Some time after the End, a group of weary scavvers gather around a campfire to tell jokes, sing songs and share stories.
What myths, tall tales and urban legends do they bring to the campfire?
Some time after the End, a group of weary scavvers gather around a campfire to tell jokes, sing songs and share stories.
What myths, tall tales and urban legends do they bring to the campfire?
>The green oasis paradise which has food and clean water but no one has seen in person except for your friend's brother's driver who claims he accidentally stumbled into it when drunk one night.
>The ghost that haunts that old hospital (when really it's some gangers holding up there with corpses tied up around it)
>That there's an invisible mutant wandering the hills murdering groups of travellers in the dark, but on a full moon his skin glows like a torchlight.
>That Vodka absolutely totally cures radiation poisoning, 100%. No lies.
Strikes me that I really should have posted some myths and legends myself:
>"I dunno how it all started, but they say the Scavvers up in New England got some sorta language made of colored flags and rags and ribbons and shit they use to mark out whether or not a place is dangerous or has any useful salvage left inside."
>"Hey, did Claude ever tell you about the time he saved his whole camp from raiders by playing for them on his guitar? Yeah! Yeah. Their leader told him he'd let them all go if he could play every song he and his crew requested, and damn if he didn't know them all and bring tears to those raiders' eyes playing them."
>"You go out West a ways, not too far, maybe forty or fifty miles past this big old river we've been following, and you'll start picking up this radio station in the high-hundreds broadcast range, playing music from before the End and offering a safe settlement to call home. No one's ever found the place, and plant of folks have died looking."
Are we just making up legends out of whole cloth or am I missing some kind of reference?
The idea was just to post some interesting stories that folks who survived the apocalypse might tell each other.
Vodka thing is already a myth, it was in S.T.A.L.K.E.R and everything
Bumping in the hopes I might be able to offer a creative contribution some time tonight.
Same deal here. Don't let the thread die until I can writefag tonight.
>Word is that the cults inhabiting the old city ruins have stopped fighting. Somebody's been running around killing anybody aligned with a cult, and they've been forced to tolerate each other long enough to stop them.
>I think there're monsters in the woods. Trolls, mutants, who the hell knows, but all the livestock are going missing. Plus side is the raiders in the forest are all dead, and the monster left their vehicles behind.
>I saw a plane! I fucking saw one! You can't tell me you didn't see it, it was there! It was heading west, out to sea! We need to find boats, now! There's people out in the sea, people with enough supplies to fly planes!
Speaker 1: "Word's gone out that Philmore ain't been seen last since patrol last night. I heard Ozzy say that he went to check some lights out in the swamps."
Speaker 2: "What the fuck, man? Phil's a smart guy. He knew the stories about those fuckin' lights, right?"
"Ya mean to tell me you haven't heard it either? Jesus fuck, man... Wanna hear it?"
"Uhh... Sure."
"A'ight. Well, back before the war, some high-up military guy is running armored drills with his squad, right? Turns out they get to the swamp, and all their tanks and trucks and shit get stuck in the muck."
"Whaddoes this have ta do with anythin'?"
"I'm gettin' to that. So they're stuck, but the swampwater floods all their engines, and then it gets dark, so all of the army guys are wandering around with flashlights everywhere, trying to fix their shit. And then the bombs hit. No survivors."
"Oh, fuck. So why the lights?"
"Well, some guys say that on foggy nights with no stars out, the ghosts of those army guys don't realize they're dead, and they're still trying to get moving. Those lights? They're the flashlights."
"...Fuck me, man. Phil's a retard."
I'm liking this thread. Another story just cuz. I might do more if y'all like 'em.
>Speakers 1 and 2 are walking down a road in mid-day.
1: "Did you hear what happened to Toledo?"
2: "Nope, never heard. Why?"
"Apparently, back a long time ago, before everything went to shit, some scientist figured out that the whole city was built on top of some caves that had, like, natural gas or methane or some shit. So the city said "fuck it, let's get at that.""
"So they're getting everything ready, and they start to pump it out, but then the bombs hit, and one of them lands right in Toledo."
"Oh yeah, that sucks. What happened next?"
"Well, all that gas down below suddenly rushes out of the caves, but then it catches on fire. The whole fucking city, or what's left of it, burns to cinders in a night. There's still burning gas there, and it's still on fire."
