>Fantasy setting
>Aside from fantastical elements, things behave consistently with the real world
>Nonsensical thing happens, inconsistent with established rules
>it's FANTASY user it doesn't have to have to be realistic"
This is the worst shit.
>Fantasy setting
>Aside from fantastical elements, things behave consistently with the real world
>Nonsensical thing happens, inconsistent with established rules
>it's FANTASY user it doesn't have to have to be realistic"
This is the worst shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
>>Aside from fantastical elements, things behave consistently with the real world
Nice tautology, fag.
>This is the worst shit.
Yes it is. Good luck finding anyone in this hobby who agrees.
>"Why is that desert right next to lush forest?"
>"A magical disaster a thousand years ago"
>character described using the word "loli" who weighs 50 pounds uses a sword that weighs 500 pounds
>"it's magic lol"
>not affected by Dispel Magic or Antimagic Field
>Player starts going on about his politics.
Do giants collapse in on themselves and die when they wander into antimagic fields, for lack of the impossible structural strength of their bodies?
The player said it was magic.
ocean currents
I'd be cool with this if there was some backstory or adventure to it
Could be cool exploring some ancient underground lab to find out what went so horribly wrong
but nah
Can ocean currents do that?
I'm not being sarcastic, I actually don't know, and want to know.
Next time I do lazy mapmaking not only is that the excuse I'm going to use, but I'm also going to have a sidequest exploring why it happened and how not to repeat the disaster.
Dubs of vague.
>stop liking what I don't like!waaaah
Shit thread faggot, get fucked
If this was posted on any other board I would agree with you. People defending inconsistencies in published media with "it's magic lol" are the worst, but complaining about inconsistencies in someone's homebrew setting makes you a nitpicking faggot.
Doesn't that describe parts of Africa and Australia?
>Stop having the WRONG kind of fun
Truth. Cold deserts are a thing, too. Typically it just has to do with how 'dry' it is.
For example: Utah. Dry as fuck. Hot summers. Tons of snow in winter (at least until recently) but it's generally powder snow.
Could be worse, you could be posting in a thread where OP is being a faggot.
That pretty much happens on Hawaii thanks to the Rain shadow.
>cast anti-magic on elves
>they cease to exist
Hm. Yes, this is interesting. Now let's test it on dwarves, typically not considered a magical species, and see what happens!
Do you typically allow your players to make super strong characters and justify it as "lolmagic" regardless of the setting and not found in any rulebook? Gotta say, that's a weird GM move.
Expand on the idea, write the novel, and I'll read it.
Well fucking ask why, I don't wanna jabber on about why theres a thing a bit off.
Salts not good for the soil.
Its why theres a spreading desert in Africa after all.
I can't remember one, but of it but one forgotten realms books (the magehound?) had a monster that ate magic and if it did this to elves it annihilated them and left behind ghostly silhouettes.
>gun wizard that uses bullets with basketball sized anti-magic field as weapons
Hmm, that gives me an idea. a 3.PF gunslinger/cleric could do all sorts of silly nasty things like that.
>Stop liking what I don't like
To the people/person saying 'omg it's just your preference' yeah no shit it's their preference people are doing something they dislike and they are complaining about it welcome to the human fucking condition.
But it's still pretty stupid if someone goes to all the trouble of making a setting that makes sense and has politics and money and maps and trade routes and racism and whatever, and then just puts big ol' glaring stupid shit because 'it's magic lol'. Better hope the entirety of all your players have that same 'magic = no sense' 1980's pulp fantasy blinker you do, because otherwise you just alienated one or more players and ruined their suspension of disbelief.
Going to all that trouble and then ruining it for some of your players is a waste of GM energy. I experience exactly the same thing as a GM when players try to argue with me about how it's 'fine' that they can do something incredibly stupid because 'magic' - guess what, those people don't get invited back, because they're ruining my fun, exactly the same as I don't go back to GMs who think 'lulrandumb' is a fine way to run a game.
