It is Khorne again edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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When will AoS under the spotlight again? I want the Lord of Change, badly!
It is Khorne again edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
Old thread:
When will AoS under the spotlight again? I want the Lord of Change, badly!
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>When will AoS under the spotlight again? I want the Lord of Change, badly!
Well, the heroes from silver tower went up for preorder this weekend. Don't know if that means the tzeentch stuff from silver tower will be getting separate releases soon, but I'm hopeful. Wasn't in the white dwarf though (we've got some fucking scenery to look forward to instead) so maybe not in the next couple of weeks.
Who are the eldar of AoS? I nominate Seraphon. Everyone complains about the them, everyone thinks they're Mary Sues, and they even have their own Avatar of Khaine (Slann), in that they have a super powerful unit that are infinitely valuable, but get killed off pretty often to show how tough a character is.
In response to the person in the last thread asking about armies having a story, I think that's an awesome idea and more people should do it.
The vague fluff of my army is that they're dwarfs with a War of Vengeance theme going, so they refuse to use any gunpowder or newfangled 'innovations'. Harder now that Grudge/Bolt Throwers/Thorek Ironbrow are OOP. Working on a Grombrindal converted to look like the TW version to join my army, figured he's impressed at their dedication to the ancestors and so thought it was worth helping out.
I'm thinking about starting an Ironjawz army. Start collecting seems like a good deal, but I've heard that gore-gruntas are not really good. But still, good money value.
So for my intro 1k army i was either thinking about something like this (2 Start Collecting and Boss):
Warchanter 80
Megaboss 140
20 Ardboyz 360
3 Gore Gruntas 180
3 Gore Gruntas 180
Ironfist Batalion 60
Or something like this (with regular boxes or one start collecting and brutes + ardboyz + boss):
Warchanter 80
Megaboss 140
10 Ardboyz 180
20 Ardboyz 360
5 Brutes 180
Ironfist batalion 60
Personally I'd go with the one box version. Since your not using the second warchanter buying two seems inefficient if you don't want the gruntas. One is still worth it though as the gruntas are basically free when compared to individual boxes. If you actually WANT to field them that's when to get the second box.
So is AoS a ded game? I want to get into either 40k or AoS but I see a lot less people talking about AoS online and IRL ( in store )
No. It's not a popular as 40k, but it's much more popular most areas than WHFB was. That said wargames always have a lot of local variance so you'll probably have to investigate what's played in your area.
Depends on your area. If there is a regular group of AoS players at a store in your area, then it's not a dead game. It's alive and well.
If it's nowhere to be seen at any of your local stores, then it is a dead game.
Around the world though, as said, it's not as big as 40k, but bigger than fantasy. But again, it depends on your area.
Guys, I'm searching for the pics of that Ironjawz army built with converted ogres (there were orkyfied leadbelchers and a Stonehorn) and with a giant painted like the colossal titan of Attack on Titan.
Someone can help me?
Thank you,
Nah the elves are definitely the eldar, even if you ignore the "eldar = space elves" thing
They're full of stubborn dickish xenophobic self-righteous pricks that will fuck over everyone else to get what they want
40k is more popular (it is THE most popular miniature game) but AOS is not a dead game by any means
So, question: I need some help on trying to set up a community campaign with some friends, with about 2 to 4 people. Does any one have some suggestions or ideas?
Whats the best place to buy tomb king stuff?
2nd hand, check local, then go to the internet
Check out the path to glory in the handbook, pretty sweet stuff, paired with your grand alliance books it would be awesome.
Two start collecting boxes and a Shaman will give you the biggest bang for your dollor
>reading first new monthly WD Battle Report
>Guy uses Star-Fated Arrow twice in one game
>I jokingly email WD about it and get an "oops!" back
>reading 3rd issue of monthly WD
>reading Battle Report
>somebody uses Star-Fated Arrow twice again in one game
Carry on.
WHFB was deader than AoS is. Doing both isn't impossible. 40k is hands down the most popular in the world. AoS is more popular than WHFB was. Though this is dismissed as 'lies'.
>There is no Host of Slaanesh hero in Silver Tower
Would be interested to see that conversion when it's done.
Productive Night with friends.
The WD's were made all the way back in mid 2016. I doubt that any changes would be made in any of the next few issues.
1 Warchanter
3 Gore Gruntas
10 Ard boys
10 Ard boys
10 Brutes
1 Weirdnob Shaman
2 Warchanters
6 Gore Gruntas
20 Ardboys.
Those are the basic 1000 pt armys for Ironjawz.
That Durthu looks great, although I would recommend a little dark brown on the bark.
Hes dry brushing Durthu brown and then adding dark grey highlights around the smoldering parts. His entire theme is a burning forest. Though he got side tracked with The Everqueen since i found one marked down to $80 bucks at a local shop.
Here's a WIP on the cloak. I'll totally post pics when it's all done though. Currently i finished the underside of his cloak and attached it today. To do is hopefully make the fur on the shoulders, attach head, and add extra hair maybe. If i can do all that then he'll be ready to prime and start painting.
