C16 Decklists are up.
I knew they'd reprint the Nephilim.
They just reprinted ONE nephilim, though. I'm actually disappointed.
That is super disappointing. I just saw Glint-Eye and assumed all of them would be there. I was let down. At least they're cheap.
It's just hillarious to see all the casuals crying when you play goodstuff.dec or TPS.dec. nobody actually made you choose to play with bad cards, so why do you cry when someone plays good cards? Are you so butthurt That you have to police someone elses fun? Grow up, if your thematic spider decks cannot beat my deck, is your fault, accept it and stop complaining on how unfair competitive players are
A lot of commander players are in the format to avoid the spikey attitude, not to get more of it. Yeah, they can get whiney, but try to understand where they're coming from. It's a good idea to bring along a low powered thematic deck just for the instances of "this deck is really casual" or "this is my vorthos deck".
Its been months that I played, and even then, I didnt buy much in the recent years (Return to rav until now).
With that said, anyone got pointers for new good black/colorless cards for edh in the past years?
I usually play my Xiahou stax deck for great results. I'm up for any recommandation. I'm looking at the magus from the spoiler, but he's probably a bit slow.
Also I just want to add that when I play, its with other competitive friends who have fully powered lists so the "casualness" of the format is not in consideration here.
Gray merchant of asphodel is a great mono black card that came out since return to rav
toxic deluge came out the year before return to rav but I think it's the number one reason to play black after necropotence
Any Partners you plan on brewing around, Veeky Forums? Which ones are your favorites?
Looks pretty great, thanks
Ravos looks fun to build
Disagree immensely with your image though, sidar Kondo isn't playable on his own or as a partner, he's just bad, and there's no reason why reyhan, which has an interesting ability, should be lower than ikra shidiqi, which is unplayable as a commander, only playable in a Doran deck
>rehan still on t3
list is shit untill you fix that. Absolutely belongs in t1, the only question with building him is do you want to splash white with ravos, or blue with merman
Man fuck all this.
Alright, I moved Reyhan up and Ikra down. you guys are right.
How the fuck is Kydele better as a commander than almost any other legendary UG creature? Definitely should be at 'deputy tier' as she does nothing interesting on her own.
I feel Akiri and Bruse make a real good equipment deck together. I'd put them in the same tier as neither of them are impressive on their own.
I could see Reyhan making a fairly strong deck sans partner. He'll also be one of the few that gets put in the 99 of other decks.
>infinite mana wincon not the absolute best of the shitfest
I kinda want to make a Kraum/Ishai deck to make my opponents question just how much they really want to cast spells.
I just had an idea.
Why don't they just let ALL the partner creatures be your Commander. Like 15-free cards. You'd sit at a table where everyone has all the partner cards and just go to town.
I personally dislike coming up with new formats but this seems like an easy thing to accomplish.
I kind of wish Ishai costed 1 less or had a hexproof ability similar to Ojutai's. I don't think he is as horrible as everyone else says he is, but he could have been a lot better.
That certainly sounds like...
Why is Reyhan great? A sorcery speed Hunger of the Howlpack that synergizes with sac outlets? What an I missing?
Breya Eggs how?
>Sorcery speed
It's pretty good with Ishai and other stuff than can pile +1/1 counters like Managorger Hydra.
Check Atraxa's deck. Is literally +1/1 shitfest.
>the deck has ghave
Gotta say, I hate shitskia so much but that deck has some pretty good stuff in it
Just don't complain when every game of edh you play is arch-enemy
I'm also right about Thrasios being higher and Sidar Kondo being lower.
Not really. If you had your way you'd have a commander with "all your little tokens and bears have slightly different menace" equal to "pay 4 to draw a card or play a land"
One is a commander you can build around and play on his own even if not a tier 2 or 3 deck. The other is a commander that does nothing the turn he comes down and is worse than just about every other draw commander
He literally wins the game, and is on the same level if not stronger than Tasigur because of a potential extra color.
