Other urls found in this thread:
Truly The Hung is the greatest chapter to serve The Emperor.
They are served well by Chapter Master Lupus Irrumator.
*Chapter Master Lupus Pistor
Brother Culus Pugno
fug :D
I can't believe I'm doing this but could the joke perhaps be explained. I gather that it in some way is politically incorrect, probably cause it brings lynching to mind right?
>This thread
Beat me to it.
....your shitting me.
>Favorable relations with the Space Wolves
No, it's that bereft of comedy.
This would have stopped being funny a long time ago if it wasn't or the fact that not only the guy wasa one hundred percent serious and proud of his work, but also the whole idea is pretty cool, if it wasn't for the "TAKE THE KNOT" battlecry
> t. the creator of the Hung
I thought chapter generator was random?
There is Chapter Constructor mode (works with loyalists only).
They're oblivious to the doble entendres they speak, it's a geneseed defect.
Still wishing for a hanged to appear on a W.I.P thread, someday.. someday....
I'll cast another Horus Heresy marine and do it.
What program are you talking about?
No thanks, we only keep what we kill
You ruined the thread.
>butthurt knotfag detected
So here's a though; let's actually roll something for them. I'll start
(Rolled a 2) 1-4 Strategic Prognostication - "Our tarot cards say there's going to be a threat here, maybe. Found a Chapter!"
Let's roll for founding (30) 35th Millennium nothing special so far.
We already know some of the stuff about them, they're from a prison world and they recruit from the sons of executioners. We also know they are Ultramarines successors.
You posted your gay little chapter with some "heh... nothin personnel kid..." shit.
Get fucked, GeeDubs will adopt this shit just like Grendel. Enjoy being on the wrong side of history bucko.
Yeah but everything else is up for grabs. I mean we ought to add something after the fifth of sixth time we pass this joke around, right?
Also rolling for Gene-Seed purity
Got a 3 so these boys in black as just as pure as the boys in blue.
Rolled 7 (1d10)
is it a d10 or d100?
>You posted your gay little chapter with some "heh... nothin personnel kid..." shit.
>He doesn't know about the Veeky Forums's Ice Wraiths
lurk moar fag
>implying anyone should read 1d4chan
Kys faggot
Your a mega ass-faggot, end your life fuckwad.
> Trying THIS hard to fit in
ah by bad I was using d100
Rolled 57 (1d100)
okay what are we rolling for?
Faggots. Go back /r/cuckold
Right now, I'm a click away from using an SQL injection attack to gain access to the database of this website and gain your login credentials, as well as your IP address. I'll then proceed to leak your IP address onto my hacker forums, and then using an IP locator, I'll easily find your house and your name. With that I can access your social media accounts and proceed to ruin your life. You think I'm bluffing? You think that just because a bunch of 7 year old dipshits say they can "hack", but actually can't, that I can't either? Let me shatter that facade for you. Using my team of hackers, we can trace what websites you've visited and what keystrokes you've used, and with that, I can get into your parents' bank account. I can drain it and make you dirt poor. Have you ever felt what it's like to be homeless? Well, you're about to. I can also use cross-site scripting to redirect your web browser to one of my private sites, and download child porn onto your computer and get your parents locked up in prison. I'm your worst fucking nightmare, and I'm about to make you endure living Hell. I'm nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Have fun regretting your existence, shithead.
>implying anyone still uses it
We archives for this reason you numbnuts. Plus they were an enjoyable series of threads, and the chapter was surprisingly lighthearted and entertaining to make stuff for despite being Blood Angels Successors based loosely off of Riddick
What the fuck are you on about. You and I are on exactly the same page about 1d4chan being shit. Goddamn you are some sort of chucklefuck,
>literally Navy Seal Copypasta levels ofcringe and tryhard.
Please be a copypasta, otherwise I might lose another ounce of faith in humanity
I don't think it is.
You have any left?
I'm sorry, were you trying to say something? Your English broke apart there at the end
Ah we were rolling for Gene Seed Purity. Sorry my bad. We'll just go with your 7
So that means they've got Altered Stock. Not so pure. I got a 6 so they're missing a zygote; which one should we remove?