More Kairic Acolytes for (hopefully) upcoming Arcanites release.
In terms of GW game popularities, it seems to be
But with the new BoP box it looks like HH is becoming a lot more popular. One of the ony things holding it back at this point is forge worlds prohibitively expensive prices
thanks for tips, gonna keep that in mind
>that fokken Blackhand conversion
mein gott
Is that goddamn Moonman in the back right?
>Dracula orks
oh fug
I would really like to see your progress on that Grombrindal user, I love how Total War made him look and want him to be a real model so much...
Here you go. It could be better, there some stuff i messed up (like forgetting to put hair lines in his moustache) but overall i like it.
Better pic. I think he's pretty much done assembling. I'll prime it tonight and start painting tomorrow hopefully.
What, like this one?
Looking good but I dislike Chaos models that use other Gods color schemes. Purple/Pink will always look more Slaaneshi than Tzeentchian. Same way I wouldn't paint Bloodreavers Green or Tzeentch Mages Red/Brass.
I agree. I paint my Nurgle stuff entirely in a warm palette. No cool colors whatsoever.
>He doesn't know about the Tzeentch moonmen
How's this skaven army? War bringer is the general.
+++ Skaven (1920pts) +++
++ Grand Alliance: Chaos (Pitched Battle (2,000)) (2000pts) ++
+ (No Category) +
Alliegance [*Chaos*]
+ Leader (200pts) +
Skaven Warlord (100pts)
Skaven Warlord with banner (100pts)
+ Leader/Behemoth (300pts) +
Verminlord Warbringer (300pts)
+ Artillery (140pts) +
Warplock Jezzails (140pts) [3 Warplock Jezzails]
+ Battleline (180pts) +
Clanrats (60pts) [10 Clanrats]
Clanrats (60pts) [10 Clanrats]
Clanrats (60pts) [10 Clanrats]
+ Other (1100pts) +
Ratling Gun Weapon Team (80pts)
Ratling Gun Weapon Team (80pts)
Ratling Gun Weapon Team (80pts)
Stormfields (300pts) [3 Stormfields]
Stormvermin (280pts) [2x 10 Stormvermin]
Stormvermin (280pts) [2x 10 Stormvermin]
Verminus Clawpack(80pts)
no its doing what gw wanted be better than FB
its still not as popular as 40k but its doing well
however it seems gw is using the results of season of war for fluff so season 2 isn't coming for a while but i'm sure tzeetch forces will come once thousand sons do
As cheap as it is that they wrapped slaanesh into this guy, he's a pretty fun hero in Silver Tower
group stormvermin imo
Working on base coats, wishing i was a better painter lol.
nice quads, paint job is also deece
id try to run warlord on brood horror to boost bravery. I play death and Skavens liw bravery makes them melt to bravery based attacks(id also run the thing that makes enemy battleshock flee twice as many units)
So i picked up Gorechosen and my roomie just asked me if i'd be interested in splitting the AoS starter what else besides a pair of skull cannons should i get?
There's no points for the brood horror afaik
I agree with you but I have them split so I can cap objectives. I wish they were battleline
what do you guys think of this 1000 pt army
1 Vampire lord on zombie dragon
2x5 blood knights
would it be viable?
I really like night goblins and squigs, but squigs are finecast.
Is it true that finecast is better now?
Should I buy resin squigs?
Is there any 3rd party squig models?
Not enough bats and batlike creatures.
Bat Swarms can offer some nice anti-shooting debuffs.
a box of blood warriors. Just 5 ain't enough.
possibly blood juggernaut blood riders as well, but I find you want more than three to get the most of them
Seconding this user, blood warriors are great.My friend plays bloodbound, the damage potential is pretty crazy but you rely alot on your buffs. Reavers and bloodwarriors are both great units, but the former need some attention to be anything but chaff.
Are you aiming for bloodhound or daemons? While nothing stops you from running both they do synergize a bit better with themselves.
I bought some finecast squigs, they're alright. There's some awkward sprue gate placement on their teeth but nothing that can't be trimmed off with a hobby knife, and they're thick enough that you'd have to try quite hard to snap or bend something. I'd go for it.
Question, was there a equivalent to the sylvaneth in oldhammer?
I don't know that much about their fluff but what I gathered is that they are bunch of angry tree spirits
Yes, they were rolled into the wood elves army with what are now the wanderers. Mainly were about protecting the magical forest of athel loren, although there were a few in other parts of the world (in alarielle's court on ultuan, for example).
Thats called the Blood Blitz formation. Its popular cause you can run Red Fury on the Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon for alot of extra damage. You usualy run Ring of Immortality+Blood Chalice combo on that one too.
How did you do paint the hair user?
So, anybody interested in homebrewing some Relics, Command Traits and Spell Lores for those factions that already have their battletomes and cannot expect to get such in the near future?
Yeah dude. Search kromlech and basically anyone who does 3rd party Ork bits, you will find some not squigs.
Shit get 40k squig bits
Looks like drybrushing
The factions that have their battletomes already ARE expected to get battle traits, command traits and artefacts. Supposedly they're going to release an update that brings them all up to speed.
