Magic. Should it be banned and those able to use it be sterilized and locked away for their own good, or just heavily regulated so that innocent bystanders won't be hurt by it?
I mean I'm no mage-hater. In fact some of my best friends are spellcasters, I'm just saying that 9 out of 10 times something bad happens, there's a wizard or a warlock around. That's not a coincidence, it's just statistic fact, people.
Magic. Should it be banned and those able to use it be sterilized and locked away for their own good...
I'm not sure which logical fallacy you're using right now, but it's essentially a cop out. Here:
>I don't hate automobiles.
>In fact, some of my best methods of travel involve automobiles
>I'm just saying that 9 out of 10 times someone dies in a car accident, there's a person behind the wheel.
>That's not a coincidence, it's just statistic fact, people.
Cars are not inherently evil nor can magic loosely by applied in this manner. If you compare it rather to a tool or a fuel or perhaps a drug in the real world, the only times they end up being banned is after a few years of people realizing it makes the people using it get really really sick and die. Asbestos took a few years but is now banned from use in building houses almost universally. Athletes can use supplements all they like but anabolic steroids are banned mostly because they fuck up your body (though in competitions they are blacklisted because they are considered bad faith sport).
Same argument as always. Do spoons make people fat? Do guns kill people? Does alcohol make drivers kill other people? No. No, and no. People are the ultimate cause of people getting fat, people being murdered, and people killing people with cars, respectively.
Interesting side note. Once read a story idea where the use of magic brought about horrible other-wordly mutations within the user and all magic was carefully and only in emergencies utilized. Sounded like a pretty cool concept for a narrative.
>t. Merlin
Nice wizard apologism.
>there's a wizard or a warlock around.
>allowed to casually be in the presence of others
Now you see there's your problem. Even other casters do not suffer those treacherous bastards. They pact with demons for gods sake
WIDF please leave.
Go fuck yourself you anti-mage pinko. The king declared that a wizard's right to cast spells SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
Typical casters, the second things don't go their way they start summoning fireballs. They're a danger to everyone!
I certainly wouldn't want a degenerate spellslinger in my neighborhood. What if he starts summoning near a school?
Before deciding whether you should or shouldn't do something to mages, you should think whether you can actually do what you're planning. Good fucking luck locking up all mages you meeager mundane shit.
> people can warp reality
> we should oppress and hate them
> I'm sure that'll keep them from blowing our heads up
Wow, straights to threats of arcane annihilation. As expected.
This is precisely why all magic users need to be put down or locked away.
>Wow, straights to threats of arcane annihilation. As expected.
You're suffering from confirmation bias, you degenerate mage hater. Nowhere have I said mages will annihilate you. I said good luck keeping them caged, or even managing to lock them up in the first place.
How are you gonna do that? I doubt you'll manage to convince them, and you can't use violence, otherwise you'd be justifying their use of magic against you.
I kinda want to get this mentality out that having a single Wizard is "OP". It's not. They're the Cleric's arcane equivalent. It's fair if they can have one if you bring some Fighters or a Barbarian. If they bring multiple and in the Wing, then yes that is pretty cheesy.
Also summoned minions are shit. They're just expendable meatshields. Having a whole spellbook oriented around them would be incredibly boring. If casters had the same love that Tome of Battle then that would be fine.
A "fun" character to play against is something that tries to bring all the neat abilites into the battle in a character sheet. Not just spamming any one single spell. A good Wizard player would know that some well supported Fireball is a cheaper and arguably better source of anti infantry fire power than the other spells.
I'm so tired of hearing non Wizard players complain about "muh 15m gold a day or muh toolbox" They're there in the Player's Handbook, they have a purpose, just like the Paizo's.source then any of the PrCs. Just because you get butthurt at the cheesemongers doesn't mean that the other Wizard players have to get sterilised and regulated. Quit bitching.
>it's another "magic can quickly do anything and has no meaningful drawbacks" episode
Portable magic nullifying fields powered by gnomish engineering.