Sure the opposite exists - some guy who wants to use some fake population metrics from 50 years ago in academic historical ethnography to try to poke 'holes' in some aspect of my setting - that kind of player totally does exist. Doesn't change that the 'derp magic lol' kind are far more common, and just as annoying.
That would be awesome actually, a called shot to the hand could render that hand completely useless for magic, and one to the head could instantly shut down a psion.
Sadly antimagic doesn't dispel effects that move through it, or you could 'shoot the spells out of the air'.
I want to fuck Jinx.
>Build a large, deep, cohesive world for game
>Right down to the fundamental rules and interactions of magics A, B, C, etc.
>Players are aware from the start the characters are as new to this world as them
>There's going to be a lot of working this shit out
>Player 1 notices something amiss a few sessions in
>Hold back excitement, want to keep it natural
>Character rolls well enough, gets a sufficient amount of detail
>Eagerly awaiting the response of whatever the character can think of
>Player declares that it doesn't make sense OOC
>Agree, try to ask them what their character thinks of it
>Get interrupted with explanation why it doesn't make sense IRL
>Agree, try to shift conversation back to game
>Get interrupted with insistence that it shouldn't have happened
>Acknowledge their opinion, try to shift conversation back again
>Get interrupted with demands that it be retconned
>Other players start taking sides
>Night falls apart
>Get told a week later that they can't be expected to work things out with incorrect information
This kind of logic is always used to justify awful design choices like the Martial/Magic double standard. It's a plague on the hobby.
Holy shit reading that made me angry.
Jinx is a pretty easy cosplay. If you're lucky you can find a natural look-a-like (probably wont have as long hair, nor wear as slutty clothes.)
Godspeed, young user.
>Fantasy: the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable.
>especially things that are impossible or improbable.
>things that are impossible or improbable
>impossible or improbable
>fantasy settings should be realistic
Do you see why you're retarded user? Maybe with Sci-fi your complain is legitimate, but otherwise you're just being a nit-picky prick about some that is LITERALLY defined as being improbable or impossible. That's why fantasy exists, so we can have fun without having to worry about the rules of the real world.
>Fantasy setting
>Something happens that doesn't break any previously established rules of the setting
>But muh preconceived notions!
So its okay for something to be inconsistent because they did it themselves?
That's bullshit. And all you people actually defending this have low standards. 'Magic' existing does not turn a setting into a wacky free for all where non magical things don't have to be consistent and make sense.
Because the Rock are a scorpion after playing to Anubis.
Fantasy might not run on the same rules reality does, but it certainly requires internal consistency.
I don't see how lazy DM's and poor worldbuilding are used to justify that double standard.
Usually its used by retards to go 'Dragons exist so now nothing has to actually make sense and you should stop using your brain'.
>entitled faggot who's only responsibility is to show up wants to talk about standards
Well, the Atacama desert, the driest place on Earth (although the dry valleys of central Antarctica contest that claim), is located practically right next to the Amazon rainforest, which as you probably know is very wet. Both are next to the ocean, but on the side of the continent the Atacama desert is on, cold sea currents cause 99.9% of air mosture to condence into water far from the shore, so it never gets to the land. There's also a mountain range between the two, so no water from the Amazon can cross over, and any water in the air on that side rains down on as the air rises over the mountains and cools down.
There's usually transitional grasslands.
Yes, people are allowed to have standards and its absurd to act otherwise.
We aren't all so desperate to play any game at all that we will put up with shit.
>Magic exists
>There's a very specific spell book you can learn from
>Evil mages apparently do whatever the fuck they want with it
"The Magic Goes Away," Larry Niven.
A blatant oil allegory but thwere ya go.
'herp derp duck rainbow' is not storytelling
you're arguing everything needs to be nailed down to the last electron or nothing matters, which is about as true as any set of absolutes
It's people like you why I don't generally game with genpop.
The sheer cockgargling in that statement is immense. Fuck you for degrading my hobby.
