beast Waaagh! which united most of their race but ended up being defeated by only the Imperium. If the united Ork race beneath the Beast and his Prime-Orks couldn't conquer the galaxy, then Ghaz has fuckall chance to do it.
You forget that the motherfucking Emperor and Imperium were competent. Also Ork victory condition doesn't require unification. They just need to fight non-stop and eventually all of galaxy is a some shade of green.
>helping chaos
Nigga meat is meat.
>motherfucking Emperor
It was in 32K. The Emperor was throne'ed.
>Imperium were competent.
The opposite. The Imperial dismal incompetence is what made the Beast crisis worse than it was.
>They just need to fight non-stop and eventually all of galaxy is a some shade of green.
They will be as the Orcs were in the WHFB End Times, background noise that banging while the true players pull off their moves.
If by win you mean kill all the rest? Tyranids.
If by win you mean achieve their ultimate objective? Orks have already won. Only peace would strip it from them.
>Orks have already won
Actually, no. The Orks ultimate objective is to conquer the galaxy.
Chaos has it the easiest, if the Emperor dies then reality gets destroyed.
Tyranids and Necrons will steamroll the galaxy with little sweat if their win condition is fullfilled.
The Imperium, Orks and Eldar will have to do a little bit more than the previous two, but it will still be easy.
Chaos humans will have a harder time, because they only have Abaddon and conventional Chaos forces, but they'll have to betray the Chaos gods. So unless Abaddon has a few tricks up his sleeve on how to bring in the psychic evolution and enslave Chaos it would be a meat grinder.
Dark Eldar have to piggyback off of the Eldar as far as I know. Or hope that the Orks win and don't figure out how to enter the Webway. Because everyone else has the means to invade the Webway.
Tau have no chance. Every other faction is nearing their win condition. They don't have the time to advance their tech in literally all fields, expand their territory and influence to something serious while still keeping everything supplied and in check and then start invading with some actual numbers. The Greater Good is the only thing they have, but it has nothing on Chaos or the Imperial Creed, especially if the Emperor is back, in the long run.
It's impossible for the tyranids to win. The hive fleets are all making a beeline for the Astronomicon and if they succeed in eating Terra then Chaos autowins.
Orks are the biggest failures in 40k.
They were created to save the Old Ones and they failed at that.
Then they somehow birthed their own gods and managed to fail them, as Gork and Mork want them to conquer the galaxy.
For bonus points, Gork and Mork are also failures. They can't oppose the Chaos gods, despite the Ork legends telling them otherwise. If they could, they would save Tuska. As it stands now, Tuska and his warband are only fuelling the Daemon who captured them, and by extension Khorne, despite the Orks still being loyal to Gork and Mork.
And they have failed themselves. According to them the Orks are the best fight ever, so it's logical that they would prefer to only fight amongst themselves. But for that they have to conquer the galaxy, something they fail to do every time some other race kicks their shit in or they fall to in fighting and wipe themselves out.
Doesn't matter /thread
>this meme again
ork psychic fuckery means their ramshackle shit works without jamming or exploding like it should. You couldn't give a boy a bucket for a helmet and have him walk on the moon.
>He doesn't know about the fluff for Ork life-support systems
Orks - the galaxy is at war everywhere, they already won.
Out of everybody else:
Nids - they are the fastest and most efficient at bringing use to any conquered resources PLUS they have fleets pouring in from outside the galaxy.
If nids eat al the humies and other races, chaos gods will be starved off the energy.
They don't need to directly go and try to bite Khorne's face off to win.
They don't conquer things. They just inhabit and fill them with fighting.
Galaxy is full of fighting, all they need is just get some orks into every bit of it.
Depends (tm)
Chaos has the ability to spread throughout the universe. That being said if it spreads throughout the universe and there isn't anyone to worship it it'll collapse. Catch 22.
Nids will eat everything however we don't know how big their hive fleet is or if they are fleeing something bigger (which was something that was hinted at). Currently the nids are at a stalemate unless they get their fleets into the galaxy. How many fleets there are and what is hunting them is the real question.
Orks can hang on no matter what and can give the nids a run for their money. If the nids run out of steam then the orks can theoretically win if they don't stop fighting themselves.
Given enough time the Tau have enough technology and they actually seem to be progressing in technology rather than re-gressing like the rest of the world.
The people who will ultimately fail are probably the Necrons because of space dementia and the Imperium because of the fact they lack the means to expand.
