/ktg/ Kill Team General pt2

Discuss and compare lists for Warhammer 40k Kill Team, the link to the official PDF (rules only) is in the OP picture.

Heralds of Ruin rules here:

Other urls found in this thread:


Is there any tried-and-tested wau of beating horde spam in Kill Team? My friends play a Chaos Cultist swarm, an ork boy mob with gretchin and a trukk, and a genestealer cult respectively. Plenty of bodies, attacks and wounds on the board, and its impossible to actually get kills due to ablative wounds being discounted.

Is there some sensible way to overcome this, as my experience with flamers hasn't helped much, and I don't want to just be forced to swarm fire warriors and kroot to counter it.

Okay, I'm dropping into a new kill team league and I really want to make some good, special-looking models to use for it. I honestly don't care which army I pick, just so long as there's some cool models (and preferably interesting rules) to work with. Here's what I'm thinking so far;

>Space Marines: 5 Vanguard, 5 Scouts, Cloaks, Rocket Launcher, Combi-Gun
>Scions: 11 Scions w/ 2 Volley Guns, 2 Meltaguns
>Skitarii: 10 Vanguard, 1 Dragoon, 3 Arc Rifles
>Daemons: 10 Bloodletters, 5 Fleshhounds, Bloodreaper, Lesser Reward
>Deldar: 10 Reavers, 3 Blasters, 2 Grav-Talons
>Eldar: 10 Dire Avengers, 5 Howling Banshees
>Legion of the Damned: 8 Legionnaires
>Necrons: 11 Warriors, 3 Tomb Blades, 3 Shadowlooms
>Chaos Marines: 5 Bezerkers, 5 Marines, Lascannon

Any other suggestions? I'd prefer 5+ models, but whatever is cool.

On that note, what's the most fun way to play? Lots of guys, few, guys, something inbetween?

Depends on what you play but if you play Space Marines I would try frag grenades. Since everyone is a separate unit everyone can now throw their grenades in the shooting phase.

10-15 heads is the most tolerable, 5 heads feels like mini herohammer and is fun when both players have the same size, but is usually unfeasible in leagues.

I'd bet on that Skitarii list. Vanguard are wonderful with their cancer guns and it's sometimes worth charging with them too. Consider swapping in an Arquebus for deleting shit from afar.

Reaping volley on a 3+ hit weapon can economize some shots.
Put it on a dual burst cannon suit.

Wow, running the numbers I'm pretty impressed with the Arquebus. Though as a sniper it's unreliable at best against infantry, it really puts in work on vehicles; it has a 42% chance to glance on AV12, a 59% chance on AV11, and 73% on AV10.

That's pretty good outright, and with the 60" range it can pump out some serious damage. However, I can't say for certain that I'll run up against a lot of vehicles- which makes me wonder, how mechanized can a list be? Is it possible you'd see 3-4 vehicles?

Arquebus isn't worth it in my experience. I swapped down to an Arc Rifle in my Skitarii list (Other two special weapons are Calivers, I usually play at 250) and it's been working out much better. Your list has room for an Arc Pistol on the Alpha, if you want to bring some more lightning.

Anyone playing chaos killteams?

I'm joining a league in two weeks looking to use my alpha legion stuff in it. I'm pretty sure I can field anything chaos offers that is legal within killteam rules. I just have zero experience playing it, and I don't want to jump in blindly.

Honestly I never played Chaos for anything, but its a very common team from what i've seen.

(And hilarious to watch players get mad when I manage to kill them with my Imperial Guard kill teams. Mortars saved the day lol)

I'm gonna be using CSM for some renegade Avenging Sons. Death to the false emperor, user!

So how are Daemons doing in KT ? No summoning seems like quite a blow, but I guess power swords on Blood Letters is a pro due to no 2+ ?

Which is more fun:

20 x Stormboyz with a Stormboy Nob
15 x Kommandos (2 with Rockets) and a Kommando Nob (Big Choppa/Boss Pole)

Has anyone tried rolling with that 15 Peltasts list yet? I can imagine it'd be pretty disgusting but I don't want to be the douche who ups my local KT meta about 2 notches.

Excuse me user, but was the pic posted in error?
not barney fag but still quite surprised to see it on Veeky Forums of all places

How are Tempestus Scions in KT? I just picked up 10 old school metal Stormtroopers and am wondering if they'd make a neat special forces unit. Is 10 enough? Should I scout out a couple of them with special weapons to round it out (currently they are all equipped with hotshot lasguns, save for the leader who has a plasma pistol.)

