In my campaign my DM has additional dragon types from pathfinder I believe, we had encountered Fang Dragons dragons that use radiant damage and rust dragons. It's cool not knowing off hand what a monster can do.
Jace Russell
I've alweays wanted to use a fiendwurm from the 3e fiend folio as a 'fuck you guys its time to run' monster.
Andrew Moore
I really need a low level boss character and it makes all sort of senses for my next idea.
Andrew Martinez
Post warlock invocations. Just some more options to pick from.
Benjamin Morgan
>paladins >not fucking brilliant
A 20 charisma paladin maintaining bless on a party gives an average of +7.5 to ALL save throws. With oath of the ancients, spell damage taken is then halved. Then, everybody gets +1d4 to hit, which is great for GWM users.
Then, you can heal everyone's butts and hold up a shield and stand there in your plate armour with your +1 AC from fighting style and tank the fucking fuck out of them, or use 'protection' in order to keep nearby teammates alive if you don't want your reactions for anything.
MAD got you down? 3 levels in warlock allows you to fight using your charisma modifier, gives you a viable ranged option and gives you stuff such as at-will false life if you need it. Oh, and cantrips, obviously. Grab that booming blade, guidance, whatever. Rogue isn't such a bad multiclass either, I guess. Or barbarian 1 for a tiny splash of rage, for when you're done with buffing and you're only in for the smiting.
Whenever you crit, you can activate your smite and push it to the max, because you KNOW it'll do double dice.
Bards.. Wizards. Their utility is certainly great and they can do a lot to help their team, but seriously. They don't give your team +7.5 to saves.
Colton Sullivan
Wizards Plz
You are able to cast Pact of the Blade is Shit without expending a spell slot or material components.
Grayson Barnes
>using your concentration on bless >not using it on cirlce of power Pffffft.
Also bards and wizards are still better than paladins - paladins are great but they're not bards and wizards.
John Cox
Paladins bring too much to the table imo. They should nerf it
Wyatt King
Gavin Sanders
Eldritch Shield Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade feature While you are wielding your pact weapon in one hand and an arcane implement in the other, you project a shield of force that grants you a +2 bonus to your Armor Class.
Twofold Blade Prerequisite: 7th level, Pact of the Blade feature When you create a pact weapon, you can choose to create a pair of light weapons. These weapons are identical in every way. If you have a magic light weapon bound to you as a pact weapon, you can create a copy of it when you summon it; this weapon has no abilities beyond those of a basic pact weapon. Any feature that requires your pact weapon to be on your person instead requires both of these weapons to be on your person.
Colton Morgan
>They should nerf it mfw
Robert Hall
I don't know what this means.
Gavin Reed
Messenger of the Planes Prerequisite Level 5
You may cast sending using a warlock spell slot.
Samuel Williams
Make it without a spell slot, and once per long rest.
Jacob Lee
Would love for some of you to check out my parties podcast on Literally just started, and each episode is only going to be about an hour long so not a huge investment. New episodes will be up on Monday. The first one is kind of a two parter, so be sure to check it out when you get a chance.
Would love some feedback, and tell me how to recover after fucking up some rulings in the future. Also taking suggestions for where to take the story, what to fight, etc. etc.
Bentley Adams
Wolf in Sheeps Clothes Prerequisite Pact of the Chain
Your familiar gains the ability to shapeshift to appear as a humanoid creature. You choose the appearance of your familiar, but their stats do not change. His familiar can take on the form of a character race, but does not gain racial abilities such as dwarven resilience, or breath weapon. f the new form does not allow for a certain ability, such as a lack of claws, wings, or stinger, they cannot use this ability.
Thomas Roberts
Circle of power has a limited range, doesn't buff attack to-hit and for people with already very high saves +2.5 is actually better than advantage. Some characters such as barbarians may already have advantage. Finally, rogues/shieldmasters don't need damage negation on sabes, and if you're an ancients paladin everybody will already be taking fuckall damage, probably.
Bless is still limited by number of people unless you upcast it and doesn't last as long.
However, Paladins only get circle of power at the very late levels, anyway. Bless is brilliant if you have GWM/Sharpshooter users on your team, though.
Grayson Richardson
Isaac Flores
>barbarians >already have advantage against all saving throws against magic TIP JEK
Luis James
Barbarians have advantage against practically a third of all saves.
There are other sources of advantage, too.
Flat + bonuses can never be made redundant.
Isaiah Reyes
>less than a third >"Some characters such as barbarians may already have advantage" KIJ TEP
Noah Bailey
Hey guys i'm finally playing for the first time in forever as one of my players decided he was going to try DMing
I'm thinking of making a Dwarf Wizard as I've never had any player at my table playing Wizard. I'm pretty sure they're a lot of fun, but I wouldn't really know how to go about it.
