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Fucking newcrons.
This piece of Veeky Forums faggotry predates newcrons.
>Tau Quest comes out
>baaaawwww Necrons don't work that way!
>Fall of Damnos comes out
>Necrons work exactly that way
It was glorious.
she's 2 thicc
>she's 2 thicc
Okay, Tau Quest presented its Necrons as a bunch of conniving, backstabbing immortals who used the living like pawns to do their bidding. The two principal Necron characters, the Lady of the Infinite Abyss and her disloytal vizier, the Dusk of Uncountable Suns, turned a Tau archaeological expedition into a reenactment of System Shock 2 to see who would control the tomb world. It also introduced spyder-legged court artificer the Weaver (Illuminor Szeras) and a holographic simulation of an Eldar Farseer that the Lady had BTFO'd sixty million years ago (Trazyn the Infinite's hard-light collection)
At the time, the most character focus the Necrons had received was either Nightbringer, which presented the C'tan as the only one with any personality or intelligence (but also introduced Necron nanoscarab corruption in the form of Pasanius' living metal bionic) or non-canon Xenology, which reveals at the end that a Necron Lord has been masquerading as the Inquisitor the whole time and fucking with the in-fiction author. There was very little in the way of courtly intrigue and most of the time, Necrons were presented as little more than Terminator-style robots. Tau Quest was derided heavily at the time because NECRONS DON'T WORK LIKE THAT - and then, less than a year later, the pre-Newcron novel Fall of Damnos comes out and it is literally all about the courtly intrigue of the Necron nobility.
Of course, a lot of the buttfrustration about Tau Quest wasn't how the Necrons were characterized, but how Xeno, a genetically engineered clone of a Tau could become a Necron after being modified with Necron technology specifically designed to work with her engineered physiology, but that was further confirmed in the actual Newcron codex where they talk Szeras' experiments on mortals to try and regain his flesh (it's much easier to take it away than give it back). Tau Quest wound up being prescient on a number of things.
A spider legged artificer AND a female phaeron with shitloads of scarabs were also predicted
Is this actually a fucking word now?
Eh... Fall of Orpheus came out long enough after Tau Quest was a thing that we can't completely discount the fact that Sho'dan the Lady of Infinite Abyss may have inspired Xun'bakyr the Mother of Oblivion.
No, Sentient and talking Necron Lords were revealed in the xenology. Also the lord in Xenology mentioned that Necrons had Lords and LADIES.
The Xenology is canonical. There are some invalids like () who don't understand people's issue with it. The issue is that the information written within is from the Pov of insane character so the information within is not reliable.
The Xenology is as canon as any sourcebook or novel.
Ergo, Tau Quest plagiarized the Xenology and is trying to take credit for the Newcrons
The only thing wrong with Xeno is that Blue is better
The issue with Xenology is that it's notoriously inconsistent with, what had been at that time, settled canon, and was subsequently overruled on multiple occasions. It's also a third-tier source of canon information to begin with, falling into the same category as Horus Heresy: Collected Visions - which is a great source of supplemental information unless GW/FW directly overrules it in a first-tier source like a Codex or campaign supplement; or second-tier source like a Black Library novel. Which they have. Repeatedly. AND it had already been out of print for years when Tau Quest first started.
And before you start whinging about tiers of canonicity, bear in mind that GW has always maintained that there is no formal canon - everything is canon and nothing is - but they write their codices and rulebooks from an authoritative standpoint, to which their novels nominally defer; and which defer to each other, to a greater or lesser extent, but never to the art books and miscellany.
And I said at the time that I got the idea for Tau Quest after reading Xenology, anyway.
>The issue with Xenology is that it's notoriously inconsistent with, what had been at that time, settled canon
No, it wasn't. It referred to canon material and expanded on it.
And as I recall it was published by BL which a firm of GW which makes it a first party source.
>And before you start whinging about tiers of canonicity, bear in mind that GW has always maintained that there is no formal canon - everything is canon and nothing is - but they write their codices and rulebooks from an authoritative standpoint, to which their novels nominally defer; and which defer to each other, to a greater or lesser extent, but never to the art books and miscellany.
Then that line nullifies the bullshit that starts with "which is a great source of supplemental information". GW has never had any tier system not made any official comment on the expect a single FAQ on the old BL site that says that all material are canonical whether they be whatever.
>And I said at the time that I got the idea for Tau Quest after reading Xenology, anyway.
Like I said you plagiarized.
>ITT we shit on original content and the writefags that produced it
What happened to you Veeky Forums?
This is what happens when you ban the people who produce your content. This is Nazimod's legacy. This is the future you chose.
Veeky Forums had always had a subsect of people who think "everything that i dont like is non cannon and shity, and they people who create the shit are even worse shit". This is nothing new, just a bait thred and a bunch of butthurt wankers
>we shit on plagiarists and stolen valorfags
That guy is trying to take credit that he is the first person who made a talking Necron.
Proof that many among the GW staff roam these same degenerate digital halls.
technomancer is kill?
le montoya face
Only FFG interns and FFG is kill.