Move Through Cover and AP3 on every model is pretty dece. Salvo Guns are awesome with Sharpshooter or Reaping Volley. If you run two squads of five, you can get a Tempestor with Power Weapon for a combat/DF specialist.

Muh Keel Teem arrived today. I wanna paint the space marines as Charcaradons, are there rules for Charcaradons somewhere?

I'd take one with ignore cover, but that'd be it. It's a good thing to scare any model at that point. However if you just want to snipe regular rangers do that fine and anti vehicle work is perfectly covered with arc rifles.

10 stormtroopers with plasma/volley gun and an armored sentinel comes out to about 200. Havent used it yet but I expect itll be fun. That volley gun with reaping volley will murder spess mehreens

Die you fucking Barneyfag

fucking die

How are Assassins in kill team? They seem really, really hard pressed to actually win against most forces just due to inability to kill enough dudes.

My attempt at an Assassins list. Calidus for melee/horde clearing, Vindicare for removing heavy weapons that could gib the Callidus.

Callidus Assassin 90
Warscythe 25
Neural Shreddder 10
Melta Bomb 5

Vindicare Assassin 90
Exitus Pistol 10
Hellfire Ammo 15
Spy Mask 5

DQ'ed for not meeting the 4-model minimum.

Assassins are 1 model minimum rather than 4. Mostly because they literally have nothing under 80 points.

Don't forget combat patrol. Its like kill-team, but a bit bigger. Better for horde armies.

They're spooky scary demons, thought that I'll attach them to a question about Daemons.

You use whole units, making it very different from KT.

I was thinking of running a base infantry platoon in Chimeras, just not sure if three vehicles is really fair.

Gives me enough points left over to give them all autocannon turrets as well.

Their chapter tactics are in this pdf. Good taste, user.

Playing 21st founding is suffering. No rules for about 10 years

7 Scatbikes seems super OP.


I'm building a Hua Yuan Exterminators killteam with HoR rules, any tips on what army list should I use? Ig or TS?

In HoR, Tempestus are folded into Astra Militarum already like the normal Codex. Probably because in HoR you'd have maybe three or four individual model types to choose from.


Is Kill Team a good place to start learning 40k?

Definitely. It lets you get the hang of the basic rules while keeping the turns and games short, and requires a lot less money to buy into.

Kind of.

It a good intro and entry-level to the system, but not a great place to build from when you've got huge walkers and tanks and stuff. Also, the crowded terrain of a Kill Team board combined with the lack of much larger, and more broken, models lends itself better to

>fuck, cut off

... to some units rather than others. Models with much more range can't take full advantage of it save for sniping posts, and others of usually limited utility on the larger battlefield, especially melee models, can see themselves finding a niche to fill in Kill Team.

Even Vespid, while still a subpar choice, can become valuable assets on the field as a cheaper alternative to battlesuits while still packing MEQ armor puncturing weapons.

Well, instead of kill team I just bought the dark vengeance box and Im gonna learn to play from that

I have a kill team event (GW rules, not HoR) coming up, how does this sound as a list?

Plague Marine Squad
2 x Bolter
2 x Plasma Gun
1 x Plague Champion

Cultist Squad
10 x Autopistol and Close Combat Weapon

I'm not sure what specialists I should choose - obviously the two plasma gunners are the first thing I'd think to choose but I'm not sure about the third slot.

Hey Veeky Forums, I want to put together an Inquisition list, or at least something containing my Inquisitor.

I have enough models to go for either Inquisitorial Stormtroops or Grey Knights. I'd also like to throw some SoB into the mix (ordered Burning of Prospero and planning to convert the Sisters of Silence models).

Any suggestions of what you guys would go for in terms of troops/equipment and such? I've been looking at the HoR stuff to get a sense for how big a force I might field, so far I'm looking at around 15 minis.

In HoR, how well do you think a Skitarii list composed of:
>Infiltrator Princeps + Incense Generatorum (55)
>Vanguard Squad x5 (45)
>Vanguard Squad x5 (45)
>Infiltrators x3 (115)
Would fare?