I was thinking going melee Wizard for a laugh, using >16 STR (+2) >12 DEX >16 CON (+2) >14 INT >08 WIS >10 CHA
I'm pretty sure with Green-Flame Blade it'd be OK at least for the first levels. I was thinking going Divination and playing the character as a Shaman, taking the best rituals. Abjuration & Conjuration would be great but wouldn't fit this theme as well I think.
I think it makes for a pretty solid character. Still need to refine his background, his goals and all.
> However, I need help with spells. Are there must-have 1st level spells? Is Find Familiar absolutely necessary? Is Identify worth taking early on? Grease and Fog Cloud seem to me a lot better than any AoE damage spells. Am i retarded?
Thanks for your input.
Lucas Rogers
Man, looking at the Paladin spell list I realized just how badly a lore bard could break a Strahd campaign.
Isaac Cook
Level 6 lore bard. Steal aura of vitality. Take one level in life cleric. Make this face.
Hunter Hill
Yep, pretty much. Alternatively, take Aura of vitality AND crusader's mantle. 1d6 radiant damage on every attack your party makes? that's free flametongues for everyone basically. At level fucking 6.
Hunter Jackson
1d4 bruh
Nicholas Cooper
it's essentially mass divine favor
Henry Scott
What sorts of cosmologies have you used for your games? What do you think about the One World cosmology?
Robert Powell
>less than a third I can see you've clearly been doing your homework. Can you please submit your paper on the number of hostile magical effects that are dex-based?
Hudson Barnes
imagine a gnome barbarian. advantage on almost every saving throw against magic
Jaxson Taylor
So my friend is about to run a one shot, Horror/fun campaign for my Birthday tomorrow. We start at level 1 with a standard array. What's a good fun class to play for 6 hours of one shot goodness?
Jordan Long
Including the monster manual and it's effects (which, given you're an adventurer fighting against *monsters*, factors in), there are more CON saves that are actually against a magical effect than dex ones ;)
Liam Jackson
>Is Find Familiar absolutely necessary? I don't see any reason NOT to take it, there are literally only advantages coming from it. Sometimes literally. >Is Identify worth taking early on? It is good, depnding on the setting. Don't dismiss it in low magic campaigns though, because that one time you come around a magic item where none use to be, you can be sure that the next person able to identify it will be at least to the other side of the continent. >Grease and Fog Cloud seem to me a lot better than any AoE damage spells. Am i retarded? As a general rule, control is better than direct damage. The only thing more useless than a level one wizard is a level one wizard who can only blast. This said, Grease is amazing and will never stop being useful up to level 20; Fog Cloud is not as good but still has plenty of use.
Jason Hughes
My current homebrew game has a pseudo-orrery where the planes are all in their own "orbits," including the various material planes. Baator is in a very close "orbit" and is using that to try to usurp the setting's material plane for its own purposes.
And I'll soon be running a game in Eberron, which is a proper orrery, with each of the twelve major planes as "moons" around the material plane.
David Cruz
>I was thinking going melee Wizard for a laugh Ask your DM about Bladesinger, maybe. It's supposed to be elf-only, but a Dwarven Skald heading into battle singing songs about dismembering goblins while actually dismembering goblins might be cool.
Asher Ortiz
>Dwarven Skald heading into battle singing songs about dismembering goblins while actually dismembering goblins AKA a valor bard?
Christopher Wood
Well yes, but he already picked the class.
Jaxson Watson
Rogue, fighter, and barbarian are the most solid classes for level 1-3.
Nathan Mitchell
Moon Druid would like a word
Juan Gonzalez
Level 1 druid sucks dick. He said he starts at level 1 in a 6-hour one shot. He need not even level for it.
Ethan Perez
Should I have Jimjar bet one of the PCs that they can't steal the Drow Priestess' panties?
Luis Sanchez
>drow priestess >undergarments He'd lose by sheer virtue of no such thing existing.
Hunter Flores
The user I replied to specified 1-3
Jeremiah Perry
>The froghemoth makes two attacks with its tentacles. It can also use its tongue or bite. Does that mean it gets 3 attacks? Or does it replace one tentacle attack with one of the others?
Michael James
I am that user - my reply was to the man talking about his one-shot, which may not even go beyond level 1. A level 3 human barbarian also beats a level 3 moon druid in a straight combat.
Andrew Peterson
3 attacks
Thomas Parker
> Reasonably entertaining. Do you play over voice chat or are you live in a room? Nobody is particularly obnoxious and everyone seems to have a good attitude about it.
Alexander Rodriguez
Is taking 6 charisma a good approximation of having your character be a Quasimodo hunchback, or does 5e still stringently separate charisma and comeliness.
