In the spirit of the season, let's honor a Veeky Forums hallmark: the bat
the basis for dragon wings and gargoyles, vampires and other fantastic beasts. Be they low level or animal companions, allies or minions.
Show some love for the bats!
In the spirit of the season, let's honor a Veeky Forums hallmark: the bat
the basis for dragon wings and gargoyles, vampires and other fantastic beasts. Be they low level or animal companions, allies or minions.
Show some love for the bats!
I was trying to come up with some interesting and uncommon beast races for my D&D 5e game and briefly considered bats, but wasn't sure how well a flying speed would affect the game's balance. I settled on allowing them to use their reaction to glide to negate fall damage, like a limited flying ability.
Rather than include a beast race for every type of animal, though, I settled on bears, bats, and lizards, since I don't see them too often and I think they have potential for interesting characters.
>that feel when you're sitting outside at dusk just enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and a bat does its sonar screech at you
Fuck bats. That sound they make is physically painful to hear.
They are cute.
All forward the bat!
Into the cat you go.
But they make adorable squeaking noises when held.
Goblinoids make a perfect way to mix in batlike characteristics.
Depends on the species. Up where I am, certain bats can make chirps louder than a jet engine, although most of the time their sonar is outside the audible range of humans. Blessedly, they didn't seem to be noisy neighbors when they were living in my rafters.
Might be the species around you guys are particularly noisy or they communicate in one of those high-pitched frequencies that hits your ear just right.
I absolutely love bats. They are symbols of good luck in certain cultures, and I always welcome them into my house when I see them. I actively teach my cats not to go after them (Mixed results) and always try to help them out if they get stuck inside.
They are absolutely adorable in all their forms, even the most smooshed faced kinds are still fucking adorable. I'd love to have a pet bat. They are just so fucking cute!
Sadly, I love cats as well. Flying things and cats don't get along well. If i got a flying fox, I think it'd be fine, but I can only imagine the cost of one. And the legality.
I exclusively imagine goblins as this now.
I was GMing and the party had just mopped up a couple giant bats and had started delving into the dungeon proper.
>"you hear high pitched screeches ahead. "
>Drunken brawler rolls to identify.
>natural 1, full view of the table
>"you know for a fact that it's giant badgers"
>entire party was either not paying attention, or really good role players because they set traps and defenses for badgers
>suddenly bats
>mass confusion
>fighter falls down the stairs, nuclear physicist explodes, and the seal plays saxophone.
Certainly one of my favorite GM moments
Also the main vectors of rabies transmission
Saved, using this in my upcoming game, damn.
getting a gypsy/slavish feel from these bad hombres
I really love bats mate. Really.
boil em, smash em, sitck em in a stew
Sadly I dont have a sauce for it, found it here on Veeky Forums a year or two ago.
I like that it mixes in a bit of "punk" with some goblin, and still keeps them 'small' but you can have some bigger ones that look like they'd wreck shit too.
It sticks pretty well to the rule that "goblinoid faces are mostly full of features - they don't have stuff like broad flat faces, it is all taken up by nose, eyes, mouth and ears."