Thinking I might better spend the points from those Infiltrators on maybe a Sniper Dragoon and a Plasma Caliver for each Vanguard core group. Also, I could save a bunch of points by just having a Vanguard Alpha, but that's not as much fun. Part of it is making melee daunting on my opponent because if they face Vanguard and Infiltrators in mixed melee, they get -1 WS, BS, T, I, and Ld, and a leader with Stealth and Shrouded plus some extra movement distance all the time would be pretty durable.

I suppose I can start with a Vanguard Alpha and save points to get them turned into an Infiltrator when they invariably get pulped by something bigger.

not a chaos player but I would consider Autogun on the cultist. theyd probably get better results for you.

here, really would appreciate some pointers.

You can take some squads of squishy dudes and use them as ablative wounds while spending some points on dudes who will actually deal damage, or maybe two squads of expendables with a well made squad of more durable infantry with a few heavies thrown in.

You can be cheap and do mook flood, but that's cheap, no fun, and highly vulnerable to templates, especially flamers. Really, Inquisition in HoR is highly variable, and can run elites, well-balanced, or horde teams pretty easily. You may consider chipping going the Elite route since you seem a fan of Power Armor, but an Inquisitor for SoB or Grey Knights would probably be attached to one of those teams, rather than being a Core Inquisitorial force. Inquisitorial Stormtroopers seem to be the only ones who would be built purely from HoR's Inquisition mini-Codex, and there's options there to make them work effectively.

Its 1 point extra for the autoguns so I'd have to ditch one of the plasmas, which I don't think would be worth it. I would prefer to run Autoguns though, yeah.

Thanks. I can paint two 5-man squads of Guardsmen up as stormtroops right off the bat. I thought I might take a couple of elites from the Inquisition mini-codex and then a couple of SoB core choices (you can take them as special units for Inquisition iirc), maybe armed with flamers to combat enemy hordes or just plain bolters in any other situation?

Space Marines Carcharadons
Tactical Squad
2x SM with Bolter, Boltgun
1x SM with Boltgun, Missile Launcher, specialist - Relentless
1x SM with Boltgun, Plasma Gun, specialist - Eagle Eye
4x SM with Bolter, Boltgun and CCW
1x SM with Bolter, Boltgun and CCW, specialist - Berzerk Fighter
1x Veteran Sargent, Bolter, Boltgun, Lightning Claw

Can I, using the Carcharadons chapter tactics, replace the Bolter of the ML and PG with a CCW for few then buy the ML and PG and end up with them having a CCW as well?

>5 Scourges, 3 Blasters
>1 Beast Master, 3 bases of Razorwings
What do you guys think?

need some Tau ideas - the lack of Close Combat makes the Specialist requirement tough.

Weapon and Guerilla specialist should be obvious choices. Just go with the Indomitable specialist as either your heavy weapons guy or your tank to hold a position.

Tau take tanks? The Devilfish? That's 80 points!

"Tank" as in "pick Feel No Pain and let him bunker down in a fortified position with some gun that needs to be taken care of".

Whoops! Thanks for clarifying

Sounds like a pretty basic list. You probably want something heavy to deal with anything like a vehicle with AV11 (like a Sydonian Dragoon), a high toughness model (like a Nurgle Biker), or a model with a high toughness armor save (Terminator). And aside from the vehicle, you can solve most of those problems by hosing them in wounds from weaker weapons and let probability do the work.

In HoR orks are certainly capable of pulling that off

> killakanz cost 50 each, limited to 2 max
> trukks are 30 each(desu it is 35 actually because of the reinforced ram, so you don't immideately break down from all the terrain), limited to 2 max

You'd still be able to take `ard boyz mob and a `eavy armoured boss mek.

What do you think, how unbalanced that'd be?

Orky mekboy has access to a piece of wargear called "bouncy shield" (15 pts). Currently what it does is give you 5++ save, and when you save wound from ranged attack you make an autohitting shot rearrange at any enemy within 9` with same STR and AP.

Its whacky and all, but seems kinda useless because normal mekboyz have stats of a boy and thus can't benefit from it that much. Then I thought - what if you could give bouncy shield effect to allied units?

Like, instead of shooting, a model with this wargear can give 5++ with all Bouncy shield whacky bouncing rules to any visible allied unit withing 12` unless they are tied in CC. It lasts until the start of your next turn. During this time owner of the wargear loses bouncy shield 5++ himself.

So it'd allow to turn vanilla slugga mob into a pseudo `ard boyz mob for a turn with whacky bullet bouncing goodness to help them close in for melee. How much should this kind of wargear cost, and is it broken?