Oliver Cooper
It doesn't have to be. Cha is like your force of will, and how much other people like you. Low cha could mean you're beautiful with a bad personality, too trapped in your head analyzing everything, don't "get" people even though you think you do, or you just project an aura of being a serial killer even though you're LG. Or you could be straight up fugly.
Logan Ross
I will only listen is it's on iTunes and I can download it easily
Joshua Mitchell
Does being knocked prone count as forced movement for the purpose of breaking grapple if the source isn't the person grappling you?
Say, the barbarian is grappling the kobold, and the monk knocks the kobold prone with Water Whip, is the Barbarian still grappling the kobold?
Adrian Butler
If you're knocked prone but knocked away, you're still in the grappler's reach, so no, the grappling isn't broken.
Joshua Moore
phrased that way it sorta sounds like a zen koan
Jaxson Sanders
but not knocked away*
Evan Rogers
What are the most important things to know about making a tough frontline warrior guy in 5E? Should I be going fighter or Barb? Am I doomed to irrelevance at higher levels?
Angel Jackson
Here's my stupid-ass plan for tonight's session (that I just wrote up, even though it starts in 3 hours, FUCKING KILL ME). Does it sound good?
## Session Plan (big)
Kurtulmak, who the party is personal friends with, sends them a message asking them to free some Kobolds from the oppression of a dragon living in one of the too-snowy-to-access-normally caves nearby. Cave is heavily trapped and highly difficult to access normally, which the other adventuring party tells them.
If the party is clever, can pretend to sell their Kobold friends to the dragon, who will then disable traps from the inside. They could, of course, also just fight their way through.
Approximately 1/2 of the Kobolds have Stockholm's and will defend their dragon to the death. This is a slightly large problem, since they're trying to save the Kobolds.
When the dragon is about to die, it will make a desperate attempt to bargain with the players. It offers to let the Kobolds go, and to give the players (more specifically, our rogue) information. If they accept, three things happen: 1. The dragon tells the rogue that his parents were betrayed by their friends, and gives information on where those friends happen to be going 2. The dragon, true to his word, frees the Kobolds 3. A week after the party leaves, he attacks the Rogue's hometown, and kills as many people as he possibly can
Alexander Gutierrez
I'm trying to balance this magic item. It's a +1 spear that can do the following:
>While attuned, as an action, you can plant it on the ground and cast Beacon of Hope, with a few changes: The duration of the spell becomes "As long as the spear is planted on the ground, up to 1 minute"; during the same duration, the spear's blade sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet; lastly, the spell's effect on healing only works within the bright light's radius, while the advantage on Wisdom saving throws and death saving throws occurs within the dim light's radius. Once you cast this spell in such a way, you can't do it again until the next dawn.
Is it too overcomplicated?
Adam Gonzalez
Prone doesn't change where you are in terms of the 5-foot cubes that represent your occupied space. If you're knocked prone, you're still in the same space.
Sebastian Hernandez
Fighter gives you a better AC, battlemaster maneuvers, and a billion attacks. Barbarian gives you more HP, resistance to fucking everything, and a tanking ability. Both have their ups and downs.
As long as your DM remembers that hordes of mook enemies (like Orcs) are moderately threatening even at high levels, you'll do alright. If they're of the mentality that everything flies and is invisible after level 8, you'll be less relevant - but you'll still be ok if you have a ranged option.
Jason Ross
Just be a Mountain Dwarf Barbarian and get 20 Con and Toughness.
Become the meat.
Parker Butler
Toughest is Barbarian Bear Totem rage + Rogue Uncanny Dodge (1/4 damage to most attacks).
Use Expertise for Strength(Athletics) and you can pin down single enemies.
Lincoln Wilson
>mountain dwarf You'll get more HP as a hill dwarf senpai.
Ryan Butler
Yeah that's the one I meant.
Benjamin Clark
Good thing they have proficiency in CON saves and are bound to have high CON.
Camden Torres
Great rebuttal ;)
Dominic Martin
Is Eldritch Knight not a path to go down for this sort of thing?
Evan Ortiz
You forgot the lvl 3 spell from crown paladins: Spirits guardians, 3d8, half if save in a 15 foot radius.
William Taylor
Thanks friendo ;)
John Ward
Thanks for spoiling the campaign for me. An anonymous tip: your friends post here, so don't use actual identifiable names for the npcs.
Christopher Martinez
Eldritch Knights make perfectly good frontline characters, they are fighters after all.
Nolan Ross
It's viable but takes time to come online in terms of power.
Tyler Johnson
Eeeh. I think Bladesinger is about grace and dancing and shit. Don't think it'd be OK with the dwarven theme.
Thanks! Cantrip-wise... GFB + Minor Illusion + Mage Hand?
