So im in a 5e campaign and interested in fucking with the dm, mainly cause the dm is annoying me in a few ways.
im playing as a aasimar ranger, lawful evil. any suggestions?
Abusing 5e
What is the DM doing that is annoying you so much?
Sucks to your aasimar.
>any suggestions?
Well first you need a gun. Make sure it's loaded! Now, place it against your temple and pull the trigger!
Good luck, this should solve the problem.
I suggest you just don't play and find some better use of your time. Have you considered suicide?
Arcane Trickster. Never give the Rogue Magic. Int-based Skillmonkey with Sneak Attack and a huge bag of tricks. A fun character that screws with your DM'S plans using inventive methods to use spells. Your party loves him, your DM hates him.
Why would anything you said cause a DM to hate you? I suppose there are DMs out there that will hate a fighter for attacking too much or a wizard for being to magical, but outside of the bizarrely unreasonable I don't really see the problem here
nothing in particular. some of his tactics are a bit hamfisted. Mostly it's cause he's new and I'm worried he might overestimate the party, so i want to have some trump cards up my sleeve
Thanks. where can i find a spell list?
You are an awful person. Let them have their fun and leave their game alone.
He and I are close friends IRL. He also has some killer dm tendencies and is prone to railroading at times. My goal is not to be a constant derailer, just to serve as a protector to the party's interests
You're splitting spellcasting stat between Wis and Int? This is a stupid idea.
> A fun character that screws with your DM'S plans using inventive methods to use spells.
Like what exactly.. that's what OP is actually asking for.
Beastmaster archetype, Giant Poisonous Snake companion. Distribute gratuitous amounts of Serpent Venom to the entire party. Completely upset DPR expectations.
Just be yourself user
>My goal is not to be a constant derailer
>Be a dick
>My friend runs a campaign and is a new DM
>I'm going to make as OP a character as possible and constantly derail his campaign
Jesus Christ you are an asshole.
Unfortunately I doubt it. There are so many fucking stories on Veeky Forums about the brave player going out of their way to fuck up some evil GM's game because they didn't like their campaign. Veeky Forums is so fucking entitled as players, if a GM does anything wrong they are shit, if a player doesn't like the game fucking it up instead of talking with the GM or leaving the game is seen as cool or funny.
Get pass without trace, get a bag of holding, place your party in the bag. Boom, suddenly your entire party can stealth completely silently and completely without leaving behind and clues they were there. Campaign becomes a joke, any encounter you don't want to deal with is skipped entirely. The only problem is you have to get your DM to commit to letting your party all go into the bag of holding with a renewable source of air. Suggest something reasonable because if you go to greedy (like saying unlimited air forever), the DM will probably be harsh with his ruling.
>Unfortunately I doubt it. There are so many fucking stories on Veeky Forums about the brave player going out of their way to fuck up some evil GM's game because they didn't like their campaign. Veeky Forums is so fucking entitled as players, if a GM does anything wrong they are shit, if a player doesn't like the game fucking it up instead of talking with the GM or leaving the game is seen as cool or funny.
Except there's daily 'That Guy' threads.
This shit should be treated like the bait it is - whether or not OP is being genuine.
Tell fuckheads to get fucked.
>Except there's daily 'That Guy' threads.
Half of the time it players being assholes while portraying GMs for being dicks because they don't want their campaign completely ruined by players who want to wander off and become pirates or noblemen or whatever.
I laughed harder than was warranted.
OP, have you considered talking it through like an adult instead of throwing a tantrum?
You don't need any in-game auto-win shenanigans for this.
All you need to do is be assertive and be sure that you and the DM are on the same page when making decisions.
Call out if you think he's trying to fuck you with his shitty railroad attempt.
>"I'm not going into the cave if the entrance is going to collapse behind us"
>"The Dragon demands you give him the McGuffin Crystal so he can become God and then eradicate all Humans or he'll kill your best friend"
>"Nah, if he wants to kill because he isn't getting his way then that's his problem. Its in our best interest to not give him the crystal"
>You're mind controlled & compelled to give the baby to the vampire to feed on
>I didn't get a saving throw, I don't think its fair unless I do.
Hey its me, you DM. Don't bother showing up tomorrow.
How do you even have and keep friends?
No, seriously. How?
You have an awful race and an awful class. You're not going to manage any kind of ""abuse"" in 5E.
Pull your head out of your fucking arse m8.
You must really be a fun guy to be around.
> Role playing is about shitting all over your friends
>be character that gets an animal companion
>use companion as venom farm
Let's be honest, OP doesn't have any friends.
You sound like a right cunt.
Arcane Trickster uses Intelligence for spellcasting, not Wisdom.
How is that frustrating? As a DM, the fun is watching your players use their resources to unravel the challenges you put before them.
Don't be a dipshit.
Ranger is one of, if not the, weakest classes in 5e. The only viable builds are the hunter types and all those let you do is be a reasonably effective combatant. There is nothing in particular you can do with this character that will destroy your newbie DM's campaign for no damn reason at all, which is fortunate, because it's a shitty idea and you should be fucking ashamed you asshat.
Shoot yourself in the brain.
You can't do that. Check the Sage Advice.
>Aasimar Ranger
>Abusing 5e
Pfffahahahaha, you're going to suck so much
I played one, pretty awesome
>BB+Cunning action
>Familiar for perma aid
>Minor Illusion
So underrated you can't actually do that
Have you considered not playing Aasimar or rangers
They're both trash
If you want to get cheesy you should make a bard. Probably a half-elf.
If your DM is that bad, leave the game. No attempt to "get back at him" in game will succeed, because he's the DM, and if he wants to not get fucked over he'll rule 0 you.
I've had to do that.
>Vampire sucks the blood out of raging Barb >DM: "You take full damage for this, none of this halfing shit."
>Me: "So he's psychically draining my blood? Because I'm resistant to everything but psychic damage..."
>DM: "Whatever, take half damage."
Not the first time I almost just walked out.
Vampire bite in 5e deals mainly necrotic damage, which your rage does not give you resistance against.
Unless he's Bearbarian
Sorry, right, I forget that there are other barbarians.
Stop being a literal shit OP.