CYOA Thread

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can someone explain this yellow mask nonsense to me? I've seen it in a bunch of cyoas it is a reference to something or what

Should I make a companion picture with paint? Im not sure if thats what everyone else used. Seems like that might be difficult.

I'll take electric soul, and I don't understand why nobody else did last thread. It's really hard to kill something made of electricity, and lightning bolts are hotter than fire eyes over there. As long as I hunt down Changeling Gun within a month, I'm golden.

You're not ready to know yet.
Follow the king.
Say the name thrice.

Are you referring to the template? If so, there's a GIMP version of it here:

I'm pretty sure it's some lovecraftian bullshit.

Im asking how people usually fill the template out. Im not sure if I should use paint or something else.
>I have to act super happy and energetic all the time. People at work probably think I'm crazy. But they don't get that when I don't make 300% effort to be positive I get so depressed I cry all the time and can hardly get out of bed, it's like when you have a bad cold or a flue and ache all over. It's like physically painful and tiring and I have to always be trying my best not to fall into that.....

What did she mean by this?

Personally, I use GIMP, but GIMP isn't the easiest thing to use. Paint could work, if you know what your doing, or any other Photoshop-like tool.