Duck Rainbow is retarded.
Rainbow Duck is amazing.
Also might have a penis, but we're not judging or anything.
Giants have metal bones, moron. Everybody knows that.
>a bullet to the head could instantly shut down a psion
It could shut anybody down, even without antimagic.
you were saying?
Probably shrapnel or something.
>>Something happens that doesn't break any previously established rules of the setting
>>But muh preconceived notions!
>Nonsensical thing happens, inconsistent with established rules
Do you know how to read?
AK47s are like Samurai Jack's sword, only it works with all slavs.
"Right between the eyes" is in fact the worst place to shoot a human being's head because that's where our skull's thickest. Couple that with the possibility that the bullet had traveled a great distance or passed through something and it would make sense that it couldn't penetrate fully.
Pic related.
whole bullet ricocheted
If that's not how your gun mage uses counterspell, you are a sad individual.
>"Right between the eyes" is in fact the worst place to shoot a human being's head
I dunno, man. In the cheek from the side seems worse.
Actually, I know a guy who got shot in the cheek from the front and lived.
He gave one example of a situation that happens, I gave another.
No wonder you assholes chased all the writefags off.
That's a good point, yeah.
Hell, the temple's not even a good spot if you're hoping to kill with one shot, since if you get the angle wrong you're just shooting through the visual center and blinding them.
I. Wow. I hope you killed them.
Not the PCs. The players.
>All these fucking faggots who disagree with OP.
feels bad man.
OP is right you know. Just because its a fantasy setting doesn't mean you can just waive the internal consistency of the setting. Doubly so in a pnp game since a lot of the session hinges on the players being able to grasp and interact with their environment, which isn't very easy if you have no fucking clue how the environment is going to respond to your interaction.
A few practical examples of what I'm talking about:
>How do you sink a flying ship if its never established how a flying ship flies?
>How you stop the dragon from breathing fire if the source of their fire breath hasn't been explained?
>How do you know how you are supposed to cure a sickness when the conventional logic of using magical spells to cure diseases isn't working for no apparent reason
When world building, internal consistency and also a decent amount of GM to player transparency are two essential pillars of an enjoyable setting. Otherwise you end up with a setting like the one I played in, where the players were literally on rails all the game not because the GM actively stopped us from using abilities, but because there was literally no consistency or explanation to any of the magical phenomena or even the local cultures and economy of the setting, making it impossible to actually "grasp" the setting and using it.
>Also might have a penis, but we're not judging or anything.
It's 100% ok to fuck Jinx boipucci
Yeah that was my guess too.
If you should ever find yourself stranded in a far-flung fantasy realm, it can be helpful to consider your predicament scientifically. That is, approach situations with as few assumptions as possible, accept solid evidence when it is presented, and always be willing to admit you are wrong, and adjust your mindset accordingly.
This is actual science, which a tragically high number of strandees confuse with "acting like the world they're stranded in adheres to the exact same physical principles as their own". More than a few survivalists have been lead astray by compasses going haywire, several fledgling empires have been cut short when their founders discovered (too late) that their guns didn't work, and many, many would-be adventurers have gone to their graves saying "no dragon could fly with wings that smaAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
Don't be like those poor souls. Be smart. Be safe. Assume nothing.
That's something new. Source.
Nice trips BTW.
Your mistake was putting that much work into shit that will never fucking matter.
I refuse to believe people are this dense, that they can't take a hint after several attempts and none other player just told him "Jesus, dude, answer his question and stop being an idiot".
I had similar situation when one player had a mental blackout and couldn't fit two simple pieces together, but the rest of the group (all of them) told him what's going on and we just laughed this off and continued playing. But I don't play with twats.
"Anti-magic fields" only work on some kinds of magic, and not others.
Have fun trying to work out what those kinds of magic have in common, and what separates them from magic that is immune to anti-magic!
>Aside from fantastical elements, things behave consistently with the real world
>Nonsensical thing happens, inconsistent with established rules
Gee, maybe it's a fantastical element that you've just never been exposed to before, you fucking moron.
