All the mayhem, all the problems, ALL the crushed hopes: There's still what has been left and downloaded in HIS NAME!! Brothers! Honorable All, I have come with a report of my previous operations. 'Operation Save Scum Shield' has proven to be a success on all fronts and, with courage, alcohol and an autismal amount of boredom, Glitches, Bugs and Warp Fuckery can easily be overcome...even without Cheatengine or other such base acts!
Observe, Sector Hel, and the Chapter assigned to it, the Mighty Grail Eagles.....not really great names all around......BUT GREAT DEEDS! A chapter with only coursery glances to it's progeny, the traits it boasts following....
MERELY strength-3, coop-5, and yeah I hate having to get Purity tickets from the INQ after time. And Kings of space......because Come on....
Jayden Miller
As to the sector of charge: Another broken trek to ANY corner, with a dozen systems already infested by Tyranids. With travel time, Orks would multiply. Companies had to be re-organized, to maximize their potential and supported the least.
Losses had to be considered, test slaves had to be readied, and firepower had to be gathered. And, most importantly, Glitches had to be countered.
Common occurances were of course, warp jumps to simultaneus and multiple jumps to planets with ???? Jumps had to be stagered, and saved before hand.
BUT, the fickle nature of the warp, and game coding I guess, were also what the ???? would materialize once ships arrived. A cache of requisition or a certain lost ship ( that could almost NEVER be repaired before something garrisoned the planet anyway) was of course desired, but a cave filled with Tau, Robots, Necrons or something else that crashes to desktop.
Noah Martin
The next issue was more overall strategic, The plodding of politics that is as painful in windowed time as in shitty realspace. As in some asshole knocked on my door like a Mormon but instead of just being a simple friendly mormon was a panhandler for friggin voting begs.
Gifting of the crappiest relics in inventory made the local Imperium Allies innitially happy, and over time grew to a solid friendship. It also ridded the chapter of infested relics at the close time( about 50 months) of when the Inquisitions started making house calls.
Planets had to be saved one travel month before arrival, hence "Save Scum Shield" .
David Reed
I have not seen a CM thread in a whole year. Praise big E.
Tyler Cooper
What version are you running? You seem to be missing the some pngs.
Tyler Collins Before all trips, companies were reorganized, being Fleet Based and starting clustered together, All Assault members were placed into the same Company, All Devastators remained where they started with their Void-I MEAN TACTICAL SQUADS..
Groups had to make the most of what they had for as long as they could and "Practice". Ork held systems at High but with 1 or 2 planets at medium were embarked at priority. Again, also considered for jump time staggering, or???? condition.
Once arrived, planet's governors were also purged if needed, unless raids were going to continue for prolonged times.
The mechanics that used to be so unfair and rageingly random, I wanted to eradicate, I couldn't stand fighting to the 2000th month and then the game crashed. I beat that fucking mark, and beat it's guts hard.
Hunter James
the last one uploaded, I'M MISSING A LOT with the VOID Space whatever+mod file.
I also love the WIP dailys, I'd post some of my own stuff I've been having a ball with since not modeling since I was 9, But, AINT GOT NO CAMERA. Back to the Operation at hand! This gets fun!
Gabriel Cox
Areas pre-selected for invasion, relic hunting, XP farming OR as is common, ALL AT ONCE warp forgiving, tentative ordnance supply was distributed.
The most common as soon as possible was thusly: Tacticles "squad ldr"(top guy in bloc) equiped a Combiflamer, 1 guy got a Hvy Bolter, Devastator got as much Missle luanchers ASAP, NO HVY BOLTERS. Tacs get HVY BOLTERS. DEVS GET Luanchers and Lascannons.
Raids are conducted, on moderate planets of Orks, no less than 3 minimum stocked companies raid or attack Tyranid held planets.
Jason Ross
I was under the impression this was the last version? Although the base game is version 7, which when the data file for sprites (with or without shading) is added it reverts to this version (pic related).
Alexander Sanders
Ps. adding sprites data file fixes (as far as I can tell, it might also be the diplomacy replacement pngs) the missing icons issue.
Anthony Wood
Before arrival to a system, NOTE to save before, ALWAYS SAVE SCUM, THE WARP CHEATS...SO SHALL YOU, AND, WIN!
The worst crashy bugs come from Necron tombs, alive or not. ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY GATHER A FLEET. OR MEET AN ORK FLEET. Or.....any fleet. The most current game just doesnt like them. SAVE even before an=}{= mission to close one and reload if you find one!
When system lockdown is gained (All members are boarding for ships, but not command ldrs), RAID RAID RAID untill whichever team fighting the hardest can be equiped with portioned out gear.
I regret to say, I have not deployed at strength for glorious melee. My Chapter is not of the noble blood of Sanguinous, Russ, or the Black Templars. But we endure with what we have managed our meagre tactics, and, WON.
Witness! Honoured brothers of our 4th Company! The proud Cpt Drel, himself but a few centuries prior, a celebrated Veteran of the 1st Co! His wise counsel and experience needed and answered, when the previous Brother Captain was laid low by the ignoble curs of the sector! And note as well! Honoured Chaplain Asspirent Veleriy, Wise Beyond years and still humble to the point he refuses promotion to the company he so Famously Calls friends, house and home!