Things don't look peachy for the eldar and the dark eldar either but they still can run away from most of the problematic situations.
If plot advancement happened and an End Times occured, then they probably do the same thing as Fantasy and bring out all the main faction characters for $$$. In that case, I'd put my money on either humans or Tyranids. The Emperor is pretty strong, and bar the Chaos gods coming out to beat him up he'd probably win the war singlehandedly. However, the Imperium has things like the Void Dragon in Mars that could defeat them instantly, and whether or not Ynnead is actually real and strong is a question. On the other side, the tyranids aren't from the galaxy and it's hinted there's a much bigger swarm coming.
This Veeky Forums meme needs to die. Orks want to win. They don't want to settle for second best they want the galaxy for themselves. The constant warfare shit is just fanwank about a misunderstanding of the orks psychic field.
Or something's hunting them. What if Men of Iron established themselves in the other galaxy
Theres no evidence apart from an inquisitors hypothesis that the nids could be running from something. Unless you've got some proof asking whats in the other galaxy is as pointless as asking how the Tau could win 40k. Because the answer is it does matter the nids will eat them anyway.
Tuska the Daemonslayer says HI
He's also your prom date, you sack of shit
Yes I know that bit of fluff. What about that proves your point?
The Q'Orl.
It does matter because if something is hunting the nids then.
A) Nids are on their last leg. Currently they have accomplished a stalemate at best in the current galaxy, each hive fleet has been beaten back by the Imperium which honestly is shit
B) There will be yet another invasion into the universe.
Also its "hinted" there are bigger fleets. Nothing substantial yet. In the current situation its a stalemate with the nids slowly losing bio-mass due to attrition of being hit by warships and the like as they dwindle down their previous invasion forces.
>The constant warfare shit is just fanwank about a misunderstanding of the orks psychic field.
Constant Warfare is what the Orks want. Tuska and his boyz are the happiest they've ever been just fighting and dying for eternity. Only Ghazkull has ambitions for more, and he's considered almost unorky for it - if he wasn't the stompiest, shootiest, most kunning boss of them all other Orks wouldn't stand for it, much less follow him. But they do, simply because he delivers good fightan.
Like that Eldar philosopher, Something-Or-Other the Perverse once said: Orks have answered the great question. They want for nothing but existence and violence. So long as they have that, they are content.
B-b-but user... The Silent King.... h-he is here to save the Necrons
>Implying the will of Gork and Mork is un orky
Orks hate the other races and the idea of them resting on there laurels because they're happy with the state of the galaxy is laughable.
Are Orks happiest out fighting, yes. Would it ever be hard for an Ork to find a good fight, no.
None. If a faction were to win it would make the setting pointless.
So if plot advancements were to happen every factions should fallow its course without invalidating any other. Some victories, some losses for everyone, leading to a new status quo. A different status quo than before, but still a status quo for the time being.
>Theres no proof
>It doesn't matter
Besides leviathan was slowed not stopped. And it only cost the Imperium innumerable worlds and sacrifice.
Nids won't win as GW is lining up others to stop them with the Crons and Orks and the Imperium actually learning. However its a distraction that no other faction can afford. Think Skaven in fantasy end times.
I think everyone knows that. The real question should be who's your favourite and how are they gonna win it? Thats how people will argue about it anyway.
>Tyranids make it to Terra
>Tyranids eat the Emperor
>Emperor overpowers the Hive Mind and becomes the new Hive Mind
>Shadow in the Warp becomes the Beacon in the Warp as all Synapse Creatures become mini-Astronomicons
>Ultranids become canon.
Is there any fluff that states Emps dying will cause a new eye? Cause if the Shadow in the warp is large enough after eating Mars and Terra, would the Demons even be able to spawn from the hole in the webway?
When Magnus tried to tell the Emperor about Horus's treachery, he broke the Webway the Emperor was building. The portal was on Terra, and without the Emperor keeping it closed, it would open up and shit out daemons forever
Yes thats not what I asked.
Cause the Shadow in the warp can stop demons spawning if its large enough. The hole is in the man made webway Emps was building so even if they spawned and ran in they would do fuck all to the nids.
There's no clear answer to that, but evidence suggests "No", as Daemons can fight tyranids without being snuffed out of the material world by the Shadow.
