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Does ydris give maelstrom wanderer triple cascade. Also good morning gA!
Yes- you can give more instances of Cascade to a spell that already has it, and as Wanderer himself lets you know, those multiple instances are not redundant.
Good morning to you too!
Why is Ludevic so awful?
The problem is that they did a bottom-up design for a U/R legend and slapped Ludevic's name on it. I agree with Maro that not every Legendary card is a top-down design, and I'm absolutely fine with bottom-up design, but Ludevic NEEDED to be top-down. Or at the very least, he needed to have his name put on a bottom-up design that actually matched him.
I play Ancient Excavation with an Alhammarett's archive in play and 5 cards in hand, how many do I draw and discard? What if I dredge 1 or 2 draws?
Alhamsandwich's Archive will replace each of the draws with "Draw 2". So you'll draw cards equal to twice the number of cards in your hand... and then discard a card for each card you drew that way. So still a net gain of -1 card (since you had to cast the Excavation), but you're digging twice as deep to decide what to keep.
If I get a card that is misprinted so badly it is not legal to play in tournaments, does Wizards owe me a replacement card?
Since sol ring was printed in kaladesh, are all older copies of sol ring legal in standard now?
Masterpiece sets are not legal in standard unless it is part of the standard legal set like the gearhulks.
No, but it might be worth more than a normal printing if it is a unique misprint
afaik, you can send it to wizard to get a replacement.
Sol ring was not printed in Kaladesh, but IS a part of the masterpiece collection
"Owe", no. That said, they're very good about replacing such cards.
Nope, because Sol Ring wasn't printed in Kaladesh. It was printed in Kaladesh Inventions, which is not Standard Legal.
I would love to cast Rashmi turn two in Standard.
1. What happens if I try to cast a spell I can't afford? For example if I tried to play the instant in the OP with only 2 mana. Does it fizzle and get discarded? Does it bounce back to my hand? Does the mana stay tapped?
2. Both the defending and attacking player have an opportunity to cast instants after attacks and blocks have occured but before combat is resolved, correct?
3. Can cards with summoning sickness be tapped by other cards (for example tap 3 elves, get mana etc.).
4. If I mulligan, do I shuffle the old hand back into the deck before drawing a new hand, or after?
Pics? I'm curious now.
1) You'll get to the 'paying costs' part, the game sees you can't do it, and rewinds to immediately before you began casting the spell. You'll empty the mana you did float from your mana pool, and un-do any mana abilities. Land =/= mana. Lands MAKE mana.
2) Combat doesn't resolve, but yes. After the Active Player declares all their attacks, both players get at least one round of priority before blocks. Then we move to the Declare Blockers step, which begins with the turn-based action of the Non-Active Player declaring their blocks. Then, both players will get at least one round of priority before moving to combat damage.
3) Summoning sickness stops the creature in question from attacking, or activating any ability with the Tap or Untap symbol as a cost. They can be tapped to pay other costs (such as Convoke, or Heritage Druid), though.
4) Before. You shuffle your current hand back into your library, present the randomized library to your opponent for a cut, and then draw your new hand.
If I cast a spell that has Storm after triggering Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder, Only the original spell has cascade, right?
What is the effective numerical value of cards like Lotus Bloom? For example, could i use Salvaging Station to return a Lotus Bloom from the graveyard to the battlefield?
What is your favorite colored artifact?
You would only cascade once, since cascade is on cast and storm copies aren't cast.
Anything with a mana cost of null has a CMC of 0, so yes.
Grindstone when I have Painter's Servant out.
How does lab maniac work in two headed giant
Actually, the copies do have Cascade because they're copies of the base spell.
But since they weren't cast, that doesn't do anything!
Lotus Bloom has a mana cost of null, but a CMC of 0, so a Salvaging Station can find it.
If you go to draw from an empty library with a Maniac out, instead your team wins.
if i have reckless fireweaver in play and play panharmonicon do i ping for 2?
ETB trigger goes on the stack and panharmonicon sees it, yeah?
Yep! You ping for 1, then ping for 1 again.
is the end step considered "end of turn"?
What happens if both you and your teammate draw from an empty library and only one of you controls lab man
That'll depend on what you're asking. Some old things used to say they ended "At end of turn", which these days means "At the beginning of the end step". Some things say "UNTIL end of turn", which means until the cleanup step, which is after the End Step.
To see which wording an older card has, remember to check the Oracle text!
You still win. Maniac turns the action of "Would draw a card while your library has no cards in it" into the action of "Win the game". Further, in a multiplayer game, an action that says you win the game is to be treated as instead saying all of your opponents lose (only really matters with Grand Melee and limited range of influence).
