Shitposting intensifies Edition

Previous: (Cross-thread)


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Other urls found in this thread:


Non-blue deck got nothing. fuck this.

Continuing the question from before:
Alright boys. All of the cards are on the table. Final verdict: should four-colors have been brought back or would it have been better just being the Nephilim?

Thinking of picking up Atraxa's list and turning it into Ghave as I don't have much of a physical collection and some of the reprints are sweet (Scooze, Reveillark, Kalonian Hydra, Murmuring Bosk). Should I?

That's pretty gay.

Ghostly Prison's most recent printing was in Conspiracy 2: Electric Boogaloo

They /are/ 4-color commanders, whether they're workable or not will be a different question. Seems like they mistook people wanting 4-color just to have access to 4-colors instead of just making 4-color legendaries within a broad archetype.

Neither. They should have never tried it.

If all legendary creatures had partner, which two would you combine for your ultimate deck?

i like what we got. most playgroups let the neph slide anyways now we just have more options

Oh no, they didn't 'mistake' it. Instead of actually designing "Four Color Commanders" they changed the rules of the game so they could staple two shitty 2-color commanders together and take an early lunch.

Daretti and Arcum

It's a neat idea of approaching the matter, though. Besides, it gives people a wide array of options to work with.

That's probably what I'm going to do. Just cannibalize Atraxa into pieces for my Teysa and a Vorel deck I was planning to build. I mean it seems like you could build a deck around Atraxa, but superfriends does actually seem like the best archetype for her.

I disagree. Partner itself is a neat concept, and had it been introduced outside of "We couldn't be bothered to actually design more than 5 of these" bullshit, I'd actually rather like it.

The way they just hand-wave away the other solutions as 'worse', but insist that stapling together 2-color commanders that don't really even work together was "the best solution for narrow design space" might be true. It might- I don't know, I'm not a game designer. But as a CONSUMER, what it feels like is that they decided the product they promised to provide was gonna be difficult to make, so instead of actually doing their fucking jobs and providing it, they moved the goalpost back 50 yards, half-assed a "Solution" to the problem whose parameters they changed, and called it a day. It might be the best option, but it comes across as lazy bullshit.

There's not even enough in any one of these lists for me to justify spending 35 dollars on. I'll just pick up the handful of singles I need.

If people just wanted the colors, it makes no sense for them to not just use a 5 color commander.

They could build it exactly like 4 color. They could even play Reaper King and occasionally play the general even without the 5th color.

I agree with this. I think partner was brilliant. LET people staple two guys together. That's a cool way to go about it. And also opening up other color combinations with different combinations. Like you can play Abzan with Tymna and Kondo to have a draw engine your command zone in Abzan colors. The other two common Abzan commanders are basically just efficient dudes played for their color, but now Abzan has the option besides Ghave and Anafenza/Doesn't goodstuff to build around using kondo's evasion and Tymna to draw. It doesn't just hep four color.

This is exactly what they want you to think.

llawan and aboshan

Great blog, where can i subscribe?

>most playgroups let the neph slide anyways
I've interacted with like 8 different playgroups, and out of them only one of them would have maybe let it slide.

Meren and either sheoldred or MonoB Sidisi

I get what you mean, and I don't completely disagree that it might seem that way. But honestly, think of it this way: if they had tried to make many more 4 colour commanders, they probably would've turned out worse. I assure you they went through multiple different designs and, if they picked 15 partners + 5 four coloured generals instead of just the usual 10-15 generals commander decks usually have, it must've been for a good reason. They went with the best option.

I feel that while Partner is an interesting concept, it doesn't actually feel like EDH/Commander with the two heads at the helm.

>Chromatic Lantern in one deck
>solemn Simulacrum in one deck
>Literally no other useful reprints
>Almost all of thr new cards are worthless

maybe if Wizards spent more time making shit playable instead of pandering to the minorities, their playerbase wouldn't have shrunk over the last couple years.

Hokori and Derevi

>post asks for opinion on a subject
>opinion is given
>whew boy, get a blog man!

