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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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So. Fallen London Overgoats.
What the hell's their deal?
They're goats that live in Hell. Nothing much else to say, really. They're probably some sort of demon, what (if any) relationship they have to the hell bees that animate the humanoid devils is unknown.
Have any of you conisdered making a gauntlet for knightmare? The companions could serve as advisors trying to guide the jumper through Treguard's dungeon,In addition to taking a break from more dangerous jumps it could also serve as a way to test the companions ability to communicate with and guide the jumper in a relatively safe envoirment
Hey, does anybody have suggestions for a good weapon to go with super speed?
Having a really hard time thinking of any/
Pretty much any weapon goes great with super speed.
Brass knuckles. Ceteris parabis friction ain't nothing to fuck wit.
Can't say I remember any of us doing so. THen again I don't know what Knightmare is, why would you say it's more fit for a gauntlet than regular jump?
Hm... A VERY sharp knife/sword? Imagine speeding by while just... Sticking it out. Whoosh.
Alternatively, something that would allow you to smash into people like a cannonball. A suit, maybe.
A light saber.
it was a tv show where one character walks through a digitally rendered dungeon wearing a helmet that covers their eyes(pictured in my first post).Three other competitors see the dungeon through cameras and have to try and guide the one with the helmet safely through.Both helping them navigate correctly and helping them solve puzzles and quizzes.I feel it would work better as a gauntlet due to its gameshow nature.
I seriously doubt it's ever come up but it could be pretty funny.
>Mach 7,500
it is in fact decently relativistic given the power levels shown on that show
Fair enough, sounds fun. I do hope someone does pic it up in that case.
I feel like you'd whoosh hard enough already with just a cudgel or something. Then again, anime sword skills.
Hmm. Maybe a really hard helmet.
Don't fool those things, you'll be in for a bad time.
The effectiveness of martial arts increases Exponentially with the speed you are doing Them.
>a bad time
Explain? The Bazaar gets off lightly enough.
Also, the fuck does Caprine Authority even do? Command goats?
I was going to wait until Halloween to post this one, but Mondays are the worst so here it is.
They are dangerous and intimidating, and as far as I can tell it's authority you get from a goat. also remember that death is A slap on the wrist In the Neath.
Okay. Clarification: How so? Thought they just raise Watchful anyway.
I'm just trying to figure out what authority gained from a goat actually does. Probably aren't any good answers for that.
It is, for now. The Boatman seems pretty sure you're screwed in the long haul, and what little I've heard of the Hate ending of Seeking is true he may well have a point
2spoopy, many thanks.
>You say goodbye to your parasyte(s). They go into a permanent fugue, melding their mind(s) to your nervous system. You can either gain their memories and experiences (like having another background) or reject them, but in either case you take control of the parasyte parts of your body and learn to control its morphic flesh yourself.
I know why that option is there and I'm not saying you should take it out, but it's still 2sad ;_;
Oh, I remember this series. It was a good one. Creepy in a lot of fun ways.
Migi's high-fiving angels in heaven, now.
not exactly sure I have Haven't gotten one,I think it's that they're privy to Infernal secrets being that there from hell. and you're right there aren't always good answers so.....
Looks real good.
Ideally a blade of some kind, something with very little drag that passes through enemies as cleanly as possible to prevent the recoil of your own speed behind the strike getting out of hand.
So is there any jump that have a symbiote (venom) like suit? Pic related
just about any of the Marvel jumps,you'll need a pod though.
Go to Marvel jump, buy appropriate powers (strength, toughness, body etc.) and stack them onto a shapechanging unstable molecule uniform and fluff it to be a symbiote.
Alternatively, wait for the Ultimate Spider Man jump to come out and buy one.
So, some sort of mono-molecular sword?
Well, considering some of the available jumps, that shouldn't be too hard to find.
A lightsaber?
Swords, knives or wire all works. Also like this guy says, Lightsaber.
I don't think a lightsaber would be a very good option, because for a number of applications you aren't cutting, you are burning, so you are actually benefiting from exposure time. It's not like you can speed up how fast you cut through a blast door by swinging faster. Also past a certain point you may actually move faster that the containment can keep up causing the lightsaber to deform or just jet out plasma without maintaining a blade. A solid object would be a better option after a certain point.