GMs arent writing books m8.
Their only job is to make the game interesting or fun. Bitching about some detail not being consistent is just nitpicking.
Who gives a shit if the desert realitically couldnt be close to a forest? As long as it makes for a cool session, thats all that matters.
All you have to do is handwave shit in a decent way
Like the example from earlier in the thread where a guy mentioned impossible geometry and another guy suggested a neat back story for it that made it fit. You can almost always do that, and if you don't you can't complain when people think things are dumb.
Do dark elves turn into normal elves in an amf?
>Just because its a fantasy setting doesn't mean you can just waive the internal consistency of the setting. Doubly so in a pnp game since a lot of the session hinges on the players being able to grasp and interact with their environment, which isn't very easy if you have no fucking clue how the environment is going to respond to your interaction.
It's fucking crucial.
A dark elf's skin is dark not because of magic, or even because of melanin, but because of chitin. That's also where their spell resistance comes from.
I very much agree with you.
Tolkien wrote an essay on this (on fairy stories) and i wish more people on Veeky Forums read that shit because i see the "it's fantasy, who cares if something doesn't make sense" argument come up way too much on this website.
>who cares? It's a setting with DRAGONS xD
>t. 4e fags and ladyknightfags
Wait, Jinx is supposed to be a girl?
>"it's fantasy, who cares if something doesn't make sense" argument come up way too much on this website.
Its because most of the time its a response to equally banal bullshit that makes as little sense and exists entirely in the head of some assblasted DM.
>Fantasy setting
>Including fantastical elements, things behave consistently in a way that makes sense
>Apparently nonsensical thing happens, inconsistent with established rules
>Either a fantastic or magical explanation is provided that makes sense or it is left as a mystery because the PCs don't understand how it could happen either, "That does seem impossible, doesn't it?"
>This is the best shit.
>How do you sink a flying ship if its never established how a flying ship flies?
You roll for initiative then damage it til it dies.
>How you stop the dragon from breathing fire if the source of their fire breath hasn't been explained?
You don't. You fight it brute force head on by rolling for initiative then damage it til it dies.
>How do you know how you are supposed to cure a sickness when the conventional logic of using magical spells to cure diseases isn't working for no apparent reason
You don't. The dm wants you to leave but is too passive aggressive to ask, so he's killing your character off with bullshit and hoping you leave on your own.
It's like you've never had one of these DMs before. They don't want creativity, any more than they feel like being creative and thorough in worldbuilding. They want an endless slog of "I attack it. 18. It hits. It attacks you." combat interspersed with mostly non-interactive exposition cutscenes and the occasional spot check.
This nigga gets it.
>Thing works like this
>"Wait, why does this thing work differently? It makes no sense!"
>GM: "Yeah, it makes absolutely no sense. *grin*"
>a mystery in our hands
No its lolth.
The correct solution.
lolth is a spider, spiders have chitin, drow are black because of lloth, roflth imbues her drow with blackness by giving them chitinous skin that resists spells.
It's also why drow skintones don't map to humanoid skintones. Drow can be grey, blue, purple, black, all kinds of colors.
That's no loli that's a THICC cougar.
Everything should be loli. Even Lolth.
>humanoid skintones.
Orc pink-green or human pale-jet black?
I'm glad we ran you out of the worldbuilding threads months ago.
But... nobody makes thicc lolis. There's no naturally occurring curves. The closest things are short stack adults...
No, it's just even worse for you to pick at it. I know social settings are hard for you, but you've got to understand there's more to it than "being right".
Mother nature does, sometimes. Holy shit am I not going to google for that, though.
Babyfat's a hell of a thing.
Then it is time to change this. Let's make thicc lolis.
Don't let your dreams be memes, user.
>watching twerk videos
>8 year old girl comes onscreen
>"wtf there's nothing for her to shake"
>"oh dear"
>"well now I have to register."