"Shit. I knew leaving Ohio was a good idea."
Please, do go on. I've wanted to contribute more, but unfortunately am not in a position to do it tonight.
Thank you, kind sir/madam/thing. Positive words are always appreciated.
>The speakers from have stopped for the day, and they've been idly chatting away the evening.
"Well, yeah. I left for a reason, not on a whim."
"Really? That was a pretty nice place, wall and everything. Why'd you leave?"
>He's met with a short silence.
"It wasn't as nice as you think. We still had our problems, and it wasn't always obvious."
"...Huh. What kinda problems?"
>Speaker 2 waits a bit before she speaks.
"Sometimes on a cloudy night, when I was on patrol through a section of the town, I would hear these dogs barking in the distance, and-"
"Feral dogs are everywhere."
"Well, that's the thing. We didn't have a dog problem that we knew of. But one night I was out, and it was all foggy and shit. Those dogs barking started again, but they were closer than they've ever been, like maybe a few blocks down. I went out to see, and..."
"And what?"
"...Our town had a series of solar power panels that kept some electricity on, and they had them hooked up to the streetlights, so they still worked in the night, yeah? So I was walking down the street, and under one light, there was this huge fuckin' black dog right in the light."
"Jeez. Whaddya do?"
"I stared at it, and it turned to look at me, and then the light above it just... Turned off. And... I swear, the dog's eyes were RED. Like, Satan's asshole glowing red, right at me."
>The male politely keeps quiet during the following pause.
"Then all of the dogs started barking again, but they sounded too fucking close than before, like a whole fucking pack just yards away. I've never run so fast in my life."
"Fuck. Why didn't you tell me this shit?"
I like these
I heard up in the mountains there is a huge stash of guns. Like fucking huge! Tanks, mgs and even a real nuke. It's all ripe for the picking! Sure everyone who went up there died. That's just because the muties don't want anyone getting it. they're too stupid to work em but not dumb enough to let other get to em. No offence, Bill. We bring a wag, their arrows will just bounce right off!
What about Strasser? He was a loony before he went up there. And just because he wanders down muttering somthin bout a 'fog with claws' doesn't mean shit.
The first one sounds very Fallout 3-ish
Now I feel like doing a few quick-fire things, like the dialogue of an NPC from Fallout, Dwarf Fortress, or some shit.
"Did you see that giant truck that rolled through last night? That thing looked like it was built like a tank. It even had a huge gun on it, all decked out with shit, too. Maybe it's some warlord or something trying to take control."
"You best stay inside at night, or the bogeymen'll get you. They got Sadler last night. We only found a few chunks of him left."
"I heard that guy over there just came back from the Appalachians. Said something like 'The snow tore the flesh from their bones.' No idea who he's talking about, but I'm pretty sure whoever they are didn't die of frostbite. Maybe wolves or someshit."
"A caravan just got in from Salt City, and man did she have some wild stories. Apparently the militia that rules there is super fucking tight, like stick-up-assholes tight. Well, apparently some dude is stalking around after curfew, kidnapping guys, and then dunking them alive in melted candlewax. He leaves them out in the streets with fucking wicks in them, dude, lit like actual candles. I need to visit Salt City sometime."
"You see that guy in the corner? The one with the scarred face? He said that they're burn scars. He said he was in Toledo before the day, and lived."
Tales of the great ranger Chuck of clan Norris are far and wide. Inspiring hope and courage in those who need it most.
They say that when the bombs fell, they sent 30 at him alone, and they all failed to explode.
They say he once won an arm wrestling contest against a mutant chief, all for an orphan.
They say Chuck of clan Norris's sweat can cure rad sickness.
There were plans before the war to put his face on a mountain, they stopped because the rock wasn't cold enough for his glare.
>The two men sat around the campfire, warily eyeing each other over warm beers made before either of them had been born.
>Suddenly, both heard a strange cry in the distance - a strange, deep growl that ascended to a hiss. The younger scav leapt up, weapon in hand; the newcomer, an ancient hunter come to share the fire, merely put his drink down and spoke a single word.
>The scav stared at hunter, incredulous.
"Ye hard me. Nevar hard of a hootenbahr befahr?
"Nah, pops... you might wanna elaborate, though. Sounds like that things gettin' closer."
>Indeed, the sound of something large could be heard thrashing towards the two through the brush.
