What does Veeky Forums think of Lindybeige?
What does Veeky Forums think of Lindybeige?
Swings between making OK videos and talking out his ass for some dumb point
For example.
The tie.
He makes enjoyable videos that I take with a grain of salt.
This, but without the "OK videos" part.
It's like watching someone who's never even used a computer talk about videogames like they're an expert.
I don't know who that is.
That said, if I wanted to experience this I'd watch Yahtzee instead. At least he makes it somewhat entertaining.
He's okay, as long as he talks about history. The moment he talks about anything else (like unironically defending the Imperial system as "easier to use") he's shitting out of his mouth.
I've never met the guy so this is just speculation, but he looks like the kind of guy who thinks he's an expert in everything because he's an expert in one field.
I like him, his videos are informative and he has a good sense of humor
His idea about how Chinese dictionaries work is the dumbest thing. I don't understand how a self-respecting person could just make things up and argue against them. Five minutes of research and he would have known he was wrong.
>he looks like the kind of guy who thinks he's an expert in everything because he's an expert in one field.
Kind of the impression I got just from watching a couple of his videos.
Sometimes right, mostly entertaining.
> Britain never, ever, ever did anything wrong
> and if they did something kind of dodgy, the other cunts deserved it
Just summing up his view on British history
Same for a lot of his videos desu
>Poor people are poor because rich people are better
Like any and all historians he alternates between "insightful and interesting opinion" to "bullshit of the highest order".
The only things he's ever said which I have trusted implicitly is his opinion on the French.
>The only things he's ever said which I have trusted implicitly is his opinion on the French.
Bruh, that's where the bullshit-o-meter breaks, as soon as he starts talking about the French.
He's alright. I like some of his stuff, his talk on the Illiad was really good, and a lot of his WWII stuff was also good.
He is frequently wrong when it comes to medieval stuff or ancient stuff, but I think that's probably just dumb stuff he absorbed from reenactors. He did an eye-opening video about flails where he actually called up museums and confirmed that a lot of flails which are presented as being short and one-handed in pictures and such are actually socketed, meaning they were probably the ends of polearms.
>a holocaust denier
Yea I'll pass
>a holocaust denier
Really? What vid?
And is he a "real" holocaust denier or does he just dispute the 6 million figure?
He said we should not overemphasize the 6 million, but remember all the other victims of the nazis, too.
>unironically defending the Imperial system as "easier to use"
I have no idea who this guy is but the imperial system is in fact more appropriate for a layman's usage than metric.
Not an exact quote but, "The most important duty of any englishman is to stuff the French"
I wholeheartedly support this statement.
That's not being a holocaust denier
objectively correct
He's not even an expert in history. He's a professional Swing Dance teacher for christssake
Lindybeige makes shit up sometimes, but so do his critics.
He was actually teaching at a university until they sacked him
His WWII stuff is pretty bad, too.
To /pol/, the holocaust means a Jewish claim to leadership because they suffered unrivaled losses at the hand of anti-samites and everybody who questions this claim is an anti-semite themself.
because it's so easy to convert measurements from miles to feet.
Well, he's not wrong. How is that holocaust denial? It's simply non-denial of Nazi Germany's non-Jewish victims. The oppression olympics isn't a zero sum game.
Not really. You probably say this because you grew up with that system, making it easier for you to estimate in that system. I often hear the "5 feet is short, 6 feet is tall" argument but you could just as easily do that with 160cm and 180cm.
Let me guess, you also think Godwinson was the last English king? This is nothing but pure, unbridled Francophobia. I know it has become part of England's national identity, but there's a point where it's going too far.
He was teaching evolutionary science iirc, not exactly the subjects he goes on about.
He also claimed that the British weren't responsible for the deaths of Boers in the British concentration camps during the Second Boer War.
I think he's a fine dancer
>evolutionary science
Wot? Got a source on that? I thought he actually had a degree in history.
he has a degree in archaeology.
Easier to use what you grew up with dude, I can visualize a meter just fine but I can't picture a foot for the life of me
Archaeology degree even, afaik
I thought that was Matt Easton.
>To /pol/
In all fairness, it's the exact same on the other side of the spectrum with zionists
It's possible for two persons to hold that degree.
But not at the same time, surely.
Don't they need to have a duel for the title, or something?
He got a degree in archaeology as far as I'm aware.
Debatable under certain conditions, for instance were British supply lines being regularly targeted during the conflict? If so this could lead to starvation of prisoners simply by merit that there's more important places to be delivering medical and edible provisions to and even with prison camps prisoners are lower priority in event of rationing.