Mechanicus standard grey as a base, ulthuan grey drybrushed over that. Insofar as i understand how drybrushing works anyway (very little paint, brushing gently just to hit the high points mostly?)
I'm coming back to the game after quitting in early 8th.
How fluffy is it for me to run a mixed demon force? All the battle scrolls I've seen tend to lean towards a specific god, but someone gave me that giant archaeon kit and I want to eventually be able to build and use it.
Is there a way to run a mixed khorne/nurgle (and maybe a little tzeentch) type list and still have synergy?
Mono-god is more common, since most buffs favor one specific keyword over the more general ones like Chaos or Daemon. It's not impossible to run multi-god forces, but you will need to work harder to make the most of your forces.
That said, Archaon is probably the best way to run mixed forces since he allows you to run multiple pseudo-generals and thus circumvents the usual limitations to the nastier buffers (not to mention he is a mad-powerful bastard in a fight).
There is, just don't remember where it is
It's in the forgeworld points compendium. 200 points for warlord on brood horror, to save y'all time.
Yup, Dryads, Treekin, and Treemen. The current Dryads themselves are quite old models dating back to the first 6th ed. Wood Elves book.
It's Tzeentchy purple-pink......
Do you have the original OP Image?
Silver Tower Seraphon Oldblood?
Are Glade Riders troops? Or do I HAVE to use some Glade Guard As Wanderers.
I want to have a Wild Hunt Army.
Yeah, glade riders are battleline, they're under the legacy wood elves section, not wanderers.
Right. However they still have the Wanderer's Keyword right?
is there any formation worth using? Or should Just roll with my own Army.
thoughts on this for an entry level freeguild army?
>doesn't say which specialisation the battlemage is using
>doesn't say what general is armed with or if he's on a horse
>doesn't say what guard are armed with
>doesn't say what marksmen are armed with
my bad!
General on horse, sword+shield+banner
grey wizard- -1 to hit spell
Guard, sword+shield
handgunners, with handguns
opinions on this?
opinions on this?
god tier, but belongs in 40k thread not AOS
That belongs in the 40k general.
iv been collecting bloodbound for a while now and i want to expand to all chaos, i really want to start a tzeentch themed slaves of darkness army and i absolutely love the Tzaangors and kairic acolytes but i dont wanna spend £110 for like 20 models. what would be the best way to get them.
ebay or some other site you guys know about thats realiable? thankyou
EBay or some site, buy silver tower, or wait for the Tzeench release we're expecting this winter.
Anybody have experience with rat ogres? Thinking of including them in my skaven army but points are tight.
>pic related
what the actual shit
Oh noes, a clampack model is more expensive than it has any right to be!
And it's a model from a box set where the savings of buying everything at once would be massive!
This has never happened before!
Better whine on Veeky Forums about it!
Rules-wise, they're better than they have any right to be. They look like ass though, so unless you have the extremely well designed Isle of Blood ones, you don't want to win badly enough to include those turds in your army.
Skullreapers. Skullreapers are awesome.
Just looked up the island of blood models. Holy shit man. Those rat ogres are 1000x better than what they sell now. What the hell.
I've got 4, sadly there are only 2 variants and they are mono pose. So running a unit of 6 will ook stupid.
Although they now come in units of 2 and are quite effective. Just make sure they have a packmaster with them.
Can someone please explain a dummy what's the benefit of taking a Bloodglaive over an Ensorcelled Axe for Mighty Skullcrushers? Isn't it basically the same thing except worse if you face units without armor?
Your point count for the Warlord with Banner is not correct. Jezzails are not artillery (semantics in this case but still)
Verminlord Warbringer (300)
- General
Skaven Warlord (100)
- Warpforged Blade
Skaven Chieftain With Battle Standard (140)
Clanrats x 10 (60)
- Rusty Blade
Clanrats x 10 (60)
- Rusty Blade
Clanrats x 10 (60)
- Rusty Blade
Ratling Gun Weapon Team x 1 (80)
Ratling Gun Weapon Team x 1 (80)
Ratling Gun Weapon Team x 1 (80)
Stormfiends x 3 (300)
- Ratling Cannons
Stormvermin x 20 (280)
- Halberd
Stormvermin x 20 (280)
- Halberd
Warplock Jezzails x 3 (140)
War Machines
Verminus Clawpack (80)
Total: 2040/2000
Build your list with:
winter you say hmm
Yeah no guarantees, but we've discerned from the silver tower releases that something Tzeench is coming, as well as Lore expansion for the Aelves, dark and high, Dwarves and Goblins in some sort of steam punk ordeal, airships vs skypirates.
Again, all rumors, but it sounds great all around.
How balanced is Age of Sigmar? How often do the rules get updated?
With the generals handbook, it is fairly ok. Some armies are still notably stronger than others (or at least a lot easier to use), but most armies are usable.
We get new books with new scenarios fairly often. It has been a couple of months since the last release now, but there is loads rumoured to be coming soon.