So, your Maniac turns your draw action into "All your opponents lose". 104.2a says that a player still in the game wins that game if all of their opponents have left it, and this happens immediately. So your team immediately wins before SBAs can see that your teammate drew from an empty library.
Did I buy a fake emrakul, or is it a printing error?
In multiplayer does finest hour trigger and give your team another combat phase or just you.
>modern masters 2
probably a printing error
If you're doing a shared turns variant like 2HG, it'll give you and your teammate(s) an extra combat phase after this one.
If you're not sharing turns (like in Star Magic), but just working towards a common goal, then it'll only give YOU one. Grok?
def. a printing error
Let's say you have 2 Punishing Fire and Grove out, your opponent has an active DRS out. You tap the grove, triggering both PF. Do you have to pay R to return it when the trigger resolves, or do you pay R and pass priority, allowing the DRS to eat it?
You have to pass priority in order for the game to progress, so yeah it would probably get eaten
A player plays Chalice of the void X=1 and then a Phiting needle. His opponent realizes the problem during the next turn, after playing a couple of spells. What happens then?
Are replacement effects "actions" taken by players.
Like if a card would go to a graveyard but it would instead be exiled, does putting it to exile count as an action taken by a player? Specifically doing so during the middle of a spell resolving
What are you building on November 11?
Alright, I'm back from playing Commander and learning how to play Red Dragon Inn!
You pay as it resolves. Your opponent would have to pre-emptively eat one of them with Deathrite, and then you can just pay into the trigger for the other. There's no point between the actual paying and the card being returned to your hand where your opponent has priority to act.
Half right- you have to pass priority for the trigger to BEGIN resolving, but you pay as PART of the resolution.
An investigation is launched to determine if the player was cheating. If so, DQ. If it was an honest mistake, they'd be assessed Game Play Error - Missed Trigger, be issued a Warning, and play would continue. The usual 'fix' we have here of allowing the opponent to place the detrimental trigger on the stack doesn't really do anything here, since the spell is already resolved.
I'm not sure what you're asking here. Can you clarify?
Probably nothing- none of the Partner pairs or 4 Color commanders really make me want to build around them. I do have a fair few builds-in-the-making though, and I might try to get one of them ready before then.
I have no cards in hand and no cards in my library. I have a Sylvan Library in play, and elect to draw two cards when it triggers. What, aside from losing the game, happens?
For anyone paying attention the magic scene, i play miracles versus soldiers in legacy. on turn 4 i drop down moot, but on opponents end step turn 3 i played brainstorm and only put 1 card back on top. What happens?
Pretty standard DEC, unless you're found to have been eating cheetos.
>Triggered abilities of the first won't see the second enter
>An ability that triggers on the first creature ETB may target the second creature
the actual fuck
is this not contradictory? please tell me how the first creature can't see the second, but somehow can
The first bullet is about abilities becoming triggered. The second bullet is about picking targets for triggered abilities. Also, you switched "first" and "second" in your first quote.
You're misreading it.
The first creature enters before the second. Hence it can see the second enter, but the second cannot see it enter.
However, both are entering due to the same spell, so anything that triggers has to wait for the second one to enter because the spell isn't finished resolving. Hence they don't even get to pick targets (if they're targeted) until both are in play and ripe for targeting.
You'll go to draw 2 cards and fail because your library is empty. Then, you'll select the one card you've drawn this turn (assuming you did draw one) and either pay 4 life or put it on top of your library. When SBAs are checked after this trigger resolves, you lose.
>What happens?
I remember that I wasn't at the event, nor am I the Head Judge for it, so I have exactly as much information as any other spectator. As such, I decline to speculate and allow the judges actually on-site to conduct an investigation.
They are not contradictory. First, you put out Thing 1. This might trigger something, but we're in the middle of resolving a spell, so the trigger politely waits. Then we put out Thing 2, which may trigger. That trigger ALSO waits until we're done resolving this ability.
By the time those triggers go on the stack, both creatures are out, so Thing 2 could target Thing 1, or vice versa. And Thing 2 entering might TRIGGER Thing 1 (like if you found a Soul Warden for the first creature, and a Grizzly Bear for the second)... but it can't happen the other way around, because they come out sequentially. If the first creature I hit is a Grizzly Bear, and the second is a Soul Warden, I won't gain 1 life from the Bear, because the Warden wasn't on the field to trigger when the Bear came down. Grok?
So I am going to the Grand Prix in Denver in December. I usually just play kitchen table Magic with friends, mostly EDH, Draft, and Modern. It has been a long time since I've done any real tournament play outside of pre-releases.