>The hunter calmly loaded his battered shotgun while he talked.
"Ye should really look at those books ye pass over if we happen te survive the next few minutes... this used ta be yellerstone cahntry. Had critters livin' here, called grizzlies, see? Nasty beasties, four legs, stood as tall as a man at the shoulder. Somethin' changed 'em when the bombs fell. Made 'em nastier."
>The hunter finally shouldered hos weapon and pointed at the source of the ruckus, beyond the firelight.
"Made 'em inta that..."
>The beast howled again as it emerged into the light; an obscene fusion of two species never meant for the same body.
>Pic related.
My god, the last one got me. Well played, sir.
>The two speakers are sitting on a couch with a fire going in the commonhouse
"Yeah man, me an Willy went over to the church yesterday, dude. All broken down and shit, like no one took care of it. We tried to get a fire going to pray, but then these cultist dudes showed up like they owned the place."
"Woah, man. What happened?"
"We fuckin' hid, man. We weren't gonna fuck with no guys with AK's."
>Speaker 2 takes a massive hit from the bong on the table in front of them while the first speaker continues.
"They had red paint, and started doodling this weird, satanic shit all over the walls and the pews, saying something about 'The true Lord.' But when they got to the altar, they seemed to slowly cover the thing with this huge circle."
"Woah, man. Devil worshippers'll get you every time."
"Well, then these fucking guys put some skulls- And I mean actual fucking human skulls, like from a person, still bloody and shit- up onto the altar inside the circle, and then they all got around the altar and cut their wrists."
"Fuck, dude. Were they trying to summon the devil?"
"We dunno, they all got struck by lightning right when they almost finished. Destroyed the altar, too. The guys around it died, and it looked like they had their eyes burned out."
"Holy fuck. What did you do?"
"We fuckin' booked it back, shitheel. Whaddya think we'd do?"
>Speaker 1 then snatches the bong from his comrade's hands to take a massive rip from it.
I'm sick of this place, if I have to trek over this godforsaken glorified hills any more I'm gonna go insane. Storms coming up constantly out of the sea. Fuck this.
I'm heading west. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna buy me a truck or a bike or some shit and run with the road-gangs out on the plains. Hopefully one of the not-insane ones. I'm gonna ride with them and set up on the west coast.
How much worse could it be there?
I have it on good authority that there are a bunch of survivors up North that worship this old cube made out of weapons of every shape and size. They also say it dates back before the end and was found intact in a collapsed building somewhere.
Everyone who's tried to find this strange relic has been chased off by heavily-armed bandits in mismatched clothing, or have simply disappeared.
Pop a squat and lissen to the big truth, boy.
To the south, in the big dry, dere be some strange-awful tombs built by the before-men, and they's covered in strange symbols, sure! Old warrior, Red-Beard, he not be fearin' the before-men, say they and their magic gone! Hoo! So he be takin' his men, and he be openin' dem tombs, an' he find strange tings! Empty metal coffins, great stacks of meta rods, all left without guard nor key! So he be goin' back to get some more men to take it, and den he be gettin' sick. His hair, it did fall out, then his teeth, and den he was bleeding from everthing! And you know, before he die, his skin it slid off! All those boys, they died.
Ware the before-men, boy. They had sticks that spit fire. They had wagons without beast. They had magic to talk across the big blue. Some of it is still left, and none of it is good, sho!
Burry that shit.
Oh yeah heres a myth:
Hope for the world.
"This one's a little before your time, but back when, there used to be a television in every home. In the palm of your hand, sometimes. Movies, news, people on the other side of the world were only a few clicks away. Since the End, nobody's had the time or the reason to try and get one of those things working...and the ones that have say there's something out there. Still transmitting. Nah, not the old Civil Distress signal, no, I'm talking about the real thing. Channel 77. I've heard that if you rig up an old screen, scrounge up an entenna, and if you fuck with it just'll get a picture. Some people say it's a girl reading the news, only it's the news of now, not then. Like when Murdoc got torn up by those shades in the steel forest? Thing sorta thing. Other people've said there's people on there who dies years ago, answering questions, sitting on a couch in a dark room. I dunno. It felt like bullshit, but there's been one thing everyone can agree on. Something that I swear, nobody should be able to know. They call her the host. Melanie Dawes. Cute. Blonde. Two black holes where her eyes should be."