Gitrog and Borby. It won't be top tier but goddamn it would be fun.

>I assure you
>it must've been for a good reason
>They went with the best option
Are you on the design team for commander 2016?

Shit, I'd scrap all my other decks if I could play gitrog + borby, that sounds like most fun

>their playerbase wouldn't have shrunk
Source on this?

>silas renn
>vial smasher
>all 3 cmc or less
Should we brace for the revenge of the Tiny Leaders meme or is it well and truly dead?

Talrand and Noyan could make a very aNoyan' duo

Also new Temple art.
Kinda eh.

Why couldn't they put a planeswalker in all of them? Breya seems to have gotten a lot of good legends, but is offset by probably the worst manabase. There are some really good reprints in here though, especially in Yidris.

I'm really fucking sad about Saskia though. She has the most interesting and fun build-around ability, but got shafted with one of the worst lists. These all have things in them I want though.

Also, why only Glint-Eye reprint?

ANNNDDD $70 dropped. RIP Wallet :')

Probably should've just bought that sword of feast and famine I've been wanting


Well, I had a Pheldagriff group hug deck, and I'm thinking of converting it to a more pillowy Kynaios and tiro deck. I want to add some more removal and counters, just in case, but I'm not sure what to cut, any thoughts?

It's from Elspeth vs. Kiora

>falling for weak bait

I'm seriously considering a Akiri-Vial Smasher Mardu Leaders with Equipments Matter as sub-theme.

How does everyanon think about them in terms of monetary value?


Are gaybros worth $150, even including the fact that the price is inflated by the deck not actually being out yet?

That art was from the Elspeth vs Kiora deck

Yidris, Atraxa and Breya decks all hit me in the right spots
Which one should I get first ? Which one is the most fun ?
Also, which has the best manabase (I don't know how to evaluate them) ?

It's from the Kiora's duel deck, and it's pretty sweet. It's my preferred version for EDH.

Probably Ydris got the best Mana base, along with Lantern.

Not new, that was in the Elspeth duel deck.

Also temple is an awful fucking card in a 4-color deck.

I really don't understand the "Nurr blog" insult.

This is a discussion. We are discussing things. I gave my opinion. Just because you don't like my opinion doesn't mean I'm not allowed to participate.

thanks for blogging your opinion to us

Exactly. My complaints about Partner are that it was a lazy excuse to get out of having to ACTUALLY design 4 color commanders, and that the Partners they made feel kinda underwhelming (like they erred on 'safe and boring' to avoid going OP). Had Partners been debuted as the 'face' mechanic of C16 instead of Four Color, I would've liked it a lot more.

Welp, I'm probably getting Gayhug and Breya. On the fence about Atraxa

Maybe. But we'll never know what would've happen if they'd tried to make more, because "try" is very clearly something that did not happen with this design team.

Why do all the percon suck so much? Last year had way better synergies and combos, especially the BG and WB decks.

Yidris has the best manafixing it looks like. Breya has the most cool shit in the deck, but has a terrible manabase. Atraxa is all right.

There will likely be a brief resurgence, but not much. The problem with Tiny Leaders (Well... the main one) is that the format is solved.

Thanks for blogging your opinion :^)

I don't know if you've heard, but this art is from Elspeth vs. Kiora.

Goodness what trash decks. What the fuck is guiltfeeder doing in Yidris? With Yidris, I'm better off buying him and spending the $35 on a mana base.

I know MTG Goldfish likes to add another 20% to all card prices but how is Atraxa $20 and Kraum $15?



Spoiler season. /v/ and /pol/ who play mtg are visiting us during spoiler season to nag and complain, and discuss "card advantage".

They are not used to getting responses more than 5 sentences, if the paragraph doesn't include a few "nigger", "cuck", "shill".

Come back in a week or two, if you want to have a purposeful conversation.

I don't know
None of the C16 cards cost more than 6€($6.5) in Europe
Feels good being an Eurofag

Why are the decks so expensive in America? I can get them for 20€ each.

