You faggots will argue over anything

You faggots will argue over anything

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Those symbols both look pretty shit. Bit at least the star is trying.

The versus symbol is pretty good though.

We dared some cultist to combine the two symbols and he actually did it! The absolute madman! It took hours to scrub him off the walls and ceilings.

>The VS symbol is the actual elder sign.

Yes, you're probably right.

The star is cooler, more remarkable and memorable, even if it's not Lovecraft's original.
It's the better symbol.

The original is better, but honestly still not very good. The problem, in my mind, is that neither feels simple enough. The Elder Sign is some kind of ultimate ward against eldritch powers, why should it look like something conceived of by men?

The star looks better, but I've always favored the tree, you could scrawl that out in your own blood no problem, but the star's flame gets a little tricky.

I just think the not being all bendy makes it look like it was drawn by a kid in his schoolbook. If it were a proper star, it would look a hundred times better.

I chuckled

Thing is, some cultist in the contemporary mythos literature actually did that with similar results.


Star is much better looking, which is why it was chosen for DCoTE

Consider that it's easy to write in your own blood.
We use it a lot, and there's no eldritch horrors around.

While it might look better (I figure it's a matter of taste), I think the branch symbol looks more "eldritch" for a lack of a better term. The star and eye looks too human for my tastes, while a symbol that means nothing to me, without any identifiable rhyme or reason, makes the entire thing seem more alien.

>means nothing
>without any identifiable rhyme or reason
It's a warding branch of mistletoe. It's to protect from evil spirits. It's a pagan belief that goes back a thousand years.

Star is Derlthian faggotry and typical not getting Lovecraft. It's far too 'occult', it's too magical and too reminiscent of a pentagram. It's overdesigned and overdetailed.

Branch looks like some old primal carving, some deliberate scratch made on ancient boulders deep beneath the earth, or some symbol wholly out of place with other ritualistic paraphernalia. It's distinct lack of flashiness or occultic nature is what makes it better. It's a weird alien symbol, not some magic star.

Those are just the Regular and Mint versions:

Ah, then I like that one more.

>pentagram with a flame in the center
that's not an elder sigil that's a demon.

This isn't even an issue, it's the "branch" one, you have to read about two pages of Lovecraft to know this

The star one's just some Chaosium faggotry, or maybe it was Derleth shitting up the place as usual?

>Branch looks like some old primal carving, some deliberate scratch made on ancient boulders deep beneath the earth
This, it's the ELDER Sign, not the Teen Goth Sign.

It was Derleth but TSR made the star better known better known and then a year later Chaosium did the same

I should add that Chaosium just called it An Arcane Symbol in the beginning. They were a few editions in before they called it an Elder Sign

That sort of Elder Sign is badly drawn. It's a long way from what Lovecraft drew.

So something like this then?

it was pretty easy

the points even match, three on top, two below, just like a pentragram

>op tries to start a shitstorm
>(mostly) civil discourse ensues

welcome to tg

>OP asks a reasonable question in a civil manner
>Instant shitstorm
I'll never understand Veeky Forums

we are a combination of incredibly chill and hyper reactionary, while being super detailed focused but also kinda lazy unless we are in large enough groups that we can take turns cajoling each other, but at a base level we actually enjoy talking to each other about tg shit

we are basically one of the small wierd monster races, goblins or gnomes or some shit

The real question is which sends Flying Polps packing?

We would argue over anything even if we weren't bundles of sticks.

Didn't Lovecraft also have the swastika as the elder sign as well at some point?

Yeah, and honestly I wouldn't have minded that. The swastika and similar symbols are pretty much universal to every culture.

It's the same five dimensional object, seen from two different perspectives.

That doesn't really work: the swastika is also the sign of Turisas, aka Iku-Turso, who's the closest thing in real-world mythology to Cthulhu.

It's also the sign of Brahman the divine creator in Hinduism.

Like the other user said, it's a pretty much universal symbol with an enormous number of meanings. Finnish War-Gods is honestly not even high on the list of important places you can find it.

>thinly veiled skub thread

the "Turisas is a war-god" thing is a recent interpretation. In the saga where he appears he's just a really nasty aquatic Giant.

Flying Popes?

Right one is canon. Star is for faggots.

>implying something is wrong with skub

I really dig the branch. Have it tattooed above my Cthulhu piece. I'll probably get the star at some point.

LOL the Hindu one...

You could stylise it to look like a rose.

Yog-sothery tends to promote more civil discussion than something like D&D, Pathfinder or WH40k.

Turns out, geometric shapes like that are pretty universal.

HPL historical society also at some point sold on their website an art piece that was a "composite" Elder Sign embossed on metal. It had the basic star shape, but with the brach design inside the star.

Regardless, everybody knows the branch is the real thing. Try using the star and you might as well try fighting the Great Old Ones with your bare hands!