I had no idea they worked like that. Vibroblades sound like the superior option then, from the same universe, in the hands of someone with super speed.
It's been suggested to me that most of the capstones need boosting so I'll try to fix that for the next version.
Otherwise I'm off and will note any other fixes in the morning.
Yea in the Disney canon right now it isn't technically explained. However in the Legends stuff lightsabers were basically described to function by heating a plasma via a laser and then contain the plasma to form the blade. They are one of the better plasma swords in the chain though.
Is the Z-Saber a plasma sword? How does it compare to a lightsaber?
I don't know much about megaman other than that the game kicked my ass as a kid. Though I don't think it is a plasma sword.
like 30% certain it's hard light rather than plasma and its been noted that it's better than a light saber in the jump.
Hey heavens I'm looking at the unlosing jumper and I see this
>>Or anyone else the innocent can look up to with hope – unsubtle, loud, hot-blooded, kind-hearted and determined – the more potent the roaring power of your passion. A losing battle becomes a climactic struggle, a declaration of protection becomes a turning point in history, and a confession of love becomes the moment a villain finally sees the light.
>>unsubtle, loud, hot-blooded, kind-hearted and determined
now do those commas Separate it into particulate clauses so any of those would work or is it one thing and I would also need to be unsubtle, loud, hot-blooded as well has kindhearted and Determined ?
Do you want a serious critique, or is this just a courtesy call from SB, cthulhu/blade or whatever name you go by nowadays?
So when are you going to give us an untainted Stargate jump that doesn't keep us from Ascension?
We already have a jump in this setting. Please stop what you are doing.
Far as I know this seems to be the same doc made in response to Strike giving up the original DxD jump and that was posted on Veeky Forums to initially positive response.
Hey, village idiot. Myrmidont didn't make Stargate, and you bitching at people to do shit for you has the opposite effect.
Strike gave up DxD.
Stop feeding him.
actually in search of feedback and good ideas.
yes, you do. but you guys also screamed at the author 'its shit' so hard they dropped it. now i have the claim for it.
He claimed Atlantis, user. Which it seems to have latched onto.
Dude, what happened? You were using proper capitalization and everything not too long ago.
It doesn't give a shit about Atlantis. It just wants to fuck up a another thread.
What do (You)s even taste like, and why can't he feed himself?
I give a shit about Ascension and the Ancient technology that we were kept from because a bitch got a nerfboner and didn't want to let anyone be powerful. It's laughable, we already have Asura's Wrath, Tenchi, and soon Disgaea. There's no fucking point keeping Ascension blocked off anymore, and myrmidont will thankfully correct this flaw in Atlantis.
If cthulhu is seriously intending that this is going to go up into the drive, then he can at least have the courtesy to post it himself with the confirmation of his intention. If this is just people taking pdfs and tossing them about again randomly, then please let Cthulhu deal with this.
I'm guessing some guy here comes from SB or frequents that place. It was brought to my attention that somebody took the scratchpad I had for Makai Kingdom and thought that it was going to be a jump.
It isn't. I never claimed Makai Kingdom, and I won't claim Makai Kingdom. I was told by somebody else that they had seen a fleshed out Makai Kingdom jump already prior to my return. So whoever is taking my scratchpads and posting them on SB can kindly stop.
>they had seen a fleshed out Makai Kingdom jump
Where? I've never seen any but yours.
There's more drawbacks than last time.
So, I'm trying to make a build for Kamen Rider Neo-Heisei... Can someone with more Kamen Rider knowledge answer me some questions?
Specifically, all these transformation belts/drivers on offer... Can I use more than one of those, maybe combine henshin forms? Going full JRPG protag with belts everywhere?
Or can you only use one at a time? If it's just one... is there any point to getting the Rider stuff in all the Kamen Rider jumps, instead of picking just one you like?
Also, more a question for Digger (he made the jump, right?) specifically... What would happen if I use the SuperSonic gaia memory with the NEXTGEN Memory Driver? Would I control superspeed somehow, or just be really, really damn fast?
