What is Veeky Forums's stance on roleplaying little girls?
What is Veeky Forums's stance on roleplaying little girls?
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For it.
One of the best characters I ever saw was a little girl.
Of course if it ever gets even remotely sexual then it can gtfo.
Would maybe hold a joke session for having a bit of fun but I honestly wouldn't take it seriously.
I'd only allow it in a lighthearted/comedy campaign. Little girls aren't for grimdark campaigns.
Kinda weird but as long as you don't bring sex into it, shit's fine.
But I run an extremely anime-esque game so my tolerance is higher than most.
It is very much dependent on tone and setting, and depends on what the age of adulthood actually is.
Depends on how it's done. Nechronica has everybody as little girls as default, and can be very grimdark depending on how it's played (although I prefer it when it's nobledark).
Also, playing a young psyker in a DH/BC campaign could be interesting if played right. You've been living a normal (by 40k standards) life, until one day you manifest weird powers and accidentally set your house on fire, and then some men come to take you to the Black Ships and you end up being "adopted" by "a nice man" who wants you to help finding bad people (in DH), or run away before they can take you, hiding from authorities and eventually meeting with other outcasts (in BC).
With proper roleplaying, you could get a very interesting character. Admittably it would reguire a very good roleplayer to not just come across as random moeblob loli that feels completely out of place with everything else. At least in Black Crusade you'd still have the comedy value of abusing the shit out of warptime and becoming the best melee fighter in the group despite literally having the strength of a little girl. But that would probably fall under "comedy campaign".
In 40k there are no children whatsoever because they are automatically fed to the Haemotrope Reactors when found because of their pure blood. The Admech knows this, and understands this is what is causing the troop shortages around the Imperium, but they HAVE to puree the children because this is what is necessary to keep humanity going a few moments longer. Grimdark as fuck.
You meant grimderp.
Sometimes it just works.
Through an incoherent chain of events, they're all I play anymore
Highly encouraged to feed my addiction for playing older big sister types.
I am neutral to it unless you refer to your character as a loli or shota. Then you're a faggot and are banned from my table.
There is this one guy who keeps trying to play an 11 year-old human wizard in D&D 4E on the play-by-post site I use. It's always magical-realm, and the game always dies before the first combat, and people keep allowing him in their games even though it's obvious he's the reason the games die.
I personally don't allow it in my games, unless I know the person personally and can trust the person to actually do the bit justice.
What site do you use? I'm looking for something to play on, as my group's always super flaky.
One guy was so flakey that he literally sent his brother to go play his character for him during a session while he went to PF Changs. When he got back, he was mad that we ended the session without him - but forgot about it like two minutes later.
FML. I need a good group. What's this site?
The stance is "You're probably a paedo if you do it"
user, pls.
I have never met a player who played a little girl, thank god.
Hah, I read this.
Anyone that writes paedo instead of pedo is almost certainly an actual child molester.
Never met one.
Meh, most of the people I play with are weebs so I don't give a shit. It's only happened twice, and both times were pretty cute so that was okay by me.
I'm about to play a Nechronica game in a few minutes, we nearly got killed in a mall last time, I can't wait to see what we nearly get killed in this week.
only if i get to roll for adolescent maturity, social acceptability, baby-sitting ability and parental acceptability plus i must have a secret potential
I don't run evil campaigns
i knew a girl who did this
most annoying Player of the group
most annoying character
>said she took inspiration from Meridia from Brave
>was a Ranger
>who was 12 (Meridia was 16)
>was also a Lesbian
>DM was her boyfriend so he let this faggotry slide
>didn't roleplay her well
>Tried to seduce a Drow woman
>you're 12
>act like a brat and kicked a duergar guard
>gets mad when she has to accept the consequences
>always trying to get her boyfriends attention when he was running the game
wouldn't recommend it
if they have to i would set the bar at 14 min maybe even older
Not as impregnable as actual ones.
Getting them started early can be rewarding if done right.
Crusader Kings is one hell of a drug.
If the word "Loli" is mentioned, then strongly against it. Strongly. Otherwise, carry on.
Correction: little girls are only for grimdark campaigns if whatever is normally supposed to defend them in said campaigns is dead and they're literally all that's left.
I've only played with three girls before in DnD
>All of them played lesbian characters
Two out of three had boyfriends ffs
Is this common?
Yes, they do it for attention.
Alas, I have played a young girl before in a campaign. We flipped a coin for gender. I flipped tails, girl. We rolled age straight, out of a d100. I rolled 14. It got even worse when we started to roll other stats straight, using 3d6, and I ended up with 18 STR and below 10 CHA and WIS.
The type of people who play children in RP games are invariably weirdoes. I mean, fuckin' weirdoes. Paedophiles, ephebophiles, chicks with daddy issues and "adult diaper" fetishists, you name it.
