>Yeah my setting is kinda like game of thrones
Yeah my setting is kinda like game of thrones
>in this setting elves are
I home-brewed a setting. It was essentially a blend of the Elder Scrolls and 40K. Was glorious.
Post details
>make a character for a scifi game
>GM dumps you on a medieval world with no tech
>make a character for a fantasy game
>random scifi bullshit popping up
I actually really like sci-fi shit in my medieval fantasy.
I'm happy for you, but I get booty bothered when a space ship just drops into the middle of my kender killing.
What about ancient magical devices that are just super-alien tech objects?
I really like the ASOIAF setting, though I don't imagine anyone saying that has any idea what it actually is.
Basically... The game was set in a continent spanning empire. The Empire was founded by this dude named Lysander, who led a group of freed slaves and established his Empire.
Now, when he died, he ascended to god-hood, and became the patron diety of the Empire. The emperor's family rules the empire, and the Lysandrian Dynasty has ruled for something like 5,000 years.
Now, the Empire itself is divided into several territories, and they're all semi-autonomous, as long as they pay their tithe to the capital, in men, grain, gold, whatever the Imperial Administration decides.
Also, the Imperial Legions are tied to whatever province they came from, and are typically named for them. The same for the Imperial Navy. The imperial military machine is the greatest the world has ever seen.
Now, life in the Empire is kinda dystopian. Magic use is tightly controlled by the empire, with several colleges dedicated to cranking out sanctioned wizards and sorcerers. If you're a non-sanctioned magic user and the Inquisitors get a hold of you, it's not gonna be good. Psions are hunted down and killed regardless.
The Arbitrators function as the judicial branch of the Empire and are usually dispatched for major infractions of imperial law. Any provincial that decides he's gonna steal a loaf of bread typically gets dealt with by whatever the provincial governor has for law enforcement. An Arbitrator gets dispatched for serious cases, sedition, rebellion, major infractions of imperial law that threaten the empire, etc...
Those could be cool if sufficiently rare, and don't get me wrong - I also appreciate technological advancement in long-running games.
It's just that when the lich has a lightsaber apropos of nothing I want to punch a bitch
What about daedra/aedra? Does Vivec and CHIM is a heresy? And most important: Orcs.
Lord no, I meant like a skull with rubies in it's eye sockets that looks like some kind of ancient god's magical focus but it's just an avant garde alien's art piece/space defiler
Well, I mean it sorta is.
>Yeah my setting is kinda like Romance of the Three Kingdoms
The pantheon was a bit different. Basically, all of the gods weren't actually gods.
Back in the beginning, there was one God, very Abrahamic, in fact. And he created the world, and had an entire host of angels running all over creation, doing their jobs. A group of them rebelled, there was a massive war in heaven and God decides that shit is broke, thanks to these dumb-ass angels and so he fucks off and leaves it all behind. The angels can't find him, no idea where he went. So, the victors of the War in Heaven imprisoned the rebel angels, and they then discover that with God gone, they have no source of power...
Well, it turns out that human worship does just the trick, and so these angels set themselves up as the world's deities. Long time goes by, and some conflicts happen between the new gods, some slowly start to become "evil" and so we have our evil and good deities which sets up further metaconflict. As well as that whole group of the initial rebels who are still there, just imprisoned. Be a real shame if something let them out.... (And that was an entire plot of a campaign I ran)
Regarding orcs, there were orcs. But, in the Empire, they were a slave race. As were goblins. Basically, orcs were the field slaves, and goblins were the house slaves.
As a person who has not seen GoT, what would one expect when this is the descriptor? All I know that there's a lot of male nudity and a meme ogre that's good with doors.
>all men can preform magic
Very low magic fantasy with a focus on brutality and politics.
At least thats what I would expect
>savage native tribes, where humans are civilized and advanced.
If someone says the phrase in the OP to you, expect half thought out realism and bad politics. The show is pretty good and the books are solid, but it's kinda hard to explain them quickly.
keikaku and ebin twists
Like everyone can perform magic, or just men specifically?
I liked it in the Shanara Trilogy, but I think it's a bit too easy to absolutely fuck up.
no just men, girls are yucky
I have shamelessly riped off skyrim for a campagin for a group of casual gamer friends i have.
None of them had ever played any of the elder scrolls game. so i took skyrim less the dragonborn thing and BAM.
Character names, city names, wild animals... it was fucking skyrim in pen and paper RPG form. Even pulled off some voices of the unique characters like cicero.
dungeon floor plans? you bet your ass i ripped those off too.
They had a blast and i had a blast.
Oh i also put in a hondo ohnaka character because he is fun to have as an NPC.
>yeah, in my setting I made the drow a slave race
There's such a thing called Tone, and if sufficiently broken can make it impossible to suspend disbelief enough to enjoy the game.