Zachary Gonzalez
EK or Battlemaster, depending on if you want to be based on long rests or short rests. They're both better than Champion.
Gavin Perry
This is a great start. Thanks anons.
William Nelson
>Dwarven flavor
Heaven help us, it's this guy again.
Isaiah Peterson
Eldritch Knights are perfectly fine. Think about it like this:
-Want to soak up damage with your HP? Play Barb.
-Want godlike AC and way to buff your defense for the situation? Play EK (thanks to the shield spell).
-Want more battlefield control and options to manipulate enemies? Do battlemaster.
I'm playing an EK as a frontline combatant right now and it's going perfectly fine. Between shield and 19AC I'm quite hard to hit.
Bentley Mitchell
>Finally hit Monk 6 >DM points out to me that Shadow Step doesn't actually work if you don't have Darkvision >Human
Jacob Clark
I just unlocked an extra spell slot for my arcane trickster, what should I take?
Cantrips are booming blade, Mage hand, and mending
Spells are find familiar, disguise self, and sleep.
Thinking about grabbing jump or chromatic orb as my new spell. The party is currently lacking a bit in magic damage right now, so chromatic orb could be cool, but doesn't synergize with my class at all. Jump just seems like another really useful utility spell.
My DM says that I'm allowed to swap spells every time I level up. I feel like my current toolkit is super useful for a variety of situations. Thoughts?
Not him, but due to the way AC and such works in 5e, both are viable. Dex is slightly better due to initiative and being able to pull out a longbow if you need ranged damage.
Lincoln Adams
I haven't gotten hit in a single encounter, is shield realty that good of an idea?
Reading though the description, it sounds like I can cast it right before I get hit. Is that true?
Daniel Scott
Her backstory is as a duelist (and I'm planning to go Bladesinger later for maximum AC nonsense) so I built her as a dex EK. Rapier+shield for weapons.
Ryan Mitchell
At 3rd level you gained the ability to cast darkvision for 2 ki points. Darkvision lasts for 8 hours and does not require concentration. You could wake up, cast Darkvision on you and two others of your party, then meditate for an hour while everyone else is having breakfast and be good to go.
Jacob Hernandez
Personally I'm mostly for devotion and ancients because I'm a whore for always-on auras.
John Gomez
I don't think you can take any of those, since ATs are restricted to illusion and enchantment, aside from a handful of their picks. Your next free spell is only at level 8, unless you're willing to let go of Find Familiar. I suggest you take Silent Image, or Tasha's Hideous Laughter if your Intelligence is good enough to make the saving throw reliable. Color Spray looks decent if you fight things immune to magical sleep, like undead.
Speaking of which Color Spray says it lasts for 1 round. Does that mean until the start of the end of your next turn?
Nicholas Taylor
The way that multiattack works is that it allows them to shove multiple attacks into a single action.
Juan Gonzalez
Shield is the highest scaling 1st level spell in the game. If you want another choice, take absorb elements from elemental evil.
Oliver Perry
im only saying that because our cleric-of-war's spirit guardian have save the day in our party more times that i can recall.
I would put that spell on par with fireball. And it let you do some dmg while protecting and healing your allies.
Levi Butler
>it sounds like I can cast it right before I get hit Yes, you can. Same with absorb elements.
Jaxon Nguyen
Shield is cast as a reaction to getting hit. Meaning: >Monster hits you >"I cast Shield!" >Monster no longer hits you, if the increase in AC was enough to make its attack miss. And it lasts for a full round, so you have +5 AC against every attack until the monster's next turn.
Evan Morales
I know that, I asked because the wording was a bit confusing. It should be something like: >The froghemoth makes three attacks: two with its tentacles and one with its tongue or bite
Jaxon Phillips
Until the start of your next turn, actually. That doesn't really change the effectiveness of the spell.
Charles Myers
Just two attacks, the others replace tentacle attacks.
Levi Cooper
>Close friends have a game >joining at lvl 4 >roll my character >18 str, 14 dex, 16 con, 9 int, 14 wis, 9 cha
I feel like I'm cheating, that's including variant human stats and I have 2 feats.
Julian Price
It's certainly a good spell for AoE situations. The problem in comparison to fireball however is the fact it's concentration and can't be used alongside other buffs.
>shield >on AT It's actually not bad, but rogues already get Uncanny Dodge. Shield is better and can be used to completely negate multiple attacks, and there aren't very many other good combat options for AT. That said, absorb elements as suggested is pretty good because you can't use uncanny dodge on a fireball, but you can use absorb elements.
Isaac Green
>two feats >not maxing your primary stat with your level 4 ASI no
Jose Wilson
I'm a battlemaster with martial adept and great weapon master