/wodg/+/cofd/ Chronicles of The World of Darkness of the General Thread

Previous Thread: Halloween is right around the corner. What have you got planned for the most World of Darknessy of holidays?

>Onyx Path Publishing's online store page
>OPP Blog

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Does this game actually have sexy Halloween witches?

Yes I know that's Mercy.

It might. Nothing stops you.

I have a Sin-eater concept that's a spooky Halloween witch. Her Geist is basically the Witch from Wizard of Oz. She dresses like a gothy type, with a zip up leather corset over a white off-the-shoulder blouse, a ruffled skirt, long black and orange stockings, and some kitten heel Mary Janes. Top it all off with an old fashioned tree branch broom used like a walking stick, and a Deathmask witch hat.

Of course, this being Geist, she's also usually carrying a tool belt of ghostbusting equipment, and has scarification and tattoos on both shoulders. And the blouse is a Casket Jacket charm, hand sewn from the lining of a coffin.

I really need to make a reference for the draw threads.

Looks like Chronicles is benefiting from a Halloween sale on drivethrurpg at the moment, for anyone who still buys things.

So the Onyxpath site has 11 different games listed. Are these all set in the same setting, is it like the 40k RPGs where they sort-of go together but each one is just focused on a different group of people?

Pretty much, yeah.

The Chronicles of Darkness are in their own shared world. It's sort of like superhero comics. Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, and the Flash all share a world, but most of the time they're not sharing a comic.

Ah, and the most interesting sounding one ,Deviant: The Renegades isn't out yet. Curses.


Sure I guess you can call Hunter 2.0 interesting if you want.

Failed experiments trying to avoid men in black doesn't quite sound like it's the same as people hunting monsters.