What do I really need to be on top of, and what do I need to look out for to make sure I don't get into any trouble or get disqualified other than "Don't be a jackass."?
What's the great deal about smuggler's copter ?
Well the only ways to get DQed are Bribery (offer something in exchange for a match result, or a match result for a price, such as "Scoop to me and I'll give you 3 packs", or "I'll scoop to you for that foil Akroma"), USC - Cheating (duh), Stalling (playing slowly on purpose to eat up time), Theft of Tournament Material (also duh), Aggressive Behavior (further duh), or Improperly Determining A Winner, which is basically "using anything but Magic to determine the winner of the match". THAT'S the one to watch out for, since the other ones pretty much all require you to know what you're doing. Don't offer to roll a dice or flip a coin or whatever to determine the winner, even if time runs out, and if your opponent offers something like that, call a judge immediately.
Are you going to be playing in the main event, or side events?
T1 1/1, T2 Looterscooter, T3 crew the scooter and begin doming for 3 in the air while filtering your draws. It curves well while helping provide you a constant stream of gas.
Expanding on my question:
There's the Main Event of a GP, which is the big tournament, and then side events. Sides come in two flavors: scheduled events (which are here!
Now, MOST of the Scheduled side events (and all of the on-demands) are going to be Regular REL; the same rules enforcement level as a prerelease, FNM, or a Modern Monday type tying at your shop. Basically the same thing, just held inside a way bigger venue with a dozen other similar 'events' happening all around you. I think some of the bigger Scheduled events might be Competitive REL (same as the main event), but I'm not sure; best to check with the helpful staff at the sign-up booth as to what REL a specific event will be.
So, if you're thinking you'll be hitting up something like the Super Sunday Series, or the Main Event, I'd be happy to go into more detail about Comp REL; if you're planning on mostly doing the Regular REL stuff and casual games, just think of it like playing at your shop and you should be fine.
I am actually going to be doing to main event. I'm still putting together a deck (probably going to be doing Gruul Energy) but it's the only big event that feasible to go to so I figure it's worth a shot. Worst outcome is that I learn I have more to learn about Magic, anyways.
worst outcome is actually that you get mugged, all your magic cards stolen and then raped, but nice dubs
If I use torrential gearhulk and target lightning axe, do I have to pay the additional 5/ discard a card to use it?
So, here's some basics, in that case.
1) Keep your deckbox clear of anything that's not your deck, sideboard, or tokens out of your deckbox. It can be easy to slip in a card you bought from a vendor until you can put it away, and then get tagged with a Game Loss since it'll be treated as part of your sideboard during a deck check.
2) Communicate as clearly as you can. Verbally confirm every life total change. Clearly demonstrate awareness of your triggers, etc. A lot of Judge calls are two players not able to agree on things (hell, "Failure to agree on reality" used to be an OFFICIAL CLASS OF INFRACTION), and clear communication nips a lot of that in the bud.
3) Make sure your decklist is 100% accurate, and full. Don't annotate or abbreviate card names, because that can cause trouble. Make sure your full name and DCI number are on it (I recommend using Maybe even make a backup copy just in case, and try to have it finalized before the event- I've given out so many Game Losses for someone fucking up a last-minute decklist change that I've lost count.
4) If anything seems remotely fucky in your game, call a Judge. It's always in your best interests to get a Judge involved ASAP when something doesn't seem kosher, rather than letting it snowball.
That's about all you need to know to avoid penalties, other than "Play correctly". If you had any other questions, I'd be happy to address them!
Yep. Gearhulk just lets you duck the mana cost; you're still left paying the tab on any additional costs.
if creature that has equipment/auras on it gains shroud do the auras/equipment fall off?
Nope! The only part of an Equipment that ever targets is the actual Equip activated ability, and Auras only target when cast as spells.
what if instead of shroud the creature gains protection?
Now that'll fuck things up. Protection has four parts. Something with Protection from White, for example, cannot be:
D amaged by white spells, white creatures, or abilities from white permanents
E nchanted, Equipped, or Fortified by white Auras, Equipment, or Fortifications
B locked by white creatures
T argeted by white spells, or abilities from white sources.
D E B T. The "E" is what's important here; a white permanent cannot legally be attached to something with protection from white. If your creature were to gain an appropriate protection, any Auras or Equipment that fall under that category fall off. This is why things like Spectra Ward and Pentarch Ward have the little line that keeps them from making themselves fall off- because if they didn't have that line, they WOULD fall off.
ok thanks
This is also why Tower of the Magistrate is fun for fucking with Voltron.