Jose Morales
>Chapter Master thread Don't break my heart again, Veeky Forums.
Chase Kelly
Seriously....He can't be promoted, I think it has something to do with that he was OVER-qualified when he was sent to aspirent training....He's not the only one.
Of course, what might is a unit without Lead?! Chapter Master Rurik and Honourd Brothers of headquarters. Brothers all and,....without the the trait, GREAT DUDES, drawn from the 1st Co and distributed per Company once their XXP reached 150.....I mean when they proved their mettle! And the great sisters joined of their own onboard the grand Friggate 'Blue Nightmare' and on patrol or crusade when Chapter Brothers couldn ot make the deadlines the Holy Inquisition so Ilustriously bade.
I...should have done this on wordpad first.........
Jaxson Walker
It's OK user, I have it on authority that the Emperor's work is never done (someone is slaving away at making it again).
Adam Martinez
FEAR NOT FRIEND, the arduous, fruoght with bullshit, and rending fear of crushing game-breaky-ness, shall not peril you more, if you head my counsil! I and My Glorious Battle Brothers have intrepidly faced the glitches and returned UNBOWED!
I also have nothing required of me tonite(day) but cheap beer and a gunshow in the afternoon! I shall impart knowledge and answer questions if needed!
Jaxon Hernandez
Kek user, you shouldn't be drunk at a gun show.
William Brooks The long thought approach must be balanced..Again. Co restructuring is key. Assaults should be taken from each Co and place together. I concur with the a degree for now, that they should be with the 8th Co. A LLiteral WAVE of Brothers in jump packs will strike with an abominable force. Some will suffer grievous injury. Do NOT LOSE HEART! THE ENEMY WILL BREAK FIRST, and THEN, they will be not but XP farming. For Greenskin hunting, Chainswords and Boarding shields whill be MORE Than enough en mass.
My Laptopicus cogitator is stalling like shit. II shall NOT abandon you. But I nneed to backtrack a bit.
Lucas Jackson
I'm Not buying anything, I'm just hanging with friends.
Ahh, the stalwart 9th Company,the artery that the chapter is circulated with, the punishment required of the noble scouts are both needed in SSector Hel and on the table top.
Cameron Reyes
Here's the latest group of Veteran Devastators. Not Overlooked, not forgotten, BUT Celebrated as comrades needed for tthe machine of conflict!
Nathan Martin
And Here's been our target for the last 400 years. The proving ground. The XP motherload. The heart to stab of the horrors of the Warp.
The sector, is never secure, the sector is never safe, everything begetts another, there are only more efficient ways to fight back. XP, must be gained.
Angel Harris
Everything will turn to shite, everything WILL crash, you WILL DIE.
But then you reloady our last save: The last save befor you jumped, the last savve before you close with an ork fleet that was 3 ships big on overworld, but 160 when you go in battle, before you go in a cave that only had 2o cultists but fuckin crashed the game, tthe Tau fleet that fucked out.
OH! It crashed as soon as you loaded? Did you try a second time? A third? TEN Times? It. Will. Load. Right. The Warp lies my Friends, you must persist.
Really, you can Unfuck the game given enough, usually a ddozen reloads, and whatever was the issue is either a corrupt SOMETHING, that you can reload iin to something beatable, or something gatherable.
PPersonally I consider whatever gives XP for the guys is THE GOLD Standard. Thers a bunch of reasons why.
Nicholas King
So, here's 5th Co. Good guys, they were mostly sent as an augment for any engagement task force I sent out. They were already, Obviously the middle ground in starting XP, so they did OK to begin with.
Once the sector started going tits-up, that middle-ground started needing it's own support, Task Forces started having to go heavier. AND WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE SEND IN BIGGER GROUPS?
Pain gets compounded. Guys start to need more bionics. By the by, RED DOESNT ALWAYS mean needs bionics. If it shows anything negative number, guy won't heal. Any guy 0.01 or more....He'll be fine in a few months/turns.
Let's get deeper into health. The Penultimate point of negative health is being promoted to an Armsla-Fuckin Dreadnuaght. Did you think that erases wounds? I did. But I played for over 6000 turns. I wasted lives....unlives. Bionics, matter in the Void 40k mod for Dread Dudes. NOT Tech marines. Also: Beware Artifact Dread Armor. Doesn't wear. But Equips as a weapon with 200 ranged Damage. Yo-dawg.
More about Chapter disposition and load-out. I use a "Step" program myself to start, and I like me some fluff. Except Sniper rifles, I never see them fire enough on the battle screen. DEFAULT SCOUT set Is Bolters/Chnswd/BDShields when possible( I LOVE these guys, I have some fancy sculpted squads to show ya later). Default, Dev is ANY HVY....for the short term, Default, ASSAULT is. CHNSRD/BDSHIELD,( Anything fancier will bite you in the ass come chapter final choose screen, Go Simple, Go Tough, Go uniform). Tacs will get whatevr you portion for whatever engagement they've been assigned enroute to the first hotspot since you hit the first END TURN. Depending on chapter traits, company strength, perks, and on and on, I just give them the HVY Bolters I pulled from the initial DEV groups replaced with Miss Lunchers( Lascannon spam comes Later Brother.....the fire rises). Vets, Going spartan for the whole Chapter can( depending on size) Allow vets getting some choice gear, There are a lot of veriables there, and unless you care otherwise, What I think is simple and Tough enough untill at-LEAST turn 60....All Combiflamers #1 weapon, Pwr Swords #2. Also it's cheap for later game when you are promoting ENTIRE squads as Veterans.