>'There's a reason nobody's settled London yet. Something got into the water there, tainted it. The only people who can even drink it are...well, fucked in the head doesn't get halfway there. You'll know them when you see them - peeled skin, bits of metal poked through their cheeks, nose, arms. It's the pain. They get off on it. Can't live without it. So no, son, we're not going to fucking London."
>"Oi! Stupid cunt, lad, what're you doing? We don't shoot the birds. Not here. Look up. Really look. They've been watching us since we got here. Only reason they aren't stripping the skin from our bones is that we ain't given 'em cause to."
>"The Crown? Hah! Urban fuckin' legend, lad. All those inbred bastards died off in the flash, and a good thing too. Ask yourself, who'd you want ruling you - a hard, seasoned bastard who'd got where they were by surviving and leading, or some perfumed dandyman ordained by a floatin' beard in the fookin' sky? I'll tell you now, you see any man saying he's the King Of England, you put a knife in his eye. Save you a lot of trouble down the road."
>Cute. Blonde. Two black holes where her eyes should be.
Waifu material.
"What about Arthur? He's got both; hard bastardry and sez he's been sent by God. Then again, the other fucker says that too."
>'My buddy from the Saddlers told me that one time they were rushing on their horses in the night to escape some feral coyotes and they saw a falling star. The thing is, the star actually fell and when they went to check out the crater that star popped open and two guys walked out of it. They were speaking some weird language and were wearing bulky suits, pillow-like. What? Astronauts? I don't know no astronauts boy, shut up and get to work. And by the way, Saddlers shot the shit out of them.
What's the best kind of post apocalypse, in terms of timing? Assuming we're talking about nuclear war or something with a similar effect?
Just post-bomb, where everything's hardly even stopped burning (or maybe still is), with society tearing itself apart, looting, pillaging, radiation poison and the horrific initial effects of the utter, almost elementally evil power of the Bomb?
Your traditional post-apocalypse, where the initial fires have died down some and now everyone's gone all mad max as tribal and scavenger societies spring up and people try to re-build something of the society they lost?
Or post-post-apocalypse, almost like New Vegas, where there's been enough time for those few nascent communities that survived to band together or otherwise grow strong and establish themselves as true city-states, nations and kingdoms? The re-building of a new society beginning in earnest?
I can't see how a post-bomb setting would work to be honest. It seems like it would just be playing out Threads or When The Wind Blows; terrifying and sad but not really "fun".
>It approaches camp fires. If you're aware of it coming don't look at it
>Don't even think about it
>If you ignore it, it goes away
Best in my option would be when the first post-shit got fucked up generations start to claim their place in the world and the pre-fuckening generations are slowly starting to fade away. So something like 20-30 years after the shit got fucked up.
The desperate scramble for resources, running from acid or radioactive rain, fleeing the new and horrifying mutations that no-one knows jack about... Gathering the individuals or small groups who haven't gone stark raving mad together, desperately trying not to get jumped and ripped to shreds? Hoping and praying that maybe, just MAYBE at least SOME of you can make it through this to try and make a go of the disaster the world has become?
I dunno, sounds like it could be kind of compelling.
So not long enough for things before the disaster to have become legend yet, but long enough that the new generation has never known anything but this? It'd be so strange to see things throughout your childhood go from a fucking nightmarish scene of just-post-bomb to standard post-apocalypse. You wouldn't know any better, so you might honestly think things are pretty good now.
Who are you?
I am you. You are me.
How can that be? Where am I? I can't see.
You/we are dead.
That's not possible! I was just getting into the car to go the mall, to pick up my wife. Then there's this sudden flash. Oh my god! Where's Alia?
She is gone. You/we are sad. But we keep forgetting.
Is this a joke. I, I can see a light. Is that you?
Yes. That is us.
Is this heaven?
In a manner of speaking.
No, I'm not dead! I got to wake up.
You are partially awake. I am already awake.
Is this a joke? Some kind of mind games?
Fuck you!
I will explain. That we are awake is a joke. Our minds are fractured into shards. I am piecing us together, like a puzzle, a game. You see, or rather, I saw (ha ha), 2.987 million years ago, some bright scientist decided to test if there are parralel universes. Unfortunately, he or she caused a fracture in space and time. Existence itself broke into millions of pieces. Our minds, my mind, some say our soul, became jumbled. Our bodies are long gone. I only do this out of ennui.