If the game world is set up in such a way that tone is consistent throughout, like there are stories of beings from a far away realm able to sail on the aether in the sky, I can go along with that. But if I'm a playing a wizard and SUDDENLY ALIENS, it will break me out of the experience.
I like it subtle. Sort of a nod to the people who helped me craft the greater world my shit takes place in, since we have a long time reference to a sci fi setting we have separate.
There was only one campaign where any of these objects were seen by the players, and those were just mcguffins for side quests they started poking around for to get more money. They never figured out it was alien artifacts.
Basically imagine a medieval fantasy that tries to be realistic but is incredibly stupid even by the standards of that subgenre, tries to be gritty but is simply melodramatic, and tries to have smart commentary on humanity and power but has an understanding of both that is worse than House of Cards.
That is Game of Thrones.
> Ruthless Barbarians without the sense of honor in combat, and will win at any cost. Meanwhile the Orcs are (mostly) peaceable tribes that either use druidic magic to prevent Aberrations from escaping from the Underdark, or Tribal Paladins that prevent monstrosities from escaping an ancient Labyrinth.
Eberron is pretty fucking sweet.
>Yeah so everyone is kinda like animal people
Actually its pretty kewl
I don't mind animal people so long as I can guarantee everybody's hands are above the table during character creation and npc descriptions
>copies dungeons from the game that has the worst dungeons
Did your players ever realize that they were all just hallways?
Don't forget the secretly being a Howardian sword and sorcery setting.
Just one of the great things about Mouse Guard. Those mice are adorable, but I can't imagine anyone fapping to them.
I'm sure one of you does, though.
he's making fun of you because thats copy paste elder scrolls with just the dynasty name changed, nerd
Rule 43.
And rule 42.
>there was a great elven civil war
>there was a great war between hamsters and rats
In what way? The amount of rape?
But drow ARE a slave race, slave to their goddess, who is the only reason such a retarded back-stabbing culture of fuckheads can continue to exist in the first place
Has this actually been done in any setting? Only men being able to use magic, and not moeblobbers?
>then this dickhead captain stole their holy stone
>extinct and left a lot of magic shit behind
Fuck, I don't want to think about Pigmote.
I'm not spoiling it, but fuck, if you did the series of things, and things went bad, you know what I'm talking about.
Before the genre divisions of the 20th century, those would have worked perfectly together.
Sword And Planet and Scientific Romance should make a revival.
I said this once and then continued with "it's based in shropshire, england, modern day. Players are all newbies to a small rural village and we're using Shadowrun 4e as the system. First session everyone meets at the local town council meeting.
Why's only the kind got a bevor? Why ain't nobody giving a shit about their neck meats?
Explain them quickly:
>War of the Roses + Dragons and Mongols
I don't spoil it. Pigmote ended up a nice Hamster Principality for me and my Captain retired peacefully with a ton of money and a tan from the Vienna Coffee trade.
>is incredibly stupid even by the standards of that subgenre
A Song of Ice and Fire is one of the best fantasy novels in recent decades.
>no elves
>no dwarves
>no orcs
That's actually the best thing to hear.
>le special snowflake setting so unique
Kill yourself.
Whom are you quothing?
The implication I got is "Everyone is a D&D Sorceror", because unlike tumblr I do not immediately lock onto the term "men" to always mean the gendered term just to make some kind of annoyed analysis and whine post rather than the word humanity but shortened.
>Uptight, reclusive arrogant assholes who saved the world in ages past and occasionally can be convinced to (reuluctently) help do it again if things start going real south, but mostly spend their time in an eons long civil war, except for the ones who went innawoods and became innawoods, who seem to exist to remind humans that life isnt fair
>except for the ones who went innawoods and became innawoods, who seem to exist to remind humans that life isnt fair
Tiiste Edur pls go and stay go
>NOT based on tolkien elves!
>but they use bows and live in forests :^)
The worst is that it's entirely possible to use up all the time to have events to build the resulting civilisation on repairs - current captain is just avoiding the island entirely until his stats are all around 90-100 just to see if there's a good "island goes independent" result possible.
SIFRP GMs where?
elves are alright but the other two can fuck off
The most dominant of the races, being long lived and holding four or five empires.
They bday in disposition and temperament , but tend to view the world with a long term perspective.
They have both offensive and defensive mythals, and use large amounts of magic, and are military forces to be reckoned with.
Elven high magic is why dragons don't dominate the world.
They do a good deal of planar exploration, as well.
Some of the Elves are magically cursed or tainted by demonic influences and blood, and those would be the Drow and feyrie.
Sometimes Elves prolong their lives through magic, becoming fey, treants, undead, or simply reincarnating themselves into younger bodies.
the novels user, not the tv show
>yeah, in my setting I made the drow a slav race
>Having a setting with only human is special snowflake