Here is my first ever Tyranid list. Wanted to slot as much spores as possible, and to not rely too much on shooting. Could you gents rate it, pretty please ?
Tyranids - 1492 pts
Hive Tyrant (1) - 320pts
Wings, Electroshock grubs, Scything talons, Rending claws,Toxin sacs, Acid blood, Adrenal glands, Regeneration, Old Adversary, Hive Commander
Mucolid Spore Cluster (3) - 45pts
Mucolid Spore Cluster (3) - 45pts
Mucolid Spore Cluster (3) - 45pts
Genestealer Brood (6) - 225pts
1 Broodlord: Psyker (The Horror), Toxin sacs, Acid blood, Adrenal glands, Regeneration
5 Genestealers : Toxin Sacs, Adrenal glands
Hormagaunt Brood (10) - 90pts
Toxin Sacs, Adrenal glands
Ripper Swarm Brood (8) - 232pts
Adrenal glands, Toxin Sacs, Spinefists, Deep Strike
Fast Attack
Spore Mine Cluster (6) - 30pts
Spore Mine Cluster (6) - 30pts
Spore Mine Cluster (6) - 30pts
Trygon Prime (1) - 300pts
2 Scything talonss, Toxin sacs, Acid blood, Adrenal glands, Regeneration
Sporocyst (1) - 100pts
Five barbed stranglers
Hive Commander will be used either on a Mucolid unit, or on the hormagaunts.
Rippers will deepstrike, then shoot and act as a pain in the ass of wathever heavy weapons team could be found accross the board.
Trygon prime will be used as a synapse support and potential tank buster. Could also help to deploy something else through his tunnel, although I don't know what yet. Maybe Stealers ?
I hope to use the spores do distract the opponent enough for me to move around without too much pressure, and the Sporocyst will resplenish some spores if it survives long enough to do so, while attracting some more ennemy fire.