What's the difference between the two design processes? I've heard the terms tossed around but never really got them
Top-down is when you start with the flavor, and make the mechanics fit. Bottom-up is when you start with the mechanics, and then try to make the flavor fit.
For example, you could say "I want to design Werewolf cards". You need a way to mechanically have them change from 'normal' to Werewolf, and you decide on a card with another card on the back of it- at "night" (designated by nobody having cast a spell that turn) they change to Werewolves. During the "Day" (when 2 or more spells were cast last turn, representing people being wakeful), they turn back.
On the opposite end, you could have come up with the idea of double-faced cards that change back and forth, and needed to paint that with something flavorful, and decided on "Werewolves", because that's something that changes back and forth between two forms.
So yeah, that's the basic. Top-down is the mechanics being designed to fit the flavor; bottom-up is the flavor being designed to fit the mechanics.
>soul warden x bear
>in the middle of resolving a spell, so the trigger politely waits
aight i think i get that. so if i had a verdurous gearhulk and a bear it wouldn't matter which order they came down in, the greenhulk could place counters on the bear because that trigger waits til divergent transformations is resolved, yeah?
also yes i was misreading it my bad
buddy does that unequip already equipped equipment? if so you are a dick eater
what happens if i cascade a 0-cost spell like mana crypt?
do i just exile the entire library (therefore revealing all cards to players) then randomize aka shuffle the library? can i just cut out the middle man and not shuffle?
what happens if i cascae a 1-cost spell like mana vault? same story?
>only really matters with Grand Melee
i'm guessing that's the name of a format i don't know
> do i just exile the entire library (therefore revealing all cards to players) then randomize aka shuffle the library?
> can i just cut out the middle man and not shuffle?
no, they get to see your deck in full.
> what happens if i cascae a 1-cost spell like mana vault? same story?
If you don't have any 0 mana spells in your deck, like ancestral vision or something similar, then yes the same happens.
>your magic cards stolen and then raped
cards can be raped? is this a figurative thing user
does this boy reduce Surge costs? specifically wondering if I can Anticipate for U and then Crush of Tentacles for 2UU and get the octo
Why can't the rules manager get rid of fizzling?
Does it have to do with auras?
i think the term means 'is countered by the game rules'
in the same way that graveyard means 'discard pile'
why would they want to get rid of it?
What do you think should happen to a spell that resolves when none of its targets exist?
Because it's not intuitive.
The only reason they haven't done so already is because figuring out how to do so has proved to be a nightmarishly difficult task. The specifics beyond that are unknown to me.
It'd be nice to still draw a card if, when I cast electrolyze and only target one thing, regardless of if that target is still around when the spell tries to resolve.
I have Kalitas in play, my opponent has 3 Grizzly Bears. I cast Anger of the gods. Do i get the zombie tokens?
Its unintutive, but I feel that it adds enough tactical depth to the game that occurs pretty frequently to earn its stay. Not saying its the best rule or that you are wrong for disliking it, but I think its worth the slight bit of obscurity it lends to the game.
>kalitas is a 3/4
>anger of the gods deals 3 damage
kalitas survives that, yes you get the tokens
>if he has taken damage or had a p/t reduction this turn
you control both Anger and Kalitas, so you stack the triggers/replacement effect for 'this goes to exile'. simply put Kalitas' on top so that you get the zombies
yes, you get the tokens unless you don't want to
top tip: kalitas can boost his own toughness by eating zombies or vampires, this can help him survive
You don't control the triggers, the opponent will surely stack kalitas at the bottom and let anger exile the bears.
No, the preson will literally rape your magic cards.
If two replacement effects happens at one time, IE anger of the god exile instead of going the the graveyard, and kalitas exile, instead of going to the graveyard, your opponents gets the choice of which replacement effect happens.
Now the cool thing is, you can ask your opponent, "so I get 3 zombies?" If he says yes, you do, but if hes smart you probably wont.
I have 2 counters on an untapped magistrate's scepter and Atraxa out, and move to end, and proliferate, giving it 3. Can I activate it during my end step and immediately take an additional turn?
Also, regarding EOT plays: if I flash in a shimmer myr during my opponent's EOT, can I flash in an additional artifact which normally doesn't have Flash as well? Or does shimmer myr resolving take up any priority I had during end step?
Does blight steel replacement cause cosi trickster to get a +1+1 counter
Correct. Even if the Hulk came in before the Bear, by the time you're selecting your targets the Bear is a valid one.
It absolutely does. Makes all their Equipment fall right off.
