>Warhammer 40K Role Call
>Warhammer 40K Role Call<
What's with the >
Eldar scum!
I have more Space Marines than anything, but I also have 3k+ points of Chaos Marines and Chaos Daemons.
I play Daemons more than anything else at the moment.
Guard allied w/ Mentor Legion marines. I'm using some marine scouts as IG sergeants. Old fluff is best fluff.
Thinking of starting out with a genesstealer cult army.
Your painting is heretical
>Mentor Legion
>old fluff best fluff
Are you that guy that throws a shitfit whenever the Mentor's fluff blurb in the 5th Ed codex, which literally changed nothing about them, gets brought up?
nice! I've heard great things about the Demon Codex, but haven't played them yet. I feel like Chaos Marines took a big hit recently, although i can't pinpoint why, penny for your thoughts?
Pure DE. Though, with a friend about to have a full war convo with two knights I'm seriously looking at bringing out my wraithknight and wraithguard that have been sitting on my shelf for months now.
Also, slowly starting a GSC
CSM being shit is nothing new.
lol fair enough. obviously my emotional charity is lost on them
I'm going to start a Skittari army. so that's nice.
And you play Eldar, so likewise.
BRAH, our 7e rules are the bomb. gonna bladestorm yo bitch ass
Custom Guard regiment that runs the Cadian doctrine and (eventually, Plastic sister hype) are allied with SOB
Dark Eldar reporting in. Haven't had much chance to play since the new codex hit but I still manage to wreck the other guys shit more often than not.
Chaos Space Marines, with allied Daemons.
Chaos Lord has Mark of Tzeentch, and I'm not running Nurgle Spawn, because fluff.
>asks what kind of army people are fielding
>posts art instead of a picture of his models for his own force
"I am the best tree house builder in the galaxy"
Tau, just started collecting again so:
1 ghostkeel
1 riptide
3 crisis suits
10 pathfinders
also picked up BoP so I will field a 5 man Custodes army too
Both will be unbound armies, I won't play them together though.
I am going to run Harlequins. They may not be all that good but they are awesome to paint.
Iron warriors, 'Ravenguard and Renegades and Heretics
Nothing shapes character like playing CSM. Word Bearers here.
Raven Guard. Pic semi related and to mush flash but i like dreads (yeah RG not the best chapter for that.
40k : Blood Angels with Raven Guard Allies.
30k : Not full army yet but slowly colleting a Tagmata Omnissah Admech army.
Kill Team: Harlequins
guard armored battlegroup
aka 'the regimental parking lot'
My wallet has my sympathies, but not my regret.
Kriegland uber alles
Daemons, nugga. I also have DEldar, Eldar, and some Corsairs.
Don't have a full fledged army as I only want to play Killteam, but regarding my kill teams:
> Eldar
> Tau
> Iron Warriors
>Genestealer cult
I'm torn between Imperial Guard and Sisters of Slaanesh
user, which yellow do you use to paint your boys? I've been trying to find one in Vallejo, but nothing I've tried satisfies me.
dont suppose you have any experience buying Chinaman? are their ebay lots decent quality?
OHMYGODITAMENTOR! I might cry now.
Imperial Guard reporting in!!!
My body is ready
I like the green on the terrain and i suck at painting, how do i paint it like that?
You play Grey Knights too?
Mechanized Infantry IG. Currently trying to figure out my new paint scheme and debating whether or not to Simple Green the minis from the previous two schemes.
reporting in