Projecting a shield might be kind of broken, especially onto already hard to crack models. Of course, it's no more than a Terminator, and even Terminators can get a Stormshield to make them even more durable.

I think it should probably cost more, but consider Ork tech has a tendency to malfunction, so a roll of 1 might just center a weak blast template over that target rather than a bouncy shield. You have the potential to turn that vanilla slugga mob into pseudo 'ard boyz, or a smoking blast crater.

Of course, it'd be projecting a bubble which could just trap its target, preventing it from firing or being fired at from anything outside the bubble but allowing it to fight any targets currently trapped inside with it until the bubble pops.

To be honest, I was never a huge fan of "whacky ork tables" where you can get above average result, but have a chance to instagib yourself instead. Besides, small blast template seems way too punishing for every roll of 1, as it could easily cascade and defeatsthe purpose of protecting models with no armour saves. Maybe it'd work if it was str2 or str3 ap-, couldnt occur more often then once per turn and still allowed to use 5++ invulnerable save against it.

If it was as it is, without punishment on 1`s, would a price of 20 pts seem fair? Mekboy is 15 himself in HoR.

Oh, I realized what you meant. You meant that you roll a d6 whenever "casting" bouncy shield and on a roll of 1 you targeted unit with a blast and effect does not go off. I thought you meant that whenever you roll 1 while saving a wound you place a blast over model. (this kind of thing is on meganobz generators, hence the confusion)

What should I take for dealing with vehicles then?

Melta is excellent, and IDs most infantry if you find yourself against something intimidating. Plasma is also a useful, as are autocannons. Grav is great, but not so great on light infantry. Anything S5 is a desperation weapon since S5 needs a 6 to glance, but en-masse like Tau can field it's good. Sniping weapons might also have a shot at taking out vehicles, but it's also a matter of luck.

But if your standard models come with Krak grenades like most Imperial Guard or Space marines, you can just get them within 8" and start chucking until it stops being a threat or you run out of grenades. Most of those walkers have 2 hull points so you don't need that many hits to remove it from the field. Transports typically have three, but are less common in HoR.

Here. Now I'm seriously worried about my ability to deal with vehicles. Melta bombs are hard to chuck onto walkers and my biggest weapon is strength 6 AP2 (Warscythe)

I suppose the correct option in that case is 'Just go for the infantry and force a rout' instead?

Veeky Forums, I have a bunch of minis and want to try Kill Team with my gf. What's the quickest way to get some serviceable instant terrain? KT requires a bit of it, as I understand.

I have a Guardsman with a Plasma, and my Inquisitor has a Plasma pistol, I can possibly outfit the other Guardsman squad with a plasma too, though I think one of the Sisters of Silence also comes with one.

Sorry, the Sisters come with a Melta, but it's all good.

Foam core, left over pieces of sprue, some small rocks, white glue, fine sand, black auto primer and hot glue gun.

Make some square bases then add partially destroyed walls with some empty door frames and windows, use white glue around stones and where it might build up in the ruin.

Under 30$ and you have enough terrain for 6x6 or 4x4 board.

Also you can get a smallish box and hot glue a toy lion, rhino, eagle, dragon, etc. prime black, base screaming bell (or whatever bronze) and use a verdigre effect wash. Makes a great statue.

Pic is some of the WIP terrain I made this weekend with my statue.

Does anyone know why phone pics always rotate when you post from them from your phone? How do I fix that?

That's a legitimate strategy. It's even a legitimate strategy in Infinity; killing the little dudes to deprive the big dudes of Orders to power them.

Tau Kill Team
Striker Team
Sha'sui - Leader, 2x Gun Drones
FW - specialist: Relentless
Breached Team
Sha'sui - specialist: Infiltrate, 2x Gun Drones
Crisis Battlesuit - specialist: Reaping Volley, 2x burst cannon

The crisis suit can take two of the same weapon, correct?

Crisis Suit can take two, but there are two profiles for that. The cheaper cost means you're twin-linking the weapon, while you pay full price on each to have them both as independent weapons.

I imagine that most forces need to spread out a bit to get objectives so I won't have ALL the enemy dogpiling on a single assassin most of the time? The Vindicare sets up hidden/infiltrating but he's still only one dude until the Callidus appears out of nowhere.

Probably, but usually they're going to be meeting in over a central objective and trading fire at some point or another.