Are Rogue Traders the only people in the Imperium who's lives aren't complete shit (besides Nobles).
Are Rogue Traders the only people in the Imperium who's lives aren't complete shit (besides Nobles)
Clergy probably have it pretty good. Unless if they're in a place like the underhive or a deathworld but it's still a good step up from commoners.
No. Even in the grim darkness of the far future where there is only war, there are paradise worlds where people live in peace, harmony, and contentment, where the local Adepta are not too corrupt, and where people generally lead happy lives where only a cadre of volunteers enter the Guard. These planets' narrative purpose is to provide ironic contrast when they inevitably get invaded and the reclamation utterly ruins the planet, but they exist.
Ultramar is pretty good. IRRC Catholics exist in ultramar and are not persecuted by imperial authorities.
apart from combat zones, deathworlds and overcrowded hives, most of the worlds might be very tolerable to live in
there are no stories made about boring idyllic agriworlds whose only purpose in the story is to provide massive amounts of food to the more populated forgeworlds.
A large industrial world with hundreds of hives might have 10-500 billion inhabitants, whereas it requires food from dozen to hundreds of smaller agriworlds that maybe have 10-100 million people living on them.
The Imperium is so vast, there are unlimited horrible worlds in it, just as well as there are unlimited amounts of decent or paradisical worlds in it.
>Catholics exist in ultramar and are not persecuted by imperial authorities.
The Ecclesiarchy is the single biggest conglomerate of cockbags in the entire setting baring Craftworlds.
Since they are family folk I imagine that most of the Salamander worlds are probably ok to live on
It's Ultramar. Guilliman didn't really care what people worshipped as long as it didn't disturb the peace. The Ultramarines follow this and Catholics are a accepted minority in Ultramar. I think.
For every authoritarian shithole hive world, there's a world similar to ours. We only see the fucked up places because they're a lot more fun to play games in and read about.
There was one bloke who settled in ultramar- oll pius
He wasn't a catholic he followed an unspecified sort of Christian faith - no mention of Jesus just god- and n evidence he set up a religion plus this was calth before it got wrecked
>only a cadre of volunteers enter the Guard
I feel sorry for them. Living their whole lives on a paradise world only to die on some forgotten hell planet raped by cultists, You have to be a special kind of dumb to serve the God-Emperor in that way.
Most of the less fundamentally shitty worlds of the Imperium have more pious populations. They see their good fortune and thank the Emperor, which leads them to replace the standard badassitude a deathworlder guard might have with pious fury.
You can worship real life religions and not get executed in Utlramar?
On shittier planets, if you're not rich, the reason you join the PDF is the same reason american cops get a badge: it's steady work (a huge step up in hive cities) that gives you just enough authority to bully the fuck out of the lowest rung of people, and you're more likely that your food won't mutate you. Slightly.
Those who are actually professional can join the IG from the PDFs; where they actually get training and whatnot, and get sent offworld. Offworld is usually a death sentence, but compared to some of the places regiments come from it's a few extra years (although in the warp in some big ship's hold) of not being dead, with meals, and a chance at not dying maybe once you get wherever if you ever get there.
There's also orphanages and those scholas that soldiers and officers can send their children to (either because they're dead or because even if it's a mixed regiment you shouldn't bring an infant into the deathworld you're flamering next month). Those who score high enough may become commissars or stormtroopers/sisters-of-battle (the boys and girls respectively).
As for trader dynasties, it's often nobility at its best and worst, just, a bit less poison cups and a bit more macrocannon "incidents"
hello, I see you have developed a grudge against the police, please fuck off and stop listening to the televised jew
You mean like those guys who stop you on the side of the road, ask how much money you have, arrest it, and run away to count their new shekels?
They probably told the Ecclesiarchy that what they worshipp was a form of Big E
Kroot Mercenaries.
Dark Eldar.
They all seem to have fun in life.
As long as you don't rock the boat, contribute to society, and do what you're told, nobody cares what you do on your own time. Just bear in mind that if you get out of line, your neighbors will either turn you in or off you themselves; people from Ultramar have a really low tolerance for bullshit.
>paradise worlds
name a more retarded concept
Hell doesn't exist without hope of heaven. Paradise worlds serve as a nice contrast to the state of things in the 40k universe.
Your existence.
I don't know why user, but I suddenly really, really despise you.
Most worlds in the Imperium that are not forge worlds, literal combat areas, or hive worlds are apparently amazing. If you are rich, you can just buy robo-dogs and telepathic cell phones from street vendors and hyperdrugs with zero side effects from lab maniacs. There are also really amazingly delicious foods that every planet can procure in different ways, and the areas far from the front lines tend to be bountiful and full of wonders.
How can you have overlooked SoB, Guardsmen, and Astartes who are blessed with many opportunities to slay enemies of the Imperium?! Arbites too man enjoy the glory and fulfillment of ensuring compliance!
Plus those navy dudes who run on the treadmills that load the big cannons must be in really good shape, as well their home(world?) is far more heavily armed and better defended than planets like most poor pitiful civilians live on.
Also I think you'd be hard pressed to say that being a titan princeps wouldn't be totally fucking awesome.
Psychers too! Not many people get to go on an interstellar cruise free of charge.
If everywhere is a shithole than it wont be extra dramatic when tyranids eat it/the IG shells it into a featureless brown mudball/chaos bad-touches it
Nobility needs some place to relax and frolic in the flower fields while getting drunk, high and fucking everything in sight.
Even most forge worlds are decent. Sure lots of work, but you're believing in the Omnissiah anyway so you do your holy duty.
The AdMech does not let you starve and offers education.
All in all still way above most underhives.
>/pol/ btfo
>paradise worlds
They are paradise for the nobility but they are hellholes for the peasants.
Hive worlds.
Eat a dick you worthless waste of space. Forgeworld workers have it worse than the workers in civilized worlds.
see below
Life in the Imperium is torture for the vast majority of the populace of the Imperium.
No need to be that rude, but yeah, I'd guess the "Imperium isn't that bad" meme is mostly perpetuated by people who think they're dispelling a myth generated by people who don't read the rulebooks but don't bother to read the rulebooks themselves
I think it's more of a backlash to the copious amount of grimderp that pop up.