Shadow in the Warp isn't a null field, it's white noise, it's the tremendous bulk of the hive minds psychic emanations moving through space. It doesn't cancel out psychics so much as drown them out with sheer volume. No matter how big though, it's unlikely it could smother a hole directly into the Warp.
>If plot advancement was possible in 40K, which faction would be most likely to win?
Misleading and a fallacy.
OP is asking how the 40K plot with END.
Advancement is possible without any of the races dying out. Which I was kinda hoping for when I clicked the thread. I want to know what plot advancements with characters, worlds, and events we can see before the whole end game nonsense.
I know, but I find it quite boring to be honest.
I would have a better time imagining possible (not matter improbable) futures for 40k.
Like, even if you think tyranids would eat all, why would you just stop there? The real question is what kind of stories could be told under that premiss. Tyranids eat everything, yes, but how? How does everything die? Will they make heroic last stands? Will they try to flee (for example craftworlds)? Will they hide (in the warp or the webway)? What happened to the warp if the galaxy is emptied by the way?
Tl:dr stating "X won because Y" is boring, give us a glimpse of the story it could be.
So how does Chaos win if Nids eat the Emperor then like that user stated? Not sure if that was you.
Sure the Imperium gets fuck but all the Xeno factions get the same lucky break and Abbadon would probably lose his grip on the Black legion without their goal to maintain them.
Yes I agree. However I think that only ever happens when two lvl 4 gronards disagree and have enough free time for the thread to get to that point.
It's the same thing with every "X vs Y", it doesn't raise above powerlevel argument instead of trying to create an interesting premiss.
Well, we can look at some existing plot threads/things that have already happened
The Tau are now isolated behind the great firewall. Admittedly with the Tyranids worming their way up into their butts. We see them forced to develop FTL or some new mode of transportation if they want to expand, or simply see them cut out of the galactic stage all together.
The Eldar are doublefucked. Commoragh is on borrowed time with Vechts door about to burst open and all hell break loose on it, and Eldrad KING GENIUS that he is jumped the gun with Ynnead and fucked the whole soul stone nexus plan. Oops. I'm thinking the three arms of the disparate Eldar race - Dark, Craftworld, and Maidenworld Eldar will unite and try to create for themselves a stronghold system, or GTFO out of dodge.
The Imperium is fragmenting like it always has been, but at an even more accelerated rate. Successor and Splinter states can/will spring up as it Balkanizes. This doesn't necessarily mean the death of all humanity, as long as the Emperor gets his daily snackies then he can theoretically keep shielding real space with the Light. But it makes it much more likely some outside threat destroys them
Necrons are slowly getting their shit again and supposedly the Silent King is returning to unite them. what makes the Necrons interesting is while they would never stoop to ALLY with inferior races, they aren't hostile unless they're on their lawn or somehow serving the C'Tan. They are also enemies with the Eldar AND Chaos. Which means they may not be hostile to the Imperium, as long as they don't see them as a threat or anything to worry about for the moment. It's even possible for human societies to survive as their slaves.
Tyranids are massing as the bulk of the hive fleets - all that has come now are supposedly scouting tendrils - arrive at the edge of the galaxy.
Orks are snowballing under Ghazkull into an Ur-Waagh
Chaos is as it always has been - 10 minutes from exploading into realspace
The webway hole isn't even what will cause the universe to derezz into the Immaterium. I don't even know why they bothered sticking that in the new fluff, maybe to make Magnus more of an idiot than a victim.
So the 40k books say:
1. There is a broken webway beneath the Golden Throne. If the Emperor dies, then daemons will burst forth in Terra. (new Horus Heresy novels)
2. The Emperor is trying to maintain the psychic evolution of mankind, and if he fails, man will become a lost race, and every human mind will become a gateway to man's destruction, as everyone becomes a portal to allow daemons into realspace. (core I think)
3. The Emperor is the only thing keeping the Chaos Gods at bay, and if he dies, the galaxy will dissolve into Chaos. (various daemon codices)
4. The Cadian Necron Pylons are what is keeping the Eye of Terror from expanding. If they are destroyed, then daemons will begin to be able to manifest anywhere in realspace (6e CSM codex).
I wonder why the FUCk there are four different but very similar Chaos-pocalypse scenarios, are they all just garbled takes on the same event?
I'm a "Chaosfag" but I would overwhelmingly prefer if the its not an I win button for Chaos. As is it sure seems like victory for tyranids is just victory for Chaos.