He can ramp or draw at instant speed, meaning you can pass with reactive spells up and then ramp at end of turn, you could also go with a training grounds theme and play lots of activated abilities
And then of course he wins the game with infinite mana, trasios is solid
Sidar Kondo on the other hand is super shitty, giving little creatures unblockable is dumb when GW wants to be pumping little creatures anyway, a nonbo with his ability
And he's 5 mana
The little creatures only need to be pumped if they suck. Since they're all unblockable, they don't suck. Partner him with the black/green one and suddenly you can start swinging with the low power/high toughness creatures both white and green like.
wow why is saskia so loaded down with goodies?
I was wondering that myself
Compared to the butt buddies deck it's not even fair
It seems like the butt buddies deck was designed to make the other decks play a little better than a normal precon would and not to ever actually win a game
Wouldn't Reyhan/Ishai be kinda fun?
It just needs some big finishers to make use of all that ramp.
Honestly waiting until it's just a 1v1 and fire balling them in the face could most likely work.
Why does stalwart unity have Keening Stone in it? is there something I'm missing or does that not help with anything else the deck does?
Simply a non-combat wincon that should be fueled by opponents' hands flooding and discarding or spells being cast. It's supposed to mill at a "reasonable" rate, given 100 card decks
I guess it's not bad to have a backup wincon but it feels a bit out of place.
well fuck.
Certainly the best way to use ishai
It's decently strong against the cascade deck with all those wheels
I think people are sleeping on Ancient Excavation. It seems like one of the strongest cards in this set. 4 mana for an instant speed loot 4-ish seems like amazing dig potential for combo decks and the land cycling gives it utility in the very early game as well.
As an aside, I'm really looking forward to this Atraxa superfriends deck. Synergies out the ass:
>Magistrate's Scepter + Contagion Engine + Tezzeret the Seeker/Atraxa
>Tezzeret the Seeker + The Chain Veil + Any other planeswalker
>Astral Cornucopia/Everflowing Chalice + Proliferate
>Doubling Season + Jace AoT to bribery each opponent and get a Teferi ult for free as well
Which would you take between Memory Adept and Unraveler of Secrets? Drawing 20 seems like the obvious better ult but the protection offered on Unraveler of Secrets is definitely useful and I feel that the non-ult abilities on Unraveler are way better.
pic related is the plan, gimme suggestions
I agree about ancient excavation, thought it was weird there was no discussion about it
Really good in gy decks too, quite possible to find a bunch of gas and fill your gy with fatties in one spell at instant speed
I could see it fulfilling a similar role to fact or fiction in my Sedris deck
Everything from Abzan clan, counters and protection from Boardwipes.
Managorger Hydra and other Hydras that grow out of control fast
This deck plays itself, just ramp as hard as possible with all kinds, land fetch, rocks, etc and play guys that come into play with counters and enjoy the fact that the counters just get moved around when shit dies
Entropic Uprising looks pretty fun, thoughts?
Also when is it getting released?
Nov. 11
It's fun because Cascade is a fun mechanic
I'm gonna cram as many Cascade cards, combat phase doublers, forks, and direct player damage as possible in this fucking deck
November 11th
If you could change 1 color of your commander, what would it be?
thanks senpaitachi, gonna grab it for sure
no prob
>mfw my LGS is already taking preorders at 25 a pop
I'd make this asshole Mardu instead of Jeskai.
It's a dumb fat brute that attacks all the time randomly. What the fuck is blue about that? Complete flavor failure.
Mardu would be cool for him.
Power 5 or greater was a naya mechanic you little bitch
I'd make captain sisay bant instead of just selesnya
>competitive players
Competitive players should not be playing Commander. Commander is a strictly casual format that has no tournaments.
>combat phase doublers
Why not straight up time walks?
After all the deck has blue in it.
i'm gonna get this deck
is partnering these two a better plan than running atraxa?
because more combat phases means more Cascade stacks. I want to cast my whole deck in a single turn
good point
Well that's just false though, there are lots of commander tournaments taking place every week around the country, and it's obviously not "strictly" casual even by sheldon's standards since he advised groups to play how they like
>four-color decks
>only ONE of them has chromatic lantern
Just what the fuck did they mean by this
The lands are all retarded too
>It's one of the better decks
>The deck I've already preordered
I feel like Ash Barrens is cool.
yeah it is
and there's so much basic landcycling
i guess it's a way to make it possible without giving you an easy out
>the gay dudes deck has Blasphemous Act in it
Alright /edhg/
Ive retooled my Niv-Mizzet Spellslinger deck a good amount by removing any unneeded pieces that didnt live up to expectations and cleaning up the manabase and artifact package.