I saw a game posting on Roll20 once for a game where everyone played as children, like Recess RP or Codename Kids Next Door (or whatever) RP. I got weird vibes from it all, so I added the DM on Steam and he was a right fuckin autist.
I had a player who basically played Arya Stark before GoT aired and she was a wonderful character. Her age actually posed difficulty on quite a few occasions.
Dont do it. But if you must don't fucking call it a loli you disgusting weeaboo pedophile.
>Little girls aren't for grimdark campaigns.
True grimdark settings should have most of the innocent girls murdered while being defended by some hero.
If she keeps surviving and has a ton of heroes who die protecting her, she is most likely a Mary Sue.
This is Veeky Forums. Whenever you post that something is a mary sue, remember: you are so very wrong.
It can be done well, but you probably won't be the one to do it.
Yes, you, the user reading this post right now.
See Bioshock. The implication is that they aren't going to have a long life expectancy afterward.
I recognize this semen dem... wait, that was the other one, this is vampire.
I can think of ways, lolis are the GMs best friend. youtube.com
What? The little sisters live perfectly normal lives after leaving Rapture.
I did it once. Someone was missing so we did an impromptu "sidestory" session involving the different side characters. So I played my actual character's little sister, one of the other people played their (wizard) character's student, that kind of thing. The mood was overall relatively relaxed and we're all chill so it worked fine.
Why did you post Arry? Don't you know that Weasel is a boy? Sure he does look like Blind Beth & Cat of the Canals but surely not as feminine as Mercy!
You aren't a real fa/tg/uy unless you have played as one.
Not for PCs, unless you're letting your kids play and one of them is actually a little girl.
Creepy little girl npc? Or regular children NPCs? So long as they did into the context of the game.
Is it maid?
Yes, if it's maid. Otherwise no.
I think it can be fun, and I've finally convinced the one guy who's in every group with me to stop making it sexual, so there's pretty much no downsides.
My current system has an age-roll tied to the starting points for pointbuy. The less points you spend the younger your character ends, depending on which race and culture you chose.
My GM started a campaign where everyone starts as normal really unexperienced characters and therefore I had to roll on a 10+2w6 - making my human character an effective 12 year old. Asked the GM to roll again because of bad luck but he thought it was funny. So i ended up being a kid near a 20+1w12 elf and a 27+1w6 dwarf.
I really grew attached to the character really fast and roleplayed her as a kinda naive apprentice of a smaller Witch circle that used curses to get what she wants since she was a little spoiled and easy to upset. I think a younger Character can really add to the flavor of a game if done correctly and rarely. Having one in every game is tedious but leaving her for exceptional examples can break the monotonous cliché of middle-aged fighters and edgy Rangers.
Also it was probably the most fun game I've ever played. She turned the BBEG into a pet bunny and kept him for periodically torture in form of tea parties with her and sometimes the dwarf.
>bonus to AC from the small size category
>having to wear oversized dwarf armor that gives the maluses to sneaking
>no subtefuge
>skill point penalty due to young age
>smugness makes them a natural target of enemies
>youthful spirit makes them get bonuses to stabilise when taken to 0hp and vs. death spells
They're very niche and kinda min-maxy in how well they're clearly built around the Tank combat role, but otherwise okay.
Why dwarf armor rather than the far more childlike halfling armor?
Don't care at all, but the instant I detect even a hint of magical realm instead of noblebright from it, it's vetoed.
Proportions, especially on helms and boots. That and halflings aren't exactly known for their high quality armor plating.
forgot to add, the REAL answer is that children in slightly oversized but still usable armor is kinda adorable
So, do non-little girls get a free pass on magical realm?
Only faggots with awful taste do this
Why would you ask such a blatantly stupid question?
I'll put it this way; I will tolerate character types that can potentially go into magical realm territory as long as they're not awful character types. You want to play the sexy bad girl manipulator type? Fine.
You want her to be 10 years old? You're finding another game.
I typically use Myth-Weavers. I've heard some sketchy stories about The Tangled Web, but people seem to like it as well.
Is it wrong that I think young Sorceress looks beter than the adult version? I have nothing against big breasts, but Sorceress's are so ridonkulously huge compared to her body that they just seem out of place. Like she just taped a pair of balloons on her chest.
They can be a lot of fu to GM for. you have to kind of expect weird things from them - little girls are not innocent or pure nowadays, and they can produce quite a shock on occasion when they drag you into their little magical realms.
Wait, did you mean roleplaying AS little girls or BY little girls?
Better not to.
My last three characters have been little girls; one of them being a Nechronica doll. That game is amazing for little girl characters.
>be a scared little girl
>try to run away from the first combat encounter
>ankle snaps
>grabbed by one of the monsters and dragged to Elysium
>arms are eaten
>all the anguish, pain and terror coalesce into a psychic blast that implodes the monster's head
>try to regrow arms
>they get eaten again
>tear off its arm in berserk rage using jaws because no arms
>the arm gave it a +1 modifier on rolls
>it rolls a 1 without the arm
>it fumbles so hard it kills itself
>feast on its remains while regrowing arms (again)
I love this game.