Anyone want to field a stab of whether the four different Chaospocalypses are supposed to all be the same event, or are they supposed to be different events or all just different descriptions of the same event?
the #1 reason I support the newcrons is that I feel that if any threat destroys the Imperium or mankind, it should be one of the original threats -- Chaos, Orks, or Tyranids.
>That being said if it spreads throughout the universe and there isn't anyone to worship it it'll collapse. Catch 22.
That's what Archaon thought aswell, and look how that turned out.
chaos (infinite based on souls) or tyranids (eat everything including orks because they get bigger)
maybe necrons because they don't help chaos or tyranids
The Daemon Codex outright states that there's no more universe if the Emperor dies.
Chaos doesn't need worship to survive at all. Its much weirder than that.
No this is old fluff not from BL. Even if you don't know about it you are right it doesn't appear to matter.
Never read it stated that he is protecting the galaxies psykers. I know he can when he soulbinds them on terra but why bother with that if he can do it from the Throne anyway?
Thats always been to vague for me. Abbadons plan to expand the eye needs millions of souls to die before that starts happening whereas demon codex just says 'we already won brah'. Still fluff is fluff.
Could you source that? I don't remember that at all. just a page number would do.
I wouldn't be surprised if Orks save the galaxy from Tyranids.
>Could you source that? I don't remember that at all. just a page number would do.
Crimson Path from the 6e CSM codex.
For what its worth, I THINK the Black Legion supplement attempts to square all of the above. It has a part called "Dark Imperium" or "Daemon Imperium" in which Abbadon is given a vision of a possible future.
He's on Terra, the Eye has expanded to monstrously huge size in the sky, mankind is dead or tortured playthings for daemons, and daemons are surging to try to get out of what I think is implied to be the webway. What I found interesting about that portion is that Abbadon isn't exactly thrilled.
So what I THINK it all means is that if there is a "Time of Ending" thing for 40k, the deresolution into the Immaterium will be a slow process and the most practical element would be daemons being able to attack anywhere they want.
>Would it ever be hard for an Ork to find a good fight, no.
because they've achieved their ideal galactic state, constant warfare. They've won.
>They've won
That doesn't really make any sense. Many creatures in 40k exist perpetually in the state that makes the most sense to them (SM, CSM, daemons, tau, orks, dark eldar, etc).
>Crimson path
Wait doesn't it just state he needs to destroy the pylons before his path can spread out to Terra? Not that afterwards demons can spawn anywhere but that he will be able to push out the eye and allow demons to spawn on the path like in the eye?
>They've won.
Sure thing kiddo. Now go be irrelevant over in your corner.
>Orks hate the other races and the idea of them resting on there laurels because they're happy with the state of the galaxy is laughable.
Well, no. The idea of them resting their laurels is laughable because no self respecting ork would ever stop krumping gitz.
The ork doesn't go to war with an imperial world with the goal of conquering the world in the name of ork kind.
Hush, you. We've seen what plot advancement looks like, and it ain't pretty. Don't give them ideas.
>Could you source that? I don't remember that at all. just a page number would do.
Page number 54, pdf page number 63, A Path of Crimson in the Black Legion supplement goes into much greater detail about blowing up the (Necron?) Pylons on Cadia will free the Eye of Terror etc. etc. plus a lot of deaths.
That's what I mean. The fact that he will be leading armies of daemons in realspace and not just doing daemon rituals to summon them on-site is a pretty big change.
Orks haven't won. They may have achieved their goal, but said goal could at some point be undone if one of the other factions win.
As much as I love orks, it is kinda true they're just a background faction that mess around while plot happens. Not like that's a bad thing...
Yeah its actually a really horrifying plan for chaos for once. If it wasn't for all the questing and training montages new Abbadon would actually be pretty badass.
So they Orks would be happy if they were losing? How about if their entire race was dying out? I mean there'd still be fighting right so go at it kill all green skins amirite?
Its a dumb meme.
Cheers user I'll read through it.
fuck off already. I am talking from the fluff here. It is stated that Orks have a primal desire to conquer the galaxy and dominate the other races.
Source is the main Rulebook and the Beast series.
Once kaines gate fails dark eldar are going to get fucked six ways till sunday by slaneesh. Dark eldar aint winning shit user
Archaon didn't account for the existence of the multiverse.