I still have room for 1 card.
The point of this deck is a semi-competitive Spellslinger Deck with Niv-Mizzet at the helm because I like his ability, lore, and everything else. Im also a big Izzet fan thanks to Ravnica.
What FUN card should take up the last slot? It could be anything from a weird interaction, or maybe something just goofy/janky, or maybe even just a card powerful enough that it has to be included. The exception is no infinite combo pieces (Curiosity, Mind over Matter, etc).
Sorry I meant the lack of complete cycles, not the new lands they printed
It's really good, I'd even consider running it in my 5-color goodstuff deck. Ability to ETB untapped + getting around Blood Moon is really nice
it also has
>Safety Sphere
I dunno about this.
Some of those look cool, have good cards even, but I smell another situation where some of these decks are going to be sold for three times retail price and others are going to languish on shelves, unwanted.
buy singles
Walmart isn't hoarding them.
Really wish Ezuri, Claw of Progress had partner. Reyhan, Last of the Abzan would work really well with it. I'll Probably do it when I'm playing casual tabletop shit, but that's a hollow win.
>5 sample hands of the yidris not-white deck
>not one of them does a damn thing til turn 5 and that's assuming I draw untapped lands
its garbage like C15
The lists seem slightly better, the commanders slightly worse
Overall equally shit, although I can see me cascade being oppressive in casual environments with not that much removal
Which simulator are you using?
Is my Atraxa list shit /EDHG/?
Are all the cards on these lists on tappedout? I can't view some of them on the wizards page.
>only like four actual stax cards
>all those 6-7 mana winmore cards in stax
That's called a goodstuff list.
What other lock pieces should I include?
These commanders are all shit
I'm still gonna run a dune brood Nephilim deck and no one can stop me
Things that don't require your commander to work.
Land Equilibrium
Necrogen Mists
Tainted Aether
Rising Waters
Thorn of Amethyst
Sphere of Resistance
You know, that tax part of stax might help.
And where the fuck is your Jitte?
>Succumb to Temptation
Black rarely gets instant speed draw, and everytime they do it's great.
>Reality Smasher
Pretty amazing finisher, most of the time they won't be able to deal with it if you're doing your job right and cleared their hand out.
>Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
Fantastic late game, even better since mono-black's late game is turn 5 with Cabal Coffers
>Ob Nixilis, Reignited
Does almost everything mono-black wants to do in Commander. Pair him with Lilly of the Veil and watch your opponents squirm.
The more "wraths" the better.
>Liliana, Heretical Healer
Excellent combo card and great in The Rack control decks.
>Sidisi, Undead Vizier
Phyrexian Reclamation's best friend and the best tutor we've got since Beseech the Queen.
>Hero's Downfall
Great removal in general.
>Read the Bones
Scry 2 before drawing is much more powerful than it seems on paper
That's the 10/10 five stars cool cat in town stuff. There's a lot more powerful black cards that have come out these past five years but are more build-around or strategic specific rather than outright great in any black deck like these are.
Yeah, it either needed to cost 1 or 2 less, or have hexproof. As it stands, not only does it come out far too late to be a threat, it's vulnerable to almost every piece of removal out there, and its only evasion is flying (which is awful if that's all it has). Sure, it grows quickly, but if it survives after growing to any kind of reasonable size I'd be surprised.
That said, I half want to build a Vial Smasher/Ludevic pillowforty burn deck - very little combat damage, but with Tim-like creatures and Fireball effects. Play enough pillowfort and friendly effects to keep them off you, and enough defensive effects to stop them hitting you. Black can reanimate too, so it might even be worth running Mizzix too, just for the Fireballs (although it isn't an "X marks the spot" deck like Mizzix).