Dumping art for aliens, xenos, space monsters, creatures, critters, and occasional space babes.
Giving special attention to realistic aliens.
Dumping art for aliens, xenos, space monsters, creatures, critters, and occasional space babes.
Giving special attention to realistic aliens.
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I'm not certain if that's supposed to be a romba, or just something you'd find under a Ayy's bed.
Star control was so good
Is that from deep rise
It's actually a VUX from the Ur-Quan Masters games
>boobs and recognizeable facial features, same amount of fingers, same body porportions, look closer to humans than any other primate on earth
Anyone have any aliens that have some convergent evolution, but don't stretch it to make them overly anthropomorphic
This might apply
Reminds me of the monsters from Tremors.
Jesus Christ, this book gives me real nightmares...
I like them, source?
Good shit right there
go back to star trek, kid
Why does that human just have his junk hanging out, what the hell
If you’re not intelligent enough to comprehend xenobiology, why not just fuck off?
What are some possible solutions to the apes or angels problem, the timescales of the universe and the unlikelihood of any species being at a similar level of developement. Two possibilities I think are artificially imposed stagnation, that has within the last few thousand years faded away allowing species to develope tech. Or take a Star Trek:tos approach and have sufficiently advanced aliens be relatively common
Stagnation may be the norm for all we know. It took very specific conditions to be met for a small corner of Earth to start industrializing, and it's possible all the trends of history could have been different and those conditions may have never come about. Societies may stabilize and be stuck in pre-industrial stages forever.
Still less advanced, but not exactly cavemen.
Good shit right there
That was a good read, thanks.
>realistic aliens
Got a problem with that?
That's true, these guys grew up on a greenhouse world, and the environment made some technological advancement difficult, and science never caught on.
The muuh from the same universe have a very very slow metabolism. Meaning progress is slower, and iirc they had a very romantic rather than methodical approach to science.
Orion's Arm has some of the best xenobiology I've seen, just for the variety and actual alienness of it.
One of those without the diving suit.
Even some of the terraform groups are pretty alien, as you would expect of societies in the far future. We would be alien as fuck to people ten thousand years ago.
Terragen I meant, posting on mobile sucks
>tfw modern day man are the elves of Lord of the Rings and neanderthals are the dwarves.
It's the main reason why I don't automatically dismiss the ancient astronaut theory. Although I am always left mildly insulted that so many scientists and philosophers seem hellbent on believing that our technologically lacking ancestors were incapable of creating any lasting achievements without extraterrestrial intervention.
Early homo sapiens were just as intelligent as we are now. All they lacked was technology, not knowledge.
i was planning on posting that, good show, my good man.
have some traveler
Not even kidding, I saw one of these fucking things in a dream and not two weeks later I saw this picture here on Veeky Forums. Creepiest shit that's ever happened to me.
>All they lacked was technology, not knowledge.
Technology is knowledge; all they did not lack in was intelligence.
That being said, I think it's fair to say that modern man might be a -tiny- bit more intelligent on the average, now.
Had something similar happen. Had a dream some monster with metal claws chase me down on a snow covered mountain and slowly pealed my face off. I found this image for the "Rake" in a creepypasta thread that looks exactly like the monster from the dream.
I had that dream 13 years ago and can still remember it to this day.
>Early homo sapiens were just as intelligent as we are now.
Maybe. Intelligence is really hard to measure. In general, I think modern man would struggle equally as much in ancient times as an ancient man in modern times.
I don't have a problem with it.
Except when they are made to be weird looking for no good reason.
If you want 'realistic' aliens their design needs to take their environment into consideration. What is their world like? How do they obtain energy? Defend themselves? Locomote? How do things like this affect their design?
Nature doesn't just slap shit together with no developmental process.
Anymore like this?
I don't see anything here that obviously violates that.
Also remember artificially created or uplifted species which didn't naturally evolve.
I agree with you, though doing humanoid aliens that look 90% like us is just as unrealistic.
Adun Toridas, my fellow upright zergling
what the actual fuck
Of all the scary and creepy shit in there "Second Contact" has to be the most frightening two words of the entire book. The terribly brief but unmistakable reminder that everything you have just read was still technically human.
>I agree with you, though doing humanoid aliens that look 90% like us is just as unrealistic.
We only have one data point for intelligent life, user; everything is equally realistic and unrealistic.
Who knows, maybe the humanoid form is actually the shape intelligent species most commonly follow; all bubbles are spheres and all that.
By humanoid I don't mean bipedal with two eyes, I mean, like mass effect or Star Trek humanoids
I want to say that's an unfortunately placed left hand, based on the "funky dancing" description
By the iron age we're no longer 'early', user. Read up on it sometime.
That's an oxymoron.
Fucking creepy shit, user. Glad it's not just me.
Are birrin more susceptible to recreational substances than humans though? or they just more tolerant of it.
>realistic aliens
Is that Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge? I seem to recall one of the researchers was insect-like.
Not sure if it's related or not, I just found it from deviantart. Reverse google searched it and found the original page.
what part of this guy do I look at when I talk to it, the thing on the top?
Intelligence is actually common, but the Great Filter is a bitch. Most species invent ICBMs and blast themselves into the stone age, often repeatedly. Between us getting that right on the first try and Earth having evolved intelligence earlier than average, the universe doesn't have many angels yet. There are lots of apes, and lots of sentient non-spacefaring races, and a handful of spacefaring races.
I'm pretty sure the brain is in the bulbous body, and the top is just a specialized eyestalk/arm.