Of course, if it's just a matter of guard brutality then yeah, that's on them.
With spades, shovels and brushes? I would watch that, but Matt looks fitter than Lindy, he would probably win that.
Lindy is getting a set of plate armor made for him.
So he knows his stuff then
The way he wants the armour made is stupid though. I wonder what he's going to do with the arming doublet.
Silly user, those are not the tools of an archeologist.
They are if he's also a time traveller.
In the American Civil War, the Confederates had a POW camp called Andersonville. Andersonville became notorious for the mass starvation of prisoners, many inmates died. This was not based on malicious policy, the Confederacy simply didn't have the supplies to feed them.
The bastard who ran the camp still got hanged for it though.
Pic related is a survivor of the camp.
George Silver reincarnated
Reverse Rennaisance man
Because you so often need to convert between the two?
Because you can so easily visualize a meter to a kilometer? Ultra brotip: your brain can't actually comprehend a 1000x multiplier.
>Not really. You probably say this because you grew up with that system, making it easier for you to estimate in that system. I often hear the "5 feet is short, 6 feet is tall" argument but you could just as easily do that with 160cm and 180cm.
The point for the imperial system is that it can be easily compared to body parts for shorthand. An inch is about the size of a typical thumb joint. A foot is about the size of a typical forearm. Yes, there's variations, but the point is not for exacting purposes but for generic, sloppy measurements.
Only seen a few of his vids, he can be interesting but take a lot of what he says with a grain of salt. Also he seems to hate any Tabletop RPGs with mechanics, especially D&D because muh realism, or because he doesn't like how X mechanic works
I enjoy his videos but sometimes he's wrong about stuff or just simply misinformed.
>the thing that has no logical consistency is easier to use and remember
Yeah, sure
It's totally not the fact that you grew up with it and used it for years.
>Because you can so easily visualize a meter to a kilometer?
What's that got to do with anything?
Name two countries Britain had fucked over that they didn't deserve.
The problem with Imperial measurements is, apart from differences in body parts between individuals that make rigorous measurement impossible, that it pigeonholes the measurement to the human experience. The entire point of science, as opposed to any other method of elucidation, is that it allows for extrapolation outside of one's experiences which should prove, if measured correctly, to be both accurate and precise (and I use those words in the scientific meaning).
That makes Imperial measurements, frankly, useless, because Ultra brotip: your brain comprehends 1,000 miles about as well as it comprehends 1,600 kilometers.
And if you're using a body part for measurement, that's simply sad. Carry a ruler with you if you actually need to measure.
That's about it
Well he did a good job reminding me that the English is the worst part of the British Isles
This. He's fairly entertaining, and he does pretty good interviews as well.
He does share the same problem a lot of us academics have, which is to assume that our training and the logic derived from there, is directly applicable to other fields. The further he strays from history, the worse it gets; his biology is, at best, skewed, and usually flat out wrong.
>Ireland didn't deserve being fucked over
They hosted multiple Catholic invasion forces.
It means it's not like metric is any better for that usage.
Measurement is not the exclusive grounds of ""science"", mate. It's used by everyone for myriad purposes. Measurements do not always need to be precise, yet they need to be performed in general by millions of people daily.
Saying it is thereby useless is completely without merit, faggot. Not everyone carries a ruler in their back pocket.
Totally deserved what they get for throwing a tantrum over not being tax exempt anymore.
Just a reminder that England started the Hundred Years War when its monarchs continually tried to steal the French crown through armed invasion.
A further reminder that England lost the Hundred Years War.
>Not everyone carries a ruler in their back pocket.
They do if they're a tradesman that has to take regular measurements, such as a carpenter.
>It means it's not like metric is any better for that usage.
But the argument wasn't about visualization. It was about conversion.
(actually though, you never really convert metric units, you just move the decimal point around - and that's precisely what makes the metric system great).
>It's used by everyone for myriad purposes
Sure, but how difficult is it to use centimeters or meters in daily usage? It's not hard. It's easy to visualize and convert. Conversely, using Imperial measurements outside of your ridiculous 'daily' usage is simply irresponsible, given human error.
And if you're telling me that 'daily' usage of measurements that are non-exacting is more important that accurate scientific measurements, than you sir, are the faggot. Carry a slide ruler. It will make your life better.
Imperial was made for the lower working class. Its the poor mans measuring system. Not meant for things that needed quick conversions or to be super precise.