Also also, where would be a good place to start watching some of it, assuming I haven't watch any Kamen Rider before?
I've only been back for like two weeks? I have no clue what you guys have done in the past year. You people would know better than I do.
Not him but mobile devices, maybe? That or the pair's both answering and one of them's more grammatical than the other.
>Canon Companion
I see whoever Great Red and Ophis are have been hardbanned. You absolutely sure no demon or angel is on the same level? Don't know much about the series but I find it hard to believe those two are completely untouchable by anything else.
>Slice of your own hell
To clarify, can this place be attached to your own Warehouse? If so I think a clause about it not counting as extra storage space would be in order-and to pre-empt off the interjump balance folks, the idea has always been to find a way around that on your own initiative, not buff warehouse space with jump purchases.
Might be part of the final doc but maybe explain what being an archangel or whatnot actually entails in terms of your capabilities? Just curious-why do dragon kings stand out among everything else?
>Woden you like to know
If possible, would appreciate more lore on what differentiates these magic systems
I don't know what this is but why is it crossed out? Is it a joke option or something?
Does it apply only to your in-jump race or future backgrounds?
>Fell For A Reason
Is this based on anything in-setting?
>right hand of the Father
Think I asked this ages ago but I do think this could benefit from more explaination to differentiate it from the Sacred Gear-making perk and what it actually entails
Anyway, like I think I said last time-looks good so far and looking forward to see more things to say something solid about.
Please calm down, at least one of them has already asked for feedback in
I hope this is seen as an improvement.
Royal Seals [300] (Discount Royal): Like Tolten, you have an inheritance, unhelpfully scattered around the world by your ancestors, nine useful and unique relics of the past tucked away in nine black slabs marked with your family seal, each one someplace out of the way or uncommonly travelled to. While you don’t receive a map to these seals, nor any indication where they are, they are all some place theoretically reachable. If you’re not a Royal, they’ll be items that reflect your origin and station in life. In each future jump, a new set of nine seals will appear, each containing new useful and unique relics customized for and fitting both your origin and the world they’re from. If you’re a Drop-In, it won’t work perfectly, since the items can’t be tailored to your origin and instead the seals will simply contain a random assortment of potentially useful items of the same general utility. Either way, the items will always be sealed in matching containers that only you can open, and you’ll always recognize them for what they are when you see them, so you don’t need to wonder if you’ve found them all or not.
These items do not follow you from jump to jump, but rather each jump will have its own set. You can choose to keep an item from this set, but doing so means that all future sets will have one less item. This should not be seen as a way to get CP items from other jumps, as the seals will never contain anything that is available for purchase in a given jump. A word to the wise, while no one but you can open them, once they’ve been opened, it is likely treasure seekers will be very interested in getting the contents of decades or century old mysterious treasure containers from you.
Most of them have powerups to use all or a lot of their respective things, or an enemy who does in the case of Gaia Memories. Using two different belts at a time is something you'll likely have to apply jumper science to. Maybe fuse the belts together or something.
Kamen Rider W is a pretty good starting point, being the start of Neo-Heisei.
Can confirm: I've never heard of another Makai Kingdom jump either. Anyway, render unto SB what is SB's and all that guff; don't feel obliged to drop it, I liked what little I saw of what you had.
To the best of my knowledge there has never been any Makai Kingdom WIP other than yours.
That seems great. It looks like it completely solves the issues it had.
Drawback about treasure hunter and others trying to steal your stuff?
Eh, I'm perfectly calm at the moment. I'm also aware that Cthulhu had previously asked for some of his jumps to remain exclusively on SB, and I have no clue if this one is one of them. If it is and we're grabbing his WIP randomly, it isn't particularly fair to critique him on it, especially with it being a skeleton as it is.
Looks good to me.
It works. Clarify one thing for me. Can this be bought multiple times to get more than a single set of 9?
>I see whoever Great Red and Ophis are have been hardbanned. You absolutely sure no demon or angel is on the same level?
While no-one is on their level, there are still multiple planet-busters who should probably be banned as well.
>Is this based on anything in-setting?
It is not.