It is. Apparently its some redditor copypasta, meaning this fag is some tryhard redditor trying to get posted on /s4s/ or something.
I still find it hard to believe that fags this pathetic still exist
I propose this as the new banner of the Hanged, as to show their allegiance with the Space Wolves!
Stop fucking rolling dice at your computer or whatever you are doing. If you want to roll by yourself in your room then why even post?
...I've fapped to worse.
Too far, The Hanged aren't over the top faggots, they are unable to understand how what's being said can be taken out of context and they don't know High Gothic.
...I don't know how to roll the dice; I'm kinda slow.
What do you mean, battle brother? Such a ferocious beast, with blood staining it's cheeks, adorning our banner would surely strike fear into all heretics who lay their eyes upon it!
...That's what you said about the last banner and the Blood Angels still haven't stopped snickering. Are you certain?
So in other words, the only reason why the Space Wolves let them hang around with them is because they find them to be funny as all hell?
They aren't retarded, just oblivious.
Let's just start over "dice+1d10" in the options field.
Why were the Hanged founded?
Faggot go kys
You're not slow.
You are a disgrace. You have in front of you the entire goddamn internet. The sum total of public human knowledge.
You could educate yourself. You could READ THE FUCKING STICKY. You could have donenthose but instead you just blundered ahead.
Seriously just read the fucking sticky you cocksucker.
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Who said the Space Wolves hang out with them?
>giving (You)s to the pasta fag
Well it's nice to meet you too.
They were founded to counter something, probably xenos or heretics.
When were they founded (1d100)?
So they were made as counter; but to what?
The pitiful Blood Ravens would not know what ferocity was unless it grabbed them by the nose! Believe me, battle brother, when we adorn our frigates with this insignia, all the heretics across the galaxy will bow in fear to the will of the Emperor! The Space Wolves even said they would give us a good "yife-ing" if we did so!
Rolled 79 (1d100)
So we're the new boys on the block; maybe we were made to counter Necrons?
Ok, the Hanged were founded during the 40th millenia. They're pretty new all things considered.
We already know they are an Ultramarines successor, so roll 1d10 to find out how pure our seed is.
So we're new; maybe we were made to counter the relatively recent Necron presence?
Could be, seems pretty grim and cvlt.
Rolled 5 (1d10)
Is it obvious I've answered people asking how to roll before?
Got sick of it, had to get it out of my system. Sorry for being actually mad there.
What's our chapter demeanour? 1d10
Unsurprisingly for Ultramarines we're pure. As the Sons of Girlyman should be.
No problem I was out of line; I'm more of a lurker so I'm a bit behind. Sorry to upset you.
Thank you for your advice.
Rolled 4 (1d10)
>Implying the creator didn't know exactly what he was doing in order to make the spergs make another shit Veeky Forums meme joke.
Not only are they pure but they also cherish purity. Purity Above All is how they live and fight.
Just flip a coin this time to see if we have a Chapter Flaw, heads is yes, tails in no.
...We hate mutants. We use hanging imagery and we hate mutants.
We really should have a 1d4chan page for these guys
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Rolled 9 (1d10)
I got a heads so we roll here we go
you can flip coins by typing 1d2.
Aaaaaaaaaand we got Chapter Cult for 2000 Alex. Anyone want to talk about that? Maybe an unhealthy focus on Martyrdom? Or perhaps we keep our planet pure using some sort of religious eugenics?
They are a chapter cult, some of their rituals might be weird or unsavory.
Roll 1d100 to find out who our chapter legend is.
Well I feel stupider now. You're right I am a disgrace. But I'm American so no Sudoku for me.
Rolled 44 (1d100)
Our Chapter Master is our hero of legend, another 1d100 to see what he did.
Rolled 33 (1d100)
So he was a Chapter Master who did...
He slew a Daemon Prince.
We already know the home world is a prison planet, but what's the environment like? 1d100
Killing a Demon Prince? I guess we're a counter to Heretics now rather than Alien's.