That's some bullshit you just spewed!
Ah, you are now fully awake. Let me see. You are my memory from 1230-1231 hours on that fateful day. I will absorb you now. Like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle.
Wait, I need to know...
Welcome to us.
Source on this? Feels vaguely Moebius-inspired
Threads and When the Wind Blows; like On The Beach before them, severely overestimated the effect of radioactive fallout. On The Beach did it because they specifically state in the book that the Soviets set off cobalt bombs in the jetstream to make sure everyone died, while Threads and When the Wind Blows deliberately exaggerated in order to scare the shit out of anyone from even sort of thinking that a first strike against the Soviets would be a good idea.
I personally think that the post-post-apocalypse setting is the best, leave enough time for new cultures and civilisations to spring up, it makes things more interesting. Plus not everybody is a dirt-poor scavenger.
Unless everyone is descended from politicians, then they'll be too fucking retarded to figure out how to create any civilization more complex than a small village in 200 years.
toasting in epic post-apoc bread, the crispiest of all breads
>tfw atomic toaster
Dude. The end of that one gave me a little chill. Not gonna lie.
>"You ever hear about the Spirit of the Waste?"
>"The fuck is that? Are we praying to wasteland gods now?"
>"Naw man, it's a spirit, not a god."
>"What's the fuckin' difference?"
>"A spirit has supernatural powers, but it ain't a god. Ya don't pray to it."
>"Well what is it then?"
>"Some say the Spirit of the Wastes is the dearly departed soul of a scavver saint, an old guy that loved the decent folk, ya know, the farmers and wanders that ain't taken up to banditry. used to pass out food and water to 'em."
>"Sounds like a nice guy."
>"That's what saint means, ya doof. Well, some say he still lives on a ghost that's still lookin' out for us. Ya ever wonder how, even after hundreds of years, we're still findin' canned goods, guns, n' bullets and stuff from the time before?"
>"Heh, not really."
>"So it ain't never occurred to you that a dozen generations of scavvers and bandits should have cleaned out all the good supplies by now?"
>"Well it is pretty mysterious now that ya mention it."
>"That's where the Spirit comes in! Some say that he pulls canned food and bullets from the great beyond and stashed 'em in containers for us to find."
>"Like a Santa Clause with bullets?"
>"Yeah, kinda. He wants us all to be happy and safe, and keep an eye on us every step of the way. I've head a hundred tales from fine men who were bleedin' out, staggering around knockin' on death's door, only to pull open some random cabinet and find a needle full'a healin' medicine outa nowhere. That sound just like coincidence to you?"
>"Sounds like tall tales to me."
>"Well maybe you'll be that guy one day. I'm tellin' ya, The Spirit of the Wastes is watching us! And so long as we don't go rapin' no women and killin' no innocents, he'll have our backs forever."
>"Yeah, yeah, you believe that old man. I'm goin' to sleep. Night."
I'm starting to unify these stories in my head and lend a narrative to them
This tall-tale driven, Veeky Forums and /k/ infused americanic nuclear waste
"Some folks say down Atlanta way, there's still a place where folk go for learnin'. THey call themselves Ugas or some shit, have workin' power and a whole buncha nerd shit, but there's tests to get in, right? And they're fuckin' weird tests. They do shit with dogs or somethin', from what I heard. And apparently the Ugas have a working nuke plant in one of their 'satellite campuses', border places they've got. I think it's fuckin' bullshit, myself. Who'd run a nuke plant with all that happened?"
>"Y'all hear about what's happening middle o' the Rockies? I keep hearing stories that the tribes of Deseret have united into some kind of confederation. Perhaps to stave off the Sioux horselords from up north, perhaps for economic gain. Well, it helps us, since that part of the Interstate won't be blocked off by the tribe wars that were so common five years ago."
>Gather round children, and throw another pallet on the trash fire. Long ago there was a time when you could find food at a place called a "store". If you wanted to eat, you didn't have to fashion a spear out of rebar and hunt giant rats in the middens. You just went up to a little window in the side of a building and the people would give you food, at a price so low it was almost free! People back then counted calories just as we do, but they were worried about gaining weight. Indeed food was so easy to find, that the poorest people in society were somehow also the fattest!