In effect, you will reveal your entire library card-by-card to your opponent, then randomly put it on the bottom of itself. It's not technically a shuffle (so it won't trigger things like Cosi's Trickster). You can't "cut out the middle man" because your opponent gets to see all the cards.
If you cast a 1-mana spell, you'll wheel until you hit a 0 mana spell, or have shown your entire deck, same as the 0 mana scenario.
It's basically big-ass multiplayer games where there's enough players that more than one of you are taking your turns at a time (denoted by a Turn Marker), and you can only really mess with the people seated immediately to your left or right.
Yep! As long as you're casting an instant or sorcery, you get a discount. Doesn't matter if you're using the 'normal' cost or an alternate one, you get the mana discount if applicable.
As I recall, it's because "fizzle" is intended to mean 'countered on resolution due to no legal targets' but there's other definitions (incorrectly) used widely enough that it was confusing slang. It'd be like if a large amount of people suddenly started to use the term "mill" to mean "exiling cards from your graveyard".
Technically I'm not sure how long it's been since "fizzle" has been an official term, if at all.
Yes, because your Kalitas lives.
IF Kalitas would eat it from the Anger, that depends on how stupid your opponent is.
"Unintuitive" is something they actively try to avoid lately.
There are zero triggers involved in this situation.
Absolutely. There's no timing restriction baked into it, so you can activate it anytime you have priority, as long as you can pay the costs.
Also yes for Shimmer Myr. After it resolves there'll be another round of priority, and you can use yours to flash in another artifact.
You're shuffling a library, so yes.
Does it matter whether Kalitas lives or not?
Actually, it doesn't and I am a sillypants. Sorry!
Basically, you get Zombies if your opponent is stupid enough to let you. Since it's their creatures dying, they choose which replacement effect to apply to that event: Anger, or Kalitas. You don't have to explain that to them (because knowledge of the rules is a skill we reward), but you can't lie to them. General consensus on this topic is that just saying "Zombies?" or moving to put them out is fine, because allowing you to have them -is- a choice your opponent has, and if they know they can prevent it, they'll just say "Uh, no? I'm gonna exile them to Anger's replacement effect."
I'm a bit new and not sure I understand how the legendary thing works.
Could I use Saheeli's Artistry on Padeem to make an artifact clone of him? I assume this would kill the normal Padeem, but is he a valid target to begin with?
Absolutely. If it wasn't intended to be able to target Legendary things, it would say "Nonlegendary".
You can absolutely use Artistry to make an artifact token copy of Padeem, and then choose to put the original in the graveyard and keep the token copy.
The current legendary rule is that if at any time you control two or more instances of a legendary creature with the same name you immediately choose one instance to keep and place the rest in your graveyard. This effect happens as part of state based effects being checked so you do not get a chance to respond, the extra legends are not sacrificed (but they do die). Also note that this rule only applies per player, not to the whole board so two different players can each control a Padeem, but no single player can control two or more.
So yes, you can make a copy of a Padeem with Saheeli's Artistry, once the copy enters play you get to choose which one you want to keep.
Legendary Permanent, not just creatures. And State-Based Actions, not Effects. Otherwise spot on.
this is why you're the judge and I'm not
Thanks, exactly how I hoped it worked - but needed to make sure!
So cosi trickster doesn't trigger only on spells or abilities that cause shuffling, but replacement effects too?
If actually instructed to shuffle (as in, using that specific word), it'll trigger Trickster.
If a spell like traumatize or an ability causes a player to put the top X Cards into their graveyard from their library and a creature generates a replacement effect that would instead shuffle it back. Do you resolve the whole spell or ability then apply the replacement effect?
You do that either way. "Mill 20" does not mean "Mill 1, 20 times", even if people tend to put the cards into the graveyard one at a time. It means put all 20 into the graveyard all at once. So even if a Colossus was the second card down, you finish counting out however many you're supposed to be milling, THEN shuffle it back in.
And if a replacement effect would occur for drawing you would immediately take that action because draw 3 is draw 1, 3 times?
Correct. Drawing multiple cards is explicitly to be treated as multiple events of "Draw a card", repeated.
If I have a Black Lotus and an Island on the field with nothing else, and I want to play Thoughtcast, can I do it? When I start casting, I have 1 artifact so it costs 4 but if I sac the lotus to pay for it it should suddenly cost 5, right?
You can. You lock in costs before you generate mana to pay for them, and by that time your Thoughtcast's cost is locked in at 1U.
>is locked in at 1U.
Don't you mean 3U?
If I activate a circle of protection's ability 3 times successively, does it prevent 3 instances of damage, or just one 3 times? (2 instances of prevention being redundant)