>implying anti-magic isn't magic
>implying anti-magic isn't as much a demonstration of control over the flow of magic just as any spell is
>implying the in-depth study of magic isn't a branch of science
It's like you don't even know what science is.
Get the fuck out, next you'll say that alchemy is magic, too.
>next you'll say that alchemy is magic
Depends on the setting.
The Tavern Arcane Redirection Program they have in the Empire does a good job on controlling magic users. TARP boils down to state agents posing as tavern owners, and grooming magic users and other troublemakers to fight the undesirable races and other threats. Keeps the action from happening in the city centres, and does a good job with population control, and i aint talking just about goblins here, if you catch my drift.
Also TARP basically pays for itself, those nutjobs will travel for weeks into the countryside, and try to murder a dragon for, like, fifty golden eagles and a handshake.
no user, you are the wizards
And then user was a TEQ
What the fuck is an automobile?
A horse drawn cart without the horse.
Moved by a force unseen.
... this thread has given me a lot to think about in my personal life. Damn.
Who are you, Emporer Prosek?
So what you're saying is that we should outlaw people.
What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, do you not understand?
What did that refer to originally? Blacks?
The answer isn't heavy regulation, though background checks should be standard course.
The answer is better education of both the dangers and proper/safe usage of magic and it's numerous uses.
The fear is mongered by ignorance, and ignorance is slain by education.
Really, the Kingdom of Suitz has mandatory magical education as part of their compulsory military service, as well as lab magic-control policy, and they have the lowest rate of magical crime and violence in the world. Why can't we apply the same basic concepts in our kingdom?
Magic doesn't kill people, the demons that infest the souls of magic users do!
Ban demons today, your son or daughter may be next!!!
See, this is the kind of sensible, low-key solution that would actually work, not any of this gas the mages class war now bullshit.
>lets fuck with people who can mend flesh, break flesh, sew flesh back together, and warp flesh into weird and interesting shapes.
> I'm sure they and the people who like them won't do anything if we start killing and/or sterilize them.
Threats of death or injury to people (and their loved ones) who can break the world at the seams is generally a bad idea...more so if only the good ones are going along with it.
>kills and/or imprisons all good magic users
>only lots and lots of evil magic users left
nice job breaking it "Hero"
I think you need to lay off the Red Lyrium
What's up with all the magic threads tonight
A wizard did it
> implying non-magics could do anything to stop it
They literally break the laws of reality to impose their will. What use are swords or shields?
>What use are swords or shields?
you mean that snake and beholder?
>Wizards think their magic can stop the king's army
Do you really think your fireball can stop a fully armored knight?
>tfw necromancer
Just try and stop me ATM.
I'm just here to say your argumentative prose is solid. Bravo
fireball may not work... but reverse gravity is always fun. Enjoy the trip into orbit.
blaster types may fall to you if they are single target types, but the "I warp reality for fun and profit" types are going to have fun with you, and that's not even factoring in the copious amounts mind rape involved with some caster types.
Magic is like Religion. Once it's released, you will never stop. It will spread like a meme (because it is a true-to-the-definition meme, information) and you cannot slow its spread. All you can do is try to make people use it responsibly.
/Pol/ pls go
Probably some butthurt martialfag.
Dosen't that spell have a maximum area of effect of up to 200 feet in a cube? That means they can only go up to 200 feet at level 20. Meaning the maximum damage they'd get, would be 20d6 damage, a maximum of...120 damage. That's impressive, but that's assuming it's the maximum, a level 20 character can easily survive it....
Not to mention, it's a huge assumption that they don't have clerics, or people who can fly, or people who can resist it, who'll probably do quite a lot of damage.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little boor? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the School of Elismore, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret research operations, and I have over 300 confirmed theories. I am trained in arcane warfare and I’m the top evoker in the entire Kassavell armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this plane, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over a sending spell? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of invisible stalkers across the continent and your soul signature is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my cantrips. Not only am I extensively trained in magical combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Core Rule Book Magic Items and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Sounds like magical faggotry