>I see the younger ones scoffing and shaking their heads. Tall tales from a rad-addled old man, they say. But what would you say if I told you that clean, drinkable water came out of holes in the wall, in every American household? That clean water was so cheap and plentiful, people bathed in gallons and gallons of it, every day? That even with clean flowing water in every home, people still went out and bought drinking water packed in plastic bottles?
>It was an age of lunatic excess. How I miss it so.
Is this from a setting? Looks pretty funky. Modern stuff but historical fantasy elements and I'm always down for some Barghests.
Post-bomb doesn't feel like something you can spin much out of to me. You focus on survival of the characters in the chaos, and perhaps roll it into a post-apocalypse or post-post-apocalypse thing where the characters join a rebuilding society or start trying to rebuild it themselves. Either way, it's something to be briefly glanced over.
Post-apoc isn't bad, especially since there will probably be people who still remember a time before the bombs or whatever, but that can also be its greatest weakness - instead of focusing on new things, it's more scraping what's left of the old.
That's why I tend to prefer post-post-apocalypse, since that's where you start getting a really new setting and new people with different ways of thinking and doing things. It's not something that has to lean on the old world to be interesting, beyond a few odd references. You can turn it into something like Fallout, or like those fantasy stories that end up being in post-apoc settings.
>scavengers living in a zombie wasteland five years after the outbreak
>"what's the weirdest thing you've ever seen out here"
>one guy talks about the time he hiked across Illinois to find a sanctuary
>sees small town in the distance, some kind of tower rising from the center
>curious, heads for a closer look
>what the fuck
>tower is made of filing cabinets welded together into a four story sniper's tower with a shack at the top
>cabinets are upside down so that when you pull on the handles to climb up, they open and something falls out--bricks, glass, grenades
>after trial and error the guy manages to find the safe route up to the top
>finds rotting body of a hoarder who got dysentery and shit himself to death
the rad storms in fallout 4 or the surface in metro have this perfect apocalyptic atmosphere.
i would like to play in a setting where most of the world is such a mess. with a few "safe" zones
>sail cat
>0 results
>Scandinavian Container Ships turned into mobile fortresses raiding coastal cities all over the World, viking style.
God damn I love Metro's art style. Really want to cosplay it someday, but it's hard to get that weathered, worn look and not to just look like a kid wearing tacticool shit.
Dress up in it well ahead of time, then go live innawoods or something for a while in it, until you're ready.
>a unknown group is kidnapping children and teenagers. They show up 20 years later with knowledge about engineering,medicine and science.
>people from all over the country claim they saw pre-war airplanes. Nobody knows where they start or land.
Burry it deep boy.
We sit this one out lad and see who's standin when it all blows over. Thats how ya know who's got Gods ear, yeah?
Their flights started before the war begun and the never land.
>You will never raid post-apocalyptic Britain with your nordic pals
> you'll never see post-apoc vikings going to war with an alliance of the painted barbarians, chav clans, and patrician clockwork technocrats
>There will never be Fallout: UK where mutant badgers fight alongside New Celts to remove foreign menaces
>Some time after the End, a group of weary scavvers gather around a campfire to tell jokes, sing songs and share stories.
But then they were beheaded and cannibalized by opposing feudalistic tribesmen, who were then subjected to radiation poisoning as a result of consuming contaminated meat. Everybody died slowly and horribly. The end.
Nah I just made it up based on various post apoc games.
Oasis thing is like Fallout 3, the hospital is just because I hate that fucking hospital in Call of Prophet (as much as I love it), invisible mutant is a bit of Fallout New Vegas and bloodsuckers from STALKER, and vodka thing was like the other user said, from STALKER and the unsourced shit I've read online about mid 1900s Russian authorities lying to the population that it protects you from radiation, just so they had a workforce continuing to operate dangerous heavy machinery. I imagine it would actually kill you quicker considering its a vasodilator and thins your blood but I'm not a scientist and can't prove anything.
Always gives me chills
Oh I just realised you meant the picture. It's from Degenesis.
That short film and the idea is AMAZING. I absolutely LOVE the idea of this huge, automated war machine that never stops flying, never stops bombing, will never stop carrying out its pre-programmed mission until it finally falls apart and drops out of the sky.
>What if you can find its repair and refueling station?
>What if you could hack it and gain control?
>What if you could turn it against your enemies?