He is now. He is busy destroying one universe at a time. Someday the multiverse will be erased and Chaos with it.
There is nothing hunting the nids, they have eaten 12 galaxies before this one, the only thing compelling them to come here is the light from the astronomicon and their hungry bellies
The Shadow in the Warp has been pierced / dispersed twice before.
>Slaanesh dispelled it in Valedor to get to the Eldar souls
>The Emperor saved Tiggy from a Maleceptor
So the Hive Mind's Shadow is shown to be weaker than Slaanesh. But I'd probably say is on par on average.
So if Hive Mind is about as potent as the weakest Chaos God then yes.
Daemons will appear. Especially if the big 4 decide to work together.
>Especially if the big 4 decide to work together.
About that...
The Shadow in the Warp has little to do with the hive mind and more to do with the number of nids.
Unless there's a major paradigm shift, it definitely won't be the Emporium. They are one of the strongest right now, but they're constantly being ground away at, and losing resources. They have a HUGE bastion of resources to BE ground away, but they're still getting weaker by the day.
>tfw emporium armani wont win 40k
Orks. Simply because of their biology, physiology and reproductive cycle they could survive the total devastation of every planet in the galaxy.
>tfw the end result of 40k is eternal gorkamorka
Chaos gods could conceivably keep pouring out daemons forever but that's a lazy answer imho.
Didn't we just have this thread a day or two ago? It'll be chaos in order to twist No Space, No Time, Only Chaos into that sweet, sweet Age of Emperor reboot
Based on current fluff, Tyranids BY FAR. I went into a detailed explanation on it the last time we had this thread. Really expecting that Tyranid fluff to change some time soon because it's not even close with the amount of things going their way.
>their true numbers dwarf the numbers of all other factions put together by a factor of MILLIONS AT LEAST
>they have a psychic entity who's somewhat close to the absolute top guys Magnus, Emps, Chaos Gods, etc.
>ability to assimilate/adapt to practically anything
Imperium resources slowly dwindling away. Chaos can't manifest outside the Warp for long. Orks are too stupid and their numbers don't come close to Tyranids. Necrons too small in numbers even if everyone wakes up with even smaller numbers of superweapons that could actually have made the difference in them being tops. Dark Eldar too busy warding off Slaanesh to really get shit done.
Eldar are at a maybe because we still don't know what their most secret shit actually is who knows maybe they have a super plot device over in the Black Library. Even then though they are horribly outnumbered. Tau are also a maybe because of how quickly their race advances technologically. That being said, outside the new Tau supplements whenever any race gets serious they beat the shit out of Tau so we don't know how much their quick advancement's actually helping them.
We already decided this... The Orks have already won. They realized their ability to manipulate reality, and used it to create an orkish utopia, in which there is nothing but war. The reason the story doesn't advance isn't anything to do with GW. It's because the Orks enjoy the perpetual conflict far too much to allow it to.
>Tyranid fag degenerate say based on current fluff but doesn't knew any curren fluff.
Chaos daemons are infinite and the walls of reality are crumbling. The Great Eye opens for the last time and the humans are exploding to daemons all over the place.
Playing the numbers game like a typical tyranidfag will not avail you. Chaos pouring ceaselessly into reality through the ever increasing number of rifts and warpstorms.
The Warpocalypse draws near and the Tyranids are too late to gain anything in the galaxy.
>Orkses is never defeated in battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fighting so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!
They don't "lose". At least not unless you wipe out their entire force.
>Tyranid fag degenerate
Tyranids are far from my favorite, it's usually Chaos and Eldar.
Anyway, despite being infinite, as I said the primary problem with Chaos is its inability to maintain itself outside the Warp for long.
Even if they get past that and thus are MAYBE able to match Tyranids' numbers overall (though not at once), they are still no match for Tyranids' assimilation/adaptation fluff bullshit.
No matter who wins or loses, there will ALWAYS be orks, just by the virtue of their biology.
Tyranids win? Orks are still there, rampaging across the galaxy and smashing bugs.
Chaos wins? Orks are there, germinating on any planet they can.
The Imperium wins? No matter how hard they may try, no exterminatus can kill every single Ork spore.
They don't have to win, since Orkz are made for fighting.
Literally no one but you thinks that.
That would be the ork's 'best end'. They've achieved their 'good end'. They can progress to total galactic domination, but they've already achieved a victory state, and while they can also go on to lose, for the moment, they've won.