Because they really shot themselves in the foot promising 5 of something with almost zero actual design space

Seems pretty tasty in Edric


Atraxa is the only set that I know what some of the more costly cards are normally.

Inflated prices of the new legends is dumb and not worth considering at all.

Which one is worth getting out of these 5?

I think the phyrexian commander has the best long-term value due to reprints of Ooze, Reveillark, and Hydra. Also its probably the best commander out of the 5

Seriously though. I should have quit when they made the tranny, the lesbians and other forced minority characters.

Now they really rustled my jimmies with this interracial gay shit. And they even made them greek.

I just lost all my will to continue supporting their product.

t. level 2 judge

Godo seems like a weird include in a deck with 5 Equips.

Well fuck me, they're apparently going for $40 now. Jesus, there's not even one remotely desirable reprint in the whole lot.

The most expensive reprint is Kolonian fucking hydra.



Oh, you're winning? Fuck you, now I am.

I like the partner idea in general, but they seem too incompatible.

They should have used them as an opportunity to give so help 3-color pairs that are lacking in commanders.

All current Jund commanders are the same (sacrifice based), but I can't find a pair that would work well together.

Pic related - partners.

>L2 judge
>uses terms like 'tranny' and is offended by interracial couples
How did you get past the fucking interview

You can exchange each player's life total with another one

If you have 10 life and that guy with Oloro has 120, if this resolves, you can get 120 and give him 10

Her or Yidris if you want to get your money's worth.

>first Commander product printed in portuguese
>all shops in the whole country only have the damn cards in pt now

Any good and cheap international shops that wouldn't charge me a bajilion dolars of shipping and/or would lose my pack in the flight? I live in Brazil

He probably hid his racism powerlevel

Might pick up Atraxa. Cool reprints for cards I don't have. Graft, evolve, and Bolster all seem to be good in her.

Which walkers are worth picking up of I decide on a super friends list? Only walkers I own that can work in her are Elspeth OG, fat Elspeth, and Lilianna Vess. GW Ajani is probably good and so is Bant Tamiyo. Gate crash Gideon?

Too bad racists and homophobes aren't minorities, WOTC won't support them

>didn't finish the Signet land cycle
>Didn't even reprint all 5 of them


What the fuck is in Yidris where you get your money's worth?

The most expensive card is Past in Flames, which is a ~$5 card.

The deck doesn't even have good synergy at the cost of value, it's a glorified coinflip deck with no wincon.




The gays don't even bother me. It's this weird American mentality of "every 4th person must be a minority". So they randomly put black people in European plate armor or make black elves. It's like making a set with east Asian mythology and there are random blonde people wearing kimonos and wielding samurai swords.

You're not on the colors of Chandra and Tibalt so basically what said

That's a lot of money I don't have. How do you even win with Walkers? Pop ultimates and hit with whatever?

Teferi, Elspeth, Sorin

Basically. Just drop a ton of them and tick them all up for incremental value while your opponent fails to take care of them all (unless they're wise to your antics and are packing proper answers)

Walkers are basically free spell machines. That plus proliferate, just blow your load on everyone.

Burgeoning reprint
BBE Reprint
Waste Not reprint
Not the worst of the bunch but its reprints are fine.

Atraxa is hard to find right now though, unless you have a store that is dedicated to sell it at msrp.

Also shes probably the only interesting commander out of everything spoiled this year.

Proliferate to Ultimates is a way, Just drowning people in value is the other one.

Get chained Veil, and you go infinite with Tezz+ OG Garruk, and drown in value if you have any other walker.

why not 129 to 1? Just to really rub it in.

I just noticed the two swords touching in the background

If you can get chain veil out there are plenty of walkers who can make it go infinite. GG unless someone can stop it.

What lesbians?

You can exchange total life, not change the numbers themselves


>try deck changes out on xmage
>1 monoblue player spends the entire game countering all your shit and writing XD in chat
>another player beats the fuck out of you with hatebears while you can't cast shit
>more XDing in chat

i love this

All those sweet cards that got spoiled must have driven up the price.

To those who can't tell, I was being sarcastic.

I think the two gals from innistrad