>implying english monarchs weren't French
No they don't, famously old clothiers and textiles still use the traditional way of measuring feete.
Was Andersonville the domain of vile Confederate necromancers?
The vid where he goes on about how D&D isn't realistic enough was hysterical to me.
>No they don't
Carpenters do.
Yeah, that entire video was stupid
>Weapons that give a bonus to fighting specific enemies are useless because you aren't going to carry a whole bag of swords around
Says who? The Handy Haversack is literally made for such things: nearly infinite storage space and as a move action you can automatically and accurately retrieve any single item stored in it. Wizards and clerics (or the well prepared ones) carry a slew of wands and scrolls with them for those spells that are not commonly used enough to warrant dedicating a spell slot to, but occasionally useful enough to still warrant a means to cast them at will. That's the entire point of being an adventurer. You're not a soldier who just needs a primary weapon and a secondary weapon to bring the hurt to another soldier, you're a professional dealing with literally fantastic wonders.
>The adventurers didn't flip over the turtle so the evil empire had to do it for them
This would be the point where I get up and walk away, and there aren't many circumstances where I'd do that. This is bad storytelling, this is nothing more than the DM gloating and making the party feel useless.
>Hurr durr but you can't just cut through a turtle's shell
Just fucking give him damage reduction that's impossible to overcome for a normal human. Key word: normal. Adventurers (at least in D&D, which I have the impression Lindy plays the most) are already above average starting at level 1. They are by all means exceptional people with the ability to overcome exceptional threats.
He's a britbong, he didn't grow up playing D&D but rather HeroQuest and RuneQuest, it makes more sense from that perspective.
He's a hack.
>but remember all the other victims of the Nazis, too.
The absolute antisemite
t. Carl the Cuck
>Because you so often need to convert between the two?
You never had a class in physics, did you ?
Moron. And he uses the motte and bailey form of "debate", which to me means he should be taken outside and shot.
This desu
You don't convert between feet and miles because at any scale where you need to know the miles, you don't really need to know the feet.
Motte and Bailey debate?
I like him. And as I speak for all of Veeky Forums, that's the answer to your question.
You know when I first started watching him, it took me a while to realize that he wasn't saying MaTeaStan
I'ts derived from an old style fortification system, where you had a heavily defended citadel (the motte) usually on top of an otherwise worthless hill, and a much lighter defense line around the places that were actually important and people lived and worked in, called the bailey; which would be temporarily abandoned if it came under serious attack as everyone withdrew into the motte.
Applied to debating in general, it works by making an absurd, ridiculous claim, and when pressed on it, retreating to "well I only really meant X", where X is a much less provocative, and often much less interesting statement.
Which is Lindy to a T; he makes bizarre, provocative titles to his articles or his youtube vids
>Cavalry was useless!
>Zama didn't exist!
>What holocaust!?
As a way of attracting viewers, and then goes on to say something far more mainstream (although often still with lots of errors, because he's a dumbass) once you actually sit down to watch his inane 20 minute videos.
think Bait-and-switch, but for debates
But that's plain wrong.
Let's say you know you do 3 feet per second. How long is it going to take you to reach your grandma who lives 18 miles away from you?
How long did it survive though? Doesn't really seem like something you recover from without people on stilts and some strong cord.
Lots of inaccuracies and lies-by-omission, but that's par the course for youtube. Not particularly worth watching in my opinion, but I won't judge you if you do.
>Let's say you know you do 3 feet per second.
Going to let you in on a secret here bud. We just use miles per hour for all speed related measurements here, nobody walks in feet per second, that's reserved for high speed things for bullets.
I don't know why either, but I was raised in it so buhffffffffffffffffffffffffft.
Half of Africa. inb4 we gave them schools and shit. You also gave them modern technology and forced them to live in diverse democratic states while failing to teach them modern cultural norms. The massive population explosion in Africa as well as the famines and wars are mostly due to the fact that peoples were forced to live in modern states without having modern moral codes.
England started fucking up Ireland in the 12th century, long before catholic-protestant was even a thing.
The point is, multiplication happens and when it does, small numbers can become big.
Whether it's to calculate how many tents you can fit into an area, or how many cabins a ship might have based on its length, there are many different scenarios that require it.
Knyght Errant is the superior medieval Arms and Armour channel. Each video has a tight focus, great depth and actually cites and links sources. The fact that Ian restricts his topics to his area of expertise and explores them thoroughly is so refreshing. Only talking about things you actually have a clue about is a rare virtue in A&A discussions.