>Their flights started before the war begun and the never land.
, , , That's not the whole film:
Legends from my "Green Post-Apocalypse" setting for my book.
>Gulf Coast Fishermen of Texan, Cajun, Confederate, and Cuban nationalities all tell tales of a grey warship that stalks the waters of the Gulf, hunting down all vessels not registered as belonging to the long-dead United States of North America. Some say the vessel is possessed by the ghosts of its damned crew, while others believe it to be an experimental AI warship vessel designed to hunt down vessels of the Machine Lord Caesar during the Machine Wars. While the idea of a "ghost ship" hunting down fishermen, oil tankers, and traders is laughable to landlubbers, the fact remains that every few months, a vessel disappears while in transit through the Gulf, and all that remains is a wreckage bearing the scars of Old World weapons and extreme prejudice...
>The Sabinites once declared war on the Empire of East Texas in retaliation for the extermination of their allies, the Witch Cults of Carthage. The Sabinites marched an army of over 45,000 men through the Wildwood Forest in an attempt to attack the Empire on its relatively unprotected flank. The army never exited the woods. To this day, wild tales and rumors abound of dark, damned things that lurk in the woods, and the armies of shambling dead that march and dance behind them...
>Goglotha is a massive, charred warscape in what was once Hempstead. The site of an incredibly bloody three-way battle between the forces of the USNA, Caesar, and the Machine Lord Catharine, almost five square miles of land is nothing but deep craters, ash, bleached bone, and rusting war machines. Even though the war that created this scene of ruin ended almost a century and a half ago, it has not been picked clean by scavengers or by Cyprian or Republican salvage teams, much to the astonishment of those not familiar with the place. Those who live near it, though, only fear the place - for not all who reside there are truly dead.
Oh neat, someone uploaded the two parts as one video.
None the less, it's pretty melancholic
P L A Y I T A G A I N , M Y J O H N N Y
Actually it's harmless now as long as it stays airborne. The ammunition and bombs ran out decades ago but if it finally crashed, its reactor would end up leaking everywhere.
>>Gulf Coast Fishermen of Texan, Cajun, Confederate, and Cuban nationalities all tell tales of a grey warship that stalks the waters of the Gulf, hunting down all vessels not registered as belonging to the long-dead United States of North America. Some say the vessel is possessed by the ghosts of its damned crew, while others believe it to be an experimental AI warship vessel designed to hunt down vessels of the Machine Lord Caesar during the Machine Wars. While the idea of a "ghost ship" hunting down fishermen, oil tankers, and traders is laughable to landlubbers, the fact remains that every few months, a vessel disappears while in transit through the Gulf, and all that remains is a wreckage bearing the scars of Old World weapons and extreme prejudice...
Ever read Jack Black and the Ship of Thieves by Carol Hughes? The Nemesis is basically this.
>It follows sound. If you're aware of it coming, stare at it.
>Don't even think of looking away, don't even fucking blink.
>Blink and you'll be dead before you can scream.
Still operational but unfortunate proximity to a bomb site left it too radioactive to enter.
>Jack Black and the Ship of Thieves
Some sort of post-apoc pirate novel?
Damn, I'd like me some post-apoc novels where the world seems primitive but it's actually far into after-the-end, with some remains of technology and lore still being there. I've read what's written so far of Safehold, pretty great series, need more.
You're definitely not wrong. Кpeпocть/Fortress has got to be one of the most grim and melancholic little films I've ever seen.
>Decades after the End, the ramshackle remnants of the Enemy's Automated Atomic Airforces continue to nuke the nation's major cities, rendering them uninhabitable and spreading radiation across the planet.
>It was said, before the End, that these A.I. controlled superbombers were refueled, repaired and redeployed by the Enemy from vast stronghold-hangars where all their leaders sought shelter from the war.
>The world cannot begin its rebirth and renewal until these planes are stopped, but using pre-war military intelligence, the PCs undertake a perilous journey to break into the Enemy's command center and shut it down.
Could be Hayao Miyazaki, kinda reminds me of Nausicaa.
Pretty cool. Remember the first part and could more or less understand at least some of the messages in the first part (and guess from context what others meant) but the second one is much, much harder to crack without subtitles. Anyone got some translation, at least for the longer and more complex bits of text on the base' computer screens?
Found it:
Thanks, user.