I'll consider adding it when I haven't been awake for 22 hours and don't have to be back at work in 7... under 7 actually.
Yes. Wasn't my intention to allow it, but I can't really see any reason not to. the idea of someone running through 12 sets of them every jump mildly amuses me.
I lurk both SB and QQ and I don't remember any talk of a Makai Kingdom jump.
>Power Attracts - 200 cp
>The devils are greedy creatures by nature. Either in poaching the strong and good looking from
humanity, or in trying to woo the strongest members of their race
Wow, thanks for completely fucking ignoring me when I said that no, they don't and you should take that text out.
>giving people longinus
I'm not even going to bother arguing against it, I won't win, but hopefully this will stop everyone from being cunts and murdering Ise.
Ah. In that case, if you are one of the jumpmakers in the interest of parity consider doing that, and making another perk that does reflect being a fallen angel. Mind you, the current perk isn't blatent enough that I have a big issue with it if you can't think of anything else.
>completely fucking ignoring me
Notice me senpai, NOTICE ME!
As someone who knows nothing about the Longinus, what's up with them? I mean this in the most nonconfrontational way possible, but it's not as if artifact purchases as items aren't unprecedented.
I freely admit I know barely anything about DxD and the powerlevels confuse me though.
>if you are one of the jumpmakers
I'm not, just someone who knows a lot about the setting.
The Symbiote jump?
Oh well. Thank you for clarifying anyway.
I take it dragons are kind of a big deal? Getting the sense they're the Asian kind taken to its' logical extreme in a shounen setting.
Eh, most of them aren't anything too gamebreaking. They all have the potential to kill gods, but that's nothing special for Jumpers. The only problem is the ones with souls of sentient beings trapped in them, like Boosted Gear, Divine Dividing, and that lion thing I can't spell.
The main dragon is called the Breast Dragon Emperor. You decide.
Are you seriously just handing out Longinus? What plot implications is this going to have, or are you creating dupe Longinus now?
And seriously what is with those companion imports. The pricing is all over the place.
...I think I'll wait until the document is more fleshed out. Why do you even have a capstone crossed out? Is it getting removed? Are you trying to tease people?
In Anima Beyond Fantasy there are three "illuminatis" right? Is there a good one to join if I pissed off the church?
Dragons are, on par, the strongest species in the setting, yes.
The author posted a top ten strongest being list, and four of them where dragons.
>The main dragon is called the Breast Dragon Emperor. You decide.
No he isn't. That's a nickname Issei gets. The most powerful dragon in the setting, who the story is named after, is Great Red, the Dragon of Dragons.
>Canon Companion
The archangels and the maou come close, but red and ophis are leagues above everything else in setting.
>Slice of your own hell
Its a property, not a warehouse attachment.
Will do. For all intents and purposes, dragons start at a stronger basepoint than the other races.
It was supposed to be a power based on one of the devil pillar houses, but there wasnt enough information on them. It needs replacing.
Future races as well.
>Fell for a reason
Not really. At best its loosely based on issei and a 'let me kick you ass so i can go back to playing videogames' type situation.
>ignoring me
Sorry. Will fix, or at least change.
I should have put a /s shouldn't I?
>Its a property, not a warehouse attachment.
Uh doesn't the description as it is right now basically say it can be a warehouse attachment. Where are you drawing the line here?
The Imperium can pretty much order them to back off since it's the one that basically made them exist and has infiltrated the crap out of them.
The Illuminati and the Technocracy are over in Hell, so they're harder to get to, and if you can get to them, you're kind of beyond the Church's reach anyway.
On the other hand, if the Church is coming after you and you can't take them, the Imperium's more likely to try and wipe your mind and hand you over, while if you /can/ take them, then... you uh, don't really need to hide behind one of the conspiracies.
The upcoming Ultimate Spider-Man will have symbiotes in it. I think it was a purchasable one with a non-existent customization section which will be cool, and a capstone to make them? That would also be cool.
Do Outcast Angels actually have physical bodies? Like, is "being of spirit" just referring to the body not being "truly you"? Or is it something more akin to Waveform Anatomy?