>You can literally see the effects of inbreeding
The littlest I ever went was 16 year old human, which is practically an adult, and she was a fairly "mature" person, being a paladin of Wee Jas and an Abjurant Champion.
Her greatest regret was failing to save her friends, and at the End of Things, being dominated by Chaotic forces and set against her companions.
They should've both ripped off their breeches and slurped her heartsblood right out
>and I ended up with 18 STR and below 10 CHA and WIS.
Apparently that is because she's meant to be evocative of a maternal figure.
We did random gender shit once. Ended up with a cute lesbian teenager who had a bad habit of falling for Bad Girls (tiefling guide, Erinyes murderwarrior, busty necromancer party member)
I prefer Morgan and Queen Vivian, personally
Braindead, sex starved boardmonglers. GTFO, you steaming turds.
Nechronica is a fun game. Probably the only thing I've played where getting your arms torn off is a minor inconvenience, befriending a monster by disembowling yourself and giving it your guts to eat is a viable plan, and "gorevorezombieloli" is a perfectly ordinary character concept.
Every time I've played it it's also managed to be very cute.
My nechroniggers
Strongly in favor in all cases.
>undead loli yuri impregnation
It MAY get out of hand.
You MAY be looking for exactly that.
I think I only want occasional moments of cuteness to break up the misery and existential dread stemming from the realization that you're a mockery of life and youth.
You would be surprised. Horribly, horribly so.
MFW two of the tween girls I ran for decided they wanted their female characters to get married and have a baby.
When I asked why after the game, I was told that "because it couldn't happen in real life it might be cool to try."
Hey, if a guy is willing to dress in a maid outfit and cosplay their character during the session, good on them.
>not turning the Magical Realm on its head playing an Ilmateri Paladin and being smotheringly supportive and kind whenever she displays the behaviors of a raped child
You're the misfit here, mate. :3
Actually happened in the end of the official example playthrough. The characters find a bunker with cryogenically preserved human genetic material, so one of them grafts a functioning womb onto herself so she can be impregnated with the genetic material and restore the human race.
Hence my spoiler. And it was fun.
ITT: Pic related
>forgetting the part where the other girl did the same in romantically impulsive fashion
In all fairness.
It's a post-apocalyptic undead-infested shithole of a planet and for vague reasons people under a certain age manage to come back to "Awareness" hideously fucked up from being a fucking corpse, never aging, and having to maintain their own bodies with spare parts, either organic or inorganic, and having to great combat implements onto themselves and each other.
Oh, and most want to kill one another because everyone is instrumentally fucked in the head to some degree.
So I can easily handle two undead loli's falling in love and having babies, especially in the canon scenario where they do it in order to hopefully shepherd the Human race back into existence.
I'm playing a little girl in both the games I'm currently in.
In one it lets me have fun being bitchy in a way that would be full blown cunt for an adult character but is more endearingly foot-in-mouth from a teenager. And in the other one I get to have fun being a rural nerd trying to deal with all these new experiences including the growing crush she's developed on the young woman who's taken her under her wing and the gradual revelation of said woman's rather serious martyr complex.
> Negative Size Modifier gives attackers -1 to hit you, ranged or melee.
> +1 to Stealth and Camouflage for negative SM
> Negative SM gives opponents +1 to grapple
> No RAW stat or skill maluses
> Pitiable gives +3 on reaction rolls, all the time.
> Eternally under-estimated
It's pretty good.
So THAT'S what Balthazar was trying to accomplish! I approve
>that one guy using facerig
I'd like to think he's trying to hide his shame at not having a wig colour-coded to his character's hair.
I don't even know if anyone's wig matches their character's but I really that to be the case.
I can't tell if these guys are taking shit too serious or are just taking the piss out of it all.
If someone's doing it clearly for laughs and is decent at it, in rather lighthearted session - I'd befine with it. However, some fat neckbeard who'd derive pleasure not from the roleplay itself but from the idea of being a little girl would be very suspicious.
Generally, I'd try to be open-minded and roll with it if the player wouldn't be a creep, but I won't lie and say I'd see it with the same peace of mind as if female player would try to roleplay one.
I'm in a magical girl rpg right now not even Magical Burst or Maid
Honestly the super unbalanced and unfinished system is more troubling to me than any of the roleplaying and two characters just announced that they were getting married
This is the greatest thing ever.
Stalin confirmed gender-switched lolicon?
>not having a wig colour-coded to his character's hair
That's exactly that, because yes the other's wig matched their characters.
They are all French internet personalities that decided to play RPG together and make videos about it. They started by some generic medfan thing, did a little star wars, back to medfan. And a few week ago they did that one joke session of magical girls because why the fuck not.
Now they are doing a high mortality zombie apocalypse thing.
Somebody's girlfriend is also involved as a drawer too.