Malifaux General

Nothing Edition

Malifaux (Including Ripples of Fate):!cg00BCoD!mDHocpgWP_hkkM3CpCBwrQ

Through the Breach (Complete):!Z9sVSYTS!U2J243KhVsUuOqAnsqTj4A

Book 1 - Basic Rules and first wave of updated (from 1st edition of malifaux) models
Book 2 - Second wave of updated models
Book 3 - Campaign system and new M2E models
Book 4 - Entirely new models

Discord voice chat for malifaux chat and memery:

Through the Breach Fated Almanac - Basic rules for the RPG set in Malifaux
Through the Breach Fatemaster Almanac - GM stuff for the RPG

>What is Malifaux?
Malifaux is a 32mm Skirmish Tabletop game, with a focus on completing several different objectives, while denying your opponent their objectives

New Gaining Grounds Tournament Rules:

Last Thread: Topic: What are your hopes for Divergent Paths this round?

Figured this shouldn't go in the OP, but how would you build a Ressers Tara list? Forgotten Marshal seems great for her, but I'm still getting the hang of how she works in general.

I'd rather not just go for the one-trick beastie bomb

Tara with nothing beast and some fleas, proabably datsu ba because I put her in everything.
A flesh construct and some guild autopsies.

You give tara reactiveate after burying something at the start of the turn.
Activate everything then reactiveate tara, she dumps the monster and maybe attacks.
Hopefully these two activations use up the rest of their cards which gives the autopsies and flesh construct reactiveate to get some shit done hopefully unopposed. For a bit of fun see if you make most of your dudes fast.

Aionus is really pricey but works well with tara too.

Hmm... Autopsies seem nice with her. How would Shieldbearers (free fast + corpses) and spare parts be? Everything I'm seeing about Karina is that she's not worth the stones.

Anyone listened to the lastes Schemes & Stones?

I think about 60% of their ideas to 'fix' M2.5E were horrible trash completely defeating hte point of various mechanics existing in the first place.

Also, only one person said "bloat for bloat's sake just so there can be more book content might be a bad thing".
Which is mind-boggling.

I think Wave 4 has already taken the choice-spread pretty much to the limit - another book as big as Ripples of Fate will necessarily invalidate a whole swathe of previously released models because there just aren't enough niches to fill.

The idea of declaring sub-Factions is pretty cool though.
The differentiation/limitations between Arcanists and M&SU-Arcanists, or specific Gremlin bloodlines, could be interesting.

I chose not to listen for fear of what you were describing.

I feel like those zero pt upgrades have proven that models can be improved and tweaked for quality and list diversity instead of overlaps

I tend not to listen to podcasts. More focus on 'tribal' stuff is always kinda fun for me, but we already get that with a lot of masters.

>What are your hopes for Divergent Paths this round?

That 10T actually wins one.

Schemes and Stones ia awful. I find a few of the others are alright.

>Schemes and Stones ia awful.
I don't think that's true at all.
It's dead handy for getting a handle on how various things work, and giving you a starting point to look for synergies and moves and such.
I put little store in his idea of what's good and not, having said that.

The main guy's view on Malifaux, alongside the views of many of his guests, can be proper weird though.
There are times when I wonder why he's not just playing Warmachine, from the way he talks about wanting to have perfect control over virtually every aspect of the game, from terrain and deployment right down to removing the randomness from flips to make the game "more consistent".
I don't know if it's an american thing, but the majority of his guests seem to think along the same lines.
Arcane Reservoir, while less directly useful for stuff to put into practice, seems to have a more sensible idea of what constitutes a game, and I think a lot of their ideas are far more insightful