... Outcast Angels? You mean the Nephilim Ebudan?
Sorry, I mean in GURPS.
I took Church Hatred, and I'm going to claim Megas Therion. I'm pretty far into my chain at this point, so I might be able to do the whole total war thing, but I'd rather not. So, I'm hoping to get some allies to back me up. Make it more of a cold war. You know?
What exactly is problematic about those last few? I assume the True Longinus is among their number?
>leagues above everything else
Out of interest, does that mean they are near the level of the former capital-G God I'm given to understand is dead?
>Its a property
As Dirge said I'd recommend clarifying that.
>everything else
Thank you, and well-I've said my piece about what I think of that last one here Hi, just got back from learning that the magic of Anima Beyond Fantasy is...apparently substantially more powerful than what I'd gleaned because I largely overlooked the convos here about it. Couple questions:
1. What is the lore behind how magic actually works? I gather Zeon has some connection to the afterlife, but what are the mechanics behind the local magic system?
2. For magical effects that involve Presence, can it be contested by sufficient metaphysical weight in other settings since I'm given to understand normally when magical effects conflict your Presence rating is used to denote which effect has primacy?
3. I have been informed that one requires divinity to do high level spells but also that if you're attempting to do them you probably don't need the spell that makes you a god anyway; could you explain this paradox? Also, I've been told there is a nightmare god who can make followers divine. How good an idea would making a bargain with him be?
So Mega Therion is a city, right? What kind of city? What are its aesthetics? How large is it? Does it have all the trappings of a normal city? Can it be upgraded/improved on a technological level?
You'd have to try and combine the forms manually with tech perks, as by baseline I've been ruling that gear-based transformations only have one mode at a time, but using technological or magitechnological knowhow to fuse them is a valid idea
As for SuperSonic NEXT, I imagine that you'd be able to control velocity in small...even microscropic bursts
Imagine being able to create sonic booms by just flexing a hand or something, or putting a bunch of velocity into a small and specific thing(such as throwing an item and imbuing it with a massive amount of velocity at the moment it leaves your hand)
Kissasian has the best subs of most of the shows, and Double is a good entry point since it has a pretty good gimmick and strong characters while still having the soul of a Rider (i.e being a fang for those who can't defend themselves)
ASA, user Heart is one of the people who informed you.
Oh, that makes sense. The body is technically not 'you', but killing it is still killing you because, well, you're now back in the hands of the God whom you flipped off while walking out of heaven.
If you successfully claim Megas Therion, you are automatically powerful enough to count as able to take on the Church.
You realize I'm Shadlith over there, right?
The First City, I don't think we get told much about it. Personally I picture it as basically Kamino.
>I picture it as basically Kamino.
...Does it come with an army of Boba Fetts?
So, you /do/ have a body. I just wasn't sure because "being of spirit" sounds a lot like "your soul is your body", and I just wanted to make sure I wasn't unwittingly picking up Waveform Anatomy.
He might be the capital G God but he's far from the strongest in DXD. Power levels are kind of a mess as at the start God was said to be fairly strong but nowhere near Great Red or Ophis and then we found out that the reason he died was that he was weakened from sealing Trihexa (Something as powerful as Great Red). Most of the things people are saying about power levels are assumptions as well. The best feat shown is destroying a mountain range in one of the later light novels. Great Red, Ophis and Trihexa are the three strongest in the setting and it's said that Great Red and Trihxa fighting would destroy the world so that's the closest to planet busting that has been mentioned.
You have access to the entire Creation and Essence schools. You can literally just poof one into existence.
Yeah, the outcasting process results in your soul being split from your body, thus giving you a body and a soul. That being said, as a being originally from Heaven instead of Earth, magic still acts as if you're a being a Spirit.
>The First City
So it was made with the advanced tech of Anima, right? Can I assume it has modern+ amenities? If not, would I be able to add them?
>Leagues above everything else
ophis, after having about half her power stolen, was noted to be 'ten times as strong as driadg(i just know i misspelled that) at his strongest'.
The implication being that he has degraded since being turned into a gear.
Ophis and great red are ludicrously powerful. So yes, probably on par with God. And yes, he is dead.