Adam Long
>get revv'd up thinking someone is taking up the mantle and going to resume development >its just some fags blog
I am POSITIVE Iv'e been overlooking a few points, a few steps, a few whatever you'd get mad about,... and MASSIVE amounts of reasons in my actions that I've been using to actually play with this Broken, Glitchy, Frustrating, Faulty.....and totally awesome bit of gamer history that in a lot of ways has been a part of therapy for me.
So, taking a step back, Companies have been reassigned, Maybe NO weapons have been portioned, BUT maybe, there's Armor. DON"T Assign Armor. it'll take maybe a few dacades of constant fighting to weed out whoever is the Toughest of a Group, CO, Squad, specialist.
I'd also Like to add, I'm not giving out a WIN CONDITION formula, not even taking into account Crashes, glitches, BAD GLITCHES,....and the other fun tidings that Duke built in, there's always a ton of problems, and you gotta take as slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
Josiah Cruz
yeah, the game got dropped by some other guys and everyone started crying that the game was broken as shit/Unplayable/bug-ridden etc. and all the other fuckpiles with GW.
I am STILL Having a fun time OVERCOMING the bugs, and I'm having a nice time drinking and typing what I found playing with the mechanics of the game, which there's a lot of still.
Carter Sullivan
Bugs to exploit.
It sucks, but, It works. Spyrers, More than Half the time the group you send in will NOT end the mission. Leave them down untill they get too hurt and cycle them out. If by the next turn they are engaged AGAIN, congrats, it's a bug, the Inq will be dissapoint after a while, but if you keep cycling out guys if needed you'll increase reputation with them upwards of how ever many turns you do.+200 luv xoxo
Test slaves: As far as I can tell, the stocks once below the screen start multiplying by themselves. Good for gaining stocks to sell, Bad for when you have more than you can sell, and then you get yelled at for having too many slaves.
Secret gene-vaults get found, sooner or later. Kinda interesting the reprimand you get depending on "Karma".
Not a bug really, but, Ghost Artifacts( the ones that take a research slot but just arent there), guestimate the "Gift to faction" button.....and gift to whoever.
Ghost Ships: Odd, and it's almost random. Some said it's if you have too mane BBarges, some said it was ships that had too many guys. I think its a mix of it all, with my current game it's 2 escorts that fucked everything( receiving scouts, not in the system they orbit in overview, being in warp jump for no reason.) and leaving a ship marking BUT no ships over some random planet. I started jumping the 2 back and forth hoping theyd get warp raped, then an Ork Waagh showed up, I sent them in alone to attack....was given the option to retreat and figured"Why Not?", they survived and everything was fine all over. Then a Necron tomb opend and my Laptop tried to kill itself.
Ghost scouts: Half the time. Jail then execute.
Ryan Ward
So, kinda weak that my major theme is "Don't Give Up!" when it comes to the game itself, all it's flaws, all the flak it had last year and all the great thing that were on the horizon.
But, it's not really all, the game KEEPS going even after you're pissed off with all the bullshit Roguelike Deaths setting up a Conga-Line of buttfucking. Then the random crashes as soon as you discover an STC fragment. And there's at least a save function. Iv'e NEVER had a fail or glitch with that.
And I've Only focused on ranged, and spruced up mellee with assault companies. I've only ever had a dozen MK4 to ration out to champions, nothing older. Tartaros for a few for a skeleton chapter.
So it's been around a year since the last Chapter Master thread? Duke had to call it quits. The next group had to call it. The game is not finished. I'm still playing it and getting my power ass handed to me in random encountersa nd the micro of the management gets tighter. GW is under new management, new games are coming out, Table Top And consoles. I dunno. Had fun role playing. I'll post some in WIP sometime.
Jayden Stewart
It's still dead right guys? I-I don't want to hope and be wrong.
David Smith
Define dead. Eternal Crusade is twitching like a lab frog.
Christopher Rivera
arent the guys from dwarf fortress forums kind of running the thing?
Cameron Butler
Nah, just a place Duke officially posted CM. The ball grew as it rolled and it's the place where Flow and a couple other people took up the mantle. Apart from 1d4chan, it's a place to follow the progress, but it's not really an official venue of development.
Bentley Wilson
Its funny I was playing an old version of Chapter master today that I found on my hard drive. After liek 600 turns all threats were dead, Only glitch encountered that was annoying was that there were two systems with the same name so you couldn't interact with one of them.
Then I decided to try the new one which crashed after like 100 turns. And it looks like OPs with missing images and shit. I just pasted the mod files on top of the game files, that's what you're supposed to do right?